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  • The pets

    The pictures of pets in this file are only to approximate the meaning) We do not know exactly which birds the Companions met and loved, nor which breed these birds belonged to, or even cats عن أنس بن مالك - رضي الله عنه - قال: كان رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يدخل علينا ولي أخ صغير يُكنى أبا عُمير، وكان له نغر يلعب به، فمات فدخل عليه النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - ذات يوم فرآه حزينًا، فقال: ما شأنه؟ قالوا: مات نغره، فقال: يا أبا عمير ما فعل النغير cOn the authority of Anas bin Malik - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - used to enter upon us, and the guardian of a younger brother who was called Abu Umair, and he had a bulbul bird playing with it died, so the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - entered upon him one day and saw him sad, so he said: What is his business? They said: Naghir( smal sparrow) died, so he said: O Abu Umair, what did the Naghair do? We benefit from the noble Hadith 1 - The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - is like the head of the emerging state (the civil Islamic state), if so to speak - and with this and with the political and religious preoccupations, and establishing a state and defining the role of its members did not distance him from taking into account the feelings of a Muslim child. He found him sad and asked about his condition. 2 - When he learned that his sparrow (naghar: the bulbul) died, he stood to comfort him and soothe the difficult situation of the child by saying - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, (O Umair, what did Al-Nughayer do) In the sentence M Al-saj’ what makes the hearing happy - even if it was by chance). 3 - As a Muslim, you can get attached to animals, especially children, and pets, even large ones, are now used in the West to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, So, if you are in a war zone, you should pet your children (a pet) that they will be comfortable with in this lonely world. The reason for the name Abu Huraira Abu Huraira "may God be pleased with him" was called by this name, because of his love for cats; So much so that a little kitten used to accompany him wherever he went, and he was kind to her, feeding and watering her. Before I tell you about Islam talking about cats, let me ask you a question: What do you know about the companions of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him? I hear you say: Seriousness, love of the messenger, love of learning and leadership, wow, right? Did you know before that the reason for naming Abu Hurairah (the most famous of hadiths on the authority of the Prophet)? Why was it called by that name? Al-Haririah (baby cats) was called by this name when it came above, and imagine that the Messenger at the beginning of the establishment of the state spoke about political matters and religious matters, and this great companion does not enter into any of the people or the Messenger of God, who was almost attached to him a Kitten, Do you imagine that you go to a meeting at your work with a cat and the employer does not fire you? Can you imagine even going to a social club and taking your cat with you? Impossible isn't it? What this means is that the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - had a heart full of mercy and had a nervous flexibility with which he could bear the strangest situations and we did not hear a single word of hostility throughout the period of the call to Abu Huraira about his position on cats. Also, Abu Huraira’s love for cats was not surprised by any of the rest of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - as if it was a very ordinary thing. Tell your children the story of Abu Huraira, the owner of braids. They will become very attached to him just because of his love for cats - may God be pleased with him. عن كبشة بنت كعب بن مالك -وكانت تحت ابن أبي قتادة-: أن أبا قتادة دخل فسَكَبَتْ له وَضُوءًا، فجاءت هرة فشربت منه، فأصغى لها الإناء حتى شربت، قالت كبشة: فرآني أنظر إليه، فقال: أتعجبين يا ابنة أخي؟ فقلت: نعم، فقال: إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «إنها ليست بنجس، إنها من الطوافين عليكم والطوافات». [صحيح] -رواه أبو داود والترمذي والنسائي وأحمد والدارمي On the authority of Kabsha bint Ka’b bin Malik - and she was under Ibn Abi Qatada -: that Abu Qatada entered and she poured ablution for him, so a cat came and drank from it, He inclined his bowl until she drank, Kabsha said: He saw me looking at him, so he said: Do you wonder, my niece? I said: Yes. He said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “It is not impure, It is one of the rafts on you and the rafts.” [Right] We benefit from the noble Hadith Cats are among the gentle creatures that you meet in life, and they enter your house without permission if you live in a rural area or have a garden, and you have the right to use water for cleaning or the like (its rest of her drink: halal) even if you surround yourself to drink from behind - if there are few In the water - as in many places in the world, Even if you think to drink from behind - if there is a lack of water - as in many places in the world. 0 - كنَّا معَ رسولِ اللَّهِ في سفَرٍ فانطلقَ لحاجتِهِ فرأَينا حُمَّرةً معَها فرخانِ فأخَذنا فرخَيها فجاءت تعرِشُ فجاءَ النَّبيُّ فقالَ : مَن فجعَ هذِهِ بولدِها ؟ ردُّوا ولدَها إليها. ورأى قريةَ نملٍ قد حرَّقناها. فقالَ : مَن حرَّقَ هذِهِ ؟ قُلنا : نحنُ قالَ : إنَّهُ لا ينبَغي أن يعذِّبَ بالنَّارِ إلَّا ربُّ النَّار 0 - We were with the Messenger of God on a journey, so he went to his needs, and we saw a humra with two chicks, so we took her chicks, and they came to the throne, so the Prophet came and said: Who afflicted this one with her child? brought her back to her. Abdullah bin Masoud | Updated: Al-Nawawi | Source: Riyadh Al-Salihin | Page or number: 519 | Summary of the narrator’s ruling: its chain of transmission is authentic | Al-Takhrej: It was included by Abu Dawood (2675) and the wording is his, and Ahmad (3835) with a slight difference in brief. A small bird with smaller chicks occupies the time and mind of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and even slander the Companions for the sake of this little bird, Other than man - in a way that only God Almighty knows at this point in history.

  • The Angels in Islam

    First: The general description of the angels Who are the angels The angels are considered one of God’s creation, blessed and exalted, for God created them from light, and God, the Blessed and Exalted, singled them out for their great status, He has entrusted them with many tasks, and the angels also differ in their status with God, Blessed and Exalted be He, so there are some angels whom God Almighty has entrusted with revelation, like our master Gabriel, peace be upon him, and some of them were entrusted with sending down rain and also provision from the sky, like our master Michael, and other great angels. The substance from which angels are created Why does man not see angels and demons? (scientific proposal) What material were angels created from? God created angels from light. It is proven by peremptory texts that a person cannot see the jinn unless he appears in a different form, such as the form of humans and animals. the ability of the eyes of some animals makes him/her able to see what humans cannot see with the naked eye in some vertebrate animals Dopamine release between the inner nucleus and the retinal area(internal plexus and inner nuclear layers) It will lead to fast passage of cross-orders between cells which helps a lot in night vision, since the light inside the human eye will pass through eight layers. of cells and neural networks before it reaches the future nerve. in birds These layers are reduced where they are in the eye before the signals are blocked to the cortex, and there is a large cover over the eye represented in:- First: retinal coupling, where light passes through all layers of the retina to reach the sensors Second: the existence of obstacles in the layers of cells through the electricity generated in the photoreceptors, preventing them from free access to the brain, and they need anesthesia to pass, as in animals. Third: the presence of the stages of image transformation in the eye, and the inability to give an interpretation in the eye as it happens in birds, the instructions in birds are interpreted in the eye and additional work in the cerebral cortex. The cats and dogs It was previously believed that all mammals have eyes similar to humans, unable to see ultraviolet radiation, but scientific evidence indicates that many mammals can: science now confirms that they can see frequencies that we cannot see, such as ultraviolet radiation and some other rays that we cannot possessed by the human retina A study conducted a few years ago by biologists at City University London, UK provided evidence of this difference in horizon between species Ultraviolet light is the wavelength beyond visible light from red to violet that humans can see. Humans have a lens that blocks ultraviolet rays from reaching the retina. Previously thought that most mammals have lenses similar to humans, scientists have studied the lenses of dead mammals / including cats, dogs, monkeys, pandas, hedgehogs and rodents, By researching how much light passes through the lens to reach the retina, they concluded that some mammals that previously thought they couldn't see ultraviolet light actually could. However, I think there is something more to this phenomenon that runs deep into the realm of metaphysics. my little sister and I have had experiences where our cats see things that are not there. They beat in the air with their feet, meow, hiss, and make strange noises at things we can't see. The cocks and donkeys Why do roosters see angels and donkeys see devils? Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim “On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) who said: “If you hear the braying of donkeys, seek refuge in God from Satan, for she saw a devil, and if you hear the crowing of a rooster, then ask God of His bounty, for she has seen an angel.” End. Human vision ability is limited, do not see what is infra-red and above ultraviolet. But the capacity of roosters and donkeys is greater than that Does a person see through ultraviolet rays? Normally, humans cannot see UV rays by having cones that only detect red, green, and blue in their eyes But it is possible in some cases such - Lack of the lens of the eye as a result of injury - surgery - ulcers ... etc. Seeing things with a UV filter would give our current perception of extra colors As / Claude Monet was an outstanding painter and father of French Impressionist painting, he could see impossible colors due to lens removal after cataract surgery Perhaps some of the companions saw in some special cases they saw the angels, and this explains the vision of some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - May God bless him and grant him peace - to the angels, but they are shaped in the forms of people they know in their surroundings. How many angels No one knows the number of angels except God, Glory be to Him, {And none knows the armies of your Lord but He.} What was narrated on the authority of Hakim bin Hizam on the authority of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - that he said: (Do you hear what I hear? They said: We do not hear anything. He said: I can hear the sounds of the sky, and she is not blamed for having a voice, and there is not a span in it except that an angel is prostrating or standing upon it. But there are a large number of prophetic hadiths that show that there are a large number of angels, It was reported on the authority of the Noble Prophet in the journey of Isra and Mi'raj that when he ascended to the seventh heaven, He saw our master Abraham, peace be upon him, with his back to the inhabited house, then the Messenger of God said, “Seventy thousand angels enter it every day, they will not return to Him the last thing they have to do)). Second: The characteristics of the angels The honorable, righteousness The angels have many very praiseworthy and virtuous qualities, as it is known about the angels that they are noble in righteousness, according to the saying of God Almighty, {With the hands of a Safarah* honorable righteousness} Sofrah: a type of angels: counting the deeds of the servants The disparity in creation . And that the angels vary in their creation, there are angels who need two wings, and there are those who have three, and among the angels they possess more than that. Our master Gabriel, for example, has six hundred wings, and that is a disparity in God’s creation, and also they have great power and great creation. One day the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw our master Gabriel in his natural form that God Almighty created him, and the Holy Prophet said that he had filled what is between heaven and earth, and that our master Gabriel It has six hundred wings. The disparity in status God, Blessed and Exalted be He, said, “And there is none of us except with a known station.” There are also some of the angels who attended the Battle of Badr with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and in an honorable hadith that our master Jibril, peace be upon him, said, ((What do you count among you who witnessed Badr? I said: Our choice, he said: Likewise, those who witnessed Badr from among the angels are with us the best of angels)) It is said that our master Gabriel is one of the best angels with God Almighty. The purified They were also known to be purified due to the Almighty’s saying, {No one shall touch it except the purified} The modesty The angels were also known to be ashamed, so in the hadeeth of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said, “Should I not be ashamed of a man from whom the angels are ashamed? They are offended by unpleasant odors As the angels do not like unpleasant things, as it was mentioned in the honorable hadith, ((The angels are harmed by what the sons of Adam are harmed by. They are offended by unpleasant odors As the angels do not like unpleasant things, as it was mentioned in the honorable hadith, ((The angels are harmed by what the sons of Adam are harmed by. Third: Some names of the some angels and their works with the humans What are the names of the angels? There are a large number of angels that only God, the Blessed and Exalted, knows their number, We have known a few of them through the Sunnah and the Book, and they are the most famous angels known to Muslims Our master Gabriel He is the king whom God Almighty entrustedwith revelation and speaking with the messengers, just as God, Blessed and Exalted is He, has called him the Trustworthy Spirit, and also with the Holy Spirit. Michael, peace be upon him He is the king whom God Almighty entrustedwith clouds and rain. Israfil He is the Angel whom God Almighty entrustedwith blowing into Al -sur" A machine in which Angel Israfil will blow on the Day of Resurrection, the first blow, which is the blow of panic, and in it the cosmic order is disrupted, and the second blow, which is the blow of stun, and in which all creatures die except for what God wills, and the third blow, which is the blow of resurrection and resurrection". Malik ( the keeper of fire) And Malik is known as the angel who wasappointed by God Almighty, as a storehouse for Hell, God Almighty said in His Noble Book, {And they called out, “O Malik: May your Lord destroy us.” He said, “You are lingering.” Munkar and Nakir and they are the two angels entrusted withasking the servant in the grave. Harut and Marut They are the two angels whom God Almighty sentdown to earth to test them as sons of Adam, And the two angels have been mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah by the Almighty’s saying, (( And Solomon did not disbelieve, but the devils are disbelievers teaching people magic and what was revealed to the two angels in Babylon Harut and Marut. Raqeeb and Atid The two Angels, Raqib and Atid, were describedas the two entrusted Angels, by recording deeds, and they were mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, according to the words of God Almighty, There are some people who mention... the angel of death in the name of Azrael, butthat name is not mentioned in the Holy Qur’an or even in the Sunnah of the Prophet, Rather, it is said that he is the angel of death, just as in some other narrations, which said that the custodian of Paradise is called Radwan, but the name was not mentioned in any hadith. The varieties of angels The angels are mentioned in the Holy Qur’anand the Sunnah of the Prophet by mentioning their sects, and among these sects are the following: The Keepers And their mission is to protect the children of Adam, guard the believer, and protect him from calamities and horrors that may befall him in his day. The Almighty said: (And He is the Omnipotent over His servants, and He sends guardians over you, until, when death comes to one of you, Our messengers take him, and they do not negligence) Heaven's treasury It is proven that one of the duties of the angels is to welcome the people of Paradise and peace be upon them, and receiving them with kind words, and the proof of their presence is the words of God Almighty: (And those who fear their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups, until, when they come to it and its doors are opened and its keepers said to them: Peace be upon you, you are good, then enter it for eternity.) Knowing that the first to whom the gate of Heaven is opened is the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad - upon him be blessings and peace -, it is proven in the Sahih that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: (I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and open it the storekeeper says: Who are you? I say:Muhammad, and he says: I have been commanded by you not to open to anyone before you) fire treasury And their mission is to meet the people of Hell and push them to enter it, rebuking them for what they have done in the life of the world, The Almighty said: (You can almost distinguish from rage whenever it is thrown into it: regiment Its keepers asked them, "Did not a warner come to you?" They said, "Yes, a warner has come to us but we lied and said God has not sent down anything but that you are in great error, The angels assigned to torment are called (Zabaniyyah), as mentioned in His saying - the Most High -: We will call the Zabaniyah), and their number is many, and at their head are nineteen angels. Tourists: they are the angels who spread on the earth, and surround people in the circles of remembrance, Al-Muqabat: It is called by this name. Due to the succession of day and night, they succeed one another, and they follow each other in succession, In front of him and behind him, the Almighty said: (He has m'aqbat: the angels of the night and the day, before him and behind him who protect him from God's command. The visitors: Al-Bayt Al-Ma`mur They are the angels who visit the inhabited house; It is a house in the seventh heaven above the Sacred House, and from their large number, whoever enters the house does not return to it again, and every day seventy thousand angels enter it, the trip in the language, i.e. the scribes; Because the writer results in a meaning that shows about the thing, And he shows it, so they are the ones who write the deeds. The Almighty said: (In the hands of a safrah honorable bararh) safrah:Angels count deeds Bararh: righteous Forth: Their names which is not mentioned: There are angels whose deeds are mentioned, but they are not named, and among these deeds 1- Breathing souls into fetuses and writing down each soul’s life, its work, its sustenance, its happiness, and its misfortune. The evidence for this is what Imam Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud - may God be pleased with him - that he said: (One of you is gathered in the stomach of its mother for forty days, then a leech like that, then it is a lump of like that, then God sends an angel who is commanded to do four things: his provision and his term, miserable or happy) 2 - Observing a person, counting all his deeds, writing them down and recording them For every person in the life of this world has two angels attached to him, the task of one of them is to write the good deeds while he is to the right, and the other is entrusted with writing the bad deeds and he is to the left, And the evidence for that is the words of God - Glory be to Him -: (When the recipients sit on the right and on the left, seated* what he utters from saying except that he has a strong sergeant) 3 - Confirming the believers in battles and invasions, and fighting with them An example of that was what was in the Battle of Badr, as proven by the words of God - the Most High -: (When your Lord revealed to the angels, I am with you, so prove those who believe, I will cast into the hearts of those who disbelieve fear, so strike over the neck, and strike every finger of them from them). 4- Take charge of plants, winds and clouds, by order of God The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (Thunder is one of God’s angels, entrusted with the clouds. He has cones of fire with which he drives the clouds wherever God wills.) 5 - Descent from heaven to earth As proven in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and an example of that is their descent into the Night of Power, God Almighty said: (The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months * the angels descend And the Spirit is therein, by the permission of their Lord, in every matter.) Fifth: The honorable clerks The honorable clerks They stay with a person every moment and time, and do not leave him under any circumstances, whether he is a Muslim or an infidel, pure or impure, as for who they leave a person if he is junub, so they are angels of mercy As Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of Ammar bin Yasser, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: three angels do not approach them: the corpse of the infidel, and the man wearing women’s perfume, and the junb until he performs ablution.” the angels, that is, those who descend with mercy and blessings on the children of Adam, not the scribes, because they do not separate from those who are assigned. He said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said There is no one among you except that he has been entrusted with a companion from the jinn and a companion from the angels. They said: And you, O Messenger of God? He said: And me, but God helped me against him, so he embraced Islam, so he only orders me to do good, so he embraced Islam, and he only orders me to do good,and whoever says: Satan has become a believer has distorted its meaning, because Satan is not a believer. {يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ} [الرعد:١١ Meaning: {They protect him from God’s command} [Ar-Ra’d: 11] It was said: they protected him from God’s command, That is: God commanded them to do so It has been proven in the aforementioned texts that angels write say And the verb So is the intention Because it is the action of the heart, so it entered into general {they know what you do} [Al-Infitar: 12] This is evidenced by his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him God Almighty said: If My servant intends an evil deed, do not write it to him, but if he does it, write it to him as an evil deed, and if My servant intended to do a good deed and he did not do it, then write it down for him as a good deed, if he does it, so write it down ten times.” And the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The angels said: That servant of yours wants to do a bad deed and he sees it, and if he leaves it, then write it down for him as a good deed, but he left it for my sake.

  • The charity

    Almighty saying "خذ من أموالهم صَدَقَةً تُطَهِّرُهُمْ ، وَتُزَكِّيهِمْ بها" “Take charity from their wealth in order to purify them and purify them with it.” Allah says فَفِدْيَةٌ مِنْ صِيَامٍ أَوْ صَدَقَةٍ أَوْ نُسُكٍ Ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifices What is given to the poor and the like, such as money, food, or clothing for the sake of God’s kinship, not for honorable mention, The virtue of charity On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said The Messenger of God said: “Every peace between people is charitable. Every day when the sun rises, reconciliation between the two is charitable, or he helps a man with his mount and carries him on it, or raises his luggage for him on it as alms, a kind word is charity, and every step one takes towards prayer is charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is charity.” [Bukhari and Muslim] The types of charity money charity And all that is material and tangible: this kind helps to meet the needs of others. Voluntary charity It is to take out money voluntarily and to draw closer to the face of God Secret charity It is giving money without informing, in secret, seeking the reward of God and drawing close to His face. Public charity It is taking out money in front of people, visible to them moral charity On the authority of Abu Umamah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Good deeds protect against evil, and the almsgiving of the secret extinguishes the wrath of the Lord, and the bond of kinship increases one’s life.” Remembrance of God - the Almighty such as Tasbeeh: Al thleel: no God except God, Al Hamd: praising, , as Abu Dhar Al-Ghafari - may God be pleased with him - narrated on the authority of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - he said: On the authority of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - he said: (It becomes on all my sound body from one of you every morning a charity) every glorification is charity, and every praise of God is charity, every tahleel: no God except God is charity, and every takbeer is charity, enjoining good is charity, and forbidding evil is charity, He gives half of the reward: from that two rak’ahs that he performs in the forenoon) Forbidding the evil On the authority of Abu Dharr Al-Ghafari, may God be pleased with him, that some of the companions of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family - said to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family: O Messenger of God, the people of the rich are gone with wages: they pray as we pray, fast as we fast, and give alms from their extra money, He said: didn't God make for you what you give in charity: Every glorification is charity, every saying Al hamd lellah is charity, every saying no God except God is charity, enjoining good is charity, forbidding what is reprehensible is charity, And in a intercourse one of you is charity. They said: O Messenger of God, does one of us fulfill his desire and have a reward for it? He said: Have you seen that if he put it in a forbidden way, would he bear a burden? So if he does it in a halaal him has reword, narrated by Muslim. Removing something harmful from the road The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Faith has more than sixty or seventy branches, the highest of them is there is no god but God, and the lowest of them is the removal of harmful things from the road, Modesty is a branch of faith.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Avoid evil and beware of it On the authority of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari - may God be pleased with him - who said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (And let him refrain from evil, for it is charity for him) Saying good word to all people Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - narrated that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (And a good word is charity, and every step they take towards prayer is charity) Going to prayer is charity Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - narrated that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (And a good word is charity, and every step they take towards prayer is charity) Filling the needs of the needy Allah says (وَيُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعَامَ عَلَى حُبِّهِ مِسْكِينًا ويَتِيمًا وَأَسِيرًا* إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّـهِ لَا نُرِيدُ منكُمْ جَزَاءً وَلَا شُكُورًا) (And they feed food, out of love for Him, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive* we only feed you for the sake of God; we do not want any reward from you, nor thanks.) Building everything that benefits people such as mosques, places to drink water, homes for orphans and the elderly, and public offices, The role of reform is for those who commit crimes, including reforming roads and agricultural lands. Spreading knowledge - printing the Qur'an Where Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - he said: (Indeed, among what befalls the believer of his deeds and good deeds after his death, knowledge that he taught and spread, or a righteous son he left behind, or a Qur’an that he inherited.” The facilitating for people and tolerating to them Allah says (وَإِن كَانَ ذُو عُسْرَةٍ فَنَظِرَةٌ إِلَىٰ مَيْسَرَةٍ وَأَن تصَدَّقُوا خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ) He - the Almighty - said: (And if it is difficult, then a return to ease, and if you give alms, it is better for you, if you knew). On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: (He was a merchant who took loans from people, and if he saw someone in difficulty, he said: for his boys: They overlooked him, perhaps God will overlook us, so God overlooked him). The charity for non-Muslims and prisoners Allah says (لَّا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّـهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَلمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ) Among them are the People of the Book, as He - the Most High - said: (God does not forbid you towards those who They did not fight you because of religion, nor did they expel you from your homes, That you be kind to them and justly towards them, for God loves those who are just.) The mercy on animals Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - deterred that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (While a man was walking on a path, thirst became severe for him, He found a well, went down into it, drank, then came out, and there was a panting dog eating dirt out of thirst, the man said: This dog has been quenched with thirst like the one that quenched me, He went down to the well, filled his shoe, then caught it by his mouth and gave the dog to drink, So God thanked him and forgave him. they said: O Messenger of God, and that we have a reward in the animals? He said: Yes, there is a reward for every woman with a fresh liver a reward .

  • The Alms ( Al - Zakat)

    The eight types of zakat Allah says ۞ إِنَّمَا الصَّدَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا وَالْمُؤَلَّفَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَالْغَارِمِينَ وَفِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ ۖ فَرِيضَةً مِّنَ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ (60) ۞ Alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those who have recently entered Islam, and who are freed from slavery, And those in debt, and in the cause of God, and the wayfarer, an obligation from God, and God is Knowing, Wise (60) (1)The poor and the needy poor in language The poor among the people: the one who has only the least sustenance poor in terminology He who does not have the sustenance of his year neither power nor action The needy He who has nothing of money, is worse off than the poor. the needy in terminology For the one who does not find his strength, and it was said: He is the one who does not have the sustenance of his day, and the poor is the one who does not have the sustenance of his year, but in any case their rule is one. ( 2 ) Zakat workers They are the ones who collect zakat, and they are not required to describe poverty, rather they give from it even if they are rich. It is included in the workers who receive zakat Charitable bodies entrusted and licensed by the state to collect and distribute zakat, similar to charitable bodies and Islamic centers outside the countries of the Islamic world that are authorized to do so, or delegated by the Muslim community. Voluntary entities are not included in the entitlement from the employee’s bank for zakat, Individual volunteers, even if they are authorized to collect and distribute zakat. finish. ( 3 ) The newly entered Islam They are those who have recently entered Islam and give from the zakat in order to soften their hearts, and the view of the majority of jurists is that this share remains and has not been forfeited, i disagreement among the jurists in that Is there a text from the Qur’an or the Sunnah that contradicts the text on those whose hearts are to be softened? The answer to that is undoubtedly a definitive negation, so how can it be claimed that a ruling was abrogated by an explicit verse from the Book of God, and the era of the message has passed while it is an arbitrary one that is in force? Ibn Hazm said “It is not permissible for a Muslim who believes in God and the Last Day to say in anything from the Qur’an and Sunnah: This is abrogated, except with certainty. because God Almighty says: (And We did not send any messenger except that he should be obeyed by God’s permission) (An-Nisa: 64). He said the Almighty (Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord) (Al-A’raf: 3). (4) in the necks ( The slaves) They are in three forms The first: Muslim correspondents: they suffer to have their necks loosened The second: the emancipation of a Muslim slave The third: the Muslim prisoners The writer rule On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((Three are all entitled to Allah's help: the one who invades in the way of Allah, and the writer that wants to perform, and the chaste bride)) The captive rule He freed a slave from captivity, and he freed a slave from slavery. That there is honor in it for the religion, so it is like turning it over to those whose newly entered Islam, because he pays him to the captive in order to free his neck, so it is similar to what he pays to the debtor in order to free his neck from debt manumission of a slave. On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, he said: (Set a manumission from the zakat of your money The face of indication It is the saying of a Companion, and it is the highest of what came in the chapter, and it is the most appropriate to follow, and the most knowledgeable of interpretation. ( 5 ) The debtors And the debtors are the plural of debtors, which is: the one who owes a debt, and they are divided into two: 1 - He is liable for his own benefit Like if you are in debt for alimony, clothing, marriage, housing, illness, and so on. It's rule One of the conditions for giving him zakat is that he is in need of what the debt is spent on, so he is given from it, and the same applies if he does not have anything, but he is able to work and earn, so that does not prevent him from giving zakat, but if he is rich and able to pay off the debt, he is not given from zakat and it is not required, hat this debtor be empty-handed until he is given from the zakat, the scholars have stated that it is not considered housing, clothing and bedding, utensils and other necessities of life prevent him from giving him what he owes his debt, 2- A fine for the benefit of society or for the benefit of others They are the ones who are reconcile the quarrels. ( 6 )For God's sake What is meant by this is giving the invaders volunteers for jihad, as well as spending in the interest of war and everything that the jihad order needs Abbreviation for God's sake The most likely meaning of spending (for the sake of God) in the verse of zakat is jihad, but jihad is not limited to military jihad alone. But it includes various and multiple forms of jihad for the sake of God. As for giving to charitable organizations from zakat, it is given from the share of the poor and the needy, not from the share (for the sake of God). One day the Companions were with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and they saw a strong young man, and they said: If only his youth and fortitude were for the sake of God? (Al-Mundhiri said in al-Targheeb: It was narrated by al-Tabarani and its narrators are the men of al-Sahih, vol. Many hadiths were authenticated on the authority of the Messenger and his companions, indicating that the meaning of the word “the path of God” is jihad. As Omar said in the authentic hadith: “I was mounted on a horse for the sake of God,” meaning in jihad. And the hadeeth of the two sheikhs: “For a morning in the cause of God or a retun is better than the world and what is in it.” (7) The wayfarer is He is the passing traveler whose expenses have been emptied, so he is given what he takes to his country The traveler whose travel is interrupted, i.e. he does not have enough money to spend on his travels, so he is given from zakat what reaches him his destination As for the one who is in his own country and wants to travel, he is not a wayfarer, so he is not given zakat for this description, but if his travel was for an urgent need, such as treatment for example, and he does not have money to travel with, He is given from the zakat from the share of the poor, not from the share of the wayfarer, and the wayfarer is given for his need, and it is not a condition that he does not have money. That's why we say The wayfarer, we give him, even if he is in his country one of the richest people, if the journey is interrupted by him. Because in this case he is in need, and it is not said: You are rich, so take a loan, so he is given what he takes to his country, and this differs, so he looks at his condition so that there is no anger and insult to him. If he is used to first class, should he be given first class or economy class? This is subject to hesitation, and it is likely that he is given what does not diminish his value.

  • The eyebrow adornment

    The religious context Today the Washm is known as the tattoo It is used to perform various drawings on different parts of the body, and it is also used by some women as a fixed makeup tool for defining the lips, reddening the cheeks, drawing eyebrows, and more. There are two types of tattoos today It is permanent and does not go away with the passage of time, and temporary for a certain period, and both of these types have the same risk factors and the same legal rulings, some women remove the hair of their eyebrows, and then draw them by tattooing, In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “May God’s curse be on those who are tattooed, and who are make to them tattow. Al - Washem Who's make tattow for who's want Al - Mestawshm who's Al - Washem do the tattow to him, her. On the basis of this correct and explicit hadith, ancient and contemporary jurists agreed on the prohibition of tattooing, and that it is one of the major sins that require cursing, and that the ruling includes men and women, and that the reason for the introduction of the hadith in the feminine term is due to the fact that most of those who used tattoos in the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, were women. The reason for the ban They explained that this act is a kind of tampering and amusement and changing the creation of God, and that it is from the work of Satan, as it is throwing oneself to death, and exposing health to unnecessary dangers. Impurity of the tattooed member The jurists are of the view that the place of the tattoo on the body is an impure place, and that the impurity lasts as long as the color with which the tattoo is tattooed is present. the reason for the impurity of the tattoo site? It returns to the formation of blood under the skin at the place of the tattoo, and this means that the tattoo owner is unable to complete purity, required for prayer and tawaf, and this impurity cannot be removed due to the presence of permanent tattoos The topic of a woman's hair being drawn to her eyebrows Today we see those who thin their eyebrows until they become crescents, and some of them remove the hair of their eyebrows completely, and then draw them with tattoos or a pen, and some of them remove the lock of the eyebrows only, and some of them remove the stray hairs under and above the eyebrows only. The legal ruling of the text Talking about eyebrow hair removal begins with the authentic hadith, in which the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says: May God curse the one who make the tatto to someone and who's make to him, her. Al - namash She is the woman who plucks the hair of her eyebrows or the face of others Al - Mtnamasah She's the one who asks her eyebrows to palpate. It is important to know that the four jurists: Al-Shafi’i, Abu Hanifa, Malik and Ahmad bin Hanbal, did not attempt to explain the meaning and rule of the pulling out the hair of the eyebrow, and all that we find in the mothers of the books of jurisprudence about the rule of the nams, is only from the jurisprudence of their students later. The forbidden amount of eyebrow hair. The jurists agreed It is forbidden to completely remove the hair of the eyebrows, whether it was drawn after that with a tattoo or a pen, or if there is a place left without drawing. Then they differed in The ruling on naming part of the eyebrows hair into several sayings Some jurists held that The forbidden namas is plucking anything from the hair of the eyebrows, the plucking is a lot, and they considered this a change of God’s creation, and that it was inspired by Satan, because God Almighty said on the tongue of Satan: (And I command them, let them change God’s creation) Satan inspires a woman to change her character, by removing some of the hair from her eyebrows, It is clear that removing the eyebrows and redrawing them or changing their shape in an artistic way, hence some jurists saw that tampering with the eyebrows changes the creation of God Almighty. While al-Mawardi and Ibn al-Jawzi permitted For a woman to remove some of the hair of her eyebrows, thinning them in adornment for her husband, and the reason for the prohibition in their view is to deceive the discourse and adornment for other than the husband. But if the cause is found That is, if the matter leads to fraud in the speech, or if it is adornment for someone other than the husband, then the namas will be forbidden at that time. As for the Hanbalis So they went to the prohibition of the nemeses of the two of them at all, and they permitted shaving something of them with razors, because the forbidden nimas is the plucking of something, From the eyebrows, as for shaving anything of them with a razor, it is not prohibited. Some contemporary scholars, It is permissible for a girl with wide eyebrows in a defective and out of the ordinary way, to groom them and return them to their natural shape, and this is a valid opinion because of the need of a woman who suffers from a defect in her eyebrows, whether she is unmarried or engaged), to remove the stray and defective hairs, to return her eyebrows to the origin of their creation without exaggerating them. Removing the lock (lock) of the eyebrows Is removing the eyebrow lock considered forbidden? Contemporary jurists differed in the ruling on removing the lock of the eyebrows, so most of them went to the fact that the lock of the eyebrows is part of the eyebrows, and he takes their ruling on the permissibility or sanctity of the eyebrows, based on what we mentioned previously from the opinions of the jurists in the forbidden and permissible. While some contemporary scholars have gone To the permissibility of removing the lock of the eyebrows, because in their opinion it is not one of the eyebrows, and they based their ijtihad on the linguistic definition of the eyebrow is: the hair that grows on the skin that covers the bone above the eyes. Second: Some details with pictures of what women are doing today The brow lift operation A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, brow lift, or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure used to lift the eyebrows. It is mainly intended to improve the appearance of the eyebrow and forehead area, It does this by lifting the skin and tissues of the brow and forehead. There are different techniques that a plastic surgeon can use to perform a brow lift. This surgery usually involves making incisions in the scalp. However, incisions must sometimes be made in the upper eyelid and/or forehead An eyebrow transplant is a procedure in which a plastic surgeon takes a hair graft (plug). The surgeon takes the hair and its roots (the follicle) and transfers it to the eyebrow area. The hair graft is usually removed from the back of your neck or the area around your ear, once the hair follicles are removed,They are placed in a storage container with refrigerated saline for up to an hour before the surgeon implants them into your eyebrows. Eyebrow transplants are usually performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel anything during the procedure. After the procedure is completed, the area is left open and a crust begins around the newly transplanted follicles. These crusts are a normal part of the healing process and should fall off after a few days. There can be slight bruising and swelling in the area for up to five days. The saline solution should be sprayed every 2 to 3 hours. It's common for your doctor to prescribe pain relievers, antibiotics, and steroids to take by mouth for up to five days after surgery. After the initial transplant, the newly placed hair will fall out. It's normal. Hair regrowth in the area should begin about 3 months after surgery. If you don't "take" some grafts or the hair isn't as thick as it should be, you may be able to make an improvement nine months after surgery. This will depend on a case-by-case basis, and you should speak with your doctor. (Or what the Sharia calls: thinning the eyebrows) Eyebrow of the nineties To achieve a more modern look for thin eyebrows, it means being strategic in eyebrow positioning to create an optical illusion. For those with fuller eyebrows, you may want to make sure that heavy fillers are lightened. Your eyebrows should not look like sisters but rather they should look like relatives. You can also increase eyebrow slimming by using simple products like Glossier's Boy Brow in "Clear" to comb the upper hair down and the lower hair up. For those pesky little hairs, add a bit of concealer above and below the brow to disguise the hairs and successfully eliminate the illusion of a thin brow. gemstone eyebrrow Another design trend that we've put us on standby for Mardi Gras and music festivals is the gemstone brow, with 3D rhinestones layered over the bows. Eyebrow tattoos come in different shapes microblading This process uses a portable instrument made up of several small needles to implant the pigment under the skin "This technology mimics the appearance of extremely fine hair strokes with a realistic appearance and is considered semi-permanent." While microblading is a form of eyebrow tattooing, the pigments used to create it are designed to fade over time to ensure that brows can be refreshed with age. This approach ensures the most natural look over the years. nanoblading Also known as "eyebrow tattooing" and nanoblading, nano eyebrows use a delicate technology similar to microblading. The biggest difference is that nano eyebrows use a digital tattoo machine and a single needle. "This process can be beneficial for those who want a natural-looking brow but have thick, textured, or greasy skin," says Otsuji. With a single needle, the artist can go in and treat problem areas one by one. Eyebrow powder Commonly referred to as "ombre brows," powder brows are created using the same digital and single-needle device as nano brows, but Otsuji says the result has a fuller powder effect, mimicking the look of brow makeup. "This technique is also a great option for those with thick, textured or oily skin, and can be very helpful in correcting previously tattooed eyebrows," she says. Combo Brows If no single eyebrow tattooing technique seems enough, the eyebrows combo is a great option. It's a combination of nano and powder technologies and, according to Otsuji, includes hair strokes and shading to create realistic fullness and texture.

  • Whose Allah in Islam?

    First: some verses from the Qur'an Allah says لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ [الشورى:11] There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing [Al-Shura: 11] Before we begin this file: We must know that no matter how much we try to bring Him closer to the One who is the God of the Muslims, we will not achieve anything better than this verse (There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing) But why did God - glory be to Him - mention this verse in His Final Book? God knows, لالاut there are people who have colonized the planets, and there are people who are long-lived and scientists, and there are people who extend life, Trans-human and others. Perhaps they have learned more about things than our knowledge and understanding, this is what causes their hatred of the idea of God, because, as some of them say: We created God in a machine, and by that they mean that the robot, which is gigantic in size and information, is like a god, so it knows to the point where they created a robot called The Big Brother Watching You, and they used it to spy cameras in neighborhoods and streets...etc. it define each person individually, he will be known to the authorities, if someone suspects in him, it knew his location from these giant cameras located at a very high level, So that the sabotage does not last long. Now: You are aware that there are 4 temptations in life from which rarely anyone escapes, and if they were combined against someone who does not have religion, they would destroy him. They are: (Knowledge - Beauty - Money - Power) And they reached a degree of knowledge that tyrannized and blinded them, so God Almighty singles out a verse that speaks about its essence, and this essence is: It's also just vague: no matter how high your status is, no matter how much knowledge you have, No matter how broad your knowledge is: God is other than that, there is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. Allah says هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ [الحديد:3] He is the first and the last, the apparent and the hidden,   And He is Knowing of all things” [Al-Hadid: 3] This verse gives us another glimpse of the God of Muslims and all people. He is the First, that is, there was nothing before Him. They measured the age of the universe with giant telescopes, and they measured the age of the universe in only two stages - According to our limited knowledge - they measured the age of the universe in childhood and measured it in infancy - of course the expression is metaphorical - with a telescope called Hubble The other is called Webb, that is, their result was that in the midst of these discoveries they reached particles that they called God’s particles, which are Haggozzen particles, It proves the existence of the Lord in one way or another, so they called it by this name. Now: What is the relationship of the verse in our hands to the physical particles of the Lord? God, His Majesty - tells you a piece of the unseen, You were not present at the beginning of the universe, which began with the Big Bang, nor will you be present at the end of the universe, which will approximately end with masslessness - this is not our topic here, When the witness tells you that: Glory be to Him, He is the First, they physically understood and reached the stage of breastfeeding of the universe, It is a very advanced stage in the cosmic age, perhaps tomorrow we will come to determine the day the universe will end physically. You, as a Muslim, have information about that. God is the beginning and He is the delay or the last thing in this earthly system, It changed into a bright, white land on which we were held accountable, and then we divided into two groups. The witness: for every human being who declares something about himself that must be verified, God - glory be to Him - He declared himself to be the first, and no human being, no scientific robot, nor any entity declared itself to be the initiator in this cosmic system, so we as Muslims believe in that, We just have to wait for someone else to prove it, and God is Most High and Most Knowing. Second: The Holy Hadiths It is an Islamic term that refers to words spoken by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, but its meaning is from God, according to Islamic religious scholars, it comes either through inspiration or a developing vision, which is true of the prophets, or slander in the soul. It differs from the Qur’an, which was revealed in its wording and meaning through revelation. Why, when we are trying to approximate the meaning of God in Islam, do we talk about the sacred hadiths? It is natural in the world of people that the best person is the one who tells someone about someone else for a person to tell about himself, and the clearer his opinions are, the more he seeks honesty in his words. God - the Almighty - mentioned Holy hadiths on the tongue of His Messenger - Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace - the notation scholars have very precise standards for not interfering with the Qur’an. Now: Why are we talking about it: Because it is among the words of God Almight, It is among the definitions of things that God loves and things that God does not love, and therefore we will get to know God - the Almighty - through His words. The first holy hadith On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: God Almighty says: I am as My servant thinks of Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me, and if he remembers Me within himself, I mentioned him in myself, and if he mentioned me in a Elite, I mentioned him in a better Elite than them, If he draws near to Me by a span, I will draw near to him by a cubit, and if he draws near to Me by an arm's length, I will draw near to him by a furlong, and if he comes to Me walking, I will come to him trotting.) Bukhari and Muslim . Al Mala'a: The nobles and nobles of the people who fill the eyes with splendor and the breasts with awe Aside from the interpretation of the venerable scholars of the Holy Hadith: In the hadith: If you want to know where you stand with God, look at where He has placed you, In your busyness and in your free time before your work, and this is the work of the hand, there is work of another kind (the work of thought) and it is said that each of us has thoughts (self-talk) for which God is not held accountable, If we had taken it, we would have perished, but - Glory be to Him - He knows it - and some people in some countries in some positions know it clearly. the witness: Imagine talking to yourself about God - Glory be to Him - You now see in God severity and prohibition, and He will be the same with you, even if you believe in Him - Glory be to Him - the Most High, the goodness, mercy, relief from crises, and a push toward Paradise will be yours, as you told yourself. That is why it is said: None of you will die unless he has a good opinion of God With this hadith, God Almighty wants to say to you: Be better than your own self-talk, for it will either destroy you or improve your mood, thinking, and mentality. Of course, God is All-Knowing and All-Knowing. Then he reminds you of the vocabulary of self-talk if applied on the ground: 1- If you remember him, he remembers you. If you remember him in yourself: he remembers you in himself - Glory be to Him. 2- If you mention Him in front of a crowd, and the crowd: they are the elite, they are the ones who fill the first rows of the councils - so to speak - so if you mention God - the Almighty - in the midst of an elite group of people, He will immediately mention you among the elite of close angels. 3- If you draw closer to Him in a small way, He will draw close to you in a big way 4- And if you come to him walking (to the mosques - to seek knowledge - to attend a religious council... etc.), he will come to you while jogging Perhaps the intent of the Hadith is to warn you against self-talk, because it is either with you and on your side, or it is against your interests because it changes from mere self-talk to an impact on the ground. Of course, God knows what He wants from His servants. The second holy hadith On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (God Almighty says: O son of Adam, devote yourself to worshiping Me, I will fill your chest with wealth and relieve your poverty, otherwise you will do so. I will fill your hands with work and will not alleviate your poverty.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, and others. It was authenticated by Al-Tirmidhi and authenticated by Al-Albani. The meaning of his saying: devote yourself to worshiping Me: That is: empty your heart of the world, and the meaning does not mean: sit in your house and do not work, do not feed your children, and do not do good, and the meaning of devoting yourself to worship does not mean that you pray night and day and fast all the time, some of the Companions tried to do this, such as Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with him, so he stayed up all night and fasted his whole life, and then the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Do not do it, for if you do it, your eyes will become tired and your soul will tire. (Yourself has a right over you, and your family has a right over you, and your wife has a right over you, so give each one his right. As if the meaning A heart preoccupied with something other than God is a worried heart, my brother: everything has a big goal and a small goal, and the primary goal of our existence in life is (worship in its broad sense: that is, everything you do with sincere intention turns in a glance into a great work, and reconstruction, (It is He who produced you from the earth and settled you in it. We have come to sustain our lives and the lives of people until the time of our death. It has been said: We plant and others eat, and others plant and we eat.) As for the greatest goal of our existence, it is: a sound heart, yes, a heart that does not have any impurities (grudge - malice - hatred - envy or other afflictions of hearts and thwarts of deeds), but a pause: Is there a heart that does not have any of this? We are just human beings. The hadith explains to you: Your heroism in this life is to keep your heart in a state of psychological stability although the heart is not called a heart except because of its frequent fluctuations from one state to another, despite that, God Almighty asks you in this hadith to empty your heart of the fortunes of this world, understand again your heart, not your hand. Your hands are immersed in the work of this world, and your heart is attached to God Almighty, there are people who prostrate sincerely to God - the Almighty - and emerge from it with their heart suspended in the sky for a period of years until they become immersed in this world and their heart is once again polluted by attachment to the worldly things, therefore, anything to which your heart becomes strongly attached, God Almighty will rid you of it by force at times through separation and at other times death. Complete attachment does not belong here, perfection does not belong here. Here, everything is incomplete, truncated, cut off, unless you connect it to a connection with God - the Almighty - even if you do not believe that, all you have to do is walk through life and try, and ask those who lost a loved one: Are you like you were yesterday? Are you still you? Of course not, and we are not talking about a broken heart, for it disappears, and a person is not called a human being except due to forgetfulness, you will forget, but you will no longer be defeated, and you will not fear anything after losing the most precious things. May God protect you and protect us from all harm and evil therefore, keep your heart occupied with God and with attachment to Him, whether in the absence of a state of illness for yourself or otherwise, and occupy yourself with the causes and do not become attached to them. God knows best what He wants from His servants. Hence, the Lord - the Almighty - tells you that if you do not do this, He will fill your hand with work and will not make you feel rich, but on the contrary, you will feel more and more poor, and look around you: you expanded the circle of livelihood and told us: Sustenance is not just money, but children, good children, but health, which is the best, and you said beauty, knowledge, blessing, love from people, that is, everything you included in the circle of livelihood is the circle of poverty, meaning: If there is a loss of health, this is poverty of health. There is poverty in having children, so this is poverty in procreation, and so on. The meaning of talking in this way is that we are all poor except for those whom God has truly enriched, each one of us lacks in things and is rich in other things, so we are preoccupied with God’s commands in what is in our hands. God enriches us sometimes from where we expect it and most of the times from where we do not expect it, because (God rejected that the believer’s sustenance should only come from where he does not expect it) As it is said (people are in my mosques and God will fulfill their needs) Be with God, serve the Book of God, or serve religion in any way, and your heart will be filled with wealth even if you lose everything, which is rare in this life. and God is superior and knows best. The third holy hadith On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: God, Blessed and Most High, said, “I am richest of partners” in the case of polytheism, whoever does a job in which he associates others with me, I will leave him and his polytheist.) Narrated by Muslim, and in the narration of Ibn Majah: (I am innocent from him, and he belongs to the one who associated with). My brother: Do we associate partners with God Almighty when we do not know? The truth: Yes, polytheism is not testimony with the tongue, but rather it is an attachment of the heart. We are attached to fathers and children, beautiful homes, a stable life, and broad trade, which brings us abundant money, and we get busy to the point of intoxication in this, so we wake up arranging everything that pleases our eyes, and we sleep on that, and in between is another arrangement, until we wake up to a loss, a disaster, a war, or something else, as if we had just emerged from the graves, What happened, why did all this happen, and when will the grief lift, and life has not changed its nature, but rather we are the ones who expected the best of it, and you are aware that the problem of relationships, any relationships: they are the ceiling of expectations, and we have a relationship with the world: and the ceiling of our expectations exceeds their limits and their ability to fulfill them, so do not associate partners with God - the Almighty - not only out of hypocrisy and not just conceit in work, but there are people who are sincere to God - the Almighty - completely sincere. if God knows, but we share children, spouses, homes, and other things with a love stronger and deeper than our love for God, and this in love is unacceptable. When do you know when interests conflict? O God, we seek refuge in You from associating with You something we know, and we seek Your forgiveness for what we do not know. Third: Some of the beautiful names of God ((Al-Halim - Al-Shukur)) Al-Halim sweet-natured/ forbearing He was kind to his family: tolerant, forgiving and forbearing. The person is forbearing: He takes his time and calms down when angry or bad, with ability and strength Self-control Allah says قَالُوا يَا شُعَيْبُ أَصَلَاتُكَ تَأْمُرُكَ أَن نَّتْرُكَ مَا يَعْبُدُ آبَاؤُنَا أَوْ أَن نَّفْعَلَ فِي أَمْوَالِنَا مَا نَشَاءُ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَأَنتَ الْحَلِيمُ الرَّشِيدُ (87) They said, “O Shuaib, your prayer command you that we abandon what our fathers worshiped, or that We may do with our wealth whatever We please. Indeed, you are the Forbearing, has good appreciation (87) And the meaning People do not like those who order them to do anything, especially regarding two basic issues 1 - Worship: They worship a god, associate others with Him, or do not worship a god at all. 2 - Money: To tell him to do and not to do, came out the grudges from the hearts. Therefore, the people of Shuaib - peace be upon him - criticized him for these two things, and then it was as if they wanted to prove to him that he would not insult them again with words that hurt them about God or about the management of money, they described him as gentle and rational, and this means that his sweet nature does not make him argue with them about these things again. Of course, God is Most High and Most Knowing. The name of God is forbearing He forbearing about infidels, perhaps they repent or wake up He forbearing about the sinner and the guilty person until he asks for forgiveness and comes back He does not punish evil with evil quickly and with deterrence, but rather is patient and patient In the past, they said: He who is patient will get what he desires And in the hadith: (Forbearance is the master of morals) There are people who are very gentle. You stand up and shout at him, and he does not argue with you, and he leaves you free to take out your grudges, while he does not move a muscle in front of you, Dreaming is required in our daily lives with the hustle and bustle of life, selfishness, and self-love, and then the flood. And even between the father and his children, he should not punish them quickly, but rather be patient until they calm down, and perhaps they will return, and perhaps as they grow older and understand more, they will refrain from what makes him angry with them, and so on: Forbearance is like kindness: if it is placed in something it beautifies it, and if it is removed from it it disgraces it... God has blessed us and you with forbearance and patience, which are two qualities that God and His Messenger love for believers to possess. Examples of forbearance in our daily lives: 1 - Someone broke the signal on you and passed you between the rows of cars. Leave him alone and say: Praise be to God who has healed us. 2 - The wife against her husband, or the husband against his wife: If one of them makes a mistake, then we are all sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent, so he is more worthy of a human being and she is more worthy of a human being than anyone else in forbearing for her. Al - Shakoor Have you ever tried being an employee manager? Have you thanked a hardworking employee for their diligence? We assume yes. Did he do a good service for you on that same day again , so you asked for him in your office and thanked him again? then another, then another? If you did, the employee himself would doubt you and the rest of the employees would doubt your intentions, right? And you are saying to yourself: Perhaps my thanking him so much makes him feel astonished or reduces his productivity. God - glory be to Him - does not do the same thing to you, rather, for every deed, small or great, that you do, he will thank you for it. His name was not Shakir, but rather Shukur, meaning he is very thankful for the small and great things that you do. What is the quality of gratitude to God Almighty for you? It increases the same quality of production that Baraka: blessing and Tasira: facilitated the matter for you. What is the evidence? Allah says يَعْمَلُونَ لَهُ مَا يَشَاءُ مِن ..... ۚ اعْمَلُوا آلَ دَاوُودَ شُكْرًا ۚ وَقَلِيلٌ مِّنْ عِبَادِيَ الشَّكُورُ (13) They do for Him whatever He pleases of..... ۚ Do the family of David with gratitude ۚ And few of My servants are thankful (13) Who is David - and who are the family of David? David - peace be upon him - before he was a prophet, he was just a small soldier in the army of Taloot, and he was the one who eliminated Goliath and his army, They became one of the youngest soldiers in this battle, after which God bestowed upon him prophecy, kingship, and the wisdom with which he used to judge people, as the judge of judges, for example, in later eras. As for the family of David His son is Suleiman - peace be upon him - and the rest of the family and perhaps the entourage, including servants and even the army attributed to him, consisting of humans, jinn, birds and animals, are all under his command, so they did for him what was stated in the verse: The witness: all of the family of David together were working in various professions, including the profession of blacksmithing, which makes clothes and hands dirty, It has an unpleasant smell. I also mean that it is hard work and not worthy of kings. However, they brought out the best of it for humanity at that time, and the evidence is that when the Queen of Sheba entered the Kingdom of Sulaiman, she was impressed by their technology, even though she was the queen of a great kingdom at that time as well, Now: Is this what God - glory be to Him - thanked them for? Yes, and not just thanks, but praise that “few of God’s servants are thankful for this degree of work” for a masterful job that kings marvel at (Queen of Sheba) at the same time, God Almighty mentions that few people, not humans, but servants attributed to God, do this method of work that brings thanks of God. Now: What is the quality of your work that deserves the name of God to be thankful for you? Is there a lot of blessings upon the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace? Is it praising and glorifying...etc? Is it doing good deeds for God’s needy servants? Did, did, did? But the most important thing is: your profession: are you so proficient in it that whoever sees it cannot add even a small glance to it? Thank the servants of God for their small and great deeds with you, and thank God for the blessing of gratitude, and thank yourself with good, well-done work...and God is Most High and All-Knowing. The delay One of the names of majesty, not beauty, is the delayed name of God It is a name that suggests: He will delay you, he will delay you until: 1 - The end of the class after you were the first of the class As happened with our master Khalid bin Al-Walid, may God pleased with him after he was at the forefront of the army and the commander dismissed him, Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - and a soldier brought him back, and he was satisfied with that with complete sincerity and devotion to God - the Almighty - when Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - was asked why you did that to Khalid bin Al-Walid: He said: Every battle he enters is victorious, so I wanted to tell the Muslims that victory is not due to Khaled, but to God Almighty... 2 - Delayed: He delays your simple dreams until they mature and keeps you years away from your dreams and from everyone around you. 3 - Delayed: He delays you having a disobedient son, or delays your success, or delays your work, childbirth, or other worldly fortunes, as a discipline for you: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - despite the fact that God - the Almighty – He praised him from above the seven heavens and said about him (You have a great manners). This is what he said about himself - may God bless him and grant him peace - (My Lord disciplined me and disciplined me well.) What is meant by this is the blame that came in the Qur’an in four or more places - it does not belong here. If your small or big dreams are delayed, if your children’s dreams are delayed, or if you are in a place and then retreat from it to a place in the back, remember the name of God (the backside/ delayed) But if you are among those who believe in him, then you were not delayed due to his hatred towards you, for you are one of his few sincere servants on planet Earth only, He will not waste you, nor will he waste your patience, but he will delay you with his wisdom, his knowledge of your situation, and his experience of your psyche from within. fix what is between you and him, and he will fix for you what you lost and delayed. O God, protect us from what concerns us, and keep us busy with what you want from us At the end of this file What we think is very weak in knowing who the Muslim God is, but it is just a hint on this matter. We have agreed from the beginning of the file that there is nothing thing like Him- Glory be to Him – We tried to quickly describe some of the noble verses about His Supreme Self, then we quickly went through some of the noble hadiths of sacredness, then we finished this file with some names of majesty and beauty. We hope that God Almighty accepts it and that hint is good. Our Lord, accept from us that You are the Hearing, the Knowing, and accept our repentance, O our Lord. Indeed, you are the Most Merciful. Amen.

  • How to define Islam?

    Who's God of Islam?Please for: The five goals of Islam, Please for: The Pillars of Islam, please for: The Pillars of the faith, please for: The solutions for the slaves in Islam, please for: The marriage relationships in Islam, please for: Who to deal with orphans in Islam? please for: The relationships between Muslims and the people of the books people-of-the-book

  • The Muslim' dealing with the people of the book

    The Scholars differed as to what is meant by People of the Book: Hanifiyyah doctrine Intent: Whoever believes in a prophet and acknowledges a book, among them are the Jews and Christians, and he believes in the Psalms of David - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Scriptures of Abraham - may God bless him and grant him peace. This is because they believe in the religion of a heavenly house, a book, and the majority of scholars have gone, what is meant by it is: the Jews and Christians, all their different sects and others who do not believe except in the Scriptures of Abraham and the Psalms of David. They cited as evidence for this the Almighty’s saying: Allah says (أَن تَقُولُوا إِنَّمَا أُنزِلَ الْكِتَابُ عَلَىٰ طَائِفَتَيْنِ مِن قَبْلِنَا وَإِن كُنَّا عَن دِرَاسَتِهِمْ لَغَافِلِينَ (156) (Lest you say, “The Book was only revealed into two groups before Us, even though we were heedless of their study (156) They are unanimously agreed that the Book was revealed by us, the Jews and Christians, as Ibn Abbas said, Mujahid, Qatadah, and other translators said. The truth about the stories of Ibrahim and Zabur Dawud, peace be upon them The two pages of Ibrahim and Daoud were sermons and proverbs, without rulings, the ruling on books containing rulings has not been proven, Al-Shahrastani said: People of the Book: those who depart from the Hanafi school of thought, And the Sharia, who says the Sharia and its rulings, limits and signs, And what was revealed to Abraham and other prophets, may God bless him and grant him peace, is a book, but newspapers may deal with the People of the Book. The eating from their sacrifices If a Muslim or a Christian slaughters a sacrifice and the name of God is not mentioned on it or is not mentioned, then it is permissible to eat it, It is called the name of God when eating, and as Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her. God please her, some people asked the Prophet and said: Some people bring us meat. We do not know whether they mentioned the name of God over it or not, He said: Named God on it and eat.) Narrator: Aisha, Mother of the Believers Updated: Al-Albani | Source: Ghayat Al-Maram. Marrying a chaste woman: Biblical Muhassan: free, chaste Among the People of the Book: Al-Zamin, (Zamin: the institutes for which I am given a covenant to secure his money, honor and debts) and the contracting parties, and the people of war, and it is apparent, but its owner. He hates the marriage of the warriors female, According to the majority of scholars - he said - it is permissible for a Muslim to marry a woman of the Book without receiving Communion: Christian Communion: Before the Holy Eucharist, The Magi, the Four Imams, Al-Awza’i, and Al-Thawri. Some of the companions married women of the People of the Book, It was proven during the time of the Companions that Christians would marry Arab women. It has been stated in Tafsir Al-Baghawi that it is permissible for Uthman to marry: May God be pleased with her, Naila bint Farfsa, she was a Christian, She converted to Islam during his reign, and she is of Arab origin and not from the people of Israel. The benevolence for them Ihsan: mastery of work. Or the benefit of creation Note: Creating any creation is beneficial to God - Glory be to Him - any kind of benefit, such as work or anything else The Righteousness Righteousness is the language of goodness, and the faces of righteousness are the faces of goodness that include obedience to God Almighty and satisfaction Such as giving charity to the poor and people of knowledge, building mosques, establishing public charitable projects, and the like. Allah says (الْجَارِ ذِي الْقُرْبَىٰ وَالْجَارِ الْجُنُبِ وَالصَّاحِبِ بِالْجَنبِ)) (The neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor on the side, And the friend of the side)) Accept and give gifts On the authority of Dawud bin Shapur, and Bashir Abu Ismail, on the authority of Mujahid, that Abdullah bin Amr was slaughtered with a sheep for his family, When he came, he said: Abdullah bin Amr said to his family when they slaughtered a sheep for him: Did you give it to our Jewish neighbor? Did you give it to our Jewish neighbor? I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saying: “Gabriel kept recommending to me about my neighbor until I thought he would inherit from him.” The funerals of the People of the Book The scholars differed regarding the funeral prayer for the absent, so Al-Shafi’i and Ahmad held, according to the apparent meaning of his doctrine, that it is permissible, They cited as evidence what is in the Two Sahihs on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him: that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, mourned the Negus on the day he died, He took them out to the prayer place, lined them up, and said “Allahu Akbar” to him four times,   It is known that Al-Najashi died in the land of Abyssinia. The Hanafis and Malikis held that prayer in absentia is not permissible. They responded to the story of the Negus by saying that prayers be upon him, one of the characteristics of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. On the authority of Jabir, on the authority of Amer, he said: Umm al-Harith died, and she was a Christian, and the companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, testified against her. - A funeral passed by, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, stood up, We stood with him, and I said: O Messenger of God! Is it a Jewish funeral?   He said: Death is fearful, so if you see a funeral, get up. Visit their graves It is also authentic that he said: “I asked my Lord for permission to visit my mother’s grave, and he gave me permission I asked him for permission to ask forgiveness for her, but he did not give me permission.” He also said that when he wanted to ask forgiveness for his mother, Gabriel, peace be upon him, was struck in the chest, And he said to him: “do not ask forgiveness for someone who is a polytheist.” He came back sad Justice: justice with them Allah says (لَّا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ (8) (God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you on account of religion, and they did not expel you from your homes, that you be on a good character towards them and be just towards them. Indeed, God loves those who are just (8) Al Br: The good manners 4/624- On the authority of Al-Nawwas bin Samaan, may God bless him and grant him peace he said: I asked the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, about righteousness and sin, and he said: Righteousness: good character, And sin: what wavers within your soul, and which you hate for people to find out about. Narrated by Muslim. And he, peace and blessings be upon him, said: You do not widen people with your money, but you widen them with widen face and there is great goodness in fluency. On the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, made a will upon his death, saying: On the authority of Abu Dharr, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “You will conquer a land in which the Qirat will be mentioned, so be guardianship to its people, or they have covenant and mercy.” In Arabic language: The word ( Estwaso) the letter ( seen ) is add to the word ( Wasih) Not to harm them On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both, on the authority of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, he said: Whoever kills a covenanter will not smell the scent of the Paradise, Its fragrance can be smelled from a distance of forty years. Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

  • The prophet' dealing with the people of the books

    First: How did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - deal with the People of the Book? - Hakim bin Hazam passed by Umair bin Saad while he was torturing people for tax in the sun, and he said: O Umair, I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saying: (Indeed, God punishes those who torture people in this world.) He said: Go and let them go. God Almighty protects freedom of belief Allah says (لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ ۖ قَد تَّبَيَّنَ الرُّشْدُ مِنَ الْغَيِّ ۚ) (There is no compulsion in religion. Rightliness has been clearly distinguished from error.) He was visiting their patient On the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, he said: “A Jewish boy was serving the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and he fell ill and came to visit him, So he sat at his head and said to him: (I became a Muslim), so he looked at his father while he was with him and said to him: Obey Abu Al-Qasim, so he became a Muslim, Then the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - came out and said: (Praise be to God who saved him from Hell) “Narrated by Al-Bukhari. He accepted the gift from them and did not return it Abu Hamid said: The king of Aila gave the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, a white mule, And he covered him with a cloak (a striped garment to cover himself with) and wrote for him in their village, Ibn Ishaq mentioned this in his biography. He said: When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached Tabuk, he came to him with Hannah bin Ru’bah, the owner of Aila, So he reconciled with him and gave him the tribute, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, wrote a letter to him, which they have: In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful . This is a trust from God and Muhammad the Prophet is the Messenger of God for Bahna bin Ru’bah and the people of Aila,” so he reminded him, He mentioned the story of the Judaism and its gifting of the poisoned sheep to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. It is narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he accepted a gift from the Jewish woman when she presented him with a sheep during the Battle of Khaybar. And (the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, responded to the invitation of a Jew who invited him in Medina for barley bread and a lot of oil) Establishing treaties with them Christians also have the right to practice their religious rituals and not be forced to enter the Islamic religion, He concluded treaties with them, such as the treaties with the Christians of Najran, and with the Christians of Jarba and Adhar, where they protect themselves and their money from attack The Prophet, may God Almighty’s prayers and peace be upon him, made an alliance with the Jews, in which he stated that in their neighborhoods they would cooperate in repelling the sin, And the Aql of the offender who must pay blood money. Oh. For information, see Fatwa No.:196983. A Aqla whose unable to pay the blood money due to poverty, or a small number, it is paid by the treasury, and if it is not available, it has other ways to pay it - it does not belong here - He dealt with them in financial matters On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: (The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, died with his armor mortgaged for twenty saa’s, Of the food he took to his family. Al-Tirmidhi said: This is a good and authentic hadith. He answered all their questions Imam Ahmad narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said: Jews came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: O Abu al-Qasim, we ask you about five things, If you inform us of them, we will know that you are a prophet and we will follow you, and we will take upon them what Israel took upon his children When they said, “God is the Protector of what we say.” He said, “Come.” They said, “Tell us about the sign of the Prophet, He said: His eyes sleep but his heart does not sleep. They said: Tell us: How does a woman become feminine and how does she become masculine? told us what Israel forbade himself. He said: He was suffering from sciatica and did not find anything that suited him except such-and-such dairy, My father said: Some of them meant camels, so their meat was forbidden. They said: You are right. They said: Tell us what this thunder is, He said: An angel from the angels of God Almighty entrusted with the clouds in his hand, or in his hand is a prick of fire with which he repulses the clouds and drives them wherever God commands, He said: An angel from the angels of God Almighty entrusted with the clouds in his hand, or in his hand is a prick of fire with which he repulses the clouds and drives them wherever God commands, they said: What is this voice that is heard? He said: His voice. They said: You have spoken the truth, but one remains, and it is the one we pledge allegiance to you if you tell us about it, There is no prophet except that he has an angel who brings him the news, so tell us who your friend is, He said: Gabriel, peace be upon him. They said: Gabriel is the one who sends down war, fighting, and torment, our enemy. If you said Michael is the one who sends down mercy, plants, and drops, it would be so, Then God Almighty revealed: Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel. To the end of the verse. finish. The constitution or newspaper of the city with the People of the Book Among the items: 1 - Whoever of the Jews follows us will have victory and an example, neither being oppressed nor taking advantage of them. 2 - “The Jews of Banu Awf are a nation with the believers. The Jews have their religion, Muslims have their religion, their followers and themselves, except for the one who wrongs himself and commits a sin, for he does not harm anyone except himself and his family. 3 - “The Jews will spend with the believers as long as they are at war 4 - And among them is victory over those who fought the people of this newspaper 5- Whoever goes out is safe, and whoever stays in Medina is safe, except for those who are unjust and sinful, God is the In the arm of those who are righteous and pious, and Muhammad is a messenger. How did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - appoint a guardian over them? On the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, made a will upon his death, saying: ((God God in the Copts of Egypt; for you will prevail over them, and they will be your number, and helpers in the path of God)) If he harmed a one of the people of the book, he harmed me (he said): I said: In Al-Khatib’s narration on the authority of Ibn Masoud: Whoever harms one of the people of the book, I will be his opponent, whoever I oppose, I will oppose him on the Day of Resurrection. Their right to life Neither the Prophet nor the Companions would kill a Jew without sin, but for betrayal and treachery the punishment was punishable. The Prophet did not try to force the Jews to convert to Islam. Mark Cohen points out that the Jewish people lived under Islamic rule, tolerance and integration Mark Cohen refers to the time period as a “golden age” for Jews in Andalusia, with more opportunities available to them, the Jewish people found solace under Islamic rule during the Middle Ages. The situation of Jews in Muslim countries was not entirely free from persecution. The right to own property The Prophet recognized the right of the Jews to what they wanted and did not attempt to confiscate their property The Messenger guaranteed the protection of existing Jews as Muslims, and they cooperate with each other against external enemies. The right to justice and redress of injustice The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, dealt with the Jews on the basis of equality and removed injustice from them, even if they were persecuted by Muslims, he would not hesitate to rule in favor of a Jew if he was right. The relationship of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - with Christians Christians had the right to practice their religious rituals Ibn Katheer said in his interpretation: Ibn Ishaq said: Muhammad bin Jaafar bin Al-Zubayr told me, saying: They came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Medina, They entered his mosque when he prayed the afternoon prayer, wearing the garments of a woman: They entered his mosque when he prayed the afternoon prayer, wearing habra clothes (a striped cotton or linen dress that was made in Yemen) A robe (a long-sleeved dress, with wide sleeves, with a slit in the front, worn over clothes) and robes as beautiful as the men of Banu al-Harith ibn Ka’b, He said: Some of the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who saw them say: We have not seen a delegation like them after them, Their prayer had come, so they stood in the mosque of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, praying, The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Call them, and they prayed to the east. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, recognized their good qualities Like the Negus: When the Messenger saw the persecution of his companions, and was unable to provide them with protection, he allowed them to emigrate... to Abyssinia; For there is a king under whom no one is wronged.” The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - permitted the right of Muslims to seek refuge in the lands of Christians Abyssinia - or the Kingdom of Aksum - represented a unique situation, as it was a Christian state, but it did not belong to Byzantium, rather, it follows the Coptic Orthodox sect, which was persecuted by Byzantium, which created in the political authority there a state of “understanding” for the idea of escaping persecution, It is not linked to agreements with the Quraish, but rather its relationship with the Quraish and the Arabian Peninsula, It was lukewarm as a result of Arab support for the expulsion of the Abyssinians from Yemen, Which they were occupying, and as a result of the Abyssinian campaign led by Abraha, which had previously raided Mecca. Reaching it does not require the risk of taking roads that pass through allies of the Quraysh, all that is required is to reach some Red Sea ports, such as Jeddah or Yanbu, and then cross the same sea by ship. His reconciliation with them So the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - wrote a letter to the people of Najran: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad the Prophet to Bishop Abu Al-Harith and the bishops of Najran, And their priests, and their monks, And all that is under their hands, whether small or large, is the protection of God and His Messenger, A bishop does not change his bishopric, Not a monk from his monastic order, nor a priest from his priesthood, none of their rights, nor their authority, will be changed, nor did they do anything like that, The side of God and His Messenger have never been righteous and sincere over them, neither afflicted with injustice nor wrongdoers.” In another version: Bishop Abu Al-Harith came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and with him was Al-Sayyid Al-Aqib and the leaders of his people, and they stayed with him, listening to what God Almighty revealed, He wrote this letter to the bishop and to the bishops of Najran after him, saying in it: (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad, the Prophet, Messenger of God, to Bishop Abu Al-Harth and the bishops of Najran, Their priests, their monks, their merchants, and their slaves, and all that is under their hands, whether little or much, A bishop may not change his bishopric, a monk from his monastic order, nor a priest from his priesthood, It does not change any of their rights, their authority, or what they used to be, they will have the protection of God Almighty and His Messenger forever, they are not sincere and correct, not burdened by injustice or wrongdoers.)

  • A program for new Muslims

    The PDF, please for: The First lecture divided into 20 mints Surat Al-Naba: Explanation of verses 1-16 (explanation of a scientific miracle in a very simplified way) + simple doctrine ( the last day) The Jurisprudence of purity:The correct ablution for prayer, with illustrative pictures if possible. Biography: The reason why Mecca was chosen for the final message to be revealed, rather than in other countries Story: The story of Salman Al Farsi’s conversion to Islam in brief The second lecture divided into 20 mints The doctrine: Interpretation of 1 Verse 17: Verse 30 with a quick talk about Heaven and Hell Biography: The rest of Quraysh people whose: The four seekers of Abraham's religion The Jurisprudence of purity: the shower Scientific miracle: Why is a woman’s testimony in court half that of a man?

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