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  • The secret invitation

    After the verse was revealed (O you who are covered, rise and warn) The Messenger of God began secretly calling everyone who trusted him to worship God for the first three years, the invitation took the character of secrecy in order to preserve it. He was the first woman to embrace Islam his wife Khadija, who stood beside him, believed him, believed in him, and eased people's affairs for him. The first of the boys whose embrace Islam was Ali bin Abi Talib Among the loyalists Zaid bin Haritha Among the men Abu Bakr as-Siddiq: In which the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “I did not invite anyone to Islam except that there was a setback in him except for Abu Bakr.” Abu Bakr's individual invitation Abu Bakr began to invite those he trusted to Islam, and many free men and slaves embraced Islam on his hands Othman Bin-Affan and Zubair bin Al-Awwam and Abdul Rahman bin Auf And Saad bin Abi Waqas and Talha bin Obaidullah Is everyone who entered Islam in the beginning slaves and the poor? Muslims began to include individuals in the religion of God, and it is pleasant for many historians to say that Islam in its infancy did not attract to it except the slaves, the poor, and those who have nothing to do with the Quraysh. Ten loyalists and allies out of fifty-three people, as for they are poor and have nothing to do with the Quraysh, so write down some of the names of those who preceded you in Islam, and judge you according to the amount of influence and wealth they had. Khadija bint Khuwaylid, may God be pleased with her The first to ever embrace Islam had money and trade, which makes her compete with the largest trade of the Quraish, and it is sufficient to mention her name to indicate the greatness of her wealth As for Abu Bakr He was the first man to convert to Islam, and he was the owner of a wide trade and a lot of money, and he was one of the leaders of Quraysh in the pre-Islamic era and the people who gave their advice, His wealth, during the pre-Islamic era, amounted to forty thousand dirhams, which he spent all of it on freeing the necks of Muslim slaves As for Othman bin Affan He was the most wealthy of Quraysh and the largest of them in trade, and his trade to the Levant carried more than a hundred camels, and he had the guardianship of the orphans of his family and the aid of their poor. As for Talha bin Ubaidullah He was in a profitable trade and a lot of money, and his trade was going out to the markets of Levant and Iraq, and from those who preceded him to Islam Zubair bin Al-Awwam And Saad bin Abi Waqas Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah Abu Salamah Makhzoumi Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam And Suhaib Al-Rumi and Khaled bin Said And Salit bin Omar and Amir Abi Waqas Many others were in vast wealth, or at least they lived a decent life in their society. These historians wished to understand the nature of the Islamic call, which, if it touches the heart, becomes attached to its owner, there is no difference between rich and poor or free and slave, and the previous ones received the teachings of their religion, secretly from their Prophet, and if they wanted to practice their rituals, they went out to the reefs of Mecca far from the eyes of the Quraysh, And when their number increased, the Messenger of God chose for them the House of Al-Arqam Ibn Abi Al-Arqam,To meet with it, the secret invitation remained for about three years, during which, according to Ibn Hisham's narration, fifty-three people embraced Islam, among them are ten women. It is a good fortune for Muslims in this period that Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, uncle of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, embraced Islam, He was the dearest boy in the Quraish, and the toughest of them all, and he was called the Lion of Quraish. The reason why Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib - may God be pleased with him - was called the Lion of Quraish, one day he came back from his hunting and learned that Abu Jahl had objected to Muhammad his nephew, had hurt him, insulted him, and insulted his religion, He got angry and went to Abu Jahl and hit him with his bow so hard that it shook his head. He said: do you insult him while I am on his religion and I say what he says? He replied: they called Abu 'Amara (meaning Hamza), because by God I had caused his nephew to be an ugly curse, and Hamza hurried to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: I bear witness that you are the truthful, so show, my nephew, your religion, for by God, I do not like that I have what the sky has shaded and that I follow my first religion, And Hamza’s conversion to Islam was a good opening for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when the Quraysh knew that Muhammad had honored and refused to embrace Hamza’s Islam, so they stopped insulting him, and Hamza was among those whom God honored Islam with. We make use of the following 1 - The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - says (Convey from me, even if it is a verse) and our numbers as Muslims are approximately one and a half billion and the number is increasing. For the hearts that are in the chests and does not care about our shapes, Or our images or what changed us in our religion and our intentions or whatever we turned to doctrines and formalities, he cares about what we really are, and God - the Most High - does not favor anyone from His creation, for we are not the children of God nor His loved ones, but rather the one who sins bears the burdens of his sin, like his brother in humanity. 2 - The individual invitation: In short, it says to you: You and your position in society, and what does this mean? Do people love you? Do they listen to you? Do they accept what they hear from you? And the more your social position and acceptance among the people increases, the more prominent people will follow you, and this is what the article before us shows us. Look how many of the wealthy and notable of Quraysh converted to Islam only at the hands of the newly Muslim wealthy merchant (Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him and his approval). 3 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - when the number of Muslims increased, chose one house of dignitaries (Al-Arqam Ibn Abi Al-Arqam) and this is an indication that the Prophet was the first to start in the pre-Islamic era what we now call the cultural salon - if so to speak - where the Arabs were in an applied ignorance and most of them did not know how to read and write, and those who knew how to read and write did not exceed the number of fingers on one hand, so the first words (Read) will be revealed to them, and the Qur’an is not a word that tickles the feelings at all, especially the entire Meccan Qur’an addresses the mind and reason only, and look at everyone who used to go to the numbers in his house, Is he only characterized by reason and rationality at this time by the recognition of society and not by the recognition of the people of Islam? 4 - Bait Al-Arqam: The title of the religious salon that takes place in many Muslim countries thanks to God - the Almighty - but do you know that in some countries this is forbidden even if the number is only 3 individuals including the preacher and not only on Muslims but on Christians and any kind of religion, and whoever does that offends his citizenship and may be subjected to severe torture, so if you are one of those whom fate has blessed him by opening a religious salon in your home, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying (and make your homes a compass) that you should remember your Muslim brothers in such countries and give them charity, or at least make doaa for them, because they cannot do what you can do. 5- Is Islam considered ideological (intellectual method)? No, of course. It is a divine approach: religion, but if you thought, you would find that the West today worships the idea, and the more creative the idea is and brings benefit to it, the more reliable it is, especially if the idea is given and not taken, as for Islam, it takes more from you than it gives you. Perhaps that took your whole life. It gives you a blessing. It may give you success in life. Perhaps a good life is nothing more. As for living in true Islam, the life of the Hereafter, therefore, whoever enters the Islamic religion enters it with his mind before his heart, and he enters it voluntarily, not by order or even begging for anyone. Praise be to God for a religion that does not take our minds away from us. Related Studies How to Spread “Slow Thoughts” - Talk to People Conversations and not prescriptions or PR, that are the real game-changing factors, because the conceptual revolution is about "slow ideas." Human development as a social activity that “becomes” for life, performance and play to create ourselves, non-diagnostic creative therapy, education that re-develops and learns together, the power of groups and the “wisdom of the masses” these are big ideas, but they are invisible to most people. It requires sacrificing the legitimacy of "better-" (become 'only' in some professions) institutionally designated practices. I've talked to people about them for years. Maybe you should, Through this study that we have in our hands, we understand that the strength of groups and the culture of the masses comes from conveying your creative ideas that you believe in to others, no matter how slow they are, but they are effective. ideas-talk-people

  • The Marriage of Mrs. Fatima, daughter of the Prophet

    Marriage of Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of God in the year 2 AH Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the leader of the women of the worlds, except for Mary, the daughter of Imran, may God’s prayers be upon them both, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, married her to Ali four and a half months after he (married) Aisha, and consummated consummation with her seven and a half months after he married her, Fifteen years and five months, and the offspring of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was cut off except for her, for the males of his children died young. Abu Bakr and Omar betrothed Fatima to the Messenger of God, but he refused to both of them. Omar said: You belong to her, Ali. He said: I have nothing but my shield that I pledged, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, married him to Fatimah, when that reached Fatimah, she cried, and the Messenger of God came to her and said: “Why are you crying, Fatima? By God, I married you the most knowledgeable, the most intelligent, and the most peaceful. On the authority of Ali, may God be pleased with him, he said: Fatimah was engaged to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and a female slave of mine said to me: Did you know that Fatimah was engaged to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and I said: No, she said: she has engaged, so what prevents you from coming to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and he will marry you? I said: do I have anything to marry him? She said: If you came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, your husband, by God, you kept pleading with me until I went to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, had his majesty and prestige, so when I sat in front of him, I entered, by God, I could not speak, so he said: “What brought you?” I shut up, He said: "Perhaps you have come to betroth Fatima?" I said, “Yes.” He said, “Do you have anything to make it lawful? I said: No, by God, O Messenger of God. He said: What did you do with the armor that I armed you with? So I said: I have it, and by the One in Whose hand is the soul of Ali, it is an armor: Heavy, broad, that breaks swords, its price is four hundred dirhams, He said: “I have married you, so send her, if it is for the dowry of Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him. And the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said to Ali on the night of the construction of Fatima: “Do not speak anything until you meet me.” So the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, called for water, and he performed ablution from it, then he passed it on to Ali and said: “Oh God, bless them, and bless them, and bless their offspring. Ibn Ishaq said: And someone who I do not accuse told me: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was very jealous of his daughters, and he would not marry his daughters at the expense of a wife. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered them to prepare Fatimah So a cleft bed was made for her, and a cushion of leather filled with loofah, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent Asma bint Umays to prepare the home, He prayed ‘Isha’ and was sent to Fatima, may God be pleased with her, and she came with Umm Ayman Barakat al-Habashi, his mistress, may God bless him and grant him peace, until she sat on the side of the house, and Ali, may God be pleased with him, on the other side, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came after he prayed the last evening prayer, and said: “Is she here my brother? Umm Ayman said: Your brother has married your daughter? He said: Yes, he is like my brother in status and fraternity, so it is not forbidden for me to marry him to my daughter, and he, peace be upon him, entered and said to Fatimah, may God be pleased with her: “Bring me water.” So she stumbled in her dress out of shame, to a great mug in the home, She brought water in it, and he took it and swept it, that is, he put it in his mouth and threw it in the bottom, and the bottom was a large bowl - then he said to her: come in so she came, and he sprinkled her breasts and over her head, and said: “Oh God, I seek refuge in You and her offspring from the accursed Satan, then he said: “Go back” So she turned and poured it between her shoulders, then he did the same to Ali, then he said to him: “Enter your family in the name of God and blessing, Her dowry, may God be pleased with her, was 400 silver dirhams, and Ali, may God be pleased with him, fell down in prostration, thanking God Almighty. the wedding banquet of Ali, may God be pleased with him A saa' of barley, dates and Hays - which is dates mixed with ghee - and it was said: I was given a ram from Sa'd and a saa' of corn from a group of Ansar, Their bedding on the night of their wedding was the skin of a ram, and Ali was 21 years and five months old at that time. The story of Ali Ibn Abi Talib wanted to marry another woman after Fatimah On the authority of Al-Miswar bin Makhrama, he said: I heard the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, say while he was on the pulpit: “The Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughirah asked me for permission to marry their daughter, Ali bin Abi Talib, I don't give permission, then I don't, unless he wants: Ali bin Abi Talib to divorce my daughter and marry their daughter, because she is part of me It hurts me what hurt her. We thus benefit from this part 1- The marriage of Lady Fatimah is full of blessings with which she began her life and filled her entire life with the ruqyah of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him for her and her husband before the wedding. The result of this wedding was 4 children who filled the world with knowledge and piety after that. 2- Her dowry was not small for two people who start their lives in their early twenties, but it is small for the daughter of the master of the nation, the daughter of the Messenger of God, and the fathers should have an example from the Messenger of God in not exaggerating in the dowries, even if they were less than their counterparts at the time of her marriage. 3 - The story of an attempted marriage - Ali Ibn Abi Talib - may God be pleased with him, his wife Fatimah bint Muhammad, and the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - rejected that, out of favoritism from the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - for his beloved daughter, Perhaps some fathers did that with some of their daughters, especially if there was no need for marriage because of the wife’s illness or failure to perform her duties, or something else, But we know that it is a characteristic of the daughter of the Messenger of God, just as the Messenger of God has a specificity in marrying nine women, and the men of the Muhammadan nation are not allowed to have more than four, and God has the greatest wisdom in some of what we have troubled understanding.

  • The life of the Prophet (the marriage and the beginning of the call)

    The marriage of Sayyid Muhammad bin Abdullah to Mrs. Khadija bint Khuwaylid We saw a while ago how Mrs. Khadija was ordering her servant her servant to follow the behavior of Muhammad bin Abdullah who was not yet a messenger, until she confirmed her condition, and surrounded her acquaintances before marrying him. Here we will learn about his first marriage, which lasted for a while. Let us investigate the details of the longest marriage to the beloved ( Muhhamed) - peace be uopn him. before the message Who is Lady Khadija, whom the Messenger of God married as the first wife? She is Khadija bint Khuwaylid bin Asad bin Abdul Aziz bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Kaab, her lineage meets the lineage of the Prophet in Qusay bin Kilab. She is one of the nobles of the houses of Quraish, they are from Bani al-Assad, and it is a large neighborhood, among them: Hakim ibn Hizam al-Sahabi, Waraqah ibn Nofal, and al-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, and they were known to be people of loyalty and steadfastness. What is her nickname before marriage? Before Islam: the pure. After Islam: Mother of the Believers. We take from this part the following: It seems that nicknames were among the important matters for the Arabs, and they often see the best in people and give him a title like Lady Khadija al-Tahira, and the Messenger was called the Truthful and Trustworthy, that is why the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.. It was a well-known thing after Islam that the Messenger of God called Omar as Al-Faruq, and Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah as the trustee of the nation and others, And you know that the title proves the attribute in the human being, especially if it is a good title. Read this study in Psychology A study conducted in the 2000s, led by American psychologist Jane Twenge, found that even after controlling for family background and general dissatisfaction with life, people who disliked their names tended to have poor psychological adjustment. This was likely either because their lack of confidence and self-respect made them hate their name or their dislike of their name contributed to their mistrust — “the name becomes a symbol of self,” Twenge and co-author wrote. Who proposed marriage to the other? Khadija, may God be pleased with her, was the first to marry the Messenger, so she asked for a good way, so she sent her friend Nafisa bint Umayyah bin Abi Ubaidah, to be a messenger between her and him, and she in turn asked him, O Muhammad, what prevents you from marrying? He said: I have nothing in my hand to marry, She said to him: If this is sufficient, and you are called to beauty, money, honor and competence, is that not a condition? He said: Who is she? Khadija said: How do I do that? Nafisa said I had to, so I went to her and told her that she had scheduled his engagement with her family. We take advantage of the above The value of loyal and loving friends in a person’s life is the best thing that a man possesses, Nafisa, the Umayyad girl. Surely she heard about Muhammad bin Abdullah and his qualities, like Mrs. Khadija, she did not think of herself in marrying him, this is what the worldly conditions witness in the friendship of a woman with women in particular, or if she is marying didn't need to feel that her freind marry from whose best her husband, But she is a good friend and is all benevolent from the heart. Khadija told the Prophet directly, saying: "Oh my God, I have desired your kinship, your honor among your people, your sincerity, your morals, and the sincerity of your speech." A combination of the two narratives is possible, so she offered herself to him after learning from Nafeesa that he agreed. She presented herself by introducing it (Muhammad bin Abdullah). Do you not see that with me: (I desired you because of your kinship, your honor in your people, your trust and good manners, and the sincerity of your words), she presented a wonderful preamble to her words and expressed their reasons. As if she is apologizing for the fact that she initiated the request. All that Mrs. Khadija gave of the reasons for marrying Muhammad bin Abdullah (ethics - morals "honor - trust - good morals - honesty) and one material thing (meeting in lineage) Rather, it is indicative of her strength of character, self-confidence and self-respect (which probably came from her family's honor - her work as a famous merchant - her fortune) that she bet he would not reject her and it is. How old was she at the time of her marriage to Muhammad bin Abdullah? On the contrary, it was said: She was twenty-five, and it was said: thirty-five, and it was said: forty, and there are the most narrators, and as for the age of the Messenger with him. time, there is no dispute that he was twenty-five. Then see what modern science has proven for the best age for marriage for both men and women, Call it "marriage season," call it ripening, or call it whatever you like. The fact of the matter is that we all reach a certain age, often in our mid to late twenties. According to the US Census Bureau, the average age of marriage is 27.8 for women and 29.8 for men, and weddings definitely seem to happen around this age group. There are reasons for men to consider older women as a potential marriage partner. maturity in a relationship. Maturity in parenting. Having lived with longer than you, a person is more likely to have a maturity that comes with age: not to fight too much about trivial matters, and not likely to have an affair after she's out of her system, Marrying an older woman, on average, means marrying someone more mature. Related study Parenting is more difficult and stressful than many people realize. It takes maturity and poise to consistently set but not excessive boundaries, to stay calm, and to solve problems collaboratively with your child. An older person is more likely to have this maturity over the age of 20, As mentioned, older adults have had more time to advance in their careers. So marrying an older woman, on average, not only increases the chances that she will contribute more money to the family income, but she will be in a better position to offer career advice, And maybe help her husband to get a better job. In addition, having an experienced working woman as a partner allows for confidential career advice that is less likely to be given by peers. From the above and other reasons, we understand why the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - married a woman who was his oldest And for 25 years they lived in harmony, a period in. The one who raises children with a good-natured mother who is famous in her community and also a first-class businesswoman, She is the one who was appointed for the Messenger at a time when he was devoting himself to his great message while raising his message. And she stands at his back to perform his mission, without bringing him into a struggle over trivial things like other women at a young age of theirs. How did the revelation begin? The first thing that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, began with from revelation was a true dream in sleep, and he did not see a dream except that it came like the dawn of the dawn, then the desert became sweet to him and he was emptied of the cave of Hira, and he uttered in it - which is devotion - the numbered nights before he went to his family, He supplies himself for that, then returns to Khadija and supplies for the like of it, until the truth came to him while he was in the cave of Hira, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said (He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The vision of a believer is one part of the forty-six parts of prophecy). Agreed. He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The vision of a believer is one part of the forty-six parts of prophethood). Agreed. The righious vision The first revelation began in Mecca when the Messenger of God reached the age of forty, for a period of twenty-three years. He lived in Makkah al-Mukarramah for thirteen years, and in Medina for ten years, The prophets were revealed to them in their dreams, as it was revealed to them in their wakefulness, as for specifying its parts by the number mentioned, some scholars have said that. The first saying about the meaning of the vision Abdullah Ibn Yusuf told us, Malik told us, on the authority of Hisham Ibn Urwah, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that Al-Harith Ibn Hisham asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said: O Messenger of God, how does the revelation come to you? He said: “Sometimes it comes to me like the ringing of a bell - and in a narration: like the ringing of a bell - and it is the most difficult for me, so it breaks from me and I understand what he said, and some scholars said: It means that the vision agrees with the prophecy, not that it is part of the prophecy. The second saying about the meaning of vision And sometimes the king represents a man to me and he speaks to me, and I understand what he says.” Aisha said: And I saw him descend upon him on a very cold day, and he was separated from him - and in another narration, he was separated from him - and that his forehead would be dripping with sweat!! This is a description from the Prophet, peace be upon him, of two states of revelation. The third saying about the meaning of vision Ibn Battal said in the explanation of Sahih al-Bukhari: We must know what it means for a dream to be one of the parts of prophecy, If it was from a thousand parts of it, that would be a lot, so we say - and God is the gardian for success, the word prophecy is taken from the news, and the news is information in the language, and the meaning is that the vision is true news from God, and there is no lie in it, as is the meaning, Prophecy is the true prophecy of God that it is not permissible for him to lie. The vision is similar to prophecy in the truthfulness of a narration from the unseen. The beginning of the revelation Until the truth came to him while he was in the cave of Hira, so the angel came to him and said: Read. Then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him: I said: I am not a reader, so he took me and squeezed me until I was exhausted, then he sent me and said: Read, and I said: I am not a reader, So he took me and squeezed me for the second time, until I was exhausted, Then he sent me and said: Read, and I said: I am not a reader, so he took me and the squeesed me for the third time until I was exhausted. Then he sent me and said: {Read the name of your Lord who created ... Until he attained {taught man that which he did not know} [Al-Alaq:]} We take from this next part The reason is that Gabriel - may God bless him and grant him peace - covered the Messenger of God in this way while he was alone in a dark place like Hira. God knows that he came to him by day or by night, and a stranger did not appear to him for the first time in the image of an angel and did this, and this is a severe matter so as to get him out of worldly thought, even when he's in the cave. and contemplating it in the cave is an introduction to its distance from people, wife and children, and this is like the Almighty’s saying: (“Take off your sandals, for in the Holy Valley you have been folded” [Surat Taha:12]). Some scholars say that the meaning of the shoe here is to take off worldly thoughts, including the wife who left her alone in the desert, So this defining moment in his life, before and after it, must be cruel to his generous soul before he receives revelation. You also hear a loud and annoying bell when you wake up from its sound, which words will be told to you next so that your brain will understand them with a distinct response other than normal speech. A new study showed Disturbing sounds trigger a high emotional response in the brain. The researchers found that the part of the brain that regulates emotions, the amygdala, appears to control the auditory part of the brain when people hear a very disturbing sound. The Messenger returns from the cave, terrified. Imagine that something horrible happened to you outside the house. Let it be a bomb. You passed by it as you came home, trembling with terror from what you saw of corpses scattered around you or something similar. . What was the response of Mrs. Khadija when she heard that from him? He came back with trembling signs, until he entered Khadija, and said: Cover me, cover me, so they covered him until the fear left him, He said: O Khadija, what is the matter with me? And he told her the news, and said: I feared for myself, She said to him: No, rejoice, for by God, God will never disgrace you. you reach the womb, you are veracity in talk, carry the weak, and accommodate the guest, and assist in the challenges of truth. No, God will not harm you. Then there is an explanation, because this is not a sent word that eases - may God be pleased with her and be pleased with him - but rather the meaning of reality in herself and her mind before she utters it with her tongue. This does not mean only the faithful wife when her husband falls into distress, But what is her deep view of him and his generous person from the inside through kindness. (Respect in the marital relationship) is one of the most important reasons for the success of the relationship, and why did you do it? Because a woman who hates her husband or does not respect him while he is in distress: she says to him the ugliest words to affect him psychologically because he is not big in her eyes. In one set of studies, Jennifer R. Fry and Philip R. Schaefer of the University of California, Davis, surveyed college students regarding respect and their relationships. What they found was a significant correlation between respect and satisfaction in the relationship. There was also a close association between respect and moral integrity. Respect is a positive trait that a person possesses. Go to Warqa bin Nofal Then Khadija took him, until Warqa bin Nawfal bin Asad bin Abd al-Uzza bin Qusay, who is Khadija's cousin, brought him. her father's brother, He was a Christian in the pre-Islamic era, and he would write the Arabic book, and he would write in Arabic from the Bible whatever God wanted him to write, He was an old man who had gone blind, so Khadija said to him: What cousin, listen to your nephew. Warqa said: My nephew, what is it? The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, told him what he had seen, Warqa said: This is the law that was sent down to Moses, I wish I had a trunk, that I would be alive when your people expel you, The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Will they let me out? Warqa said: Yes. No man has ever come with the like of what you have brought without enmity with him, and if he overtakes me one day, I will give you a decisive victory. We benefit from the previous paragraph thus Why did Mrs. Khadija take the Messenger of God, whom the message has not yet reached, specifically to (Warqa bin Nofal)? Because he is a man of knowledge of Christianity, he is the one who will decide whether what happened to Muhammad bin Abdullah - true or false? And secondly, he is an old man, and the closer a person is to death and becomes far from life, especially that he is blind and cannot see, so do not be tempted by the joys of this world, for he is more open and honest, and is more honest with himself and those around him. The children of Mrs. Khadija from Muhammad bin Abdullah The eldest of them is Al-Qasim: He reached the age of boyhood until he rode an animal, then died after the prophethood in most of the narrations, then Zainab, then Fatimah, then Umm Kulthum - may God be pleased with them all, Sons and fathers grew up quickly as the nature of life around us and my daughter yesterday became my bride today, but fates do not always go as we like, The two daughters of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him (Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum), when Quraish offended the Messenger, and the Messenger married Ruqayya Lutbah bin Abi Lahab, Umm Kulthum and Otaiba bin Abi. When the polytheists wanted to harm the Messenger, they asked Utbah and Otaiba to divorce the daughters of the Messenger, so they divorced them, nd they all died except for Fatima, who died six months after the death of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. Societal punishment is an old and new punishment in eastern societies For those who do not rule the same society as a whole. Divorce of the two daughters is a form of societal punishment, because the Prophet chose a way of life opposite to the whole community (worshipping God alone and leaving idols), self-harm is painful but more painful for children, and this is the best woman on earth at that time - may God be pleased with her and her satisfaction - and this He is the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets. Nicknamed in the Jahiliyyah, those who harm their daughters’ loved ones by their divorce, this is what the Prophet said about him later (her divorce) a feeling of broken heart. Of the two daughters and the heart of the parents together, and it is difficult for the soul to divorce the two daughters together and not only one. Her position - may God be pleased with her - from the siege of Muslims in the reefs of Mecca The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said that he said: No money has ever benefited me as the money of Khadija) - we will talk about it indivdual - God willing. The story of the best women of the people of Paradise He said: The best women of the people of Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran, and Asiyah bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh. (1) And Maryam and Khadija are the best of the four, in (Sahih Al-Bukhari) On the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said: ((The best of her women is Mary, and the best of her women is Khadija)) Al-Zuhri said: We know that Khadija spent forty thousand and forty thousand on the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family. Peace be upon our master Gabriel at Khadija On the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said: Gabriel came to the Prophet and said: “Oh, Messenger of God, this Khadija has brought with her a vessel in which there is fat, food, or drink, so if she comes to you, read the greetings of peace to her from her Lord and from me, And give her good tidings of a house in Paradise made of reeds, in which there is no clamor or tired. The death of Mrs. Khadija - may God be pleased with her and her soul She died - may God be pleased with her - in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in the tenth year of the Prophet’s mission in Ramadan at the age of sixty-five, and it was said that she was the fifty-fifth, 10 Ramadan is the tenth year of the Prophet’s message, that is, three years before the migration. Thus ended a great chapter in the biography of the beloved - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - a chapter in which the affection, mercy and support of the faithful wife who respects and reverences her husband among the people before her and between him. even scholars call this year the year of grief. The Prophet was deeply saddened by the death of his noble life partner, Because it is his inner forehead, as for his outer forehead, his uncle Abu Talib, who was defending him against the Quraish. and if he dies as an unbeliever and does not die as a Muslim, i.e., he does not believe in what his nephew brought, However, he stood in the back of his nephew until his message was fulfilled - and about this the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: as soon as the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and his companions left the people of Abu Talib, trials and sorrows followed him.. His uncle Abu Talib, who was defending and supporting him, died, On the authority of Ali - may God be pleased with him - he said: I told the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - of the death of Abu Talib, so he cried and then said: “Go and wash him, shroud him and cover him, may God forgive him and have mercy on him, the misfortune was not only in his death; Rather, the tragedy was that he died as an infidel, even though the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - followed him with da'wah until the last moment of his life.

  • The life of the Prophet (his youth)

    The prophet in his youth- peace be uopn him- After the incident of the twelfth year of his honorable life when he traveled to the Levant, the monk (Al-Buhaira) was warning his uncle Abu Talib against him. We have not heard the news of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the narrators, Until he was in his twenties. And this is a small journey that we will spend on his virtues - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - in the period that the narrators talked about, and we do not know a specific age for each of them. In the Hadith Qudsi (Indeed, God marvels at a young man who has no sabwah: tendency to fun) sabwah: amusement and fun The meaning of this hadith is that the young man who does not enjoy himself and goes to places of entertainment and pleasure is a stranger to the rest of the youth and what God Almighty cannot do in life. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, talks about the manifestations that God preserved for him before prophethood and when he was young, of youthful tendencies and motives. He says, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: (I did not care about ugly things that the people of the Jahiliyyah were concerned about) Except twice from eternity, both of them will protect me from them. I said one night to a young man from Quraysh who was with me at the top of Makkah with the sheep of his family tending them: Look at my sheep until they are night talking or making fun, This night in Makkah as the boys were going out to making fun, he said: Yes, so I went out and came to the lowest house of Makkah, I heard singing and the beating of tambourines and psalms, and I said: What is this? They said: So-and-so married So-and-so, to a man from Quraysh who married a woman from Quraysh So I fascinated with that singing and that sound until my eyes overcame me, and nothing but the heat of the sun woke me up, so I came back and said: What did you do? Then I told him the same thing another night, and he did, so I went out, and I heard the same thing, I was told the same as I was told, so I was distracted by what I heard until my eyes overcame me, What woke me up was the touch of the sun, then I went back to my friend and he said: What did you do? I said: I have not done anything. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: By God, after that, I did not care about the evil of what the people of the pre-Islamic era did, until God honored me with his prophethood.” Narrated by Ibn Hibban. God Almighty protect His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in his youth from permissible entertainment, and this does not mean that some entertainment is forbidden, but because God has chosen some of His servants for a specific performance. A task such as (His message is Heaven) must be the chosen one, chosen from all that is wrong with him, so he is not known among young people for his amusement like them. His nakedness did not appear during ignorance or Islam On the authority of Jaber bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, he said: (When the Kaaba was built, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and al-Abbas went to move stones, so al-Abbas said to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Put your Ezar on your neck. He said: Put your Ezar on your neck, He fell to the ground, and his eyes looked up to the sky, so he said: Show me my Ezar, and tighten it upon him. Ezar: clothing that surrounds the lower part of the body. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would not eat what was sacrificed to idols On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both: (The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He met Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail at the bottom of Baldah (a valley on the way to Al-Tanaim to Mecca) before the revelation was revealed to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I presented to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, a table (food), but he refused to eat from it, then Zaid said: I do not eat of what you slaughter on your Idols, and I do not eat anything except what the name of God was mentioned on it, and that Zaid bin Amr was blaming the Quraish for their sacrifices and saying: The sheep is created by God and He sends down water for it from the sky and grows for it from the earth, then you slaughter it in other than the name of God - in denial of that and out of honor for Him.) Narrated by Al-Bukhari. The story of the Black Stone when the Messenger of God became thirty-five years old When the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was thirty-five years old - five years before his mission - the Quraysh gathered to renovate the building of the Kaaba due to the cracking of its walls, and it was still as Ibrahim, peace be upon him, built it with rams (stones) above the stature, and the work in building the Kaaba was divided among the tribes, and each of them took over one side of the Kaaba, they began to build it with stones from the valley, and when the building reached the place of the Black Stone, a discord broke out between the tribes of Quraysh, everyone wanted to have the honor of raising the Black Stone to its place, and they almost fought among themselves, until Abu Umayyah ibn al-Mughirah al-Makhzumi came and suggested to them that they arbitrate in what they differed about, the first to enter them through the gate of the Sacred Mosque, So they agreed to his proposal and waited for the first to come, so if he was the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and as soon as they saw him they shouted: This is the trustworthy, we are satisfied, this is Muhammad, And as soon as he reached them, they told him the news, and he said: “Give me a dress.” They brought it to him, and he placed a stone in the middle of it, then said: (Let each tribe take one side of the garment, then raise it all together) So they did, and when they reached its place, he took it with his honorable hand and put it in its place. This is indicate to sanity and wisdom when he was a young man before the message (when the Quraysh notables differed). In response to the story how old are you? Have you been called by a nickname that you became famous among your group, or among your relatives, or among your acquaintances, or among your tribe if you were one of the owners of the tribes? It's hard to call you a nickname, and if it calls you it usually is!!!! Your reputation for something is your history that you make yourself, and the Messenger of God put it in the biography - So to speak - and because of that he will fulfill God's message after a short period of time making him worthy of this position. The Almighty said (And whoever is given wisdom, he has been given much good) You do not see only good, but a lot of good. Like this, a civil war may erupt, and it used to happen to them for trivial reasons, and it is possible that the best young men of Quraysh may die. His wisdom - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was a gift, To think about this trick agreed upon by the sheikhs and youth of Quraish, which indicates his wisdom and flexibility in dealing with difficult situations and difficult personalities, It is no secret to anyone that the time of disagreement does. You only show a person the most difficult thing about him. The Messenger and the care of sheep All these questions are confirmed by another hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: “God did not send a prophet but shepherds the sheep. And his companions said: And you? He said: Yes. I used to take care of it on Carats for the people of Mecca.” The Messenger of God witnessed - Alliance Al-Fudoul - A man from the Yemeni tribe of "Zubaid" came to Mecca in the pre-Islamic period with goods he wanted to sell, so Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Sahmi (father of Amr bin Al-Aas) bought it from him, But he refused to give him the price. And when Al-Zubaydi despaired of obtaining his right, he climbed the mountain of Abu Qubais in Mecca - and the Quraysh in their clubs around the Kaaba - and sang verses of poetry in which he presents his grievance, he pleads with Quraish to return his right to him, so Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim, uncle of the Prophet, heard his distress, He said: "What has this left?" Five of the tribes of Quraish gathered in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan al-Taymi: Banu Hashim, Banu al-Muttalib, Banu Asad, Banu Zahra, and Banu Taym, and they made an alliance in Dhul-Qa’dah, (which is a forbidden month), on the condition that they would do justice to any oppressed in Mecca, stranger or relative, free or slave, and to be one hand on those who wronged him. Then they went to Al-Aas bin Wael and obliged him to return to the man his right, I submit to their judgment. and they stayed like that, and no one was wronged in Makkah but they did justice to him and returned his right to him. We benefit from the previous story thus Three tribes (Hashem, Zahraa and Taym) return the money of one man and take his right from (the seller of Al-Aas bin Wael), I imagine that three tribes, with all their men, They swear an oath on a rich man from and among the richest of them (Al-Aas bin Wael) These are authentic Arab morals (he stands by the oppressed until he regains his right) and the question here is where did the pride go from among our ribs, did it go away forever, or are the events enormous for Arabs and Muslims now, missing them from their glorious history? (Al-Aas bin Wael Hassan embraced Islam after that - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction) - Three tribes (Hashem, Zahra and Taym) return the money of one man and take his right from (the seller) Al-Aas bin Wael Mushrik was an idolater and he was one of the rich people in Quraysh at that time, and it seems that he was also dishonest, We ask here: Why do some rich people want to increase their wealth through taboos and injustice to people, is this intelligence or what? The works he worked in - peace be uopn him- The first job ( herding sheep ) The Messenger of God (before the mission) herding the sheep, so we can benefit from this story m complaining of the Messenger of God from poverty. Rather, he did things that degrade many young people today, and he was a beautiful young man - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and the beauty of his character makes the young man arrogant, He does not like anyone who sees him in something that he underestimates. The shepherd teaches patience and teaches meditation, at sunset: he has an enchanting beauty with sunset desert, soft sand and calm, He also knows how to deal with different personalities, not all sheep have one personality, but some of them deviate from. The group, among them the rebel, among them the quiet rebel. Therefore, no messenger from God Almighty was sent except to shepherd sheep. The second job (trade again) (the first time was twelve years old There is no doubt that the markets covered by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace - such as the Okaz market - were full of experienced merchants of their time. At the age of twenty-five The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had another appointment with his travels to the Levant for trade, despite the fear of his uncle Abu Talib, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from the Romans, as the monk Buhaira had previously warned him, But he did not find what appeared, so he advised him to ask Khadija, may God be pleased with her, to work for her in her trade, Mrs. Khadija was known as a famous businesswoman in her family for a lot of money and good use of workers, Like her boy Maysarah, Khadija, may God be pleased with her, heard the news of the dialogue between the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Talib, and she was sent to the Prophet, and she agreed with him to give him twice what others give him, The Prophet concluded that deal because of his good reputation in morals, honesty and skill in trade, Khadija, may God be pleased with her, was also skilled, and she knew where to put her money. We learn from this story: The idea of a skilled merchant in trade is far from honest and trustworthy in trade. Among the things that a woman loves for a man, a man who disposes well of money can buy and reap the many benefits from this business, without adding to it noble qualities such as (honesty), which raises the image of this man in the eyes of those who watch him. And we will not forget that nine-tenths of the profit in trade, and they said in the old days: Trade is intelligence, and if it is lawful, its beauty increases. The journey of trade with the boy ( Missarah) Lady Khadija, may God be pleased with her, sent a son named Maysarah with him. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, advised him to listen and obey. In this trade the following happened: The Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went out with a cloud covering him, and went to Bosra next to the hermitage of the monk named Nestorah, So the monk asked about the Messenger while he was sitting under the tree, does there is a red in his eyes? Maisarah said to him: yes, the monk Nestorius told him that under this tree only a prophet sat, And that he wished to realize him in the message to be one of his followers, so he went towards him and kissed him and believed in him and his message, Maysarah memorized this scene well, to inform Mrs. Khadija later, On the way back, something strange happened. there was a cloud in the sky that kept Muhammad protecting him from the heat, and Maysara was looking at that scene, There were signs of astonishment and exclamation on his face. Soberness of her mind - may God be pleased with her and her satisfaction - In the good verification of the news (by herself, through those close to her, and not taking the word for the reason from her servant because of the strength of her personality, because the first to benefit from good morals (yourself between your sides), Self-esteem is different from self-confidence. His achievements in commerce and dealing with all personalities through commerce gave him self-confidence. God knows best, The Messenger returned from the trip with a convoy of trade, buying and selling, so Maisarah said, “We have been trading for forty years, so what we earned in this way, and this profit before, is a testimony to the Holy Prophet of his ability and skill in managing business. We get many benefits We have traded for forty years, the skilled merchant (Khadija: here) does not dispense with her trusted skilled workers, forty years he works with her (Maysarah). Signs of prophecy appeared before the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it is strange that he knows them and certainly notices them as others do, but we never heard that he spoke about them or that he was. He is proud of him or relied on him because he is close to the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Abraham - peace be upon him - and the Lord of Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them, all religions were known before him in Quraysh. Going to the Levant for the second time (experience). When a person travels to the same place twice, even if the time between the two trips increases, he has a geographical map of the place even if it changes, he carries a mental map to deal with people there because he knows their way of buying and selling before that, and It is one of the factors that qualified the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in profitable trade. God knows the best. For a Nestorian monk, there are Christians who carry humility between their sides, to say to him, I am his follower. Although he is a monk, respects him and offers him sacrifices, he leaves that to be just a follower. Related Studies Why trustworthiness is a vital leadership habit How to be trustworthy? You can feel embarrassed or embarrassed. Feelings can rise when your credibility is called into question. But a strong personality develops in an environment where honesty is safe, One way to care for others is to be honest with them. And one way to show that you are a leader, is to always tell the truth, no matter how hard it is. If being trustworthy means being trustworthy for the others, We do a good job of building our reputation as a reliable person. When others know that you always tell the truth, that you are someone who sticks to the rules, and that you are brave enough to do the right thing, others will put their trust in you. they will give you more responsibility, And they will start to count on you. Leaders are trustworthy people. they do what they say they will do, and they care about others with their words and what you do. Trustworthy people are the people you can put your trust in. Note: The Messenger of God was building his glory in leading the world shortly with his honesty and trust - may God bless him and grant him peace

  • The prophet life from birth to about twelve

    The reason why the Prophet Muhammad was given this name And on the authority of Amina bint Wahb that she came pregnant with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it was said to her: “You are pregnant with the master of this nation, and when he falls, he will be called Muhammad, because his name in the Torah is Muhammad, and his name in the Bible is Ahmad, and the people of heaven and earth praise him, and his name is in the Qur’an.” Mohammed, And when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was born, she named him Muhammad, then carried him to his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, and told him what she had seen in her pregnancy, and what was said to her about him, and what she ordered to name him. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib's love for him from the first moment, as soon as he was born His grandfather Abd al-Muttalib took him and entered the Sacred House with him and went around the Kaaba carrying him and thanking God, and when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached his seventh day, he slaughtered. for him, so his grandfather invited Quraish for food, then told them that he had named him Muhammad so that God would praise him in heaven and the people of the earth would praise him. Why didn't Amna, the daughter of Wahb (his real mother) breastfeed him? One of the customs of Quraish and Arabs was to send their children to breastfeed in the countryside. To strengthen their bodies, the eloquence of their tongues, and look at this study, Research shows that spending time outdoors, especially at a young age, can reduce children's stress and anxiety, while boosting confidence, “Nature-based education [and] therapy are real sources of strength and resilience for young people,” Clayton said, Imagination and physical health - all characteristics that will help the adults of tomorrow adapt to a changing world, The story of the refusal of breastfeeding women to take the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to breastfeed him Abdullah bin Jaafar bin Abi Talib said: It narrated on the authority of Halima bint Al-Harith that she said: I came to Mecca with women, with whom we sought infants in the year of Shahba, so I presented a camel (a female donkey) to me as a Qamar, was late (delayed) On the ride and with a boy for us, and we are approaching, by God, she does not ovulate with a drop (not a drop of milk in her udder) And we do not sleep that night all together with that boy, we do not find in my breasts that enrich him, nor : sharfna: an a lofty place, what nourishes him, But we were hoping for raining and relief, so I came out on that (female donkey) so I slandered: I got tired, until it made them weak and emaciated, so we came to Mecca, and by God, we did not know of any woman from us except that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, offered her, but he refused, if it was said that he was an orphan, we left him, We said: What may his mother do for us? We only hope for favor from the father of the child. As for his mother, what may she do for us? By God, there is no woman left of my companions who has not taken a baby other than me, When we could not find anyone else and we agreed to go, I told my husband Al-Harith bin Abd Al-Uzza: By God, I hate to return from among my companions with no infant with me, Let's go to that orphan, let's take him... to the end of the story. We take advantage of this paragraph 1 - The beginning of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - he did not feel that, but put yourself in the place of the mother, her son is rejected just because he is. an orphan, so her widowhood gathers against her, and she fears for the future of her son's life and she is of long standing origins in society. 2 - I went and took him, then I came with him. So he came to my breast with whatever milk he wanted, and his brother drank until he was breastfed, and my friend stood in front of that donkey (a female donkey), if it had a lot of milk, he milked it, drank and I drank. Until we were full, we had a good night, and my husband said to me: O Halima, by God I see you took a blessed breath. 3 - Halima said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was growing and growing rapidly, unlike the growth of other children, and this is how those who grow in the desert, this is the choice from God to his masseenger. 4 - And she was, may God be pleased with her, when she stood on Abd al-Muttalib asking him to breastfeed the Messenger of God, Abd al-Muttalib (grandfather of the Messenger of God) said to her: Who are you? She said: A woman from Bani Saad. He said: What is your name? She said: Halima, and he said: Bakh Bakh (a word that the Arabs say when they are optimistic), happy and clemency. The growth of the Messenger of God in the desert “The Messenger of God, may God bless him andhis family and grant them peace, Gabriel came to him, peace be upon him, whilehe was playing, so he took him and smashed him (throwing him to the ground),splitting him from its heart, and extracting the heart out, and extracted fromit a leech, He said: This is the part of Satan from you, then he washed it in agolden basin with Zamzam water, Then he put him back in his place and the boys came looking for his mother - meaning his back (nursing him) They said: Muhammad has been killed, so they met him and he was (pale) in color.” Narrated by Muslim, to the end of the story. The story of the cloud that used to shade him wherever he went - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him He did not feel the heat - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for there was always a cloud that shaded him wherever he went, his sister said: O mother, my brother was not feel hot, I saw a cloud that shaded him, wherever he walked, and if he stood the cloud stood until he ended up in this situation. Muhammad returns to his real mother after the first chest cleft incident ... Then we were afraid of the events for him, so we said: He will be in his family, so his mother said: By God, what is that for you, so tell me your news and his news, by God, she continued with us until we told her his story. She said: Did you fear him, no, by God, that my son has an affair, should I not tell you about it? I was pregnant with it, and I never bore a burden that was lighter for me or greater in blessing than it, then I saw a light as if a meteor came out of me when I placed it, it lit up the necks of camels in my sight, then I placed it and it did not fall like boys fall, He fell with his hand on the ground and raised his head to the sky, leave him and take care of you. We benefit from this part of the biography 1 - The trust that was placed in the hands of Mrs. Halima Al-Sa’diya was worthy of her, so she returned with the blessed child who blessed her life because it was to relieve her of responsibility. 2 - From his blessing - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - Umm Ayman, who was embracing him, said: I have never seen the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, complain of hunger or thirst. And when he started drinking Zamzam water, we might have served him lunch and he would say: I am full. The story of Al - Aboaa (a mountain between Mecca and Medina) (The death of Amna Bint Wahb, the real mother of the Prophet, and he was 6 years old) When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was six years old and he was returning to his mother’s house, his mother Amina bint Wahb went out to his uncles Bani Uday bin Najjar and visited them while he was with her, He had a governess for him called Umm Ayman, may God be pleased with her, and they were on two camels, so his mother put him in the house of (Al-Nabigha) at the grave of his father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, Then the mother died on the way back and was buried by Umm Ayman. Look at this study: What happens to a child after the death of a parent in the short term? Including but not limited to anger, sadness, numbness, anxiety, guilt, emptiness, remorse, It is normal for one to throw oneself at work; It's also normal to withdraw from activities and friends, Neuroscience assures us that the loss will lead to physical distress. In the long run, grief puts the whole body at risk. I found a bunch of studies Links between unresolved grief and heart prblems, high blood pressure, immune disorders, and even cancer. The Messenger in the custody of his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib) The Messenger in the custody of his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib) The seventh story: The Messenger in thecustody of his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib) Abdul Muttalib did not eat the food except tosay: bring my son: he mean Muhammed - peace be upon him - and he cames to him, there was a rug placedfor Abdul Muttalib in the shade of the Kaaba, and his sons were sitting around him, and he turned the rug until he brought Muhammad to him, and none of his sons sat on it except the Messenger of God in his honor, The Messenger of God was with his grandfatherAbd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim - meaning: after the death of his mother, Amina bint al-Wahhab -and when Abd al-Muttalib came to death, Abu Talib (the uncle of the Messenger of God) recommended that he sponsor him and protect him What does modern science show about the grandfather's relationship with the grandson? general self-awareness When grandparents provide childcare for their grandchildren or become actual or surrogate parents for their grandchildren, they have a greater than average chance of bonding. Fill the shoes of the parents, when children perceive how others see them. This type of self-awareness develops later. This is because children need to understand that others have thoughts and feelings and different perspectives on their thoughts and feelings, until about the age of five, most children don't realize that other people don't always think and feel the same way they do) This is known as theory of mind, (Have you ever wondered how some grandparents manage to have close relationships with their grandchildren and some don't? It's not a mystery. Research has revealed secrets, but they are still unknown to many grandparents. Physical proximity, Grandchildren often get their early values from parents and grandparents. However, as they mature, they are more likely to develop their own set of values, Families are closest when they share values, but few families will be in perfect agreement, Not surprisingly, geographic proximity is one of the strongest predictors of the close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Other factors, such as grandparents' health and financial status, older grandchildren will appreciate loving text messages, as long as they aren't too frequent. The role of grandparents in the family The death of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib (the Prophet is 9 years old) Abdul Muttalib's age at the time of his death Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim perished at a different age in reality. Abu Al-Rabi’i bin Salem said: They betrayed her, and she ended up with ninety-five years of age and I stood for him. Al-Zubayr mentioned it, and above it what Al-Zubayr also mentioned on the authority of Nawfal bin Amara, , he said: Ubaid bin Al-Abras Abdul Muttalib rejoiced, and he reached about one hundred and twenty years old, and Abdul Muttalib remained after him twenty years, and his death was nine years from the year of the elephant. The Prophet is in the custody of his uncle Abu Talib had little money, and he had a piece of camel in Wadi Urnah, and milk would be brought from it if it was in (Mecca) If the children of Abi Talib ate all of them alone, they would not be full, If the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ate, they would have been full, If Abu Talib wanted to feed or eat them, he would say: As you are until my son comes, and if someone drinks a large mug alone, then Abu Talib says: You are blessed, The boys become disheveled (their hair is not combed), and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, becomes oily, as if his eyes had eyeliner on. Traveling with his uncle when he was twelve years old and meeting the monk Bahira When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached twelve years of age, his uncle Abu Talib traveled to the Levant on a ride for trade, so he took him with him and met the monk (Buhaira) There he saw the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, contemplating him and speaking to him. He was a scholar of the Bible and an expert in Christianity. Then he turned to Abu Talib and said to him: what is this boy from you? My son said to him, and the monk said to him: This boy should not have a father who lives, and Abu Talib used to call his son on Muhammad because of his great love for him, the monk said to him: Take to his homeland, and beware of the Jews on him, By God, if they had seen him here, they would have hurt him. It's your nephew, that's a great affair. Abu Talib hurried him back to Mecca. Modern science proves the following: What do researchers mean when they talk about "parenting style"? permissive parenting Parents influence their children through specific practices, such as encouraging them to play outdoors, or helping them with their homework, that emphasize blind obedience, strict discipline, and controlling children through punishments—which may include the withdrawal of parental affection. authoritarian parenting Children from trusted families are usually well-behaved and do well in school. They tend to be emotionally healthy, resourceful, and socially adept. Characterized by emotional warmth and reluctance to apply rules, authoritative parenting, a more balanced approach in which parents expect children to meet certain behavioral standards, but also encourage their children to think for themselves and develop a sense of independence. What does it matter? Do parenting styles affect the child's outcomes? Children from authoritarian families are more likely to increase aggressive or defiant behavior over time. They are also more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem, For tens of thousands of years, new parents have been spending many years in extended families learning parenting skills by osmosis from their parents, grandparents, aunts, older brothers and cousins as well as taking on responsibilities for their younger brothers and sisters. Today, few parents get this opportunity to immerse themselves in early family life as extended families. Living in close proximity is a thing of the past in the UK, Children who have permissive parents may be less likely to have behavior problems. They may also have fewer emotional problems. But these children tend to have more problems than children raised by authoritative parents, and may achieve less in school. last sentence The value of the extended family in the childhood of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace (from the point of view of science) They undergo massive brain growth, growth and pruning of neurons in the first two years of life. Children's brain development (in addition to their social, emotional and cognitive development) depends on loving relationship or association with a primary caregiver, usually a parent. There is increasing evidence from the fields of developmental psychology, Neuroscience and animal epigenetics studies that ignore, parental inconsistency, and lack of love can lead to long-term mental health problems as well as lower overall potential and happiness. The transformation of the Messenger of God as a child from one caring hand to another from the age of 3 to 12 years has an impact on his psychological and emotional formation, and the extent of his flexibility in accepting events and circumstances, which makes him in the future more able to accept the vicissitudes of life and flexibility with it. This is explained by the different education patterns for the different generations that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - nurtured in the desert (external education) and what affects the personality from a young age. Then moving on to the uncle (merchant), and in trade, one learns to meet people of different mental and behavioral backgrounds, which gives him flexibility in dealing with people, (what was useful to him at his age in his letter). Than his dealings with all the personalities he meets in the call, whether they are against the truth, hostile or peaceful, etc. Then raising a real mother (pampering) three years ago, which affects the brain directly (the need for cuddling and kissing from the mother in particular. Take a look at this scientific talk Children are born very dependent on their parents. Then he moved to raising the grandfather (pampering the vision of role models, leadership and charismatic personality in society), where his grandfather had charisma in the Quraish community. The linksحادثة_شق_صدر_النبي_ﷺحليمة_السعديةمن_هن_مرضعات_الرسولوفاة-أم-النبيﷺ-آمنة-بنت-وهب-وحضانة-أم-أيمن-لهﷺسفر-النبي-ﷺ-مع-عمه-أبي-طالب-إلى-الشامعلقة/صرعه/كفالة-عبد-المطلب-رسول-الله-ﷺ-ومعرفته-بشأنهطست/الأبواء/كفالة-أبي-طالب-للنبي-2/كفالة-أبي-طالب-للنبي-2/القعب/شارف/شعث/شهباء/قمراء/أتان/ :// 2645215980.html?rebelltitem=3#rebelltitem3

  • The Prophet's family (uncles and aunts)

    1 - Hamza He is Hamzah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf al-Qurashi al-Hashemi. He was called: The Lion of God and the Lion of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, He is known as: Abu 'Umarah, and also Abu Ya'la, with his two sons, Amarah and Ali, his mother: Hala bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf, and he, may God be pleased with him, was four years older than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, (And it was said: He was two years older than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.) Hamza, may God be pleased with him, converted to Islam after he learned that Abu Jahl insulted Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and cursed him, and he hurt him, so Hamza got angry when he heard it, and he had gone out for hunting, so he returned to the Kaaba at the Quraysh club, and Abu Jahl was sitting between his people and his men, so Hamza - may God be pleased with him - raised the bow in his hand, and he hit Abu Jahl on the head with it, but Abu Jahl prevented the men of Quraysh from helping him, and told them that he insulted Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - Hamzah - may God be pleased with him - announced: His conversion to Islam in front of everyone without fear or hesitation. He attended the Battle of Badr and the Battle of Uhud, the story of the martyrdom of Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib. Hamza - may God be pleased with him - was fought with all his might in the battle of Uhud, and he stumbled during his fight, and fell on his back, so the shield that was on his stomach was removed, and Wahshi the Abyssinian shot him with a spear, which led to his martyrdom - may God be pleased with him - and that was on Saturday, the fifteenth of the month of Shawwal of the third year of migration, and he was fifty-nine years old at that time, It was said that he was fifty-four years old, and it is indicated that he - may God be pleased with him - was called the Master of the Martyrs, As for the place where he was buried - may God be pleased with him - it was in Medina - may God have mercy on him. - 2- Al-Abbas He is known as: Aba Al-Fadl, and he was two or three years older than the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it was said: He is the youngest uncle of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in age, and his mother: Natilah bint Khannab bin Kalb, and his conversion to Islam and his stances, may God be pleased with him, has been mentioned previously, and he, may God be pleased with him and pleased with him, passed away in Medina in Rajab or Ramadan in the year thirty-two, He was tall, handsome, and white. He was the companion of al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusay ibn Kilab, Ibn Murrah Ibn Ka`b Ibn Lu'ay Ibn Ghalib Ibn Fahr al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, His nickname is Abu al-Fadl, and he was born in Makkah al-Mukarramah three years before the Year of the Elephant. He is the uncle of the Messenger of God and the second of his uncles to convert to Islam. He married Maimuna bint al-Harith, He was lost by his mother when he was young, so she vowed, if found, to clothe the Sacred House with silk and brocade, and when he returned, she fulfilled her vow and was the first to do so. It was Omar bin Al-Khattab and Othman bin Affan, As well as the testimony of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with him, In the love of the Prophet, peace be upon him, for him: “I have not seen the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, honor someone as he honored Al-Abbas, a verse was revealed about him, and that was when he was captured on the day of Badr and he argued on his behalf and said: “If you preceded us with Islam, emigration and jihad, we used to build the Sacred Mosque, give water to the pilgrims and relieve the suffering.” That is why God revealed the eloquent verse about him, which makes it clear that polytheism is not justified by righteous deeds, and good deeds do not avail, even if it is exaggerated by faith in God and His Prophet, peace be upon him, And it is (You have made it necessary to water the pilgrim and build the Sacred Mosque, like one who believes in God and the Last Day and strives in the way of God, they are not equal with God, and God does not guide the wrongdoing people.) 3- Abu Talib And his name was Abd Manaf, he was better known by his nickname, as he was nicknamed by his son Talib, and his mother: Fatima bint Amr bin Aadh bin Imran bin Makhzoum, and he was older than the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He is the one who raised him after the death of his grandfather. Abu Talib’s support for the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, exceeded Abu Talib’s love for his nephew Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - his love for his children, He did not hesitate to protect him and defend him, and when the prophecy was revealed to him and he made the call public, he did not abandon him, but remained the first line of defense for his nephew, so he would stand in the face of everyone who was hostile to him or wanted to harm him, Unlike his uncle Abi Lahab, who was at the forefront of hostility towards him and stood in the face of his call. And Abu Talib's positions in supporting the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - are many, perhaps the most important of them, what did he do when the harm of Quraysh intensified, and they resolved to kill the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - publicly, so Abu Talib did not remain silent, but rather gathered the sons of Bani Abd al-Muttalib all of them in his people, and they entered Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - to protect him from the Quraysh, so they all surrounded the people of Abi Talib, protecting their son and defending him, the death of Abi Talib, and they brought Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - into it to protect him from the Quraish, so they all besieged in (a coral: a place with dense trees) Abu Talib, protecting their son and defending him, the death of Abu Talib, without believing in spite of the high status of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in the heart of Abu Talib and his love for him and his care for him when he was young, and then defending him after his prophethood and repelling Quraysh and harming them from him, However, Abu Talib did not enter Islam, nor did he utter the word of monotheism, and the Prophet - may blessings and peace be upon him - tried, with him to repeat the word of monotheism, but he refused except to remain on the religion of his father Abdul Muttalib, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - grieved a lot for not embracing Islam, so God Almighty sent down a consolation to him in his saying - the Almighty -: (You do not guide whom you love, but God guides whom He wills) but his stand and his defense of his nephew was an intercessor for him in easing the torment for him, as the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - told us and said: (The least tormented of the people of Hell is Abu Talib, who was wearing two sandals from which his brain was boiling) Abu Talib died in the tenth year of the mission, and his death caused great grief to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace -. Three days after his death, Khadija, may God be pleased with her, died, the wife of the Prophet, and it was difficult days for the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - due to the loss of those who supported him, and defended him at the same time. The children of Abi Talib, the uncle of the Prophet, and their conversion to Islam. Abi Talib had four sons, males and two females, they all embraced Islam and they were all among the best companions, with the exception of his son Talib, who did not, and the rest of Abi Talib’s sons are: Aqil, Ja’far al-Tayyar, and Ali - may God be pleased with them - and his daughters are: Umm Hani and Jumana - may God be pleased with them. 4- Abu Lahab His name was Abd al-Uzza, and he was known by his nickname, as his father gave him that. It was said: for his good face. Al-Suhaili said: The nickname of Abu Lahab is an introduction to what is promised to him of flames, that is: when he is promised from the fire of Hell, and his mother is Lubna, the daughter of Hajar bin Khuza’a, and he said - Glory be to Him -: (He will pray in a fire with flames), and this was achieved, so he died as an infidel, and God Almighty mentioned him In the Qur’an, Abu Lahab is known by this name, and Abu Lahab was given this nickname due to the intensity of his face. The face of Abu Lahab Abu Lahab married Umm Jamil, Bint Harb bin Umayyah bin Abd Shams, who was mentioned in the Qur’an with a load of firewood, Her name is Arwa, and she was nicknamed Al-Awra. Not naked in her eyes, but for her beauty, and she is the sister of Abu Sufyan, And her enmity towards Islam and Muslims is like the enmity of her brother, and when she heard the words of God the Most High: (perished the hand of Abu Lahab , and perished, His wealth and what he earned will not avail him He will pray in a blazing fire And his wife is a carrier of firewood Around her neck is a rope of fire) she took a pile of stones with her and went to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, He was in the mosque at the Kaaba with Abu Bakr, and when she arrived, God Almighty blinded her sight of the Messenger of God, so she asked Abu Bakr, saying: “Where is your friend? I heard that he is doing my spelling, By God, if I found him, I would hit him with what I had in my hand.”] Abu Lahab’s children Three children were born to Abu Lahab: Utbah, Mutib, and Otaiba, and Abu Lahab was nicknamed by all of them, and he had a daughter named Dora Bint Abi Lahab, and Utbah and Mutab converted to Islam on the day of the conquest of Mecca, They proved their bravery to the Messenger of God in the Battle of Hunayn, and they were also among those who witnessed the Battle of Taif, Utbah was the husband of Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Prophet, and Otaiba was the husband of Umm Kulthum, when Surat Al-Masd was revealed, their parents ordered them to divorce the Prophet’s daughters, so they divorced them. Then Uthman married Ruqayyah, and after she died, he married her sister, Umm Kulthum, and when Otaiba divorced Umm Kulthum, he went to the Messenger of God and said to him: “You disbelieved in your religion and divorced your daughter. She does not love me and I do not love you, He approached the Messenger of God until he tore his clothes, and the Messenger of God prayed for him to set a dog over him, when he went out on a business trip to Syria, a lion came to them and sniffed them until he reached him and recognized him, so he cut off his head, Abu Lahab said: "I knew that he would not escape Muhammad's call, Abu Lahab's enmity towards the Messenger was Abu Lahab's wife carrying firewood and thorns, and you throw it in the path of the Messenger of God, and it obstructs his way to him, so God Almighty revealed it: the previous verse, In addition to what Abu Lahab used to do in gatherings in front of the general public, He stands against the Messenger of God and tries hard to prevent him from calling. The reason for the revelation of the verses of Surat Al-Lahab was that when the Messenger of God was commanded to convey the revelation, God the Most High said: (And warn your closest clan) The Messenger of God ascended Mount Safa, and began to call out: O son of so-and-so, O son of so-and-so, O son of so-and-so, O son of so-and-so, o sons of Abd al-Muttalib, so they gathered with him, and he said to them: (Would you see that if I told you that horses were coming out at the foot of this mountain, did you believe me? They said: We have not experienced a lie against you, He said: I am a warner to you before a severe punishment. He said: Abu Lahab said: destruction for you, did you gather us only for this, then he rose) so Surat Al-Masd was revealed about the death of Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab died seven days after the Battle of Badr, and it was said that he died on the next day of the Battle of Badr, after hearing the humiliation, humiliation and defeat that the polytheists were experiencing in the battle, and it was said that he died nine days after Badr. 5- Zubair He was a brother of Abdullah, the father of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, through his father and mother, so his mother: Fatima bint Amr bin Aadh. Al-Zubayr bin Abd al-Muttalib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi: the chief of Banu Hashim after his father and their master in the war of wickedness, He contributed to the establishment of Hilf al-Fudul, which is evidence of his purity and his endeavor to spread virtue, truth and justice. He is the eldest uncle of the Prophet, and the Prophet realized it. His father, Abd al-Muttalib, sent him to Yathrib to nurse his brother Abdullah, the father of the Messenger of God, so he stayed with him until he attended his death and burial, and he did not realize the prophetic mission. 6- Abdul Kaaba And his mother was Fatimah bint Amr bin Aadh also. Ibn Sayyid al-Nas said: He did not realize Islam. 7 - Al Muqum He was a brother of Hamza, may God be pleased with him, and their mother: Hala bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf 8- Dirar He was a brother of Al-Abbas, may God be pleased with him, and their mother: Natila bint Janab bin Kalb. Ibn Sayed al-Nas, may God have mercy on him, said He died days when he revealed to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he did not deliver, and he was one of the most beautiful boys of Quraysh, and the most generous of them. 9 - Qutham He was also a brother to al-Abbas, and it was said: His mother: Safiyyah bint Jundub ibn Juhayr, and Qutham died young. 10 - Al-Mughira And his nickname: Hagul, and he is the brother of Hamza, may God bless him and grant him peace 11 - The gland His name was Musab, and it was said: Nawfal, and he was the most wealthy of the Quraish, and he was a horse (Ibn Al-Qayyim mentioned - May God have mercy on him - one of his uncles, may God bless him and grant him peace, Al-Harith and he said: He is the oldest of the uncles of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Ibn Abd al-Barr also mentioned him, and he said: His mother is Safia bint Junaidib, and it was said: Samra bint Junaidib, and some of them said: Al-Harith and Al-Muqawwim are one, and none of his male uncles - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - were spared except Hamzah and Al-Abbas, according to the correct view. Second: His paternal aunts, may God bless him and grant him peace, who are 1 - Safia Umm al-Zubayr ibn al-Awam, may God be pleased with them, and the sister of Asadullah Hamza, their mother is Hala bint Wahb, Aunt of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and she lived, may God be pleased with her, until the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful, Umar, may God be pleased with him. 2 - Atakah Her mother was Fatima, daughter of Amr ibn Aath. Ibn Abd al-Barr mentioned her and said: There is a difference of opinion about her conversion to Islam, and most of them refuse that 3 - Burah Her mother: Fatima bint Amr also, and she is the mother of Abu Salamah Abdullah bin Abdul-Assad Al-Makhzoumi, the famous companion, may God be pleased with him. 4- Arwa Ibn Abd al-Barr mentioned it in “The Companions”, and he said: Al-Aqili mentioned it in “The Companions”, and he also mentioned Aatika, and they differed in their conversion to Islam, as for Muhammad bin Ishaq and whoever said what he said, he mentioned that he was not safe from the aunts of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, except Safiya, and Ibn Saad said: She converted to Islam and migrated to Medina 5 - Omaima Her mother: Fatima bint Amr, and she was with Jahsh bin Riab, and she bore him Abdullah bin Al-Majd’a, who was killed as a martyr on the day of Uhud, In pre-Islamic times, Umaima married Jahsh bin Riab bin Yamar bin Sabra bin Murra bin Kabir bin Ghanam bin Dudan bin Asad bin Khuzaymah, and his name was said: Hujair bin Riab Al-Asadi. It was said that Jahsh did not realize Islam, and Ibn Hibban said: He had companions, and Al-Daaraqutni narrated with a weak chain of narrators, that the Prophet changed the name of this Jahsh; His name was Burah, so the Prophet named him Jahsh, and it is known that his daughter's name was Burah, but the Prophet changed it, Al-Jaabi mentioned him among the Companions who narrated on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad, along with his son, Omaima gave birth to Jahsh: Abdullah bin Jahsh: he immigrated to Abyssinia, and witnessed Badr, Ubayd Allah bin Jahsh: He was the husband of the mother of the believers, Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan, and she bore him Habiba. Abu Ahmad bin Jahsh: His name was Abdullah, and it was said: Abd, and it was said: Thumamah, and it was said: Abd al-Rahman, he was one of the first exponents, and it was said: he migrated to Abyssinia, then he came as an immigrant to Medina, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said in Al-Isabah: “Abdul-Rahman bin Jahsh Al-Asadi: The Umayyad mentioned him in Al-Maghazi, on the authority of Ibn Ishaq, and he said: He converted to Islam in the past. And others said: It is the name of Abu Ahmad, who is mentioned in the following nickname. Zainab bint Jahsh: She is the mother of the believers, and the wife of the Messenger of God. She is called Umm al-Hakam, Her name was Barah, and when she entered upon the Messenger of God, he called her Zainab, and she was the wife of Zaid bin Haritha, then the Prophet Muhammad married her, and she died in the year 20 AH, and was buried in Al-Baqi, Hamna bint Jahsh: She was with Musab bin Omair, and she bore him Zainab bint Musab, He was killed on her behalf on the day of Uhud, so Talha bin Ubaid Allah married her, and she bore him Muhammad, And Imran, the two sons of Talha bin Ubayd Allah, and her son Imran bin Talha bin Ubayd Allah narrated from her. Habiba bint Jahsh: and it was said: Umm Habib bint Jahsh, and it was said: Umm Habiba bint Jahsh, a female Companion, was under Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, she did not give birth to Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf 6 - Umm Hakim Al-Bayda the sister of Abdullah, the father of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and her mother: Fatima bint Amr, and she is Umm Arwa, the mother of Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him Related studies How uncles make life easier and better for children Uncles aren't just parenthood comfort jugs. These older and younger siblings fall under the scientific umbrella of "parents," or the caregivers of children who are not direct offspring. Like the grandmothers, grandfathers, and neighbors involved, researchers suspect these helpers play a unique role that goes far beyond spoiling their nieces and nephews and helping them bail. What is the use of uncles? A lot, it turns out. Uncles make up for the lack of cousins Research shows that uncles have closer relationships with their nieces and nephews when they don't have children, and the same goes for aunts. However, this does not mean that they do this to pass on their genes. It might just be that parental uncles have children of their own to direct time and resources to, and childless uncles are supposed to have more. As much as parents want to ask their uncles when they will have kids how much DNA do you share with an aunt or uncle? How much DNA do you share with your aunt or uncle? A person will share between 1300 and 2300 cm with his aunt or uncle. Measured in percentages, we would expect an individual to share approximately 19-33% of their DNA with these relatives, and it is important to know that there are other relatives who share our 1300-2300 cm. For example, half siblings, grandparents, nephews and nieces share with us so are the descendants, in whose DNA they fall into the same range. Why don't we share more DNA with our aunts and uncles? If our aunt or uncle is descended from our great-grandparents, why don't we share more than just 19-33% more DNA with them? If they are full siblings of our parents, don't they share the same DNA? The reason we only share between 1300-2300 cm with our parents' siblings is because siblings don't share 100% of their DNA with each other. In addition, the way our DNA is passed on means that we will share much less DNA with our aunts and uncles than we do with our parents. For example, full siblings generally share between 33% and about 50% of their DNA with each other. This is because each parent passes 50% of their randomly selected DNA to the child. While a portion of the DNA that two siblings inherit from their parents will be identical, they will also inherit a significant amount that is not the same. Then, when a sibling has children, they only pass half of their DNA on to their child, which means that only half of the 33-50% that might be identical to their sibling is passed on to their offspring. The links

  • The Prophet's family (his grandparents)

    The virtues of his ancestors, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is a descendant of honorable fathers, and they are all masters and leaders, and they have a strong and great place among the Arabs. 1 - Muad The owner of wars and raids on Bani Ismail, and he did not fight anyone but returned with victory, and he is the father of the Arabs. 2 - (Nazar) The most beautiful people of his time and most reasonable mind. 3 - Mudr Beautiful as well, and no one saw him but loved him, and from his aphorisms: “The best of good is I hasten it, so burden yourselves with what is disliked, and distract them from their desires in that which spoils them, for there is nothing between righteousness and corruption but patience and hiccups: for a time between the fists of the udders of the udder, The hiccups are between the two rings, and Mudr is the first whose make hidaa to camels (Al-Hada’: the singing sound to camels and He was one of the best people with a voice. 4 - (Elias) In the Arabs, the example of Luqman, the wise in his people, and his wisdom: “He who sows good reaps joy, and he who sows evil reaps regret.” 5- (Fehr) To him the Quraysh gathered, and what was above Fehr is not called Qurashi, but is called Kinani, and his name is Quraysh, and Fehr was generous looking for the need of the needy and filling it with his money, and he is the sixth grandfather of Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah. 6 - ( Kaab) He is the eighth grandfather of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him. He used to gather his people on the Day of Al-Urubah, i.e., the Day of Mercy, which is Friday, admonishing them and reminding them of the Prophet’s mission, and informing them that he is from his son and ordering them to follow him. 7 - ( Murh) He is the sixth grandfather of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the sixth grandfather of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and on another occasion, the lineage of Imam Malik is combined with the lineage of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. 8 - ( Kulab) His name is Hakim, and it was said: aruh, and he was nicknamed “Killab” because he used to hunt with dogs a lot, He is the third grandfather of his mother's Amanah, peace be upon him. He is the intersection of his father's lineage with his mother's lineage, and it was said: He was the first to name the Arabic months used until now. 9 - (Qusay) Qusay was the first to kindle the fire of Muzdalifah, and it was kindled so that those who drove from Arafat could see it, and he was the first to rebuild the Kaaba from the Quraysh after Ibrahim, It was said: He was called Qusay because he was kept away from his family and homeland with his mother after the death of his father, He married Rabia bin Haram, and he traveled with her to the Levant. In the pre-Islamic era, Qusai used to veil the house, give water to the pilgrim, and feed him called al-Rifada, A marriage contract is not held except in his home, and a war banner is not held except in it, so his house was a club for the Arabs, rather it is their refuge in all problems, whether these problems are national or personal, and when his death approached, he forbade his sons from drinking wine, and he must have realized its harmfulness, so he forbade the most beloved people to him from drinking it, and Qusay died in the year 480 and lived 80 years. In it Hudhafa bin Ghanem says: Your father Qusay was called Majma` by which God gathered the tribes of Fihr, Your father Qusay was called Majma` by which God gathered the tribes of Fihr He was born around the year 400 AD, his name is Zaid, and he is called a mugama, and with him God gathered the tribes of Quraysh in Mecca after their dispersal, so He brought them to the top of Mecca, and some of them were in the reefs and tops of the mountains in Mecca, so he divided their homes and called a mugama, and this is a great and great work that can only be done by people Fatherly souls and high aspirations. Among his words that indicate his experiences and his wisdom: “He who honors a mean person shares with him in his meanness, and he who applauds what is ugly is left to his ugliness, and he who does not honor dignity, he corrects disgrace, and he who seeks beyond his worth deserves deprivation, and the envious is the hidden enemy.” With intense hatred, he was brave and hated vanity and envy. 10 - (Abed Manaf) His name was al-Mughira, and he was called “Qamar al-Batha” because of his goodness and beauty, and the Quraysh called him al-Fayyad because of his generosity. He is the fourth grandfather of Uthman bin Affan and the ninth grandfather of Imam al-Shafi’i. 11 - (Hashem) His name is Amr bin Abd Manaf, and it is said to him: Amr Al-Ala because of his high rank, and he is the brother of Abd Shams, and his people prevailed after his father Abd Manaf, and severe famine occurred in the Quraysh because of severe drought that happened to them, so Hashem went to the Levant and bought flour and cakes and presented them to Mecca in The season broke bread and cake, and slaughtered a camel, And he made it porridge and fed the people until he satiated them, so he was called Hashima. He was called: “The Master of Batha,” and Batha is the stream of the valley - and his table was still set up in thick and thin, He was well-to-do and was able to perform the truth and secure the fearful, and he was the first to enact the two journeys for Quraish: the winter journey and the summer journey. In the winter, he would travel to Yemen and Abyssinia, and in the summer to Levant. The mention of the two journeys in the Noble Qur’an in Surah “Quraysh.” The Almighty said: { {In order for the Quraysh to travel during winter and summer, they should worship the Lord of this house who has fed them from hungry, and made them secure from fear.” (Quraysh: 1 -), Hashem died in Gaza, from the land of the Levant, as a merchant in the year 510 AD. 12 - (Abdul Muttalib) His mother is Salma bint Zaid Al-Najjariya. Abd al-Muttalib’s name is Shaybah al-Hamd because he was born and had a gray hair, with the hope that people would praise him for him, but it was said to him Abd al-Muttalib because his uncle al-Muttalib buttocks him behind him and he was in a shabby shape due to his poverty, so he was asked: Who is this? He said: My servant, out of shyness from those who asked him, Abd al-Muttalib was the answer to the invitation, and he used to raise birds and beasts from his table in the tops of the mountains, and this is a nice feeling and gentleness with the foreign animal, and therefore he is called: “The Bird Restaurant,” and it is said to him: “The Fayad.” The Quraysh were afraid of calamities, their refuge in matters, their honorable and their master was perfect and efficient, He was the first person to devote himself to worship. If the month of Ramadan entered, he climbed Hira and fed the poor. He lived a hundred and twenty years or more, and the leadership ended with him after his uncle, al-Muttalib. He used to order his children to abandon injustice and oppression, and urged them to behave in good morals, And he forbids them from worldly matters. At the end of his life, Abd al-Muttalib refused idolatry and united God. Daghfl Al-Nasbah said: Abdul Muttalib was white, tall and beautiful in his face, with the light of prophecy and the glory of the king on his forehead, the glory of the king, and it was said that Abd al-Muttalib was the first to be dyed with the black mark bacause of harry of gray hair to him, Ten of his sons circulate with him as if they were a forest lion. And he is the one who uncovered Zamzam, the well of Ismail, and established its watering for the pilgrims, and it was his pride and honor over the Quraysh and the rest of the Arabs. What he used to hear from priests and monks before and after his birth. Abd al-Muttalib's nickname was "Aba al-Harith", because the name of most of his sons was al-Harith. We make use of the following: 1 - These grandparents are equal on the mother's and father's side. So the pride is on both sides for the prophet - peace be uopn him- . 2 - He inherited handsomeness from grandparents, for beauty and handsomeness were mentioned repeatedly in more than one grandfather, and everyone who used to see the Messenger of God said as if the sun was shining from his face - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. 3 - He inherited wisdom, shura and the virtues of deeds from some of his grandfathers, such as his grandfather Qusay. 4 - He inherited Makarem morals from other grandfathers, such as Abdul Muttalib, such as not infanticide and others. 5- He inherited the generosity from his grandfather Hashem. He was giving without fear of poverty. Related Studies Grandparents have an important role in a child's life National Grandparents Day is September 9th Since August 3, 1978, the day has been dedicated to "honoring grandparents... and helping children realize the power, information, and guidance that seniors can provide." Grandparents can offer all of these things and usually when we think of Grandparents Day, we think of those who celebrate grandparents. I want to think of it this month from my two point of view as a reciprocal relationship, elationships take time and effort, and we need to be intentional. This is true for all relationships, be it friendships or family. In today's fast-paced world, it is difficult for grandparents to find ways to show their special kind of love. It is worth taking the time to think creatively and find ways to enrich the lives of grandchildren. Before we go any further, let's take a look at some stats about grandparents today: Parents typically become grandparents between the ages of 49 and 53, and many can spend up to 40 years in this role, because people live longer, grandparents have the opportunity to get to know their grandchildren from infancy to middle age, nearly half of all grandparents in North America live at least 200 miles away from their grandchildren. There are approximately 8 million children under the age of 18 who live with their grandparents or relatives (2.5 million grandparents). Because of life expectancy, families today have the potential to have long-term relationships with multiple generations. The majority of Americans 35 and older are part of a three-generation family and some are part of a four-generation family. Intergenerational relationships within a family context are usually between adult children and their parents (grandparents) and their children (grandchildren). The relationship that grandparents have with their adult children directly affects the relationship with their grandchildren. Most often, parents support their children in developing ongoing and communicative relationships with their grandparents. However, if the adult parent/child relationship conflicts, the grandparent/grandchild relationship may be in jeopardy. Research identifies the different roles an older person plays in a young person's life Some of these roles include family historian nutrition guide an example There are many factors that can influence a grandparent's involvement in a child's life. Some of the factors that can lead to distant or less involved grandparents include: family diversity different beliefs health distance distance Positive relationships are mutually beneficial to young and old. Grandchildren who report close relationships with their grandparents are more likely to participate in activities with them and see the benefits of spending time with their grandparents, and are more likely to be influenced by their own values ​​and beliefs. In turn, grandparents may serve as a source of social support and family history. Seniors can enrich young people's lives by providing continuity between past, present and future as they share memories. From this previous study, we conclude: That the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - descended from all good ancestral history (generosity - wisdom as if Luqman of his time - social prestige - hatred of ignorance of Arabs such as infanticide and others) This is other than that his grandfather who embraced him when he was young used to sit him on the same mattress that he was sitting on Which his uncles do not sit on, which affects his personality, and knowledge of good morals does not affect the social standing from an early age

  • Al - Fudul alliance

    The al-Fudul alliance is considered to be one of the pre-Islamic alliances that the Quraish tribe witnessed, where this oath was held in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan Al-Qurashi, He is one of the chiefs of the Quraish tribe, and he was an alliance among a number of the tribe’s clans in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, in the month of Dhu’l-Qa’dah of the year (590) AD, this happened a month after the end of the war between Qais Aylan and Kinana (the ignorant war) The Messenger Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, witnessed that oath before the mission, as the age of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was 20 years, He said: “I witnessed with my paternal uncles an alliance in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan, I do not like to have red camels without it, and if I were to be called upon in Islam, I would have answered. Why it's called Al -Fudwl alliance? It was called swearing al-Fudul because the one who performed it was in his names al-Fadl, such as al-Fadl ibn al-Harith, Al-Fadl bin Wada’ah, and Al-Fadl bin Fadala, as mentioned by Al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad. Al-Fudoul pact was made between five clans of the Quraish tribe They are: the clan of Banu Hashim bin Abd Manaf The clan of Bani Al-Muttalib bin Abd Manaf The clan of Banu Asad bin Abd al-Uzza The Bani Zahra bin Kilab clan The Bani Taym bin Murra clan The main reason for holding the Al - fudwl alliance: When a man came from the area of "Zubaid" and went out for a trade, and "Al-Aas bin Wael" (the husband of the Prophet's daughter - may God's prayers and peace be upon him - later) bought it from him, He had a great deal of honor and honor in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, so he withheld his right from him, Al-Zubaidi summoned him through alliances, Because he licked the blood, they were: (Makhzoum, Sahem, Abd al-Dar, Jumah, and Uday), so they helped him against Al-Aas bin Wael, and they rebuked him. Al-Asadi climbed Mount Abu Qubais During the rising of the sun and the Quraish tribe in their clubs, around the Kaaba, and he made the call at the top of his voice saying: O men of the oppressed of his goods, In the belly of Mecca from the remote home, and he is shaggy Muharram did not complete his umrah, O men, and between stone and stone, ... It is not forbidden to dress the immoral: treachery. The text of the alliance The one who called for the Al-Fudul alliance was Al-Zubayr bin Abdul Muttalib Al-Qurashi Where he said: “This has no place.” Then the meeting was held by (Taim bin Murra, Zahra and Hashem in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan Al-Qurashi) where he was the chief of the Quraish tribe, and he made food for them, as they made an alliance in the month of Dhul-Qa’dah, so the contract was concluded, and pledge to God that, To be one hand with the wronged person over the oppressor to return to him his right, what is not but the sea of Sufa, and what anchored Hira, Unfortunately in living, If we hold the stranger cherished, the neighbor cherishes the stranger, In the neighborhood, rejecting injustice, we prevent all shame. The concerning this alliance, Al-Zubayr bin Abdul Muttalib said: Al Fudwl alliance's people has contracted and made an alliance not to reside in the belly of Mecca an unjust It is a command upon which they contract and trust: the visit neighbor among them is safe, So the Quraish called this oath the oath of faddoul, as they said: “These people have entered into a virtue of the matter, Then they went to Al-Aas bin Wael and took from him the trade of Al-Zubaidi and gave it to him, Al-Zubayr bin Abdul Muttalib Al-Qurashi said: I swore that we would take an alliance over them, even if we are all people of a house that we call it al-Fudul, If we hold, cherish the stranger, The neighborhood is cherished by the stranger in the neighborhood, Rejecting grievance, we prevent all shame. Did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - participate in this alliance? The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, witnessed the oath of al-Fudul that took place four months after the war of the Fugar:wicked, After God honored him with prophethood and the message, he said: (I witnessed with my paternal uncles an alliance in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan, I do not like to have red camels with it (Narrated by Ahmad). We take advantage of the above 1 - The hadith of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - that he said: (I was sent to perfect the noble manners) Note: that the Messenger did not say I came to perfect the noble manners of the Arabs But he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - made it public, so the Arabs and others are included in it. 2 - The Arabs have the foundations of morals and even their noble qualities, and the cursing alliance is one of the alliances that put the scales right in the pre-Islamic era. 3 - Some people comfortably eat the rights of others and do not think that they are doing anything like Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Ghani Al-Qurashi who will improve his Islam after a lot during the conquest of Makkah, Islam disciplines improper morals, and even the infidels with the God of Heaven (those who did the act of contracted on Al fudwl alliance) are not Muslims, as if they understood that injustice is not for one without the other, but is just a circle and damages everyone, It is necessary to stand in the face of the oppressor until he turns back from his wrongdoing, which is what they did. 4 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - bears witness to the oath of Fudwl that he did not witness it and only, but that it was better in his view than red camels: they are the best camels among the Arabs, and this is evidence of the participation and good citizenship of the Messenger, even before Islam, he used to love good morals. Related Studies Why is justice important in our lives? For a community to be seen as "fair," LGBT people must be treated fairly. It may be difficult for people to find work, live in peace, and marry whomever they want, and other key features of social justice are that people of every race can live well and enjoy equal opportunities, In the sense that justice is higher than charity? As such, justice refers more to the concept of moral correctness, While philanthropy is more indicated To provide assistance to those in need. Urgent need, while justice leans more towards addressing the root cause of the problem

  • Who are the four seeking for the religion of Abraham?

    Some Arabsdenounced the worship of idols and realized that it neither benefits nor harms, and that was in the pre-Islamic era before the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was sent. Four are: 1 - Waraqah bin Nofal bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza 2 - And Ubaidullah bin Jahsh bin Reab 3 - Othman bin Al-Huwaireth bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza 4 - And Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail bin Abd al-Uzza They said to each other You know, by God,your people are not on anything. They have sinned the religion of Abraham. What is a clean stone with which he neither hears nor sees, does not harm nor benefit? O my people, seek a religion for yourselves, for by God you are not upon anything, so disperse in countries seeking the Hanifiyyah, the religion of Abraham. Waraqah bin Nofal He is Khadija'scousin, so he became firm in Christianity and followed the books of its people until he learned knowledge from the People of the Book. Obaidullahbin Jahsh So he remained inthe state of confusion until he embraced Islam, then emigrated with the Muslims to Abyssinia, with his wife Umm Habiba, the daughter of Abi Sufyan, Then he converted to Christianity and separated from Islam until a Christian perished there, and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him marry her after him, Umm Habiba. As for Othman bin Al-Huwaireth, He came to Caesar, the king of the Romans, and became victorious and improved his standing with him. As for Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail, So he stood and did not enter into Judaism or Christianity, and separated from the religion of his people, so he separated from idols. Related Studies: Treat many arguments about religion like going to school: religion is a set of lessons to be learned, tests to be passed and rules to follow, all of which are watched by the Great Principal in Heaven. This assumption shapes the kinds of questions we ask religions and religious people: Do your teachers tell the truth? Have they trained you to behave correctly? And why do you think it's a good idea to go to school anyway? But there is a growing group of evidence, Which suggests that we need to think about religion differently: not as a process of training or indoctrination, but as stemming from some instincts embedded in our brains and then shaped by our cultures. This is very similar to the way we think about sex, emotions, and relationships. The shift in thinking arises from the field of study known as the cognitive science of religion, where cognitive psychologists and evolutionary theorists have united to tackle a perplexing question. In the words of Jeffrey Schloss Why, despite a century of supposed secularism, does religion still exist in the Western world, and why does it seem easier for humans to be religious than to be secular? The answer they suggest is that our brains are wired with cognitive biases that have evolved in order to help us survive, but that they have side effects that normalize the development of religious belief. For example, we are cognitively primed to imagine that every rustle in the bush is a creature watching our every move: the hyperactive agency detector was really useful for early humans alone in the forest, this may have caused our early ancestors to escape from a few imaginary tigers, but they would also have escaped from one of the tigers they would otherwise have eaten. However, the side effect is that we see invisible observers everywhere. From this point on, it is relatively easy to believe in the deities watching over us, the invisible. According to this model, we did not evolve to be religious, but ended up with religion as a spandrel, an unintended by-product of the main evolutionary process. However, whether it is an unintended consequence or not, it is now part of our mental architecture and culturally ingrained throughout our societies - which is why religious behavior proves to be enduring and persistent. The hyperactive agency detection apparatus and other mechanisms are integrated into our social and cultural life. They help us stay true to one another, help us take care of one another and fight our common enemies, and they become codified in religions that live and develop alongside human societies. In this sense, religion is more like sex than school - we may choose to ignore it or decide we have nothing to do with it, but it will keep coming back to haunt us in one form or another. A New Perspective This evolutionary interpretation of the existence and persistence of religion in most, if not all, human societies (much depends on how you define it), is hotly debated and is open to criticism from many angles. Opponents point out that the move from identifying the biases inherent in human cognition to a theory of why we create entire religious universes that build societies looks suspiciously like "just a story"—a highly speculative story that requires us to make some assumptions for which there is little or no evidence. No evidence at all. The cognitive science of religion gives us an interesting description of why there is a religious intuition, but it tells us nothing about how these translate into particular religious beliefs and practices. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist who studies the brain in light of religious experience, has spent his career following this intuition. wrote in his book How God Changes Your Brain? “If you think about God long enough, something suddenly happens in the brain. Neuronal functioning begins to change. Various circuits are activated, while others are deactivated. New dendrites are formed, new synaptic connections are made, and the brain becomes more sensitive to subtle realms of experience. Concepts change, beliefs begin to change, and if God has meaning to you, God becomes neurologically real.” You have the full right to complete this second study in the link below, but I will only comment on it with simple words: We all walk in life and as long as our lives go as we desire, we do not think of a god at all, but when someone tramples us in life and we feel that we are not as old as we should, we think that we need a higher authority to direct matters to us, and this is not only in the case of the poor and needy, but in the richest, so we find the one who cannot have children deceives with all possible reasons, even if he can bring designer babies to do, but if all his reasons fail, he turns to the God of heaven specifically, and you find someone who blames God for why this happened to me, you automatically find him looking at the sky, There is a deep-rooted relationship in our souls towards the sky, this is different from what was stated in the first study here, which is in your hands, that things change in our brains when we practice certain rituals, and in pheronmology (the science of the mind) they determine the brain areas about anything that they control, and they found that the area of doing good deeds and the area of Spiritualities are next to each other, and the more do in one of them, the more in other.

  • The secret of choosing the Arabian Peninsula for the Muhammadan message

    The Arabian Peninsula andMecca in particular are the choice of God - the Almighty - to become the homeland of the final message of his religions directed to the earth, and you are an expert that the earth today at the end of the twenty-first century containsnearly 4000 earthly religions, and every religion has a specific homeland, andit has pioneers who go to the place of foundation to worship or take blessingsor otherwise, so one of the first goals for Mecca to be the homeland of Islam,thus, every religion has homeland establish from Now the secret to choosing Arabia Beforewe begin, before you know someone, before you know a company, a country, youmust ask what is going on around it. You do not emigrate to a Western country -it is not a forced migration - and you do not know anything about this country!It is necessary to know what is going on inside the country and what are yourborders inside and around this country, now what was going on around theArabian Peninsula at that time? Who was ruling the world at that time? Two countries: the Persians and theRomans, and behind them Greece and India. The Persians were: a fire worshiper Rum: People of the Book (on Christianity) But their state was mired in dissolution; Where the life ofdestitution and decadence, and economic injustice as a result of taxes, inaddition to the colonial spirit, and their dispute with the Christians ofLevant and Egypt, and their reliance on their military power, and theirmanipulation of Christianity according to their ambitions and whims. The Greece and the peoples of Europe It was living a barbaric life, worshiping idols, and sanctifying the forces of nature, as well as being immersed in myths and verbal legends that are of no use in religion or this world. As for the rest of the peoples in India, China, Japan and Tibet She believed in Buddhism, a pagan religion that symbolized its deities with many idols, built temples for them, and believed in the transmigration of souls. Arabia It was isolated from those civilizational conflicts and deviations, due to its distance from civilization and a life of luxury, which reduced the means of moral decay and military and philosophical tyranny throughout it, It was - and despite its deviation - was closer to human instinct, and called for the acceptance of the true religion, in addition to the benign tendencies of its people such as help, generosity, chastity, honor, honesty and loyalty. This is in addition to the unique location of the Arabian Peninsula; As its geographical location was a middle ground between those sunken and lost nations, this reality and location made it qualified to spread goodness and carry it to all peoples easily. Thescientific secrets of choosing the Arabian Peninsula Or Mecca in particular The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said - ((The Kaaba was khshaa by the water, so the earthwas spread out from it)) God has spread the earth: He has spread it,extended it for habitation and construction. Al-Khasha: a piece of thick earth, It is narrated from him - may God’s prayers andpeace be upon him - that he said: ((The earth was spread out from Makkah, soGod - the Most High - extended it from under it, so it was called Umm al-Qura)). And both Ibn Abbas and Ibn Qutayba - may God bepleased with them all - mentioned that Makkah al-Mukarramah was called Ummal-Qura; because the earth was spread from under it; Because it is the oldestland. The scientific talk about the location of Mekkah Sciencecomes in the late twentieth century; To assure us that our earth was completelysubmerged in one of the stages of its creation with water, then the will of God- the Most High - wanted to crack the bottom of this overwhelming ocean with anumber of earthly eclipses, from which a violent volcanic eruption emerged thatkept throwing millions of tons, of lava above the bottom of this immersiveocean; to be a mountain chain above that bottom, the first peak that emergedfrom it above the water was the first land known to the earth, and it was inthe form of a small volcanic island similar to many volcanic islands, whichfill the Earth's oceans today, such as the islands of Japan, the Philippines,Indonesia and Hawaii, and this first island was the land of Mecca. With thecontinuation of volcanic activity, this primary volcanic island gradually grew,By the process of daho - that is: addition and growth through successivevolcanic eruptions - until the land formed in the form of one continent, knownas the "mother continent" Thenthe will of God - Glory be to Him - wanted to tear this mother continent apart, by a network of earthly fissures and eclipses, which have torn it apart to the seven continents known to us today, and which have continued to creep apart, until it reached its current conditions, and it is still creeping to this day, until an end that only God knows, In all cases, starting with the land, which is one continent, and after its disintegration into the seven continents, and their remaining closer to each other than their current conditions, Mecca remained the center of the land, and the seven continents are still moving slowly to an end that only God knows, preserving the centrality of Mecca. The links

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