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  • The story of Islam Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

    Omar bin Al-Khattab bin Nufail Al-Qurashi Al-Adawi - may God be pleased with him - It was said that the first person with whom the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, called him, was the first to be called the Commander of the Faithful, The first to work with the Hijri calendar. his mother Hantama bint Hashem bin al-Mughirah al-Makhzumiyeh his birtn, omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - was born four years after the greatest evildoer, that is, thirty years before the honorable prophetic mission, and it is reported that he was born thirteen years after the Year of the Elephant. His physical attributes Biographers and historians said that he was tall, stature, left-handed: he wrote with his left hand, hairy, bald head, very red. Who is dearest to Allah in Islam? His conversion to Islam was the beginning of a new way in the public worship of God Almighty, which was reported from the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that he said in it: (Oh God, honor Islam with the most beloved of these two men to you, By Abu Jahl or Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, so the most beloved of them to God was Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. His social position in society He was one of the nobles and wealthy of Quraish His religion before Islam idolatry One of his attributes before Islam booze addict After his conversion to Islam He was one of the furthest people from drinking wine and the most hated of it. He calls upon God and says: “Oh God, make clear to us in wine a clear explanation, until the Almighty said: ( O you who have believed, it is only wine, facilitator, and Idols and arrows, an abomination from the work of Satan, so avoid it, that you may be successful, Satan only wants to create enmity and hatred between you through wine and gambling, And he hinders you from the remembrance of God and prayer, so will you not opt out?” [Al-Ma’idah: 90-91]. Omar, may God be pleased with him, said: We are done, we're done. Was Omar really killing the girls alive before Islam? The first woman Omar married - may God be pleased with him - was Zainab bint Mazoon, the sister of Uthman and Qudamah, and she bore him Hafsa, Abdullah and Abdul Rahman the Great, as stated in the beginning and the end by Ibn Kathir: He told Al-Waqidi, Ibn Al-Kalbi, and others, that Umar married Zainab bint Maz`oon in the pre-Islamic period, the sister of Othman bin Maz`oon, and she bore him Abdullah, Abd al-Rahman al-Akbler and Hafsa, may God be pleased with them, the birth of Hafsa was five years before the mission, as it was mentioned in Al-Mustadrak and others on the authority of Umar, may God be pleased with him, who said: Hafsa and Quraysh were born to build the house five years before the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was sent, and for this reason she is the eldest of Umar’s daughters, and he did not kill her alive, so why should he be kill alive someone who is younger than her? His hatred of Muslims before his conversion to Islam The first position He was one of those who resisted the call of monotheism that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, came with, and persecuted those who believed in it from the Banu Uday bin Ka’b, Ibn Ka'b, so he was among those who were harmed by Umar's conversion to Islam, the closest of people to him, His sister Fatima, her husband Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail, and the mother of Saeed Fatima bint Ba’ajah, Among those who narrated Omar’s torturing them was the slave girl of Bani al-Mu’amel while they were alive from Bani Uday bin Ka’b, so Omar would beat her till he became bored, He said: I apologize to you, that I left you nothing but bored.. So Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq bought her and freed her. The second position and (The beginning of his thought in Islam) What was narrated on the authority of Umm Abdullah bint Abi Hathma, who said: By God, we will travel to the land of Abyssinia, and Amer bin Rabi’ah bin Ka’b has gone on some of our needs, When Omar Ibn Al-Khattab came until Ali stood - while he was on his side - she said: We used to suffer from him a calamity that hurt us and hardened us. She said: so He said: It's to go, Umm Abdullah. She said: I said: Yes, by God, we will go out in God's land, you have harmed us and oppressed us, until God makes us a way out. She said: He said: May God be with you, and I saw in him a tenderness that I did not see before, then he left, and he was saddened - as I see - our departure. She said: So Amer came with his need, so I said to him: O Abu Abdullah, If you saw Omar earlier, his tenderness and sadness for us, he said: Do you hope for his conversion to Islam? She said: I said: Yes, he said: The one you saw does not become Muslim until the donkey of Al-Khattab surrenders. The first story And another story is narrated about the reason for his conversion to Islam - may God be pleased with him - which is what Imam Ahmad narrated in his Musnad, he said: Abu Al-Mughirah told us, he said: Safwan told us, he said: Shuraih bin Ubaid told us, he said: Omar said: I went out to meet the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and found him he had preceded me to the mosque, I got up behind him, listening to what the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was saying, the dialogue that took place between him and himself after hearing the Qur’an from the Messenger of God, so he opened Surat Al-Haqqah, So I became astonished at the composition of the Qur’an, so I said: By God, this is a poet. So the Messenger of God recited: {Verily, it is the speech of a noble Messenger (40) and it is not the saying of a poet. Little do you believe.} So I said, a priest, so the Messenger of God (Nor does the saying of a priest, little of you remember (42) a revelation from the Lord of the worlds...) Omar Ibn Al-Khattab said, “Islam fell in my heart at every site.” Excluding the previous hadith: Al-Haythami said: “Al-Tabarani narrated it in Al-Awsat and its narrators are trustworthy, However, Shuraih bin Ubaid did not realize Omar.” His death - may God have mercy on him - attributed him to Ahmed as well. The Third story Omar went out one day, wearing his sword, wanting Muhammad, so Naim bin Abdullah met him on the road, and when he knew his destination, he said to him: By God, you have been deceived, O Omar, do you see Bani Abd Manaf? letting you walk on the ground when you killed Muhammad, and it is better for you to rise up your family first, for your sister Fatimah and her husband, Saeed Ibn Zayd, have embraced Islam, Omar immediately went to them and they had Khabab bin Al-Arat teaching her the Qur’an. When they heard his voice, Khabab hid and Fatimah hid the paper they were reading. Omar asked her about what he heard about their get out of their religion, He left the religion of the fathers, followed Muhammad and brutalized his sister's husband, so his sister got up to stop him from her husband, so he hit her and slit her head: He stroked her head until blood flowed from her head, and she said: Yes, we have embraced Islam and are safe, so do what you want. When he saw what he had done to his sister, he regretted and asked her to give him the paper they were reading to see what Muhammad had come and swore to her by his gods that he would not harm it, so she coveted his Islam, And she said to him, "You are unclean because you are a polytheist, and only those who are purified can touch it." So he got up and took a bath, and she gave him the scroll, and when he read a face from it, he said: How good and honorable these words are, and when Khabbab heard that from him this, He came out of his hiding place and said: "By God, Omar, I hope that God has singled you out for the call of His Prophet, Yesterday, I heard him say, “Oh God, support Islam with Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham, Yesterday, I heard him say, “Oh God, support Islam with Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham, or with Omar bin Al-Khattab, then Allah, Allah O Omar, so he asked him about the location of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he told him, He told him that he was with his companions at Al-Safa in the house of Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam, So he went to them and knocked on the door, and a great companion looked at the door gap, and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab found him gloating his sword, Hamzah said: Then, O Messenger of God, if he wants something good, we will do it for him, And if he wanted evil, we killed him with his sword, so the Messenger took him from the compound of his robe and pulled him tightly and said: What brought you, O Ibn Al-Khattab? By God, I do not see that it ends until God brings you down a catastrophe, Omar said, O Messenger of God, I came to you to believe in God and His Messenger and what came from God, so the Messenger of God say Allah Akbr, and the Muslims say Allah Akbr. The story of his Islam loud it out And Omar’s conversion to Islam was a good beginning for Islam and Muslims. Omar asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, are we not on the truth, O Messenger of God, whether we die or live? He said: Yes, by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, you are upon the truth, whether you are alive or dead. Omar said: So why hide? by Him who sent you with the truth, you will be expelled.” So the Messenger of God and the Muslims came out behind him in two rows, one with Hamza and the other with Omar, And they have a lot: the dust of the road that their feet stirred up when walking - as if it were heavy with flour, so they entered the Sacred Mosque, and the Quraysh looked at them with gloom, Neither salit: raunchy of them, nor a wise man, would dare to approach two rows in which these two were, and the Muslims prayed around the Kaaba in front of the eyes of the Quraysh, from that day on, they became a visible force, and the Meccan society became two sects, a Muslim sect and another polytheistic group, and that is why the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, nicknamed Umar as al-Faruq, because God differentiated by him between two covenants in the Islamic message, the appearance of the Muslims in Makkah and the public practice of their rituals around the Kaaba was a pain in the throat of the Quraysh, as I was afraid that its youth would be tempted by this religion, and they would be attracted to it in particular, and that its rituals have become practiced in front of them, so the Quraysh deliberately harmed the Muslims of the Kaaba, disregarding its sanctity, this abuse did not prevent Muslims from covering the Grand Mosque and praying in it. His Jealousy Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah who said: “While we were with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he said: “While I was sleeping, I saw me in Paradise, If a woman performs ablution next to a palace, I said: Who is this palace for? They said: To Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, so I mentioned his jealousy, I gave my back to the place)) Umar cried and said: From you jealous, O Messenger of God?!” (Bukhari, Hadith: 3680). We benefit from the following story of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab 1 - The one who has one of his relatives or children who is not a believer (unbeliever) or has little faith in comparison with him. Shame on you that you despair of his/her religion or belief in God, and remember the story (If the donkey of Omar became Muslim) and also remember that as God Almighty said (Do not guide the one you love, but God guides whom He wills) You are a cause, not a result. 2 - Omar Ibn Al-Hattab was frightening to Muslims, because of his physical characteristics that indicate strength, and he was also loud in voice - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction. 4 - Opposites met in Omar until he embraced Islam (violence and hardship “his story with his sister and her husband” and the tenderness of his heart upon hearing the Qur’an, It is said that there is a period in the life of each of us called "earthquake" during this period your being is squeezed between contradictions and you do not know to settle on any of them, like the period of adolescence.” Even if the matter is resolved between you and yourself, you announce what you have reached and this is your nature. 5- He was a polytheist (multiple gods) for 26 years of his life, and the Muslims around him were numerous and no one could harm him because he was not a Muslim, not only because he was strong, If this happens now, someone who was not a Muslim or a believer in the midst of the crowd of believers, they will utter him with all the strength they are given, otherwise they will care if he dies in disbelief and they forgot that God guides one man through you, among the Muslims: alienated people throw children into the houses of God, even when they grow up, they decide not to step into it and not to enter it. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best agent in Muslims who have come close to claiming divinity. 6 - Of course, whoever lives on something usually dies on it, look at the number of battles he entered into after he embraced Islam, He, may God be pleased with him, was pleased with him, strong in structure, strong in courge, What he did against the Muslims in the pre-Islamic era, he did in the interest of the Muslims after Islam. Related Studies The subsequent study talks about the effect of listening to the Qur’an on the brain Then on the whole body physiologically, and I remind you of His saying, come (false, false forelock): (the frontal cortex), the forelock is the front of the head called the prefrontal cortex, which modern science has proven responsible for decision-making and the basis of rational thinking so that you can create something as big as lying and forgetting In front of the brain that hears the Qur’an and the whole body is affected by it, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Were their minds oscillating between the right and personal interests? This is what made them come back to listen again and again to consult with themselves, and they are the people of eloquence, God knows what he want from his servents. ttp://**/%D9%82%D8%B5%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B9%20%D9%82%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%B4%20%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89%20%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%A8%D9%8A%20%D8%B5%D9%84%D9%89%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D9%87%20%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%87%20%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%85/i109&d71657&c&p1

  • The first (Aqabah) pledge

    The Messenger of Allah “pledge me allegiance at: that you do not associate anything with God, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not kill your children, do not commit slander that you fabricate between your hands and your feet, and do not disobey a good deed. whoever among you fulfills it, then his reward is with Allah, and whoever suffers something from that and is punished in this world, then it is an expiation for him, and whoever does something from that and then God covers him, it is to God, and if He wills He will pardon him, and if He wills He will punish him.” Asaad bin Zarara Al-Khazraji Awf bin Al-Harith Al-Khazraji Rafi' bin Malik Al-Khazraji Dhakwan bin Abdul Qais Al-Khazraji Qutbah bin Amer Al-Khazraji And Uqba bin Amer Al-Khazraji And Muadh bin Al-Harith Al-Khazraji And Ubadah ibn al-Samit al-Khazraji And Yazeed bin Tha'labah Al-Khazraji And Abu Al-Haytham bin Al-Tayhan Al-Awsi And Awaim bin Saeda Al-Awsi Al-Abbas bin Ubadah Al-Khazraji And in the following year They came with a group of their family, they were twelve men: they were called al-Naqba, because: they came on behalf of their people and their women, and they pledged allegiance to the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to listen and obey, so he sent with them the Messenger of God, Musab bin Omair, to teach them the Qur’an and the teachings of Islam, So they returned in the following year seventy-three men and two women pledged allegiance to him to hear and obey in peace and war, and thus the people of Yathrib welcomed the arrival of the Messenger of God to them, the first obstacle was the introduction and the previous step to the migration of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. ِAl- Nqbeb, the Plural is Nqbaa: The chief of the people concerned with their affairs And these twelve companions; Ten of them are from the Khazraj and only two from the Aws, and this is an indication that the conflicts that existed between the Aws and the Khazraj have vanished in order to establish this new call. We take advantage of the above 1 - The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - has a famous hadith (I came to perfect morals), so what is the meaning of this? Its meaning is that there is always and forever the origin of sound morals in your human being, the human race. The Prophet did not say, “I have come to perfect the noble morals of the Arabs, for example,” but he did not say that, So in the origin of man there are good and noble morals, and the captains or those who pledged allegiance to the first Aqaba did honorable morals: it is the support of a man from the Quraysh who do not know him and the people of his country say about him: he is crazy once and differentiates between a person and his wife again once more and other. 2 - Look at the articles of allegiance, what do it address, they address this part of the human being: the desires for good in it, not stealing - not fornication - not killing their children like female infanticide, which was prevalent among the Arabs at the time because of their love for males and others, all of them address the desires of good in the soul and no one disagrees with them, except for those who desires of evil are superior to the desires of good in him, Or adheres to the comfort zone, or does not want to enmity with his people for the sake of a new religion that carries new ideas. Related Studies The psychology of helping others ( psychological models) Social psychologists have explored this at length, and as a result, many theories have emerged. Three prototypes exist to explain helping behavior. The evolutionary model The first model is the evolutionary model. The evolutionary model asserts that people are naturally inclined to help each other because it contributes to the survival of the species, this is especially true in situations that are considered low or medium risk. However, in high risk situations, a phenomenon called kin selection occurs, relative selection dictates that people are more likely to help their relatives during high-risk situations, which will lead to persistence of similar genes. As has been the subject of evolutionary theory in general, the primary goal of assisting behavior is the continued survival of humans as a species. The links

  • The first ambassador in Islam

    The first ambassador in Islam The name Musab bin Omair bin Hashem bin Abd Manaf bin Abdul Dar bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murra bin Kaab bin Fahr bin Malik bin Kenana bin Mudar bin Adnan Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi Al-Kinani. his birth The great Companion was born in Mecca in the year 27, before the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina. home Mecca family He was from a family considered one of the richest in Makkah His mother Khannas bint Malik, who was one of the wealthiest of Quraish, was wealthy and powerful, and had a decisive personality The social status From the richest, wisest, most beautiful and fragrant youth of Mecca, His life before Islam A handsome, beautiful, rich young man, spoiled by his family, and all his requests were answered, He wore the most beautiful, finest and most luxurious types of clothes and was wearing the best and finest perfumes at that time. his nicknames The first ambassador in Islam Musab Al Khair The story of his conversion to Islam - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction - After the news of Islam spread in the Quraish and the call of Muhammad that spread like wildfire, Musab bin Omair found something in his heart that drew him towards Islam, and he had heard that Muslims gather in the house of Al-Arqam bin Al-Arqam, He resolved to go to the place where the Muslims meet, and in fact he entered the house of Al-Arqam and heard the Qur’an and declared his Islam, and he came to the house to pray and listen to the Noble Qur’an, He used to meet the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in secret, where he was receiving lessons about Islam and learning some matters of religion to enhance his knowledge of the Islamic religion, Musab bin Umair was not afraid of anyone in Mecca except his mother, for she was witty and possessed of a strong and unique personality, with an opinion and a sound mind. What did his mother, who has a strong personality, do when she learned about her son's Islam? Othman bin Talha revealed him when he saw him praying, so he told his people, and his mother knew, so she imprisoned him in the side of the house and he remained imprisoned until he was able to migrate with the Muslims to Abyssinia, and the luxurious foods that he loved, clothes and perfumes were forbidden from him. We benefit from this part of his biography 1 - The mother is rich and has a strong personality and a disbeliever in the God of Heaven, and it seems that she imprinted on her son the strength of character. 2 - Taking something by force after giving, because of the opposition of thought, does not increase the opponent except clinging to his opinion and insisting on his position. How his immigrated to Abyssinia? On the authority of Layla bint Abi Hathma, who said when the Muslims gathered to go out - that is, to Abyssinia - the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to us and said: Musab bin Omair had been imprisoned by his mother and he wanted to go out tonight, and when they lay down, Amer bin Rabiah said: we wait for him and do not close a door without him. When the man calmed down, Musab bin Umair came to us and stayed with us and spent his day even when it was night he went out sneaking, we promised him, so we caught up with him and caught him, so we took him. He said: They are walking on their feet and I am on a donkey for us, Musab bin Umair was the slave of mankind, who had has no strength to walk of his feet, and I saw his feet dripping with blood from tenderness, so I saw Aamir taking off his shoes and he gave it to him, Until we reached the ship, we found a ship that had carried atom, "a perennial herbaceous plant of the Grassroots family", and emptied what was in it. It came from Moore, we dig thr river to Moore " place" Then we dig it from More to Abyssinia, and I used to see Aamir bin Rabi’ah treating Musab bin Umair as tender as he did to his son, He did not have a dinar or a dirham, and we had fifteen dinars. When they returned from Abyssinia They heard rumors that the matter had been settled in Mecca and the torture stopped and this was not true, so he returned with those who had returned from Abyssinia, so the Messenger sent him with the twelve Ansar, who were the ones who pledged the first pledge of allegiance to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, to teach the people of Yathrib who had embraced the Noble Qur’an and to pray with them. The reason for choosing him to be the first ambassador for Muslims outside the first home land of Islam Then they sent to the Messenger of God, as a result of disputes between the Aws and the Khazraj in Medina, so he sent the Muslims in Medina to the Messenger of God. We want those who teach the new Muslims in Medina Islam, perhaps it will reconcile between the Aws and Khazraj tribes, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - chose Musab bin Omair - may God be pleased with him and his approval - for this task. Musab knows the new Muslims in Medina about Islam The first meeting with Saad bin Muadh - who has not yet embraced Islam - from the rich of Medina: While Musab bin Omair was talking to them and reciting the Qur'an to them, It's told to Saad bin Muadh about them, so he brought them to his l2mth: (the tool of war) with him a spear, Until he stood on them and said: Why does he come to us in our homes, with this one, the unique, the weak, the stranger, he insults our weak people with falsehood, and invites them to him, I do not see you after anything else, from our neighborhood. " his speach is a kind of threat: never to see him again. The second time to meet Saad bin Muadh - he has not yet embraced Islam - They returned the second one (Musab and the new Muslims) in Bir Mara or close to it, so Saad bin Muadh told them the second, and he promised them a promise without the first threat, when he saw (Assaad bin Zurara: from the notables and rich people of Medina and among the new Muslims) of him, softly he said: O son of his maternal uncle (Saad bin Muadh, the son of the maternal aunt of Saad bin Muadh), listen to what he says, and if you hear an objection, return it to him, and if you hear something good, respond to it, so he said: What does he say? Then Musab bin Umair recited to them, {Ham and the clear book We have made it an Arabic Qur’an so that you may be sane} [Al-Zukhruf: 1-3) Saad bin Muadh said: I only hear what I know, so he came back, God guided him, and Islam did not appear to them until he returned to his people, so he called Banu Abd Al-Ashhal to Islam and revealed his Islam, And he said: Whoever doubts him, whether young or old, male or female, let him bring us a guide from him that we may take him, By God, a matter has come for the necks to grieve, so Banu Abd al-Ashhal converted to Islam when Saad and his supplication, except for those who do not remember, so it was the first role of the Ansar, who embraced Islam as a whole. What's the people of Bani Al-Najjar do? They expelled Musab bin Omair and attacked Asaad bin Zarara: the host (Musab bin Omair) in Medina, so Musab bin Omair moved to Saad bin Muadh (who had just embraced Islam) He is still with him supplicating and God guides: at his hands until there is no house left from the homes of the Ansar, except that people will inevitably embrace Islam in it, and their nobles embraced Islam, and Amr bin Al-Jumouh became Muslim, and their idols were broken, and the Muslims were the dearest to its people, and their affairs were reconciled. One day, Musab was sitting with Saad bin Zarara, while he was preaching to the people, he was surprised by the arrival of Usayd bin Hudair, the master of Banu Abd al-Ashhal, in Medina, he is about to explode out of anger at that man: who came from Mecca to seduce his people from their religion, so Musab stood in front of Usaid and was rebellious, but Musab broke out with a bright smile and addressed Usaid, saying: don't you sit down and listen? If you accept our command, accept it, and if you hate it, we will stop what you hate, Usaid said: you're fair. he focused his spear and sat listening, and the fetures of his face began to loosen, whenever Musab went on reciting the Qur'an and explaining the call to Islam, and no sooner had he finished his words until Usayd stood reciting the two testimonies, the news traveled through Madinah like lightning, so Saad bin Muadh came, Saad bin Ubadah followed him, and a number of the nobles of the Aws and Khazraj came after them. And shook throughout the city from excessive Takbeer, In the following Hajj season, the pledge of allegiance to Aqaba came from Yathrib, seventy Muslims, including two women, this was a blessed opening for the Prophet's migration to Medina. We benefit from this part of his biography Musab bin Omair was distinguished by his calmness and sobriety. when Saad bin Muadh - may God be pleased with him - took him to a clashed with him or was saddened by his way, but instead of that, he was a good listener, who is Musab bin Omair and what did he do in Medina to make the rich people rebel against him? Is it because he was rich and knew how to talk to the rich? Is it his extreme loyalty? Does grace appear on a person in the way he speaks, is slow and wise - and this was the way he often did -? God knows best, except that he created the aforementioned reputation in Medina to Muslims. His back to Mecca And Musab returned to the Messenger of God, bringing him the glad tidings in Mecca. His mother knew that he had come, so she sent to him, O Aq ( didn't do good deeds to his parents orone of them ) come to a country I am in. do you don't start with me. He said: I would not have started with anyone before the Messenger of God, when he greeted the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and told him what he had told him, he went to his mother, and she said: Are you still leaving your first religion? He said: I follow the religion of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, which is Islam, which God has pleased for himself and his Messenger, She said: I didn't thank you for what you have lamented (you enumerated your virtues and cried) once in the land of Abyssinia and once in Yathrib. He said: He said: Flee with my religion if you seduce me, so she wanted to imprison him, so he said: If you imprison me, I will be keen to kill those who attack me, She said: So go on your own, and she started to cry. Musab said: O my mother, I am a good adviser to you, so testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, She said: And the Thawabeb (piercing thought and opinion: penetrating insight, intelligent, sound opinion) I do not enter into your religion, my opinion is maligned, and my mind is weakened, but I leave you for what you are and establish my religion. We benefit from this part At this stage of his life - may God be pleased with him - he took the second honorary title (Musab al-Khair). Wive and children of the great companion, Musab bin Omair, may God be pleased with him Musab bin Omair had one wife, and her name was Hamna bint Jahsh, and she was from Bani Asaad bin Khuzaymah, she is also one of the companions and narrators of hadiths, and her mother is Umaima bint Abdul Muttalib, who is the aunt of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and her sister is the mother of the believers Zainab bint Jahsh, Musab bin Omair had one daughter, her name was Zainab bint Musab, and she married Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Abi Umayyah bin al-Mughirah. The status of the companion Musab bin Omair The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, loved him, praised him, honored him and glorified him. On one occasion, the Messenger saw him and came to him with the skin of a ram (the skin of an animal before it was tanned) The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Look at this man whose heart God has lightened it to him, I saw him between two parents who would feed him with the best food and drink, so he made him the love of God and His Messenger as you see. his martyrdom After the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, arrived in Madinah, and confirmed the pillars of his call there, and his victory in the Battle of Badr, and years followed, until the Battle of Uhud came, where the archers on the mountain violated the orders of the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, and they descended from the mountain, where the polytheists, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid, who was a polytheist at that time, carried out an operation to circumvent the Muslims, The ranks of the Muslims were scattered and they were being beaten from far and wide, Musab, the flag bearer, was advancing while reciting the Qur’an. Yes, he was Musab bin Omair, as he was trying to draw the polytheists’ attention towards him away from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and fought fiercely, then one of the polytheists attacked him and cut off his right hand to Musab, in which he was holding the banner, so he held the banner to his left, so that his enemy would attack him with a blow that cut off his left, so Musab bin Omair hugged his banner so that it would not fall, to receive a fatal stab that dropped him as a martyr for the sacrifice of the religion and the nation. And after the battle is over And while the Prophet was inspecting the battlefield, his eye fell on Musab bin Omair with his blood on him, so he cried with burning, and ordered to cover him with plant leaves, to bury him, as he only had an old worn-out dress with several patches, and if they covered his head, his feet appeared, and if they covered his feet, his head appeared. Related Studies Communication is about what they hear, not what you say If you think you conveyed something but the other person hears something completely different, is it their fault or yours? Everyone has their own background and the context that covers them above what they hear, our jobs as communicators are to consider this perspective and adjust the way we communicate accordingly. If we do, we have a better chance of persuading them to agree with our view, on a larger scale, your messages will be better received if you think about your audience and their perceptions. The bulk of things are difficult, but that doesn't mean it's not worth doing, the outcome will improve if you focus on what people "hear" rather than what you say, If you're OK with the opposite, that's fine; If not, give it a try and see. From this small part of the study we benefit Each of us has a different mental background, especially if the people of Mecca are not the people of Abyssinia other than the people of Medina, each of them has a specific mental background, which is determined by the trade and culture prevailing in this society, like a piece of music the listeners hear while sitting next to each other, some of them cry, some clap, and some raise their minds or shiver from the same piece of music, May God have mercy on Musab bin Omair, who transformed the Islamic call into a piece of music that delights different ears, especially the rich among them who are difficult to reach with a new idea such as the idea of Islam which has consequences.

  • The Marriage of Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of God

    Marriage of Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of God in the year 2 AH Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the leader of the women of the worlds, except for Mary, the daughter of Imran, may God’s prayers be upon them both, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, married her to Ali four and a half months after he (married) Aisha, and consummated consummation with her seven and a half months after he married her, Fifteen years and five months, and the offspring of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was cut off except for her, for the males of his children died young. Abu Bakr and Omar betrothed Fatima to the Messenger of God, but he refused to both of them. Omar said: You belong to her, Ali. He said: I have nothing but my shield that I pledged, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, married him to Fatimah, when that reached Fatimah, she cried, and the Messenger of God came to her and said: “Why are you crying, Fatima? By God, I married you the most knowledgeable, the most intelligent, and the most peaceful. On the authority of Ali, may God be pleased with him, he said: Fatimah was engaged to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and a female slave of mine said to me: Did you know that Fatimah was engaged to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and I said: No, she said: she has engaged, so what prevents you from coming to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and he will marry you? I said: do I have anything to marry him? She said: If you came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, your husband, by God, you kept pleading with me until I went to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, had his majesty and prestige, so when I sat in front of him, I entered, by God, I could not speak, so he said: “What brought you?” I shut up, He said: "Perhaps you have come to betroth Fatima?" I said, “Yes.” He said, “Do you have anything to make it lawful? I said: No, by God, O Messenger of God. He said: What did you do with the armor that I armed you with? So I said: I have it, and by the One in Whose hand is the soul of Ali, it is an armor: Heavy, broad, that breaks swords, its price is four hundred dirhams, He said: “I have married you, so send her, if it is for the dowry of Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him. And the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said to Ali on the night of the construction of Fatima: “Do not speak anything until you meet me.” So the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, called for water, and he performed ablution from it, then he passed it on to Ali and said: “Oh God, bless them, and bless them, and bless their offspring. Ibn Ishaq said: And someone who I do not accuse told me: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was very jealous of his daughters, and he would not marry his daughters at the expense of a wife. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered them to prepare Fatimah So a cleft bed was made for her, and a cushion of leather filled with loofah, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent Asma bint Umays to prepare the home, He prayed ‘Isha’ and was sent to Fatima, may God be pleased with her, and she came with Umm Ayman Barakat al-Habashi, his mistress, may God bless him and grant him peace, until she sat on the side of the house, and Ali, may God be pleased with him, on the other side, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came after he prayed the last evening prayer, and said: “Is she here my brother? Umm Ayman said: Your brother has married your daughter? He said: Yes, he is like my brother in status and fraternity, so it is not forbidden for me to marry him to my daughter, and he, peace be upon him, entered and said to Fatimah, may God be pleased with her: “Bring me water.” So she stumbled in her dress out of shame, to a great mug in the home, She brought water in it, and he took it and swept it, that is, he put it in his mouth and threw it in the bottom, and the bottom was a large bowl - then he said to her: come in so she came, and he sprinkled her breasts and over her head, and said: “Oh God, I seek refuge in You and her offspring from the accursed Satan, then he said: “Go back” So she turned and poured it between her shoulders, then he did the same to Ali, then he said to him: “Enter your family in the name of God and blessing, Her dowry, may God be pleased with her, was 400 silver dirhams, and Ali, may God be pleased with him, fell down in prostration, thanking God Almighty. the wedding banquet of Ali, may God be pleased with him A saa' of barley, dates and Hays - which is dates mixed with ghee - and it was said: I was given a ram from Sa'd and a saa' of corn from a group of Ansar, Their bedding on the night of their wedding was the skin of a ram, and Ali was 21 years and five months old at that time. The story of Ali Ibn Abi Talib wanted to marry another woman after Fatimah On the authority of Al-Miswar bin Makhrama, he said: I heard the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, say while he was on the pulpit: “The Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughirah asked me for permission to marry their daughter, Ali bin Abi Talib, I don't give permission, then I don't, unless he wants: Ali bin Abi Talib to divorce my daughter and marry their daughter, because she is part of me It hurts me what hurt her. We thus benefit from this part 1- The marriage of Lady Fatimah is full of blessings with which she began her life and filled her entire life with the ruqyah of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him for her and her husband before the wedding. The result of this wedding was 4 children who filled the world with knowledge and piety after that. 2- Her dowry was not small for two people who start their lives in their early twenties, but it is small for the daughter of the master of the nation, the daughter of the Messenger of God, and the fathers should have an example from the Messenger of God in not exaggerating in the dowries, even if they were less than their counterparts at the time of her marriage. 3 - The story of an attempted marriage - Ali Ibn Abi Talib - may God be pleased with him, his wife Fatimah bint Muhammad, and the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - rejected that, out of favoritism from the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - for his beloved daughter, Perhaps some fathers did that with some of their daughters, especially if there was no need for marriage because of the wife’s illness or failure to perform her duties, or something else, But we know that it is a characteristic of the daughter of the Messenger of God, just as the Messenger of God has a specificity in marrying nine women, and the men of the Muhammadan nation are not allowed to have more than four, and God has the greatest wisdom in some of what we have troubled understanding.

  • The first migration of Abyssinia

    The first migration in Islam The first migration took place two years after the call to prayer had been announced and five years after the Messenger was sent. Allah says إنَّ الَّذِينَ تَوَفَّاهُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ ظَالِمِي أَنفُسِهِمْ قَالُوا فِيمَ كُنتُمْ ۖ قَالُوا كُنَّا مُسْتَضْعَفِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ ۚ قَالُوا أَلَمْ تَكُنْ أَرْضُ اللَّهِ وَاسِعَةً فَتُهَاجِرُوا فِيهَا ۚ فَأُولَٰئِكَ مَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ ۖ وَسَاءَتْ مَصِيرًا Those whom the angels took who had wronged themselves, they said, “What did you do?” They said, “We were weak by others in the land, they said: does the land of God was not wide, so you should migrate in it, So their abode is Hell, and this is the most bad fate The reason for the first migration to Abyssinia The number of Muslims increased day by day, faith appeared, and Islam spread in Mecca, so the infidels of Quraysh were upset by the Muslims’ sense of safety, and they entrusted their affairs to their tribes, to torture those who were tormented, and imprisoned those who imprisoned, The man is tortured by his relatives and imprisoned for keeping him away from his religion if they can. The Muslims complained to the Messenger of what had befallen them, so he authorized them to emigrate to the country of Abyssinia, and he said to them: If you go out to Abyssinia and there is an King in whose presence no one is wronged before him, for fear of fitnah. This was the first migration in Islam. Who is the Negus king of Abyssinia? Negus is the title of king in Abyssinia, not his personal name. He was an emperor or Negus of Aksum during the era of the Prophet Muhammad. He took power at the age of 9 after the death of his uncle with a thunderbolt. After years of his rule, his justice spread, and his good biography went everywhere. How many Muslims who emigrated the first migration of Abyssinia? There are different accounts that indicate the number of Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia in the first migration. Some of them indicated that their number was ten men and two women, In another narration it indicated that their number was twelve men and two women, and a third narrator says that they were eleven men and four women. The scholars have suggested that the third narration is the most sound Their names were mentioned in the writings of Imam Ibn Kathir, and at their head in this migration was Uthman bin Affan and his wife Ruqayya, the daughter of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. and Othman bin Muta'un Zubair bin Al-Awwam Suhail bin Bida Abu Salama bin Abdul-Assad and his wife Musab bin Omair Abu Hudhayfah bin Utbah and his wife Abdul Rahman bin Auf Amer bin Rabia Al-Anzi and his wife Abdullah bin Masood Hatib bin Amr and Abu Sirat bin Abi dirhams. The way they migrated to Abyssinia We will stop a lot of thinking about the way the Muslims took in their migration to Abyssinia, as it is a difficult path, and contains dangers that cannot be avoided, The Muslims, whose number does not exceed 16, arrived at the port of "Al-Shuaiba, which is today closest to the port of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, located on the Red Sea, Which was called the Qurum Sea at that time, and while they were on their way to the port, the polytheists of Quraish tried to catch up with them, but God’s help and care for them prevented that, so they boarded two ships, each of them paid half a dinar for it, and headed south to stop on the Sudanese island of Eri, called the Wind Island, with the aim of providing and comfort, the people of the island received the immigrants warmly, then the immigrant Muslims completed their journey to the port of "Adulis, It is located south of the city called today "Massawa", which is one of the cities of Eritrea today, and it is the official port of Abyssinia at that time. Glimpses of the lives of Muslims who emigrated, the first migration to Abyssinia (example, not count) Lady Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Messenger of God, and Sayyid Uthman bin Affan, her husband she was nicknamed (Umm Abdullah) The friend of the two migrations (i.e. the migration of Abyssinia and the migration of Medina). And when Uthman bin Affan wanted to go to the land of Abyssinia, the Messenger of God said to him: “Take out a telegram with you.” He said: I think one of you is patient with his companion. Then the Prophet sent Asma bint Abi Bakr - may God be pleased with them both - and said: “Bring me their news.” Asmaa went back to the Prophet, and Abu Bakr was with him, and she said: O Messenger of God, bring out a donkey that is tied up and carry her on it, and he took her to the sea. The Messenger of God said: “Oh, Abu Bakr, they are the first to emigrate after Lot and Abraham, peace and blessings be upon them. In the second year of migration, Ruqayya fell ill Peace be upon her, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was preparing at that time to go out to Badr, so Othman and Osama bin Zaid ordered to stay to take care of her when she was sick, She died when Zaid bin Haritha arrived with the good news of the Muslims' victory in the Battle of Badr, and she died at the age of 22, and was buried in Al-Baqi' in Medina. Ruqayya was born in Abyssinia to Uthman A son named Abdullah, and Othman was nicknamed by him, and the boy was 6 years old and pecked his eye, a rooster, his face swollen and fell ill, and he died in Jumada al-Ula in the year 4 AH. His grandfather, the Prophet of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed for him. The Messenger and his father, Othman, went down in his grave, and his death was two years after the death of his mother, Ruqayya. In response to the story 1 - The young bride - Ruqayya, the daughter of the Messenger of God - died during the life of the Messenger, and when specifically on the day of the Muslims' victory at Badr, and what does this mean? It means that the joy of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the father and the leader - was not complete at one time in his life - always a broken joy. Can you imagine his return from Badr in the glory of victory, hearing the news of the death of the most beloved people to him? 2 - Even the child that smelled of her died two years later and the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - bury him himself, and what is the significance of this? That the Messenger of God does not have any children, so that prophethood is not hereditary. 3 - The Messenger of God - was always human and smiling in the face of the Companions. These are lofty souls who bear pain inside and smile outside. Umm Salama says When we came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was in Mecca.” This is a statement to return to Mecca, and in the narration of Ibn Ishaq another detail, where she said: then we stayed with him until some of us went out to Mecca and those who stayed, and a group of Muslims - including Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her and her husband - returned to Makkah al-Mukarramah, and another group that stayed for a longer period in Abyssinia, d. Ibn Ishaq mentioned that the returnees to Mecca were thirty-three; But he mentioned that without a chain of transmission, and God knows best. As for why they returned to Mecca? This return was often at the beginning of the thirteenth year of the expedition? It is because they most likely heard of the first pledge of allegiance to Aqabah, which was at the end of the twelfth year of the mission, hence, they were assured of the existence of another place they could migrate to, which is the city; This is in the event that they are harmed again in Makkah after their return, They were actually harmed after the return, and Abu Salamah bin Abdul-Assad did not find anyone to support him after the death of Abu Talib, who rented him after his return from the first emigration of Abyssinia, so he decided to emigrate to Medina; A year before the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba. Umm Salama The people of Abu Salamah and the people of Umm Salamah (Salma) quarreled with their young son, to the extent that they kept cuddling the boy until his hands were removed, Their last decision was to imprison Umm Salama for a whole year without her son, and her husband emigrated to Abyssinia and left his wife and son behind. Umm Habiba Her husband converts to Christianity in exile (Abyssinia), and she is the daughter of one of the leaders of the Quraish, who angered him by entering Islam at times and by emigrating to Abyssinia with the poor at other times, and the Messenger of God knew her story, so he sent a messenger from the Negus after correspondence between him and the Messenger to tell her that he was going to propose to her, and it was the first time she opened the door to anyone after her isolation, and the Negus sent her many perfumes saying that she stayed with her for the end of her life. last words Life has many faces, and the seasons change for each individual person or perhaps entire peoples, and the question remains: Why did God - the Most High - allow Muslims to emigrate? Rather, he who did not emigrate was not considered a righteous Muslim unless there are circumstances that compel him not to emigrate, and it must be compelling? and if this snapshot of the lives of the first Muslims had not existed, would the Muslims today reject forced migration with all their might? We will not talk about the causes of forced migration, as they are known, but did the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him know anything about climate migration, for example, that thousands of displaced people would be forced out of their land to have the honor of living in safety without a flood or a direct threat to their lives and properties? Is it a change in the demographics of the Earth? The truth is, we do not know precisely, but we understand that the Earth, the entire Earth, is changing at a rapid rate that only scientists who work in the field of climate change know.

  • [1119] - The volunteer door after the written

    [1119] حدثنا مسدد قال: حدثنا يحيى بن سعيد عن عبيد الله قال: أخبرنا نافع عن ابن عمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال صليت مع النبي ﷺ سجدتين قبل الظهر وسجدتين بعد الظهر وسجدتين بعد المغرب وسجدتين بعد العشاء وسجدتين بعد الجمعة فأما المغرب والعشاء ففي بيته وحدثتني أختي حفصة أن النبي ﷺ كان يصلي سجدتين خفيفتين بعد ما يطلع الفجر وكانت ساعة لا أدخل على النبي ﷺ فيها، وقال ابن أبي الزناد عن موسى بن عقبة عن نافع بعد العشاء في أهله تابعه كثير بن فرقد وأيوب عن نافع [1119] Musaddad told us, he said: Yahya bin Saeed told us, on the authority of Ubaid Allah, he said: Nafeh informed us on the authority of Ibn Umar, may God Almighty be pleased with him, who said: I prayed with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, two prostrations before noon, two prostrations in the afternoon, and two prostrations after sunset, and two prostrations after dinner and two prostrations after Friday, as for Maghrib and Isha, they are in his house, and my sister Hafsa told me that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, He used to pray two light prostrations after dawn, It was an hour when I did not enter upon the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, Ibn Abi Al-Zinad said, on the authority of Musa bin Uqbah, on the authority of Nafi, after dinner in his family, Katheer bin Farqad and Ayyub followed him on the authority of Nafeh.

  • [1120] I prayed eight & seven times together with the Messenger of God

    [1120] حدثنا علي بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا سفيان عن عمرو قال: سمعت أبا الشعثاء جابرا قال: سمعت ابن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال صليت مع رسول الله ﷺ ثمانيا جميعا وسبعا جميعا قلت: يا أبا الشعثاء أظنه أخر الظهر وعجل العصر وعجل العشاء وأخر المغرب قال وأنا أظنه [1120] Ali bin Abdullah told us, he said: Sufyan told us on the authority of Amr, he said: I heard Abu Al-Shatha’a Jabir say: I heard Ibn Abbas, may God Almighty be pleased with them, he said I prayed with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, eight times together and seven times together, I said: O Abu Al-Shatha'a, I think he is late the noon and hurry up the Asr, He hastened Al - ashaa and delayed the Maghrb, he said, and I think it is.

  • [1122]- The Dhuha prayer while traveling

    [1122] حدثنا آدم حدثنا شعبة حدثنا عمرو بن مرة قال: سمعت عبد الرحمن بن أبي ليلى يقول: ما حدثنا أحد أنه رأى النبي ﷺ يصلي الضحى غير أم هانئ فإنها قالت إن النبي ﷺ دخل بيتها يوم فتح مكة فاغتسل وصلى ثماني ركعات فلم أر صلاة قط أخف منها غير أنه يتم الركوع والسجود [1122] Adam told us, Shu’bah told us, Amr bin Murrah told us, he said: I heard Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Layla say: No one told us that he saw the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, He prays the Dhuha except for Umm Hani, for she said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, entered her house on the day of the conquest of Mecca, so he took a bath and prayed eight rak'ahs, but I never saw a prayer, Less than that is bowing and prostration.

  • [1121] - The Dhuha prayer while traveling

    [1121] حدثنا مسدد قال: حدثنا يحيى عن شعبة عن توبة عن مورق قال: قلت لابن عمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما أتصلي الضحى قال لا قلت: فعمر قال لا قلت: فأبو بكر قال لا قلت: فالنبي ﷺ قال لا إخاله [1121] Musaddad told us, he said: Yahya told us, on the authority of Shu’bah, on the authority of Tawbah, on the authority of Mawriq, he said: I said to Ibn Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with them both: Do you pray the Dhuha? He said no, I said: Then Umar said: No. I said: Then Abu Bakr said: No. I said: The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “I don't leave it.

  • (1123) Who did not reach the forenoon and saw its wide

    [1123] حدثنا آدم قال: حدثنا ابن أبي ذئب عن الزهري عن عروة عن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنها قالت ما رأيت رسول الله ﷺ سبح سبحة الضحى وإني لأسبحها [1123] Adam told us, he said: Ibn Abi Dhi’b told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, on the authority of Urwa, on the authority of Aisha, may God Almighty be pleased with her, She said: I did not see the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, praise the Duha Prasing, and I prais it

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