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  • [1124] Duha prayer in non-travel

    [1124] قاله عتبان بن مالك عن النبي ﷺ حدثنا مسلم بن إبراهيم أخبرنا شعبة حدثنا عباس الجريري هو ابن فروخ عن أبي عثمان النهدي عن أبي هريرة رضى الله تعالى عنه قال أوصاني خليلي بثلاث لا أدعهن حتى أموت صوم ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر وصلاة الضحى ونوم على وتر [1124] It was said by Atban bin Malik on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Muslim bin Ibrahim told us, Shu’bah told us, Abbas Al-Jariri told us he, Ibn Faroukh, on the authority of Abu Othman Al-Nahdi, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said, “My friend recommended three things to me, I will not leave them until I die, fasting three days every month, Dhuha prayer and sleep on the tendon.

  • [1125] The prayer in non-travel

    [1125] حدثنا علي بن الجعد أخبرنا شعبة عن أنس بن سيرين قال: سمعت أنس بن مالك الأنصارى قال: قال رجل من الأنصار وكان ضخما للنبي ﷺ إني لا أستطيع الصلاة معك فصنع للنبي ﷺ طعاما فدعاه إلى بيته ونضح له طرف حصير بماء فصلى عليه ركعتين، وقال: فلان بن فلان بن جارود لأنس رضى الله تعالى عنه أكان النبي ﷺ يصلي الضحى، فقال: ما رأيته صلى غير ذلك اليوم [1125] Ali bin Al-Jaad narrated to us, Shu’bah told us on the authority of Anas bin Sirin, he said: I heard Anas bin Malik Al-Ansari say: A man from the Ansar, who was huge, said to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that I cannot pray with you, so he prepared food for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and then invited him to his house and sprinkled water on a mat, and he said: So-and-so bin So-and-so bin Jaroud Anas, may God Almighty be pleased with him, was the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, praying the Dhuha? He said: I did not see him praying other than that day.

  • [1128] Praying before sunset

    [1128] حدثنا أبو معمر حدثنا عبد الوارث عن الحسين عن ابن بريدة قال: حدثني عبد الله المزني عن النبي ﷺ قال: صلوا قبل صلاة المغرب قال في الثالثة لمن شاء كراهية أن يتخذها الناس سنة [1128] Abu Muammar told us, Abdul Warith told us, on the authority of Al-Hussein, on the authority of Ibn Buraida, he said: Abdullah Al-Muzani told me on the authority of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who said: Pray before Maghrib prayer, He said in the third: for whoever wants, he hates that people take it as a Sunnah

  • [1127] Two Rak'as before noon

    [1127]حدثنا مسدد قال: حدثنا يحيى عن شعبة عن إبراهيم بن محمد بن المنتشر عن أبيه عن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنها أن النبي ﷺ كان لا يدع أربعا قبل الظهر وركعتين قبل الغداة تابعه بن أبي عدي وعمرو عن شعبة [1127] Musaddad told us, he said: Yahya told us, on the authority of Shu’bah, on the authority of Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Al-Muntashar, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, may God Almighty be pleased with her, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was He does not miss four rak'ahs before noon and two rak'ahs before morning, followed by Ibn Abi Uday and Amr on the authority of Shuba.

  • [1129] Prayer before the sunset

    [1129] حدثنا عبد الله بن يزيد قال: حدثنا سعيد بن أبي أيوب قال: حدثني يزيد بن أبي حبيب قال: سمعت مرثد بن عبد الله اليزني قال أتيت عقبة بن عامر الجهني فقلت: ألا أعجبك من أبي تميم يركع ركعتين قبل صلاة المغرب، فقال عقبة إنا كنا نفعله على عهد رسول الله ﷺ قلت: فما يمنعك الآن قال الشغل [1129] Abdullah bin Yazid told us, he said: Saeed bin Abi Ayyub told us, he said: Yazid bin Abi Habib told me, he said: I heard Murthad bin Abdullah Al-Yazni, he said: I came to Uqbah bin Amer Al-Juhani, and I said: do you not like that Abu Tamim kneels two rak’ahs before Maghrib prayer? Uqbah said: We used to do it at the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. I said: what is stopping you now, he said, work.

  • [1130] The supererogatory prayers in congregation

    ذكره أنس وعائشة رضى الله تعالى عنهما عن النبي ﷺ [1130] حدثني إسحاق حدثنا يعقوب بن إبراهيم حدثنا أبي عن ابن شهاب قال: أخبرني محمود بن الربيع الأنصارى أنه عقل رسول الله ﷺ وعقل مجة مجها في وجهه من بئر كانت في دارهم فزعم محمود أنه سمع عتبان بن مالك الأنصارى رضى الله تعالى عنه وكان ممن شهد بدرا مع رسول الله ﷺ يقول: كنت أصلي لقومي ببني سالم وكان يحول بيني وبينهم واد إذا جاءت الأمطار فيشق علي اجتيازه قبل مسجدهم فجئت رسول الله ﷺ فقلت له إني أنكرت بصري وإن الوادي الذي بيني وبين قومي يسيل إذا جاءت الأمطار فيشق علي اجتيازه فوددت أنك تأتي فتصلي من بيتي مكانا أتخذه مصلى، فقال رسول الله ﷺ: سأفعل فغدا علي رسول الله ﷺ وأبو بكر رضى الله تعالى عنه بعد ما اشتد النهار فاستأذن رسول الله ﷺ فأذنت له فلم يجلس حتى قال أين تحب أن أصلي من بيتك فأشرت له إلى المكان الذي أحب أن أصلي فيه فقام رسول الله ﷺ فكبر وصففنا وراءه فصلى ركعتين ثم سلم وسلمنا حين سلم فحبسته على خزير يصنع له فسمع أهل الدار رسول الله ﷺ في بيتي فثاب رجال منهم حتى كثر الرجال في البيت، فقال رجل منهم ما فعل مالك لا أراه، فقال رجل منهم ذاك منافق لا يحب الله ورسوله، فقال رسول الله ﷺ: لا تقل ذاك ألا تراه قال لا إله إلا الله يبتغي بذلك وجه الله، فقال الله ورسوله أعلم أما نحن فوالله لا نرى وده ولا حديثه إلا إلى المنافقين قال رسول الله ﷺ: فإن الله قد حرم على النار من قال لا إله إلا الله يبتغي بذلك وجه الله قال محمود فحدثتها قوما فيهم أبو أيوب صاحب رسول الله ﷺ في غزوته التي توفي فيها ويزيد بن معاوية عليهم بأرض الروم فأنكرها على أبو أيوب قال والله ما أظن رسول الله ﷺ قال: ما قلت: قط فكبر ذلك علي فجعلت لله علي إن سلمني حتى أقفل من غزوتي أن أسأل عنها عتبان بن مالك رضى الله تعالى عنه إن وجدته حيا في مسجد قومه فقفلت فأهللت بحجة أو بعمرة ثم سرت حتى قدمت المدينة فأتيت بني سالم فإذا عتبان شيخ أعمى يصلي لقومه فلما سلم من الصلاة سلمت عليه وأخبرته من أنا ثم سألته عن ذلك الحديث فحدثنيه كما حدثنيه أول مرة It was mentioned by Anas and Aisha, may God Almighty be pleased with them, on the authority of the Prophet, peace be upon him, [1130] Ishaq told me, Ya’qub bin Ibrahim told us, my father told us, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, he said: Mahmoud bin Al-Rabee Al-Ansari told me that he was the brains of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the brains of a mug that was poured into his face from a well that was in their house, Mahmoud claimed that he heard Atban bin Malik Al-Ansari, may God Almighty be pleased with him, and he was among those who witnessed Badr with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: I used to pray for my people, Bani Salem, and a valley would stand between me and them when it rained, and it would be difficult for me to cross it before their mosque, so I came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and told him that I denied my sight, and that the valley between me and my people, It flows when it rains, and it is difficult for me to cross it, so I wished that you would come and pray in my house, a place that I would take as a prayer place, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: I will do it, and tomorrow it will be upon the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr, may God Almighty be pleased with him, after the day has intensified, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked permission, so I gave him permission, and he did not sit down until he said, “Where would you like me to pray in your house?” I indicated to him the place in which I would like to pray, So he begain say Allah Akbr and we lined up behind him, so he prayed two rak’ahs, then he greeted us and we greeted him when he greeted, so I imprisoned him on a Khazir who would make for him, so the people of the house heard the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, In my house, some of them repented until there were many men in the house, and one of them said, “What did you do that I do not see? A man among them said that he is a hypocrite who does not love God and His Messenger. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Don't say that, don't you see him saying there is no god but God, seeking God's face by that? God and His Messenger said, “I know best. As for us, by God, we do not see his love or his speech except to the hypocrites.” The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Indeed, God has forbidden Hell to anyone who says there is no god but God, seeking thereby God's pleasure. Mahmud said, so I told it to a people among whom was Abu Ayyub, the companion of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, In his invasion, in which Yazid bin Muawiyah died, against them in the land of the Romans, So he denied it to Abu Ayyub. He said, “By God, I do not think that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: I did not say: never, but that was too great for me, so I prayed to God that if he delivered me until I finished my campaign, I would ask Atban bin Malik, may God Almighty be pleased with him, If I found him alive in the mosque of his people, then I went to Ihram for Hajj or Umrah, then I walked until I came to Medina and came to Banu Salem, So if a blind sheikh reproached praying for his people, then when he delivered from the prayer, I greeted him, told him who I was, and then asked him About that hadeeth, he spoke to me as he told me the first time.

  • [1131] The volunteering at home

    [1131] حدثنا عبد الأعلى بن حماد حدثنا وهيب عن أيوب وعبيد الله عن نافع عن ابن عمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ: اجعلوا في بيوتكم من صلاتكم ولا تتخذوها قبورا تابعه عبد الوهاب عن أيوب [1131] Abd al-A’la bin Hammad told us, Wahib told us, on the authority of Ayoub, and Ubaidullah, on the authority of Nafi’ On the authority of Ibn Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: Make some of your prayers in your homes and do not take them as graves, followed by Abd al-Wahhab on the authority of Ayoub.

  • The Second migration of Abyssinia

    Before we proceed to talk about the second emigration to Abyssinia, we must know that the Quraysh did not leave the Muslims feeling safe and secure in Abyssinia without being vexed by them, It is the habit of people in every time and place. If they are expelled from their homes and taken their property, it will not cure their grudges against them. Rather, it is possible to track them down and harm them in order to show the strength and inviolability of the Quraysh, and for no one to transgress again against the masters - so to speak - the strange thing is that they used legal appeals, as they did not stealthily go to Abyssinia to harm or kill them - not at all - but rather for the King of Abyssinia, so that revenge on a land that is not theirs would be more tragic for the safe Muslims, and not only that, but it is legal and no one blames them. The Quraysh delegation arrives in Abyssinia There, with a bit of sophistication and intelligence, Amr ibn al-Aas did not enter directly into the Negus, but went first to his patriarch, and to the clergy, ministers and senior people, Those who usually sit in the Negus council give him an opinion. he went to them and filled their hands with great gifts, then he began to present to them his request, accompanied by his irrefutable argument; With the aim of standing with him against the Muslims in front of the Negus, Amr ibn al-Aas succeeded in this task very well, and they all accepted gifts from him, listened to his opinion and were convinced of his idea, and thus he had completely paved the way for dialogue with the Negus. The first arrow of Amr bin Al-Aas on the Muslims And he brought great gifts and presented them to him, and the Negus accepted them from him, and after Amr ibn al-Aas was assured of the presence of all the Patriarchs and ministers with him, he began to present his command and mission to him, and he was choosing his words very carefully and with great wisdom, so he said: This was a fall from Amr ibn al-Aas, the lie that she lied to the Negus; All the immigrants were from the noble and sane, and not from the foolish boys, but he wanted to belittle the Muslims, believing that it is unreasonable for the Negus to prioritize the words of foolish boys over the words of the official Quraish embassy. The second arrow of Amr bin Al-Aas on the Muslims He said to the Negus that they left the religion of their people and did not enter into your religion, and they came with a religion that they invented that neither we nor you know. The third arrow of Amr bin Al-Aas on the Muslims We have sent to you among them the nobles of their people from their fathers, uncles, and clans to return them to them. When he finished speaking (Amr ibn al-Aas was not yet Muslim) Christian Clergy Spoken: “You have spoken the truth, O king, so hand them over to them, so that they may return them to their people and their country.” We will take the following from the above before we proceed to talk about what remains 1 - Intelligence is a trick of the people of mind: it is a neutral blessing that is used in good or in evil and for individual or collective interests, so Islam came, after a while, he refines this blessing by saying, Most High, (And cooperate in righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in sin and aggression) amr bin Al-Aas was one of the notables of Quraysh, so Quraysh did not send an ordinary representative, and they sent with him many gifts that they bestowed upon the king and his entourage, and it is said (they have given love) so the gift before the poison that he will put down shortly is a new old trick, but it did not convincingly enter on a king who is a veteran in his rule and knows people's minerals. 3 - The Quraysh entered (legal), if you will, so they are diplomatic relations such as ambassadors and ministers, so you cannot respond with disappointment, (That's what they expected.) 4 - The idea that he said to the Negus that the Muslims left the religion of their forefathers and did not enter your religion is an indication of the strength of religions at that time and the tribal fanaticism has either an earthly or a heavenly religion, such as the religion of the Negus. The Reaction of the Negus (King of Abyssinia) After hearing the Quraysh ambassador (Amr ibn al-Aas) and after hearing his battalion with his right armour, he said: No, by God, I will not hand them over to them, and hardly any people who came near me and encamped in my country chose me over anyone else, Until I call them and ask them what these two say about them, and if they are as they say, I will hand them over to them and return them to their people, and if they are otherwise, I will prevent them from them and be good to them, they will not be close to me.) We take from this part Sophistication, experience and fairness from the king of Abyssinia, and the intuition of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him (a king whom no one is wronged before him) was true. How did the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him know that? Did he have, at that early time in the life of Islam, sophistication, military experience, and knowledge outside the borders of the Islamic state - if so to speak - and more than that: How do you explain that he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - praises a king and a Christian when he is not on his religion? And here is a pause: Where did you come from harming the Christians, O Muslim, or not praising the good qualities that they hold between their two sides, it is the Sunnah of the Messenger of God, rather it is the will of God, because the Messenger (he does not speak of desire that it is nothing but a revelation that reveals) fairness beautifies your face and your way in life - if you do not have beautiful photo. Then The Negus sent to the Muslims to see their response to what was said The Muslims knew what had happened, and they gathered on one word to bring out the best of them recently to speak before the king. Jaafar Ibn Abi Talib and a delegation of Muslims with him, but he was the official spokesman for them, there they found the Negus sitting on his chair and around him were his bishops, they published their gospels, and on the other side were Amr bin Al-Aas and Abdullah bin Abi Rabia Al-Najashi. What is this religion in which you separated from your people, and you did not enter into my religion or the religion of any of these nations? The question of kings - if so to speak - because it enters the subject without long or ambiguous introductions, and it is a great cleverness of the Negus, as he did not harm the Christian clergy of his own, He did not listen to their advice, and did not harm those who sought political asylum, except after he knew that they were not good at citizenship on his land. The first problem for Muslims Ibn Saad says in his layers: When the Muslims, with Jaafar bin Abi Talib at their head, entered upon the Negus, it was said to them: Prostrate to the king, Jafar said: We do not prostrate except to God. Amr and Umarah said: They do not prostrate to you. The second problem Then the priests and monks said: Prostrate to the king. Jaafar said: We only prostrate to God Almighty. When they reached the Negus, he said: What prevented you from prostrating? He said: We only prostrate to God. The Negus said to him: What is that? He said: God sent a messenger among us, and he is the messenger whom Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon him, preached after him, whose name is Ahmad, so he commanded us to do the following: To worship God and not associate anything with Him And we established the prayer We pay zakat We enjoin good and forbid evil The Negus was impressed by what he said. The second problem for Muslims When Amr bin Al-Aas saw that, he said: May God reform the king, for they differ with you regarding Jesus, son of Mary, The Negus said to Jaafar: What does your friend (meaning the Messenger of God) say about Ibn Maryam? Jaafar bin Abi Talib He said: He says about him what God says: He is God’s Spirit and His Word. He brought him out from the Virgin, whom no human had ever approached, So the Negus took a stick from the ground and raised it and said: O company of priests and monks: These are more than what we say about Ibn Maryam, nor is this weighted, you are welcome and whoever you have come from, that he is the one whom Jesus preached. Remain in my land as long as you like. He ordered for them food and clothing, and said: Return to these two their gifts. 1 - The Negus picking up a stick from the ground, if it indicates something, it indicates that he is a great thinker. He did not take the words while smiling or said his word immediately after their words. Rather, there is a time, albeit short, for him to pick up a stick from the ground (a time to reflect on what was said) understood by most scholars of body language. 2- His welcoming of Muslims while they are not of his religion is a sign of generosity and magnanimity, although it is possible that he is not of Arab origin, for goodness is inherent in people, and it is Arab morals at that time, but no wonder it is the manners of kings. 3 - There is nothing left but to return gifts to Amr ibn al-Aas and his delegation. Why? A politician replied that he would not be affected by anyone's words about anyone in his kingdom, as if he was saying if you want to sever diplomatic relations, do so, and you will not rule my land. 4 - He ordered the Muslims to have food and clothing: an indication of the generous hospitality and the generosity of kings, and that no one is truly unjust before him. What called Muslims to immigrate to Abyssinia again? It is well known among biographers that the immigrants, the second emigration to Abyssinia, returned to Medina in the seventh year of the emigration. In fact, this is part of the truth, As for the whole truth, they came back in different periods in which we can identify at least three periods. Group A (approx: thirty-three) In the year thirteen of the Prophet's message Therefore, a group of Muslims - including Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, and her husband - returned to Mecca, and another group stayed for a longer period in Abyssinia, and this was confirmed by Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, She concluded her talk about Abyssinia by saying: (Until we reached the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was in Mecca. This is a statement to return to Mecca. They came back very early. About two years after their emigration. That is, around the beginning of the thirteenth year, Ibn Ishaq stated that the returnees to Mecca were thirty-three. But he mentioned that without support, and God knows best, among them is Othman bin Mazoon, may God be pleased with him, who was one of the first to die in Medina, meaning that he came to Mecca first and then immigrated early to Medina, and among them is Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, who also migrated to Medina from Mecca, with his wife Ruqayyah, may God be pleased with her, the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peac Why did they return to Mecca? In the eleventh year of the mission, specifically during the Hajj season, the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - was presenting himself to the tribes to support his call, so he presented himself to a group of the Khazraj youth and invited them to Islam, they told him that there are wars and conflicts between them and their brothers Aws. Perhaps God will gather their word with this blessed call, for these are Rahat: less than 10, they returned to Medina and invited their families to Islam, so Islam began to spread in the homes of Medina. Why did we mention that this return occurred mostly in the first year of the thirteenth of the mission? Because they most likely heard about the first pledge of Aqaba, which was at the end of the twelfth year of the mission, and therefore, they were satisfied that there was another place they could migrate to, , which is Medina. This is in the event that they are subjected to abuse again in Makkah after their return. Related Studies Rumors are destroying homes Rumor: Unreliable and unconfirmed false news spreads among the people There is a science called the psychology of rumours, and it is a method by which some people influence the Companions and Companions who did not verify the news by legitimate means. Rumors have exposed Muslims to torture once again, If you pay attention, the primary function of rumors is to make sense of something that isn't really clear, and this confusion opens the door to rumors, which people can hold onto to at least give them an idea of why the world exists. It works the way it is: People spread rumors when they are worried People spread rumors when there is uncertainty People spread rumors when information is important People spread rumors when it helps to get their self-image People spread rumors when he helps them with their social status The second immigrant group Those who migrated before Medina migrated, and those who returned migrated from Abyssinia to Medina. This narration mentions that the “common people” from the immigrants to Abyssinia, returned to Medina in the early days of the Prophet’s migration to it; Therefore, we see many names of immigrants to Abyssinia, those who migrated before Medina migrated, and those who returned migrated from Abyssinia to Medina. This narration mentions that the “common people” from the immigrants to Abyssinia, returned to Medina in the early days of the Prophet’s migration to it; Therefore, we see many names of immigrants to Abyssinia. We take from this next part People differ in their attitudes, thoughts and way of dealing with life even if they are all united by one religion (Islam), for example, the second group of Muslims who stayed in Abyssinia longer than the first group, they didn't think of it. Conditions of homesickness and homesickness, but rather thinking in a rational manner until things appeared as they were, and in fact they returned on the basis of the matter, (from Medina) and they did not return from among those who returned to Mecca. They exposed themselves and their families to the torture of the Quraish again after God saved them from it. The third group (who remained in Abyssinia until the end of the sixth year of migration or the beginning of the seventh year ) It is led by Jaafar himself, may God be pleased with him, and with him is his wife, Asma bint Umays, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari and some of his companions, may God be pleased with them all, It seems that from time to time some of them were leaving for the city. For this last group consisted of only sixteen men, according to Ibn Ishaq, and with them were approximately four women and five children. Related Studies Confirm and challenge the rules of participation and affiliation The rest of the Muslims in Abyssinia are about (16) Muslims, which is a small number that we can call a (minority) in a country where the majority are Christians. We did not hear that the minority was persecuted, we did not hear that the minority was not a good citizen. Citizenship in a country other than your own has characteristics that the early Muslims seem to have known and dealt with, Thus (mutual respect) is the law of God in his land. Across Europe, there is a call for citizens to actively participate in society. Public interest highlights the duty of immigrants to fulfill the expectations of "good citizenship" as part of a neoliberal agenda, broader where citizens' contributions are essential to maintaining the welfare state. at the same time, the active citizenship agenda is part of the new center-left approach, which is concerned with the inclusion of all citizens. Active citizenship policies address marginalization and the loss of real opportunities for political participation. The linksهجرة-المسلمين-الثانية-إلى-الحبشة Stay an active citizen that benefits and benefits for your community first and then for the country in which you live secondly, so you must taste your good and what you excel in.بحث_عن_بيعة_العقبة_الأولىشائعة/الرهط/لابة/متى-رجع-المسلمون-من-الحبشة disadvantages-dual-citizenship.aspThe “good citizen”

  • Some Situations of some Companions during the Hijrah

    The migration of Umm Salamah and Abu Salamah She is Hind bint Umayyah bin Al-Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoum (24 BC - 61 AH / 598 - 680 AD), her father - may God be pleased with her - was from the best of the Quraysh, he is known as "head of the caravan" because of his generosity, Her mother is Atika bint Amer bin Rabia bin Abdul Muttalib, her maternal uncles are Abdullah and Zuhair, two paternal uncles of the Messenger of God. How did Abu Salama migrate and why did he differ from his wife when migrating? And when God permitted the Muslims to migrate to Medina, Abu Salamah, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the first to emigrate to Medina from among the companions of the Prophet, PBUH, from Bani Makhzoom, Hajar, may God bless him and grant him peace, a year before the pledge of allegiance to the Companions of Aqaba, He came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the land of Abyssinia, and when the Quraysh attacked him, The convert to Islam reached him from among the Ansar, and he went out to Madinah as an emigrant, and the Lady Umm Salamah - may God be pleased with her - suffered severe pain during this migration. As she says, may God be pleased with her When Abu Salamah had gathered to go out to Medina, he took his camel to me, then carried me on it, and carried my son Salama bin Abi Salama with me in my lap, then he went out leading me with his camel, When the men of Banu al-Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoum saw him, they stood up to him and said: This is your soul that you beat us with, did you see this friend of yours? Why do we let you walk the country with it? She said: They took the camel's snout from his hand, and they took me from it. She said: At that, the Banu Abd al-Assad, the men of Abu Salamah, became angry and said: no, by God, we do not leave our son with her when you took her from our friend, She said: So they argued: My sons Salama: between them, until they took off his hand, and Banu Abd al-Assad took him, Banu al-Mughira imprisoned me, and my husband, Abu Salama, went to Medina. She said: So there was a difference between me, my husband, and my son. She said: I would go out every morning, I would sit in Al- Abth: place, and I would still cry, until evening, a year or so close, until a man from my uncle's children - one of Banu al-Mughirah - passed by me and saw what was with me and had mercy on me, He said to Banu al-Mughirah: Will you not expel this poor woman, as you separated her, her husband, and her son? She said: They said to me: Follow your husband if you wish. She said: Banu Abd al-Assad returned my son to me at that time. She said: So I took my camel then took my son and put him in my lap, then I went out to want my husband in Medina. She said: I have none of God's creation with me. She said: I said: be informed of whom I met, until I reach my husband, until, when I am in a state of gentleness, I meet Othman bin Talha bin Abi Talha, the brother of Banu Abd al-Dar, He said to me: Where are you going, O daughter of Abu Umayyah? She said: I said: I want my husband in Medina. He said: Is there anyone with you? She said: I said: No, by God, but God and this son of mine, He said: By God, you have no left. So he took the camel's snout, and he set out with me, taking me down, By God, I have never accompanied a man of the Arabs, I think that he was more generous than him, If he reached the house, he would call me: stay, Then he prayed for me, so that when I came down, I would take my camel behind, then tied him to the tree, then he stepped aside and said: ride. If I ride and straighten on my camel; He came and took his hook and led him to bring me down, and he still did that to me, until he brought me to the Maddinh, when he looked at the village of Bani Amr bin Awf in Quba', he said: Your husband is in this village, Abu Salama was staying with her - so enter her with the blessing of God. Then he went back to Mecca, She used to say: By God, I do not know the people of a house in Islam: what happened to them what happened to the family of Abu Salamah, I have never seen a friend who was more generous than Uthman bin Talha. We benefit from the following story If the idea not been alive in their head (belonging to the new religion), they would never have endured such suffering. Umm Salama says: She does not know a house of immigrants that happened to hem during the emigration, What happened to her, and to her sincerity: Soon she will be the mother of the believers as prophet married her, after the martyrdom of her husband - may God be pleased with them both. The emigration of Hamza Ibn Abd al-Muttalib And when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered the Muslims to migrate to Medina, Hamzah migrated with those who migrated to it shortly before the migration of the Prophet, peace be upon him, It was revealed in it to Saad bin Zurara of Bani Al-Najjar, and the Messenger, peace be upon him, made a brotherhood between him and Zaid bin Haritha, Mawla of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. You will benefit from the above Not all of the Companions suffered during their emigration, there were those among the notables whom the notables of the polytheists could not prevent from emigrating The emigration of Omar ibn Al- Khatab Not all of the Companions suffered during their emigration. There were those among the notables whom the notables of the polytheists could not prevent from emigrating, The migration of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him and satisfaction him, May God be pleased with him, when he wanted to migrate from Mecca to Al - Maddinah, he took hold of his sword and went before the Kaaba, and the crowds of Quraysh in its courtyard, so he circumambulated the House, then he came to the shrine and prayed, then stood up and said: The faces were distorted, then he came to the shrine and prayed, then stood up and said: ugly the faces, God only forces these snorts, Whoever wants his mother to lose him, or his son orphanage, or his wife to be widowed, let him throw me behind this valley. We take advantage of the above 1 - The best of you in the Jahiliyyah is the best of you in Islam if they understand it. You do not change your characteristics or personality before adopting a new idea or a new religion, rather, you remain you, but the new idea or the new religion that you have embraced only refines these qualities and makes them conform to the limits of this new religion, and this is what happened with our master Omar - may God be pleased with him and please him, for he was a man of prestige that the polytheists feared before and after Islam, even Satan, when he saw Omar on a path, would go to another path. 2 - An idea must be clarified: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab is not braver than the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his love for the friend, but if the Messenger of God did this, it would have been Sunnah and not all Muslims have immunity to do so. Related Studies How do new ideas spread? Diffusion is the process by which innovation is communicated through certain channels over time between members of a social system, an innovation is an idea, practice, or thing that is seen as new by an individual or other unit of adoption, during the diffusion process, innovation is communicated through channels of communication between members of the social system. Describe the decision process, Innovation The stages an individual can go through while considering the adoption of an innovation: After gaining knowledge of it, the individual forms an opinion about the innovation and decides whether to adopt it or not. Then the individual begins to use innovation and reduces the remaining uncertainty through practice and learning, when an innovation is adopted, the individual continues to observe whether the adoption still makes sense to them. From this part of the article we conclude Islam was a new idea and even had consequences for those who embraced it, and the degree of its spread was wide in spite of it, and it is completely new than the ideas that were prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula, although it is new and strange and has consequences, but it spread widely, and this study that is in your hands, dear reader, tells us how New ideas spread among people The links

  • The Migration events to the Madinah

    The meaning of migration: the departure of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 AD, the house of migration. Allah says [إِلا تَنْصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللهُ إِذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ثَانِيَ اثْنَيْنِ إِذْ هُمَا فِي الغَارِ إِذْ يَقُولُ لِصَاحِبِهِ لا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللهَ مَعَنَا فَأَنْزَلَ اللهُ سَكِينَتَهُ عَلَيْهِ وَأَيَّدَهُ بِجُنُودٍ لَمْ تَرَوْهَا وَجَعَلَ كَلِمَةَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا السُّفْلَى وَكَلِمَةُ اللهِ هِيَ العُلْيَا وَاللهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ] {التوبة:40} God, Blessed and Exalted be He, says: [Do you don't help him, for God helped him when those who disbelieved expelled him, the second of two, when they were both in the cave, when he said to his companion, "Do not be sad, God is with us." So God sent down his serenity to him, and he supported him with soldiers you did not see, and he made the word of those who disbelieved inferior, and the word of God is the Most High, and God is Mighty, Wise.” {At-Tawbah: 40} We benefit from the noble verse God - the Most High - called the migration from Mecca to Medina before or after the Messenger's migration (a victory for God and His Messenger) why? Because it is a declaration of loyalty to God and His Messenger and free from polytheism and polytheists, and because it is necessary to establish the modern Islamic state, and theoretical speech remains theoretical until people come to carry theoretical speech on their sleeves and turn it into practical speech that people see with their own eyes, And the Messenger himself went through this painful human experience, while he was in pain, he said to his honest friend (Do not be sad that God is with us) and God - the Most High - supported him with very small soldiers that you can hardly see, oh eye, except by belittling: nesting pigeons, weaving spider webs, or God knows maybe the angels accompanied them on this blessed journey, and made the word of those who disbelieved lower and the word of God supreme, and God is Mighty. He does what he wants and does not return to him what he wants because he is generous in his side, does not care about anyone if he wants something, and is wise in his actions. He wrote the Hijrah on some people to teach Muslims to get out of their comfort zones to roam the east and west of the earth with this new religion,and always and forever, this religion is new to anyone and hardly anything is known about it, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - informs us after the conquest of Makkah that he did not emigrate, but rather jihad and intention. The migration was the separation between two great stages of the Islamic call, the Meccan stage and the Maddina stage, and the prophetic migration was a reason to change history and raise the banner of Islam and a way to victory and glory, and the beginning of the construction of the Islamic state. When was the Prophet's migration to Medina? In the thirteenth year after the honorable prophetic mission How old was the Prophet when he emigrated? The age of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was fifty-three years It was reported on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas - may God be pleased with them both - that he said: “The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was sent for forty years, and he stayed in Makkah for thirteen years, It was revealed to him, then he was ordered to emigrate, so he emigrated for ten years, and died at the age of sixty-three. How long did the Prophet's migration journey take? The day of leaving Mecca It is reported from the people of knowledge that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - left his house for the Emigration on the night of Friday, 27 Safar in the fourteenth year after the mission. Al - Madinh entry day He had ambush in the cave of Thawr on the night of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and it was said that he set out on Monday night to Madinah on 1/3 Rabi’ al-Awwal/14 for the mission, and the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - arrived, He reached Quba on Monday 8/3/14 of the mission and did not reach Medina until the twelfth day of Rabi` al-Awwal. The Reasons of the emigration It was not an idea that was born overnight, rather it had a long and meticulous plan, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - migrated as a result of several reasons, the most important of which is: The people of Mecca rejected the Islamic call, did not accept the new religion and strongly opposed it. The harm of the infidels against the Prophet of God and the Muslims and his followers intensified, to the point of planning to assassinate him. Madinah accepted the Islamic call, and most of its people converted to Islam. The necessity of uniting Muslims under one banner and building an Islamic state for expansion by da’wah. Migration is one of the ways of the prophets, so every prophet had a share of migrating from his land to another land. The migration to Madinah Al-Munawwarah marked two different advocacy stages, the Meccan stage, which establishes the firm belief in the existence of a deity for this universe, and so it was not in it to do or to do, Just rituals, but it is an integral part of the being of the Muslim individual, except that God Almighty from above the seven heavens did not mix the papers as we do. We want a young man who grew up in the West, for example, and entered the Islamic religion, taking the whole religion in one glance. Where are the thirteen founding years for him? why are we asking him for everything he just heard? Islam was born strange, and it will return to being strange, so please have mercy on strangers, especially those who live in the West, and God knows best. You are an expert that the comfort zone is destructive for innovation, challenges or otherwise, and their presence in Makkah is a comfort zone and new Muslims get used to it since their childhood, and their transition, not from house to house but from one culture to another, and from one way of living to another, It is psychological and physical hardship, as most of the Companions fell ill at the beginning of their entry into Medina until the Messenger of God called for Medina, then they got used to life in it, and God Almighty expanded upon them and gave them better than what was taken from them, and this was the stage of the Islamic call need men who are able to get out of the comfort zone and get used to it. What did the Messenger of God say while he was out of Mecca? “What country is the most pleasant of country and the most beloved to me, and if your people had not expelled me from you, I would not have lived in any other country.” What does that indicate? Words that indicate abundant feelings for his country and his motherland. The Messenger of God - in his youth - traveled to Yemen and the Levant, and of course went to Medina, but Mecca is kinder to his heart than any other place - may God bless his soul. He insults his people, and they are still his people, despite the intellectual hostility, and look at his saying - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Were it not that my people (did not abuse his people and they still remain his people despite the intellectual hostility) they expelled me (that is, he did not leave voluntarily: a forced migration) I have not inhabited other than you, and you are an expert that housing: is the one in which a person is relieved of heavy clothes and clothes for going out, and he is the one in which he is relieved of empty compliments as he dwells in it and lightens it, he messenger of Allah says to his country (I did not live without you) and here with the forced migrations from the climate at times and from countries devastated by wars at other times and with Muslims, we do not forget the position of the Messenger of God and that he did not insult a king, a president, or his people, but he still sees them (his people) even if they hurt him and hurt everyone who followed him - may God bless Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. Waiting for Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq to emigrate with the Messenger On the authority of Urwa bin Al-Zubayr, may God have mercy on him, he said: “When the companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out to Madinah, and before he left, he means: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, before that this verse that they commanded was revealed in the fighting, Abu Bakr sought his permission, but he did not order him to go out with his companions who went out. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, imprisoned him: "Look at me, for I do not know whether I will be permitted to go out." We take advantage of the above God Almighty looks at the hearts and they are the repository of intentions, and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq brought two camels and fed them without speaking a word to the Messenger of God, which is an indication of the sincere intention and the hope that he will accompany the Messenger of God. The Actual migration hour Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: “One day, while we were sitting in the house of Abu Bakr at midday, someone said to my father: This is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, masked, at an hour when he did not come to us at, Abu Bakr said: a ransom is for my father and mother, and by God, he did not bring him at this hour except for an order. She said: Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came and asked for permission, "Get out of you". Abu Bakr said: They are your family through my father, you, O Messenger of God. He said: "I have been given permission to go out, Abu Bakr said: Are you the companions by my father and my mother, O Messenger of God? The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Yes.” Abu Bakr said: By my father, O Messenger of God, take one of the two beasts, The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “with the price.” Aisha said: So we prepared them, so we made them a table in a bag, so Asma' bint Abi Bakr cut it off So she tied it at the mouth of the bursa, and thus it was called the one with the two bands. We thus benefit from this part The Messenger of God said, “Get out of you.” The Messenger of God says: “They are your family", He did not say my family and I trust them, rather he said (your family, O Messenger of God) how much good there is between friends and love for the sake of God, Asmaa bint Abi Bakr prepared the food in an instant and cut off her waist belt and gave it to them, What is this sacrifice of the homeland when necessary, and the sacrifice of a loving father like Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq? And love of the Messenger, and not being afraid of the oppression of the Quraysh, who are supposed to be the first house they will search after the house of the Messenger of God, their house (the house of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq) it is the migration. The immigration events Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr joined Ghar in Jabal Thawr, and it came to us: they hid there for three nights, staying with them Abdullah bin Abi Bakr, That is, he spends the whole night in Quraysh, and he does not hear a plot about the Messenger of God and and Abu Bakr did not make him aware until he brought them the news of that when darkness mingled, and they will sleep in messengers, and it is milk that was given to them and their: milk boiled with hot stones, until Aamir bin Fuhaira sign it in the dark at the end of the night before dawn, he does that on each of those three nights, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr hired a man from the tribe of Banu adi, A gifted guide, and one who is skilled in guidance, has dipped an oath in the family of Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Sahmi, who is on the religion of Qreish, They trusted him, so they pushed their two camels to him and promised him the cave of Thawr after three nights, they left after three days, and Amer bin Fuhaira set off with them, and the guid took them on the way to the coast. We take advantage of the above Of those whom Abu Bakr as-Siddiq used (his son: Abdullah bin Abi Bakr, and as I read, he is an intelligent young man and returns from the Messenger of God and Abu Bakr at the end of the night to spend the night among the Quraish, so they wake up from sleep and find him on the one hand knows the news and on the other hand that he as didn't know anything about them, the second (Amer bin Fuhaira: the loyal of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq to walk with the sheep, he exempts their footprints from the road with the sheep so that they do not follow their footprints, so Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq used himself, his son, his daughter, his loyal and his money to migrate with the Messenger of God, how much does a truthful friend benefit his friend if he loves him sincerely and faithfully God's path . Saraqa bin Malik joins the ranks of the Messenger of God, he and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq When the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his companion Abu Bakr migrated in the famous story of migration and the Quraysh followed them with their knights, Sarqa bin Malik al-Madlaji and almost caught them, When our master Abu Bakr saw him, he said: We came, O Messenger of God, and he said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Do not be sad, God is with us. So the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed on Suraqh, then his horse’s hands sank in the sand, Soraqa said: I see you both have prayed on me, so pray for me, By God I turn away about you your request, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, called for him, and in a narration that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He said to a suraqh, how would you be if you wear bracelet and crown of Chosro, later, what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, told him happened. Were it not for this snapshot of the emigration, we would have said it is impossible. This happens for them to escape and hide, and no one from the Quraysh cavalry who knows the entrances and exits of wars can reach them. Sarqa even if he paid him to bring the Prophet and Abu Bakr (Al-Mal: 100 camels), which is an exaggerated gift that no one can miss. It seems that Saraqa was one of the best knights of the Quraysh, and he actually reached them and almost caught them had it not been for the care of God - the Most High - to complete the Islamic call and preserve the migration with the dignity of heaven. Dove nesting and spider webs on the door of the laurel: He says, ( no one knows the soldiers of Lord except Him) Al-Baghawi said in his interpretation (4/147) of the verse (and they are the angels descended to turn the faces of the infidels and their eyes from seeing him) AH the words of Sheikh Al-Albani. And Sheikh Al-Albani said in another place: “I know that a hadith about a spider is not authentic. As for the eggs of two pigeons on the laurel, I have not seen – as far as I know – who authenticated it, and God knows best, Abu Turab al-Zahiri said: It has been reported that two wild pigeons nested at his door, and that a tree grew, and all of this is strange and reprehensible in terms of the narration, And in a narration in which there is strangeness and disgrace that the two pigeons spawned, and that the pigeons of the Meccan Haram are from the descendants of the two pigeons, and all of this is with weak chains of transmission Umm maabd Al-Khuza'iya On his way to Medina, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, met in Al-Qudaid a pure, sincere woman, Umm Ma’bad, a woman from Banu Ka’b, From Khuza’ah (Atika bin Khalid), you water and feed, and we tell her story as follows. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went out on the night of he emigrated from Mecca to Medina, he and Abu Bakr, and Amer bin Fuhaira, the slave of Abu Bakr, and their guide was Abdullah Ibn Uriqat Al-Laithi, they passed by my tent, Umm ma'bad al-Khuza'iyyah , and Umm Ma`bad was a woman of Barzeh: the woman who sits with men, a skinless woman, cuddling in the courtyard of the tent, They asked her if she had meat or milk, so they could buy it from her, but they did not find anything at her, And she said: If we had something, the villages would not need, and the people were (i.e. in the year of drought) So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, looked and saw a sheep in the side of her tent, He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: What is this sheep, Umm Ma’bad? She said: It is a sheep left behind by the “tiredness” of the sheep. He said: Is there any milk in it? She said: She is more tired than that, The Prophet said: Do you permit me to milk her? She said: - by My father and mother, if you see milk in her, milk her, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called for a sheep, so he wiped its udder, mentioned the name of God Almighty over it, and called for a vessel for it that satisfies the group (i.e. satiates the congregation) Surprised him (that is: she spread between her legs for milking) and turned, and he milked from it (Sila) big bowl until he filled it, And he sent it to her, and he gave it to her, and he watered his companions, and they drank all after Nahl (Al-Nahl is the first drink, and the all are the second drink) Until they (the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace) drank the last of them, and he said: The waiter of the people is the last of them drink, then he milked it again, back to the beginning, so they left him there, then they set out, Soon, her husband, Abu Ma'bad, came to drive lean goats: they moved with difficulty, when he saw the milk, he was astonished, He said, "Where does this milk come from, Umm Ma`bad, and there is no milk in the house? and the sheep is celibate? She said to him: No, by God, a blessed man passed by us, whose hadiths were so and so, He said: Describe him, for by God, I see him as the owner of the Quraish you are seeking. The results of the Prophet's migration to Medina 1 - Building the great Islamic state and consolidating its pillars, creating a cohesive and cohesive Islamic society. 2 - Expansion of the Islamic call and its spread throughout the world through Islamic missions and preaching outside Medina. 3- The salvation of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and his honorable companions and those with them from among the Muslims from the harm, oppression and tyranny of the infidels that exceeded the limits. 4- Consolidating the concept of brotherhood between the Muhajireen and Ansar in Medina, and raising their awareness of its concept, so that the Islamic community would be coherent. 5 - Getting rid of and eliminating issues of revenge, wars and problems between the different tribes in Medina, spreading peace and tolerance among Muslims, and uniting them under the banner of Islam. 6 - The Almighty says (O people, indeed We created you from a male and a female, and We have made you into peoples and tribes, and you have knowledge of knowledge, and not the presence of the different colors and the believers. That acquaintance requires the transmission of culture from one tribe to another, and this is exactly what migration does, for language is only the transmission of culture, so what about the movement of people and their presence in a different place that takes and gives from their cultures. 7 - The issue of the emigration of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – has ended, and the door to emigration is opened to the Day of Judgment for those who suffer in their original homeland because of wars, famines, climate change, or other things. So let those who migrate for worldly reasons bring to mind these lofty meanings from the lessons of migration and realize their intentions what they did not realize in life circumstances. Related Studies The Health and Social Effects of Migration Conditions affecting health in the country of origin and during the journey may include war, torture, loss of relatives, long stays in refugee camps (which may suffer from poor sanitation and overcrowding), imprisonment, and social and economic hardship. After arriving in the host country, migrants may face imprisonment, lengthy asylum application processes, language barriers, and a lack of knowledge of health services, Loss of social status, discrimination and marginalization. Christiansen and colleagues (2007) note that dealing with a new language, as well as a new political and social context can be very stressful. The impact of migration on the mental health of individuals depends on the magnitude of pressures in the receiving country and can be mediated by the social resources of the migrants (eg social networks, language skills, educational level, etc.). Migration may also affect risk perception and risky behaviour. Feelings of loss and psychosocial issues related to low social status, unemployment, and being in a minority may lead to a sense of no link between current risky behavior and future health effects (i.e. migrants may have to focus on their current feelings instead of the future health effects of their current health behavior). For example, a new immigrant, separated from friends and family in an urban setting (feeling more anonymous and less constrained by social norms) may turn to prostitution or drugs as a way to escape loneliness, frustration, and social isolation Migration also has health effects on the country the migrants left. Individuals who migrate in search of economic opportunity may cause a “brain drain” in their country of origin, when a large number of individuals with technical skills or knowledge leave, which can drain local infrastructure. This particularly affects health care because there are often economic incentives for health care professionals to migrate. It has long been demonstrated that the migration of health workers from developing to developed countries is exacerbating existing imbalances in the global health workforce and can cause deficiencies in the provision of services locally in developing countries (Mejia et al, 1979). This migration is often demand-driven when developed countries suffer from a shortage of medical professionals. Hagopian et al (2004) estimated that 23% of American physicians had their medical training outside the United States. The majority of foreign trained physicians (64%) in the United States came from middle or low income countries. In the UK, 31% of doctors and 13% of nurses were born abroad (Glover et al, 2001). While countries of origin may benefit from some remittances (such as repatriation of migrants' wages), the negative effects on developing countries largely outweigh these relatively small benefits. To address the problem of brain drain, Bang and colleagues (2002) recommended "a global perspective, ethical principles agreed upon between countries, and an organized approach using the collective power of international organizations." finally There are health implications of immigration in the host (destination) country. Some host countries are concerned about the presence of infectious diseases in migrants, and screening of migrants (although it is a contentious human rights issue) has been adopted, to varying degrees, by many countries around the world (Paterson, 2003). While some immigrants may be generally healthier than the population (ie the "health immigrant" effect), other immigrants may have pre-existing health conditions that can overburden local health care systems. For example, increased retirement migration (where older people, who often need more health care, migrate to warmer destinations - such as Spain and Florida), can present a challenge to recipient health care systems. The links

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