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  • The Maddinah 's reception of the Messenger of God

    How did the Maddinah receive the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace? The news spread of the migration of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his companion to Medina, The Ansar used to go out every day when they prayed in the morning, to the out of Medina, waiting for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, They do not leave until the sun overcomes them over the shadows and they enter their homes, and it was summer and hot, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came when people entered the houses, the Jews used to see what the Ansar were doing, and when one of the Jews saw him, he cried out at the top of his voice: O Banu Qila (She is the grandmother of the Ansar, who is related to her, and she is the daughter of Kahil bin Udhra) This friend of yours has come, so the Ansar went out to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was in the shade of a palm tree, and with him was Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, at his age, most of them had never seen the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, before that, the crowd of people who did not see the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace before that, distinguish between him and Abu Bakr, And Abu Bakr realized that, so he got up and shaded him with his cloak, and the matter was revealed to the people. They were received by about: five hundred of the Ansar The Entry of the Prophet to Medina the entry of the Prophet into Medina The people of Medina were aware, with the departure of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - from Mecca, migrating to them, they used to go out every morning, waiting for him to enter upon them, until if it was too hot for them, they returned to their homes, and on the day the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - came, the Ansar went out to wait for him as usual, until there was no shade left for them to take shelter in, so they returned to their homes, and in the meantime the Prophet - peace be upon him - arrived, a man from among the Jews saw him, so he hurried to the Ansar and informed them of his coming, So they went out to meet him, hurriedly overwhelmed with joy, and they met him at the appearance of Al-Harrah: place, He described the situation, saying: (I have never seen the people of Madinah rejoice in something, so they were happy with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) Men and women went out on the rooftops, and children spread out in the streets, chanting: “God’s prophet has come, God’s prophet has come” And the girls began to sing From the folds of farewell The full moon has risen upon us What God call a caller We should be thankful You came with a obay command O envoy to us Welcome O good caller You came for, honorable the Madinah The Tuck: The road in the mountain Where did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - stay when entering Medina? And he, peace and blessings be upon him, stayed in Quba with Bani Amr Ibn Awf for fourteen nights, where he founded the Quba Mosque, then decided - peace and blessings be upon him - to enter Medina, so he sent to the leaders of Bani al-Najjar, and they presented to him wearing their swords, and when the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - entered Medina, five hundred Ansar met him, He entered the Madinah with a great procession. While the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was walking in Medina, he asked: “Which homes of our people are closest? Abu Ayyub said: I, O Prophet of God, this is my home and this is my door, It was said that each of the leaders of the Ansar was looking forward to hosting the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, every time he passed by someone's door, he called him to go down to his house, but he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - used to find excuses from them and order them to leave the camel because it was commanded. The she-camel sat beside home of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari Until the she-camel sat at the door of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, may God be pleased with him, So the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - went down to his house while the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - remained In the hospitality of Abu Ayyub - may God be pleased with him - for seven months, during which time Abu Ayoub was an example to follow in good hospitality and altruism. Of those who welcomed the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Anas bin Malik Al-Ansari And he was a boy at that time: I witnessed the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, the day he entered Medina, and I have never seen a day that was better or brighter than the day he entered Medina. Abdullah bin Salam (a scholar of the Jewish scholars) Among the Jews who went out to look at him was Abdullah bin Salam, who said when he saw him: When I saw his face, I knew that he was not the face of a liar, so the first thing I heard from him was: (O people, spread peace and feed the food and pray at night while the people are sleeping, you will enter Paradise in peace) and He entered Al Islam. Al-Bara bin Azib, may God be pleased with him His house consisted of two floors, so the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - descended on the lower floor, and Abu Ayyub and his wife were on the upper floor, He and his wife thought that they would be above the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, so he went to him and asked him to go up to the upper floor, And that he and his wife be at the bottom so that they are not above him, but the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - asked him to stay in the lower floor because that is easier for him and for those who sit with him from the Companions - may God be pleased with them - and the visitors, and one day, at Abu Ayyub - may God be pleased with him - a bowl of water broke, so he and his wife got up in a hurry, and dried the water with a plush they had no other quilt, So that water does not drip on the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and harm him. Praise of the Messenger of God on Al - Ansar And the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - praised them, saying: (If it were not for the emigration, I would have been one of the Ansar, even if the people had walked a valley and reef I would have taken: valley Al-Ansar and its reef, Al- ansar is a Shiar: what on the human body without any other clothing, and people are veils, You will meet a trail after me, so be patient until you meet me at the basin.) Who is Abu Ayyub al-Ansari with whom the Prophet lived when he entered Medina? Abu Ayyub al-Ansari's Islam Abu Ayyub al-Ansari converted to Islam with the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - before emigrating to Medina, and he, may God be pleased with him, went out to Makkah with the delegation of Madinah who pledged allegiance to the Prophet of God in the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, and he participated with the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - In all the invasions and battles, and after the death of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - he did not miss any of the battles except one. Abu Ayyub and his wife used to honor the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him with all they can; They used to make food and send it to him, and one time they sent him dinner with onions and garlic, and the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - brought it back and did not eat anything from it, they asked him why he did not eat, and he replied that he is a man conversing with his Lord - the Most High, He does not eat from this tree, so they both ate it and did not put it in the food of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - after that, and the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - stayed in the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari for a month. We benefit from this part with 1 - Medina is different from Mecca, as it is full of different nationalities and religions, And in it there are Jews who are the worst enemies of the Muslims afterwards, and it would not have been hidden from them that the Ansar would came out every day, waiting for the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the Quraysh follow him by Sarqa bin Malik and others, despite all this, the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - arrives in Medina - a protection from God Almighty and a mercy to humanity with the entry of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - for the beginning of the establishment of the foundations of the Islamic state - if the expression is correct - 2 - The joy of the Ansar when the Messenger of God entered and the boys and girls sang and climbed on the roofs of the houses, and the screaming of the Jew that your friend had come and the Messenger’s surround- ment with 500 members of the Ansar, a unique procession of faith in which there was joy, a mercy from God - the Most High - in tightening the crisis for what will be thrown after that Faithful companionship is the best gift that a Muslim can attain in his life. 3 - The Almighty says (And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses what he want, they had no choice) the Messenger of God says to those who hold the snout of a she-camel: Leave it, for it is commanded: an indication of choosing a particular house from among the houses of the Ansar - I have known the highest overview of the life of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari, and it is not the most famous, nor the richest, nor the best of the houses of the Ansar. Why did the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him not sit in the house of one of the richest Ansar houses? and it will have a comfortable transitional period after the fatigue of emigration, at the very least. We do not really know the reason, but God - the Most High - looks at the hearts, not the clothes or housing or what we get in this life. He looks at the heart and what it contains, and soon there will be sedition in the Muslim community, (The Efk Incident) and most Muslims fought in it except Abu Ayyub and Umm Ayyub. From the first time they heard, he said to her, “Do you do something like this?” She said, “No.” He said to her, “No, I do, and wait for God’s judgment in this affliction that befell the Muslims. Do you now know who God chooses for certain things rather than others? Related Studies Personality traits may influence who you are attracted to. Research has shown that good people are seen as more attractive, said Daniel Scheer, a registered clinical psychologist and professional counselor for Benna Clinic, And in a 2007 study, participants were asked to rate photos of strangers for attractiveness. They were then asked to rate the same pictures, but this time some of the pictures had character descriptions, and the study mainly found that pictures with positive descriptions had the highest ratings of attractiveness, suggesting that certain personality traits play a role in the judgment. gravity. From this part of the study we note That the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - when he entered Medina attracted about 500 men from the homes of the Ansar, some of them were armed to protect him, and among them were boys and girls who loved him unconditionally and did not know lies about the pure love that comes out of the heart. These are the characteristics of the Messenger of God - may God bless him Peace be upon him that preceded him to Medina, and as our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab said Most love of you to us before we see you is the best bioghraphy, If you speak the best of you with logic, and if we test you the most best of you is really do you better.) The links

  • The Quba Mosque

    His descent, peace and blessings of God be upon him, in Quba - suburb of Medina The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, set up in Quba’ in Bani Amr ibn Awf, so he descended on Kulthum ibn Hadem and it was said, rather he came down on Sa’d ibn Khaithama, The first is more likely and differed in the length of stay of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, He was greeted in Quba, and most of what was said was twenty-two nights. Al-Bukhari mentioned that he stayed for ten nights, and the months were what Ibn Ishaq mentioned that he stayed for four days from Monday to Friday. Allah says ( لَا تَقُمْ فِيهِ أَبَدًا ۚ لَّمَسْجِدٌ أُسِّسَ عَلَى التَّقْوَىٰ مِنْ أَوَّلِ يَوْمٍ ، أَحَقُّ أَن تَقُومَ فِيهِ ۚ ، فِيهِ رِجَالٌ يُحِبُّونَ أَن يَتَطَهَّرُوا، ۚ وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُطَّهِّرِينَ (108) (Never stand in it, for a mosque founded on piety, from the first day, you are more worthy to stand on it, there are men who love to purify themselves, and God loves the purifier (108). Ibn Ishaq says He caught the Friday prayer in Bani Salem bin Auf and prayed it in their mosque, and it was the first Friday prayer he prayed in Medina, and Ali bin Abi Talib, may God honor him, stayed in Makkah for three nights, until he paid on behalf of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the deposits that he had for the people, until when he finished with them, he joined the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was in Quba’. The first mosque built in Islam The first mosque built in Islam and in the Prophet’s city. In terms of priority, the Grand Mosque is the first house built for people and Quba Mosque is the first mosque built by Muslims. It is also the largest mosque in the city after the Prophet’s Mosque. Where is the Quba Mosque located? The mosque is located south of Medina. The mosque was built by the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he migrated from Mecca to Madinah. The Muslims after him were interested in building the mosque during the past ages. Othman bin Affan renewed it, then Omar bin Abdul Aziz during the reign of Al-Waleed bin Abdul-Malik, and the caliphs followed after them. to expand and renovate it, Sultan Qaitbay expanded it, then the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II and his son Sultan Abdul Majeed I followed him, until the last expansion was during the era of the Saudi state, the area of ​​the prayer hall alone was approximately 5040 square meters, and the area occupied by the mosque building with its service facilities was approximately 13,500 square meters. Why was the Quba Mosque called by that name? Abu Abdullah Yaqut al-Hamawi mentioned in his book Mu’jam al-Buldan that Quba: Its origin is the name of a well and the village was known by it, and it is the dwellings of Bani Amr ibn Awf, and the mosque was called Quba Mosque, because the Prophet Muhammad, on his way to Medina, passed by the homes of Bani Amr ibn Awf and built a mosque there, and it was called Quba Mosque. When was Quba Mosque founded? The Quba Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was founded for Bani Amr ibn Awf and then moved to Medina. Ibn Abi Khaithama mentioned that the Messenger of God, When he established it, he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, was the first to put a stone in his qiblah, then Abu Bakr came with a stone and put it, then Omar brought a stone and put it to Abu Bakr's stone, then he took the people in the building. In Al-Khattabi on the authority of Al-Shamoos bint Al-Nu’man bin Amer bin Majma’ Al-Ansariah, she said: When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, built the Quba Mosque, he would bring a stone and put it on his stomach, so the man comes, wanting to take him away, but he cannot, until he orders him to leave him and take someone else. On his family it was revealed (In it are men who love to purify themselves) [At-Tawbah 108] Abu Saeed Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was asked about the mosque that was founded on piety, and he said: This is my mosque, And in another narration he said, and in the other there is much good, and he said to Banu Amr ibn Awf when I went down to a mosque that was founded on piety, and what is the purification that God has praised you with? they mentioned to him to clean himself with water after cleaning with a stone, so he said: He is the one, so you should adhere to it. There is no contradiction between the two hadiths, both of which are based on piety, However, His saying - Glory be to Him - from the first day requires the Quba Mosque because its foundation was on the first day of the arrival of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - the abode of his miracle and the country from which he emigrated.

  • Sariah ( Ubaidah bin Al-Harith)

    Sariah: a piece of the army, from five to three hundred, or horses, about four hundred. Eight months after arriving in the Madinah At the beginning of the eight months of the Hijrah, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent Ubaidah bin Al-Harith with sixty or eighty passengers from among the Emigrants, including Saad bin Abi Waqqas, a white banner was held for him, and Mistah bin Uthahah carried it to block the caravan of the Quraish, their chief was Abu Sufyan. It was said Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl. Mukarz bin Hafs was said to be among two hundred men, they gathered the caravan in the belly of Rabigh: that is, it is said to him and Dan, and there was nothing between them except for a skirmish by shooting arrows, that is, they did not use the sword, and they did not line up to fight. He was the first to throw Muslims Saad bin Abi Waqqas, and his arrow was the first arrow he was shot in Islam, that is, as Saif al-Zubayr bin al-Awwam, the first sword in Islam. In the words of Ibn al-Jawzi: The first to ask a sword for the sake of God Zubair bin Al-Awwam, and he mentioned that Sa`da came before his companions and spread his quiver: a small quiver of leather or the like, and there were twenty arrows in it, not one arrow that would not injure a person or an animal, That is, if he threw it, his throw would have been true and his forearm tightened, then the two groups departed: The polytheists thought that the Muslims were indefinite, so they were afraid and were defeated, The Muslims did not follow them, and he fled from the polytheists to the Muslims, al-Miqdad ibn Amr, That is, the one who is called Ibn al-Aswad, and Uyayna bin Ghazwan, they were Muslims, but they went out with the polytheists to reach the Muslims with them. So he knew that the sarih of Ubaidah bin Al-Harith came after the sarih of Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, and it was said that it was even before it And the speech of the origin is felt, and it is supported by the saying of Ibn Ishaq. The banner of Ubaidah bin Al-Harith was, as we have reached, the first banner held in Islam. Some of them said: The origin of this difference is that the mission of Hamzah and the dispatch of Ubaidah were together, that is, in one day in one place, meaning that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, spread both of them together, as in the relics of al-Uqba, so the matter was suspected, It is said that the banner of Hamzah was the first banner held in Islam, and that his resurrection was the first to be sent, and someone says: The banner of Ubaidah was the first banner held in Islam, and that his resurrection was the first to be sent, but it is formed on that that Hamzah’s departure was at the head of seven months of the emigration, as mentioned above, And the departure of Ubaidah was at the beginning of eight months, as mentioned above, and what was mentioned that sending them together to the end refutes what some of them answered about this problem, that it is possible that he held their flag together, and the delay of Ubaidah’s departure until the beginning of eight months due to a matter that necessitated this, Unless it is said that it is permissible that what is meant by their resurrection together is their order to leave, and that what is meant by their funeral is that both of them took part in the funeral from him, and this does not require that this be at the same time contemplation. In this is the launch of the banner on the banner, which is in accordance with what a group of language people stated that they are synonymous, and it was presented that the name of the banner was not mentioned to him except in Khaybar, that is, before that they knew only the brigades, and what he wanted here. In the words of some of them, his banner was black and his banner white, As in the hadith of Ibn Abbas and Abu Hurairah. Abu Huraira added: It is written: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” We take advantage of the above You are an expert that the soul from which something is taken is large and not forgiving, perfection of forgiveness and that it has psychological scars, and he must return one day to take this right, not out of revenge, but out of self-defense and healing of what is in the chest, and that is why the Almighty says - ( الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ فِي السَّرَّاءِ وَالضَّرَّاءِ وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظَ وَالْعَافِينَ عَنِ النَّاسِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ (134) (Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, And those who suppress anger and forgive people, and God loves the doers of excellance (134) For a long time, this was the case of Muslims until God authorized them to fight, and you are an expert that suppressing anger can change the biological state of the body from high blood pressure or other things, especially if you have the opportunity to take your right, Therefore, the companies began to restore the rights, if not material, then at least the psychological scars left by the polytheists recorded in memory and to this day of the calamity of what they did. 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  • Al Madinah fever

    The chiefs of Quraish tried to prevent Muslims from migrating to Medina, but they were able to migrate after a few weeks, and the emigrants were accustomed, the dry weather of Mecca, when they came to Medina, most of them fell ill with fever, and perhaps it was influenza or malaria, because its summers are humid, and its winters are harsh, and the rain is almost always. Aisha said: When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to Medina, which was the first land from which calamity and disease befallen his companions, And God turned that away from His Prophet, peace be upon him, and the fever struck Abu Bakr, Bilal and Aamir bin Fuhaira, so I sought permission from the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, to visit them, and that was before the veil hit us, due to the severity of the fever, He gave me permission, so I entered them, and they were in one house, and I found them babbling: speaking incomprehensible words, due to the severity of the fever, So she told the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, that she said: He looked at the sky: And he said: “Oh God, loved Madinah to us as we love Makkah or more, O God, bless our measures and our Mud "an old measure" for us, correct them for us, and move their fever to Al-Juhfa: a place between Mecca and Medina, so God responded to him, so he made good its air, its soil, its habitation, and its living in it, and Abu Bakr, if he was caught by a fever, would chant: Every man is in the morning with his family ** and death is less than his sandal strap, This is from the poetry of Hanzala bin Yasar, not from the poetry of Abu Bakr, And the fever of the city was malaria when it was surrounded by ponds and wells, to the extent that camels were getting sick from drinking, and the Quraysh used to reproach the people of Yathrib for their fever and the domination of the Jews over them, It is called a fever (Umm Maldem) The Messenger of God said to Zaid al-Khail, who had come with a Ta'a delegation: They paint the walls with mud, and he embraced Islam: “O Zayd, Umm Muldam will kill you” means: a fever, and he contracted it on the way on his return and died of it. We benefit from the following 1 - Perhaps every person has tried to emigrate, even if it was a non-forced emigration that was struck by a fever or any disease upon arrival, , and that is not for nothing but for the climate change in his mother country, which he is accustomed to in the first place. 2 - Grief due to parting from one’s home and perhaps money, or the loss of one of the children, or his death on the road, or other things, weakens the immunity, so he becomes infected with the diseases that spread in this place. 3 - This snapshot in the biography of the Prophet is very important for the lulling of souls who are tired of emigration or who imagine that calamities have come and they are not so, God willing Related Studies How stress and depression affect the immune system What is psychoneuroimmunology? Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of how mental health affects the function of the immune system, this idea of ​​how mental health affects the immune system has emerged in the past two decades, there have been three large meta-analyses that demonstrated that cellular and humoral immunity is impaired in patients with major depression. Show both Herbert and Cohen, 1993 and Zorilla et al. Decreased T-cell function and decreased natural killer-cell activity in depressed patients, Recently, Dowlati et al. (2010) showed that interleukins, specifically interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) were significantly increased in depressed patients. Therefore, studies demonstrating immune dysfunction in depressed patients seem to be related to the aberrant stress signaling mechanism. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can reduce your ability to function at work and at home. (1) To diagnose depression, we need five or more of the following with M and/or I at least for at least two weeks. low mood Sleep disorders loss of interest Feelings of guilt or hopelessness power (low) Tired Difficulty concentrating appetite changes psychomotor retardation suicide The Linksسيدنا_محمد#مرض_المهاجرين_بحمى_المدينة

  • The first Friday sermon in Al - Madinah

    This is the text of the sermon that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, delivered on the first Friday prayer he prayed in Medina in Bani Salem bin Awf: “Praise be to God, I praise him, I seek His help, I seek His forgiveness, I seek guidance from Him, I believe in Him, and I do not disbelieve in Him, And I enmity with those who disbelieve, and I bear witness that there is no god but God, alone, who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, He sent him with guidance, light, and admonition over a period of time from the Messengers, a lack of knowledge, a misguidance from people, an interruption of time and an approaching hour, and near the end of life, whoever obeys God and His Messenger has been guided, and whoever disobeys them has been deceived and he went astray and went far astray, and I advise you to fear God, for it is the best thing that a Muslim advises a Muslim to do, then he urges him to the hereafter and orders him to pious God, so beware of God himself, and there is no better advice than that, nor better than that in remembrance, and that the pious of God for those who act upon it with fear and dread from his Lord is a true helper in whatever you desire of the Hereafter, whoever rectifies what is between him and God in his affairs in secret and in public, he does not intend to do so except for the sake of God, and a treasure after death when a person lacks what he has offered, and there is no other than that he would like to have a long distance between him and it, and God Himself warns you, and God is merciful to His servants, and He who spoke the truth and fulfilled His promise, there is no alternative to that, for He, the Almighty, the Most High says: {The saying with me is not altered, and I am not unjust to the servants.} so fear God in your immediate and future affairs, in secret and in public, for whoever fears God, He will atone for his sins and magnify his reward, and whoever fears God has won a great victory, and that fear of God guards against his hatred and ward off his wrath, and that God-fearing whitens faces, pleases the Lord, and raises his rank, take your luck and don't waste the side of God, God has taught you His Book and His way for you, that He may know those who are truthful and that He may know the liars, so do good as God has done good to you, and they returned to his enemies, and struggled for the sake of God in the right of striving against Him. He chose you and named you Muslims, may he who perishes be perished on the basis of clear evidence, and that he who is alive may perish on the basis of clear evidence, and there is no power except with God, so make frequent remembrance of God and work for what is after today, for it is he who reconciles what is between him and God, God protects him from what is between him and the people, because God judges people and does not judge him, He is owned by the people, and they are not possessed by him, God is greater and there is no power except with God the Great. This is the first sermon delivered by the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, in Medina on the first Friday. We note that: 1 - The Messenger of God did not mention in it the people of Mecca, nor what was their stubbornness, their insistence on unbelief, their harm to the Muslims, and their conspiracy to kill him. 2 - Limiting his sermon to exhorting Muslims to piety, and reminding them of God Almighty, and this is in truth the purpose of etiquette and the end of what the dreamer of the halim reaches, even if he is not the Messenger of God to provoke him to anger and the number of their shortcomings, because they are the ones who let him down, and they persecuted him and expelled him from the country he loved, and he was an obstacle in the way of conveying the message of his Lord, and God Almighty has spoken the truth when He said: {And you are of a great character} (Al-Qalam: 4). 3- We see the men of the parties use in their sermons the ugliest words and the most heinous insults for trivial reasons, yet they claim that they are leaders and masters who spread science and civilization and seek reform and freedom. 4 - The right to citizenship was not mentioned in it due to religious pluralism, as it will shortly be a constitution for the newly emerging state. 5 - From the content of the sermon, it is clear to you that jihad will be the slogan of the next stage. The word jihad was repeated more than once, it is obedience to God and distance from disobedience to Him. Related Studies The importance of being reminded of the consequences What's cool about triggers - a trigger reminder is anything you put "in your way" to remind you to do something. The best motivators are somehow related to the behavior you want to produce, for example, if you want to remember to take something to work that you wouldn't normally do, you can put it in front of the door until you have to. Pick it up out of your house. For a lot of tasks, the best reminders are ones that are completely automated - you set them up and then forget about them, trusting the trigger to show up when you need it. From this part of the study we conclude The Prophet mentioned the consequences of not obeying God in the first Friday sermon in Medina to be in the conscious mind. He also mentioned more than once the importance of jihad, and he mentioned that we have an intellectual approach different from that of many (cultural pluralism) What exists in the city’s society is represented in the fact that we have an afterlife in which we will be held accountable for our worldly deeds, and that whoever fixes what is between him and God, God fixes what is between him and people. And other reminders of the short-term or long-term consequences...of course, God is higher and knows best. The Links

  • Story and do not expel those...

    Aِlah says وَلَا تَطْرُدِ ٱلَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُم بِٱلْغَدَوٰةِ وَٱلْعَشِىِّ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُۥ ۖ مَا عَلَيْكَ مِنْ حِسَابِهِم مِّن شَىْءٍۢ وَمَا مِنْ حِسَابِكَ عَلَيْهِم مِّن شَىْءٍۢ فَتَطْرُدَهُمْ فَتَكُونَ مِنَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ And do not drive away those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, desiring His face, you do not owe anything from their account, and not your account, count for them, you will drive them out, and you will be of the unjust. The reason for the revelation of the noble verse Salman and Khabab bin Al-Arat said: This verse was revealed about us. Al-Aqra bin Habis Al-Tamimi and Uyaynah bin Hisn Al-Fazari and their families came from (their heart is familiarity): the new converts to Islam, they found the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, sitting with Bilal, Suhaib, Ammar and Khabab among some of the weak believers, when they saw them around him, they humiliated them, so they came to him and said: O Messenger of God, if you sat in the midst of the assembly and banished from us these and the spirits of their shrouds - and they were over them, they would have no other than them - we would sit with you and take us away from you. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to them: “I am not expelling the believers.” They said, “We would love for you to make us a gathering in which the Arabs know our preference, If the delegations of the Arabs come to you, then we are ashamed to see the Arabs with these servants, so if we come to you, set them up on our behalf, and when we are done, sit with them if you wish, He said: Yes, they said: Write a letter to us with that, He said: So he called for the newspaper and called Ali to write. They said, while we were sitting in an area, when Gabriel came down with his saying: (And do not drive away those who call upon their Lord in the morning and in the evening, desiring His face). And do not turn away - O Prophet - from sitting with weak Muslims who worship their Lord at the beginning and at the end of the day, wanting with their righteous deeds the face of God, You do not have anything to do with the account of these poor people, but their account is with God, and they do not have anything from your account, If you keep them away, you will be one of those who transgress the limits of God, those who put something in its wrong place, these people do not deserve to be dismissed and turned away from them, but they deserve their loyalty, love, denigration, and approximation, because they are the elite of creation even if they are poor, and the dear ones in reality, even if they are humiliated to people, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, complied with this command most closely, so if the poor believers sat with them, he would be patient with them, treat them well, show them his side, his good manners, and draw them close to your councils these poor believers, those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, and with their work and worship they desire the face of God alone, but make them your companions and your eunuchs, for they are better with God than the arrogant rich and the powerful and ignorant. A story, and do not drive away those who call on their Lord

  • The second pledge of allegiance

    After meeting the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - with the delegation of the Aws and Khazraj in the Aqaba region near the holy Mecca and their agreement with him on a set of clauses, what was called in history the first pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, And after the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - sent with them Musab bin Omair, may God be pleased with him; To teach them Islam, Islam spread in Medina, so the Muslims returned in the following year, which corresponds to the thirteenth year of the mission, and pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - the second pledge of Aqaba. It is what was called in history the Great Allegiance of Aqaba It is worth noting that the number of the Ansar from the Aws and the Khazraj who witnessed that pledge was seventy-three men and two women, namely Umm ‘Umarah; Nusaiba bint Ka’b Al-Mazaniah and Umm Manea’ Asma bint Amr bin Adi, may God be pleased with them all. The terms of the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba The second pledge of Aqaba was a prelude to building the Islamic nation, and the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was keen to clarify the greatness and importance of this pledge through the clauses that he presented to the Ansar, although the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was always facilitating the matter of faith for people, and simplifying it for them, and he was even in their hearts at times with money, but in this pledge of allegiance he deliberately showed hardship and difficulty in every item of the pledge; So that the supporters know the seriousness of this step, and take a decision based on a real perception of the situation that does not contain any kind of confusion or lack of clarity, as he said: (You pledge allegiance to me for hearing and obedience in activity and laziness, and spending in hardship and ease, and for order for good and forbidding evil, And if he says it, he does not care about the blame of the blamer in God, and that you support me and prevent me, if I come to you from what you prevent yourselves, your wives, and your children, and for you is Paradise.) The following is a description of each of the items: 1 - Hearing and obedience in activity and laziness The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - explained the matter to the Ansar; Hearing and obedience will not only be in a state of faith activity that motivates its owner to accept orders easily, but it must also be in states of apathy and laziness as well. 2-spending in hardship and ease some applies spending in hardship. It is very difficult, not like spending in ease, and it requires a firm and strong faith. 3- Ordering for good and forbidding evil In this virtue there is great difficulty. Since man, by nature, does not like to feel his mistake and avoid dealing with those who remind him of it, and this is what happens when a person order for good and forbids evil, that is why the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - explained to the Ansar that faith requires enduring hardships and sacrificing everything. Speak the truth without fearing the blame of the blame, where the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - stipulated that the Ansar in the pledge of allegiance should say the word of truth no matter the price. It is known that the word of truth is difficult for the soul; Because it may result in the blame of the family, relatives, and all people. 4 - Supporting and defending the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace That is, the Messenger of God stipulated that the Ansar be jihad in the cause of God in the pledge of allegiance, and the truth is that jihad is one of the most difficult things for the soul; Therefore, it is the height of the hump of Islam, As the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is prayer, apex of its hump is jihad). 5- Defending the Messenger as they protect their wives and children What made the matter even more difficult was the stipulation of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that the Ansar should defend and protect him as they would protect themselves, their money, and their wives. We make use of the above as follows: 1 - In this pledge of allegiance many Muslims, and you are expert that the first pledge and then the presence of Musab bin Omair - may God be pleased with him - entered into every home of the Ansar someone in Islam, and this means that the houses of the Ansar were a mixture of infidels in the God of Heaven and believers in Him, and this It is now present in the homes of some Westerners, and perhaps in the homes of Muslims themselves, as Al-Sadiq al-Masduq told him, A time will come upon people on the authority of Tamim al-Dari - may God be pleased with him - who said: I heard the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - say: “Let this matter reach what reached night and day, And God does not leave the homes of mud or hair but God will enter this religion in it, with honor dear or humiliated, God honors Islam with it, and God humiliates disbelief with it. 2 - The entry of Muslims into a new stage in their lives, the civil stage, the relationship with the other, and perhaps facing the other (Jews - Christians - Magi - polytheists - star worshipers - worshipers of what remains of the Abrahamic religion and so on) and what does this mean? It means that Muslims have limits and a ceiling that governs them to deal with the next stage, as it is a stage of do and do not do and the call become (O you who believe, not O people) Related Studies Reasons why people give up their money or not New research reveals the motivations for giving to charities Most people give reasons that affirm important values, including compassion for those in need. Donors are also more likely to donate when they think their donation will make a difference, And Bakers and Webking found that donors don't just give from the heart. They also think about the costs and benefits of giving and the benefits to them, such as feeling good or looking good to others. Trust: People are more likely to donate to nonprofit organizations that they trust will use their donated money to make a difference and other reasons last word 1 - The Companions did not become companions before (expenditure and support), and they are the companions of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Today, however, do not count the freinds without support and spending money in times of distress. 2 - From the previous study: We note that people spend their money not for showy or anything like that if they have a big idea that bothers them, if the idea is found, they rarely give up their money for trivial reasons. may God have mercy on the honorable companions, and God bless good friendship. The links

  • The story of the girl who refused to marry her cousin

    The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said 1874: Hanad bin Al-Sari told us, Wakee told us, on the authority of Khams bin Al-Hassan, on the authority of Ibn Buraidah, on the authority of his father, he said: a girl came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: My father married me to his nephew to raise his lowliness in me as he said, and he made the matter to her, She said: I agree with what my father did, but I wanted to: Women should know that fathers have nothing to do with it. We take a few pauses with the hadith The unmarried Arab girl in a modern Islamic society - a Bedouin society) Most of its people are illiterate and do not know how to read and write. In fact, she speaks loudly. Where are we who claim that a woman's voice is awrah, if she speaks with respect befitting her listeners, then she has the right to speak? She came with a grievance (my father married me, his nephew, to raise me up: his lowliness) From this we understand that the father in the first place loves his family, loves his nephew so much that he wants to raise his nephew to the level of marriage of his daughter, and it seems that they were in a lower social level to the girl and her father, and is rare. Is this Muslim girl some kind of arrogance? She is superior to her poor or inferior cousin in social standing, It seems that it is not arrogance but rather self-esteem, and yet she will be humbled in a little while. All this Messenger did not speak a word: that is, he - may God bless him and grant him peace - is a good listener, who does not interrupt her. Some underage Muslim girls who are married by their fathers, Without the girl saying a word, either for money, or power, or to improve social status, or otherwise. A Muslim girl has two rights: one of them is to speak and express her desire for something, or her lack of desire for it, and the second right: to hear it. The position of the Messenger: There is no compulsion - there is no problem with your father. This is your business and your family, I have nothing to do with it. I am busy with the affairs of the nation and you are talking to me about these trifles. And it is the right of the Messenger of mankind, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, but he did not do it, but rather gave her his hearing. The girl says (I got what my father did) What is this psychic power - does her personality strong? She stands in front of the Messenger and perhaps a group of Companions - senior men of the state, if the Companions are sitting: He says to her: You are mocking this great category, you have come. Let's waste our time..are you imagine that happening in our time? The girl did a massive presentation, with a good introductory (intro) interesting (My father married me his nephew to make his lowliness ) then an exception (but I approved what my father did... and what calls her listeners either to describe her as crazy or to waste the time of senior statesmen) - Of course - if you will - (and then a surprising conclusion) I wanted to teach women after me .... What does this mean? I mean, she refused something for herself, and she thought of the women who could not accept the words of their father, nor did they do as she did, so she spoke in their tongues all. Now: Who knew that this arrangement fit her talk, who knew her? Perhaps she could not read or write. It seems that eloquence is in the blood of an Arab who allowed her to go out and speak what she is talking about? Does her father know that she will go out or not? Does he know that she will accuse him of wronging him in front of people or not? Did she get scared when she went to the messenger? The most important question: Is she one of the senior women of the Ansar or the Emigrants? No, she is mostly a girl in her twenties, so who is she in the Islamic community to know the women after her? And how the Messenger was silent on this and did not say to her: Be silent, do not talk about all women, be in your situation and only, for the fatwa is for you alone, or any thins a like. Related Studies Child marriage - when an individual marries before the age of 18 - affects 15 million girls each year, or 41,000 girls every day in low-income countries. In other words, one in three girls in low-income countries will marry before the age of 18; 1 in 9 will marry before the age of 15. UNICEF expects that without rapid progress, the number of married children on the African continent will double by 2050. This year, one of Amnesty International's Write for Rights issues focuses on child marriage in Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso ranks among the 10 countries with the highest rates of child marriage worldwide, where one in two girls - 52 percent - will marry before they turn 18, and 10 percent will marry before they turn 15. Child marriage affects every aspect of a girl's life. Girls who marry early are deprived of their childhood. Once these girls are married, they have little or no access to education and economic opportunities, and they and their families are more likely to live in poverty. Underage wives also face a higher risk of serious, life-threatening complications during pregnancy, contracting HIV, and experiencing domestic and sexual violence. Child marriage is a harmful practice that deprives girls of their right to choose whether, when, who to marry and what kind of family to form. It also deprives girls of their right to education, health and to live in safety.

  • Al _ Azan" call for prayer" legislation

    Muslims used to gather to pray at its appointed times without an invitation, so when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to Medina, he made a trumpet like the trumpet of the Jews,whom they supplicate for their prayer, then he hates it, Then he ordered the bell to be blown to strike the Muslims for prayer, and while they were on that: Abdullah bin Zaid saw a righteous dream about the call to prayer So the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came and said to him: O Messenger of God, he made a circumambulation with me this night, a man who was wearing two green garments and carrying a bell in his hand passed me, so I said: O Abdullah, do you sell this bell? He said: What do you do with it? He said: I said: We call with it a prayer, He said: Shall I not tell you something better than that? I said: What is it? He said: it says: “God is great, God is great - God is great, God is great - I bear witness that there is no god but God - I testify that there is no god but God - I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God - I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Godو When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, told it, he said that it is a true dream, God willing, So get up with Bilal and throw it at him, so let him call the call to prayer, for he has a nice voice than you. When Bilal gave permission for it, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab heard it while he was in his house So he went out to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was dragging his cloak, saying: O Prophet of God and by the One who sent you with the truth, I have seen the like of what he saw, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Praise be to God for that, and it was said that the revelation was revealed, On the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Bilal bin Rabah al-Habashi was chosen for the call to prayer, and he was the muezzin of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Related Studies Our brain while listening to words Recently a lot of old paradigms have been overthrown in how our brain processes language, New and advanced studies have yielded amazing and different results. The only study I found most interesting is the UCL results, On how to separate words from intonation, when we listen to the words, this is what happens: “The words are then transferred to the left temporal lobe [of our brain] for processing, while the melody is directed to the right side of the brain, It is a much more exciting area with music. So our brain uses two different regions to determine the mood and then the actual meaning of the words. On second thought, what still doesn't quite make sense is why we can even distinguish "language" so clearly from any other sounds. The UCL team tried to find out exactly this, they played speech sounds and then non-speech sounds, which still sound like speech to people. While measuring brain activity, they found something remarkable: "Speech was selected for a special treatment near the primary auditory cortex." In short, our brains can magically distinguish language from any other sounds and move it to the correct "section" of our brain to make meaning of it. Do not speak more than 30 seconds in a given conversation Another component of how language is processed is how many words we have to process it. Of course we know this is pretty straightforward and yet it's always a great reminder: "The human brain can really only stick to four things at a time, so if you go for five or 10 minutes trying to discuss a point, a person will only remember a very small part." Instead, 30 seconds is the optimal amount for us to speak at any given time, Newberg says: “Speak in short, which means you speak a sentence or two, maybe equal to 30 seconds or so, because that's really what you can do." the human mind comprehends From this part of the above we conclude 1- The vision is from God, and the dream is from Satan, and that is why the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - affirmed the call to prayer, and this prophetic declaration supported the vision of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him and his approval - the same words of the call to prayer, and therefore it is a true vision. We conclud the following 2 - The part followed with this topic from the previous study supports three things: Music is processed by the right hemisphere of the brain The language is processed by the left lobe from the north You should not speak for more than 20 seconds until the words reach the brain in its right and left hemispheres, And if you noticed, you would find all this available in the call to prayer, especially if the muezzin has a melodious voice, as the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said to Abdullah bin Zaid to make Bilal the one who calls the call to prayer even though he did not see the vision. The links

  • The effect of Badr's victories

    The effect of the victory of Badr in Medina on the Muslims, the polytheists, the bedouin and the hypocrites First: The effect of the victory on the Muslims The news of the victory had a great effect on the souls, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, feared every enemy in Madinah and its surroundings, and many Jews converted to Islam, including Abdullah bin Ubay, but he was not sincere in his Islam, but rather remained a hypocrite until he died and with the victory of the Muslims at Badr, the opposition of the Jews and their intrigues did not stop, so it was necessary to eliminate them and uproot them, and the hypocrites were three hundred men and seventy women, and they would harm him, peace be upon him, when he was absent, and flatter him when he came. Then the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, sent Abdullah bin Rawahah as good tidings to the people of the high, and Zaid bin Haritha as good tidings to the people of the low, With what God has opened to His Messenger, peace be upon him, and the Muslims, The high point of the valley: where the water descends from. 1 - This is the real birth of the Islamic state and the greatest of this great expedition; The real birth of the Islamic nation and the Islamic state under the leadership of the Prophet,on the shoulders of the Islamic army, which was born in this conquest, the Islamic State was established. 2 - The Battle of Badr became a standard by which Muslims should measure their conditions, If they match these attributes and these conditions, then praise, favor and grace is due to God, If they are otherwise, they must adjust their course; To return to the way the people of Badr walked all. 3 - It gained prestige in the entire Arabian Peninsula, and all the people of the Arabian Peninsula began to question Islam and Muslims, for they had been before that they think that it is just an internal difference in Mecca. 4 - When the news of this invasion reached Medina, some feelings were mixed in the hearts of the believers. Feelings of joy and pleasure with this great victory, with feelings of remorse for not participating in this great victory. 5- The congratulatory delegations received the Messenger with the utmost welcome, joy and pleasure, and at the same time many Ansar came to apologize for not participating in this battle despite their firm desire to wage jihad for the sake of God, Since these feelings of regret that were in the hearts of the Ansar and the Muhajirun who did not participate in the Battle of Badr, they will have a clear and positive impact on the prelude to the Battle of Uhud, as it will become clear to us, the Battle of Badr had a great positive impact on the Muslim army, and a positive impact also on those who did not participate, the Islamic State was established on the shoulders of these and those. Second: The position of Quraish among the Arabs after Badr Badr was a colossal blow to the Quraish, and a very great shock to the pride, dignity and honor of the Quraish. It was the most formidable tribe in the Arabs and the dearest tribe, and the owner of the glorious history, and she was respected by all the Arab tribes, but after (Badr) its position was shaken and it's situation was very different from before, seventy of the polytheists who participated in Badr were killed, and seventy others were captured, and those who were killed from the polytheists are the giants of disbelief, leaders of misguidance and imams of corruption. On earth, among them is the Pharaoh of this nation, Abu Jahl, may God’s curse be upon him, among them are Al-Waleed bin Al-Mughirah, Utbah bin Rabi’ah, Shaybah bin Rabi’ah, Al-Nadr bin Al-Harith, Uqbah bin Abi Mu’it, Umayyah bin Khalaf, and very large and famous names of those seventy who were killed, and they were all killed in one day. And imagine this news when it reaches the ears of the people of Makkah! And let's see Al-Haysman bin Abdullah Al-Khuza'i, who was the one who delivered the news to the people of Mecca. They said, "What's behind you?" He said: “Utbah bin Rabi’ah, Shaybah bin Rabi’ah, Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham and Umayyah bin Khalaf were killed among some of the leaders he named.” That is, he kept mentioning to them the leaders and men of Quraysh who were killed, when he said that, Safwan bin Umayyah bin Khalaf - who was one of the leaders of unbelief at that time - said: "By God, if this makes sense, that is, this man does not make sense - so ask him about me." They said: What did Safwan bin Umayya do? He did not participate in Badr. He said: "Here he is, sitting at Al hegr: place, By God, I saw his father and brother when they were killed." The news fell like a thunderbolt on the people of Quraysh, and they did not believe what Al-Haysman told them, and they waited for another messenger to tell them the news with certainty, so it is not conceivable that all of them would be killed in one day, then Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith bin Abdul Muttalib, the cousin of the Prophet, came. The first person Abu Lahab saw - and he did not go out during the Battle of Badr - Abu Lahab said to Abu Sufyan: “Come to me, for you have by my age: the news.” The very big and dangerous crisis as well, which is the economic problem, as the Quraish depended on trade in the summer trip and the winter trip, and one of the two trips passed through Madinah on its way to the Levant, and the presence of a state in Madinah with such strength that it controlled the entrances and exits leading to the Levant, this force - undoubtedly - will prevent trade to the Levant, and if trade with Levant is prevented, the trade in Mecca will fall completely, and the trade in Yemen will be affected as well. Because they used to come from Syria with what they sell in Yemen, and from Yemen with what they sell in Syria, and so on. Third: The impact of the Battle of Badr on the Bedouins around Medina The life of the Arabs was based mainly on looting, so they were thieves and bandits, and the establishment of a moral vocation inside Medina and a strong state like the state of Islam, Undoubtedly, this matter will prevent thefts and cut off the road that the Bedouins take. After the Prophet was victorious in the Battle of Badr, the Arabs began to think of an attempt to gather themselves for the conquest of Medina; To prevent this force from growing. Banu Sulaym gathered numbers and prepared themselves to invade Medina, and the Prophet knew this, so he gathered his companions and went to Banu Sulaym, and as soon as Banu Sulaym saw him, they fled in the mountains, leaving everything, and he returned from Banu Sulaym with a large set of booty, nearly five hundred camels, which were divided among the Medina army, this was only seven days after Badr, and the fear of Medina and the emerging Islamic state in the entire Arabian Peninsula increased, a Like Bani Sulaym, there was more than one battle in the year following the Battle of Badr. Fourth: The emergence of the sect of the hypocrites Before Badr, the population sects inside Medina were divided: Muslims, polytheists, and Jews, but now, after Badr, the situation has changed a lot, the sects became Muslims and Jews, and the polytheists changed, becoming either Muslims out of conviction in Islam, or hypocrites, then a new sect appeared that did not exist before that in all the stages of the prophetic call, and it is the sect of the hypocrites, and they do not appear unless the strength of Islam and Muslims is strengthened, The large number of hypocrites is a healthy sign that indicates the strength of the Islamic state, and then this strength is hypocritical, but when it was weak none of the polytheists thought that he would be hypocritical, at the head of this group of hypocrites was the man who hated the Messenger of God with great hatred, and he was Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul; After he was the leader of the polytheists of Medina, he became the leader of the hypocrites in Medina, all of these hypocrites came after Badr, declaring their Islam outwardly while they were covering disbelief within them, and there is no doubt that they would have a bad impact on the Muslims in Medina. Fifth: The military control of the Muslims over the Arabian Peninsula The Muslims were able to reach many places in the Arabian Peninsula, and this is shown in the secretariat of Zaid bin Haritha. Related Studies What are the effects of war on people? The effects of war on people are varied and depend on many different factors. Soldiers are affected by war in ways that are different from their families, who are also victims. Other victims of the war include citizens of the stricken countries, who are often psychologically and physically affected. War affects all people and changes lives dramatically, as its effects can be physical injuries of varying degrees of severity and serious invisible wounds resulting from psychological trauma and stress. The effects of war on soldiers often involve emotional and psychological problems, or post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD results from severe trauma. Soldiers with this condition often have flashbacks in which they relive moments of terror. Soldiers' families are affected by war and may experience secondary trauma. Children in whom one or more parents are prevalent may experience nightmares and anxious behavior caused by persistent anxiety. People living in war-affected areas are innocent victims of the fighting, suffering both physically and psychologically. These people can lose loved ones as collateral damage and experience the horror of battle firsthand. If their homes are lost, many of these people are forced to become refugees until their country is rebuilt. From this study, we conclude This is the state of the polytheists in Quraysh after the loss of this expedition, the state of their soldiers, and the state of the people that were not held accountable for the Muslims before that. There is something in the soul after the war that penetrates into the human soul. It never comes out of it, and the person does not return to his previous era, but rather brings out a new version of it that he personally does not know about himself. The links

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