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  • The Hijab under the perspective of the psychology

    It's impact on the society People use clothing as a way to expresstheir personality, interests, and much more. As stated by William James, an American philosopher and psychologist, “The human person is composed of three parts ( soul,body, and clothes) In Judaism This statement speaks to the fact that a person’s true personality canbe shown through clothing. Often, this is shown through an individual’s religious standpoint. In Judaism, there are specific laws called tznius that dictate how to dress modestly. (Women in North America’s Religious World). These laws are clearly evident in the clothes that religious Jews wear. Women must have their knees, shoulders, elbows, and collarbones covered in order to follow the laws of dressing tznius. Men were a yarmulke (also known as a keepa) and tzitzit (a prayer shaul) to show their modesty and devotion to G-d. Although it’s not common to see someone dressed in this manner (it also depends on where on lives), religious groups continue to present themselves in a modest fashion, regardless of how the rest of the world views them. In Islam there are also rules that dictate modesty indress, which are called hijab. The definition of hijab is “to cover” Dress Code of Muslim Women), and many Muslim women choose to cover their hair in order to follow the law of modesty. Moreover, this shows their devotion to their religion, and their devotion to themselves. Instead of choosing to dress like Abercrombie & Fitch mannequins or models, Muslim men and women dress according to what they believe in, and something that they clearly value. while people don't need to wearankle-length skirts to show their values the act of modesty allows people torecognize you for your personality and beliefs, and not just appearance. People can be shamed and made fun of for whatever they wear, but choosing to dress in modest clothing gives a person character and the ability to show their values. Overall choosing to dress in modest clothing can allow one the opportunity todisplay his or her values and self-worth, as well as give one much more confidence by not completely exposing oneself. While society may try to force someone to dress a specific way, it is essential to always stay true to what is most important for an individual, and not have what’s trending interfere with values. Second: the benefits of wearing modest clothes Conclusions and Implications As an important value, modesty affects how people dress themselves.However, with the change of social environment and the popularity of idealized body image in media, the role of modesty has changed in the modern society. Whether it is brought to popular attention by its absence, as in provocative dress or unrealistic idealized images of the female, or by its presence, as seen in the rising number of retailers trying to market this value in the modest clothi, modesty remains to be a topic that influences consumers, both as a value and a motivator. The findings of the study suggest religion does affect consumers’ choice of a moreconservative definition of modesty. Participants with a more active religious life and those with conservative mindset were more likely to choose more traditional norms when it comes to clothingand fashion goods. Furthermore, younger people may be more likely to focus on trendy fashion. For them, being modest may not be that important.The findings suggest that although we live in a society where, “skin sells best” there are some consumers really treasure the value of modesty when they shop for clothing. Especially with the current economic downturn, more people turn to sustainable lifestyle. At the same time, the fashion industry has been focusing more on green fashion and sustainability. So, the value of modesty may become more important for today’s consumers. The fashion industry as a whole should learn more the role of their consumers’decision makingprocess. After all, good fashion, not skin, should be what sells best. Modesty, Objectification, andDisordered Eating Patterns: A Comparative Study between Veiled and Unveiled Muslim Women Residing in Kuwait Third: Modesty and Disordered Eating Patterns Unveiled womenexperienced more objectification by others than veiled women. There were no significant differences found between veiled and unveiled women in self-objectification and eating disorder symptomatically. There is a significant negative relationship between modesty of clothing and objectification by others. No significant relationship was found between modesty of clothing and the self-objectification and eating disorder scales. For the objectification by others scale, data show that there is a positive relationship between this scale and eating disorders. Eating disorders were found to have a negative relationship with self-objectification. The conclusion The results ofthe study are significant as they clearly demonstrate a weak negative relationship between clothing preferences/affiliations and eating disorders. Fourth: The modesty and men Reasonable expectations Now reasonable is an important word. Women cannot be expected to take unreasonable measures to protect men in this regard. Men are attracted by a LOT of things and invisibility is not reasonable or possible to demand of women. Hence, men must also develop self discipline, custody of the eyes and careful discretion. It is a usual fact that self discipline increases over time and we who are men OUGHT to be growing in this and not just indulge our every thought and desire and be stuck in lust. Progress in this matter is to be insisted upon. Political incorrectness alert! In the end life is not always fair and modesty issues are simply going to weigh more heavily on women. This is for two reasons. First women have more to cover. It is simply a fact that the female body, at least in our culture, has more of what we can simply term here as private areas. These areas arouse significant sexual interest in men and however much we may want that to change in a big way, it probably isn’t going to dramatically change. Secondly since men are more easily tempted in these matters, it seems reasonable that women ought to take this into account. Surely we can only expect what is reasonable, but prudence and charity ought to be operative in such matters. The links

  • The history of the Hijab

    In this article, we will not talk about the history of the veil before Islam, but rather we will talk about its hypothesis after Islam, we must also agree that clothing of any kind is an integral element of a person’s culture, and it is one of the material elements of culture, and religion is also an element of non-material cultural elements, so if the two words (religious clothing) come together, let us know that we have mixed material and immaterial culture. let's start ... In any year of the Muhammadan message imposed the veil? It was said in the fifth year of immigration, (In the story of Mrs. Zainab bint Jahsh: the wife of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace) and it was said that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, wanted, that the figures of the Prophet's wives be obscured by houses or howdahs, and not only to cover themselves with veils - God is a concession for them in that need, and it was said, until the hijab was obligatory on them so that they would not cover themselves except for necessity, such as relieving oneself, and the place for relieving oneself was far from the homes What is the story of the lady - Zainab bint Jahsh - when the verse of hijab was revealed? In the Two Sahihs, on the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: When the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, married Zainab bint Jahsh, he called the people and they fed, then they sat talking, He said: So he took hold as if he was preparing to stand up, but they did not stand up, and when he saw that he got up, and when he got up, those of the people got up, Asim and Ibn Abd al-Ala added in their hadith, he said: So he sat three - and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came to enter, and then the people were sitting, then they got up and set off. He said: So I came and informed the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that they had set off, He said: And God Almighty revealed: ( O you who believe, do not enter the houses of the Prophet unless permission is given to you: to food not looking at it- tofor that was a great thing with God) And what is the story of Sawda bint Zam'a in the hijab - may God be pleased with her? Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, that she said: Sawda went out after the veil was lifted for her need, and she was a large woman, which was not hidden from those who knew her, Umar bin Al-Khattab saw her and said: O Sauda, by God, you are not hiding from us, so see how you will come out, She said: So I turned back and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was in my house, And that he was having dinner with a sweat in his hand, so she entered and said: O Messenger of God, I went out for some of my needs, Omar told me such-and-such, she said: Then God revealed to him, Then he was lifted from him, and the sweat in his hand did not put it on, He said that he had given permission, but that you should go out for your needs. What was the clothing of women in the Umayyad era? Women's costumes had their own distinctive character, as they were dominated by elegance, preciousness, extravagance, and exaggeration in the materials, In clothing, exaggeration appeared in this form of jewelry other than the use of fur and leather in their clothes, they used a variety of different types of fur, such as sable fur, canal fur, and maraizi made of goat hair and an animal called the funk, which is a type of fox, in addition to woolen clothes that help keep warm in the winter. Brocade, that is, embroidered silk, is one of the finest types of clothing for women, as it was adorned by non-Arab kings, and it was the proverbial example of luxury and sophistication. And what about head coverings in the Andalusian era? Andalusian women used to wear a head covering that needed a dress and a robe of the same type, which was called the masked one The most important of these covers The veil It is a covering that is placed on the head and falls back slightly. It is long for women. It is made of thin materials and is made of linen or cotton for the common people, and silk sweetened with gold threads for the ruling class and the rich. Al - asaba A square piece of woolen cloth with red and yellow edges that is folded into a triangle and then tied to the head from behind Al - ghafara A piece of cloth that a woman puts between her head and the veil so that her veil does not get dirty from the oil with which she perfumes, and she puts it on her hair Niqab A kind of veil with two holes in front of the eyes so that women can walk, and this veil was worn in Andalusia Kanbocho- atabby They are also two types of veils that women cover their heads with What is the dress of women in the Abbasid era? It consisted of a loose sheet and a shirt slashed at the neck, over which was a short, narrow robe, usually worn in the cold. When the woman went out, she wore a long sheet, she covers her body, and wraps her head with a handkerchief tied over the neck High class ladies Headdresses encrusted with jewels and decorated with a gold chain inlaid with precious stones Middle class women were decorated Their heads were flattened with gold, and they wrapped around them a headband adorned with pearls and emeralds, and they wore anklets on their legs, and bracelets on their wrists and ears. Al-Obeidi mentions that women also wore A kind of outer body clothing called “the prnoce”, as it developed in this era from what it was in previous ages, as the women of the upper class were, the wealthy cover their heads with a veil embellished with jewels and a chain inlaid with jewels. It is said that the first person to introduce this was Aliyah, the daughter of Al-Mahdi, the sister of Harun Al-Rashid, Zubaydah Bint Jaafar, the wife of Harun al-Rashid, had a great influence on the development of the dress and the introduction of changes to the clothes of women in her era, as it is attributed to her taking the jeweled slippers for women. What are the types of women's clothing in the Abbasid era? Al ghlala It is a thin garment that is worn under a thick garment, and if Al ghlala is cut off, it is called a tie, and it is one of the transparent women’s garments. Al khmar It is a woman's veil, and it is called the mask or burqa. It covers the front of the neck and covers most of the face Baqmah The wearing of the veil was limited to the free women, then the slave girls began to wear it in implementation of the teachings of the Sharia Al asabah It is a black square-shaped silk veil, with a red or yellow border, and it was folded obliquely then the head is wrapped around and hung from the back with a single knot. What are the clothes in the Mamluk era? The attention of most historians of the Mamluk era is drawn to this extreme care for the clothes of the sultans and princes, and it is no secret to anyone the extent of prosperity and wealth that the Mamluk state reached, and its impact was evident, of course, in their public and private lives, a great diversity was introduced in the styles of clothing brought by the Mamluks from their original homeland of Central Asia, and men’s clothing differed according to the person’s status and social position, so we find the kaftan spread among the clothes of merchants and the well-to-do, and it is worn over the shirt and waistcoat, the kaftan is distinguished by being loose, with long sleeves that cover the hands, and the fiddle is open at the end. The kaftan is belted with a cotton or silk cashmere belt. The Mamluks used to wear furs, and they had a market known as furs, in which fur makers and merchants lived, and it was common to wear it during the days of Sultan al-Zahir Barquq. Does the head coverings that were common in the Mamluk era? What is known as the sharbush, and it was like a costume for men and women, and it is more like a crown like a triangle. It was placed on the head without the turban, the use of the sharbush was abolished in the Burji Mamluk state, and it was replaced by the green, red and blue caps, which men and women wore without a turban, among the basic clothes of Mamluk women, we find the loincloth, which is a kind of pants that reach the knees, over it was a shirt, and the woman used to wrap herself in a loose sheet that was known by various names, the most famous of which is the bagultaqa or the coat. It is also noted on women's clothing in the Mamluk era, It did not remain the same, but rather evolved with the development of what is known today as fashion, so each class was inspired by the simulation of the women of the class above it, and al-Maqrizi testified, more than once that what the general women of his time did in terms of clothing was from imitating what the women of the sultans and princes did, and he describes how the women of the sultans invented long dresses, their tails are drawn on the ground, and they have wide sleeves, then they resemble the women of Cairo in that, until there is no woman left without her clothes as well. What about women's clothing in the Fatimid era? The Fatimid state reached the peak of its civilizational glory in the fourth and fifth centuries AH, and left clear imprints in Egypt's cultural and social history, life in Cairo was characterized by luxury, and it is not strange what historians tell about the treasuries of the Fatimids and what It contained precious treasures and luxurious clothes, the textile industry occupied a prominent position, and new types appeared, such as brocade, which is a kind of bright, thin, colored cloth, and he established Jacob bin Killis, Minister of the Caliph Al-Aziz, special factories for its production were known as Dar al-Debaj. A type was also known as al-Saqlatoun, which is a kind of silk laced with gold. The city of Damietta and Tennis was specialized in a type of embroidered cloth, It is only produced in them, and it is the white and colored brocade, in addition to the Dabiqi cloth, which is produced in the city of Dabiq, and it is a type of brocade cloth. The Fatimid state adopted the white color as the emblem of the caliphate The caliph's clothing in the official processions was a silk dress, followed by another dress made of dubaiqi silk, as the Fatimid caliph used to wear sometimes a special dress known as the badna, woven mostly with gold in a courtly manner that does not require further detailing and sewing, and to cover the head is a turban and sometimes the kluta, and it was worn alone or with the turban, the ministers wore a distinctive garment known as the shield, which was a short robe that did not reach the knees, slashed from the neck to the bottom of the chest, and these clothes were the sign of the ministry, to cover the head is a large turban made of several layers, and the crooked talisan, with the tail of the turban loosened on the back, which is the dress of the judges as well, relaxing the end of the turban on the back was considered an honor to its owner, and no one is allowed to do that, especially in official processions other than the caliph and the minister, and women’s clothing varied in this era, and it was the basic parts, It is the shirt and pants, and it was the clothing of the man and the woman, and its shape differed, sometimes it was narrow and reached the foot, and sometimes it was wide, and it was tied to the tiqa, and a head cover in various forms, of course, it differed according to social classes, and one of the women’s head coverings was what is known as the asabah, which is a shawl or a piece of cloth in the shape of a triangle, It is wrapped around the head and its two ends are backwards, as well as veils for women from going out, including the mask, which is a piece of cloth that the woman puts on her head, Her face was wrapped with it and fixed under the loincloth, and it was made of Mosuli cloth. As for the niqab, it also covered the face, and it had two openings for the eyes. Can you give an overview of the history of women's clothing in Egypt? Until the beginning of the twentieth century, Egyptian women continued to wear a form of hijab (what covers their heads and faces) when leaving their homes, regardless of their religious beliefs, or her social level, even when the question of religiosity receded, it was that the “wrapping sheet” and the “burqa” were present, and the “handkerchief Abu Uya” and “Al-Yashmak” and “Bisha”, as an integral part of the accepted social form and the common dress of Egyptian women. in popular neighborhoods The handkerchief Abu Uya and the wrapping sheet were the women's clothing in the popular neighborhoods in the middle classes While the burqa was the most common among the middle classes The upper classes Wearing the bisha and the jashmak was restricted to those with wealth and those belonging to the upper classes. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Egyptian society began to witness social transformations and political conditions that led to the emergence of many calls and movements calling for removing the burqa first, and then extending to the veil, It is worth noting that the phenomenon of removing the veil during this period did not come at one step, but rather came at different periods and stages affected by many events that the Egyptian society went through. 1 - The advent of the French campaign to Egypt Where it has become customary to see French women wandering the Egyptian streets in modern Western fashion - according to what Al-Jabarti recorded about the history of Egypt in this era -They drew attention to them because they did not wear a headscarf, revealing their faces and wearing them For different costumes from what the Egyptians used to 2 - Muhammad Ali took over the rule of Egypt The number of European women increased in Egypt, where Muhammad Ali brought them in to educate his daughters in the palace, and the elite of the people followed him in that. 3 - British occupation of Egypt Large numbers of English ladies came with them, with their European clothes and adornments, different from women's clothing and customs For a long time, the emergence of Western fashion in women's clothing in the Egyptian streets was limited to European women, until successive lawsuits began to lift the burqa and remove the veil, launched by a number of Egyptians themselves. These lawsuits began with the efforts of Princess Nazli Fadel (1890). In support of the women's liberation movement, as it started to organize the first cultural salon in the Middle East for the pioneers of the liberation movement and those who believe in women's freedom to discuss and exchange opinions, and he was one of the most important members of this salon Sheikh Mohammed Abdo And Saad Zaghloul Qasim Amin They are the three figures who led the liberation movement in Egyptian society on the religious, intellectual and cultural levels. After that, writings and articles of the nation's leaders and thinkers followed in this regard. The first real call to remove the veil came in 1984 As a form of women’s liberation, in the book “Women in the East” by Morcos Fahmy, in which he called for women to be free from veils and be equal to men, after that, many women's magazines appeared, which dealt with women's affairs and called in different ways to remove the veil as a symbol of reaction, such as Al-Firdaws magazine, Mirror of Al-Hasna magazine, and Girl of the East magazine. Qasim Amin had the greatest influence in this regard Through his book “Women’s Liberation” in 1899, as this book had a wide resonance and caused an uproar at that time between supporters and opponents, so many foreign and Arabic books and articles were published, that supported and encouraged him, and on the other hand, there were articles and books that deplored and rejected his ideas, including the book “Women’s Education and the Veil” by Talaat Harb, which was published in 1899. Mustafa Kamel published a number of articles in Al-Liwa newspaper, attacking Qasim Amin's views Some accused him of loyalty to the West, which prompted Qasim Amin to respond to those who criticized him in the book “The New Woman". 1900 We point out here that Qasim Amin's call was a call for a comprehensive program of national reform and progress that includes women's liberation by lifting the burqa and revealing women's faces so that they are not veiled from society and that they are able to participate in the rise and progress of the country. as he was of the opinion that the hijab and meant by it covering the face with the burqa - a custom that Muslims took from mixing with other nations, so they approved it and exaggerated it and dressed it in the dress of religion. In accordance with the provisions of Islamic law and not following in the footsteps of Western traditions. In 1915, Al Sufour magazine was published To call on women to remove the veil in a direct manner, and it was headed by a number of advocates of women’s liberation, and this magazine focused in its topics and articles that it published on women’s liberation, removing the veil, and promoting the most famous Western fashion and modern designs and the latest hairstyles Then the call to remove the veil took a political turn in the context of the 1919 revolution When Mrs. Safia Zaghloul, specifically on March 20, 1919, led a women's revolution to demand independence,at that time, the commander of the occupation forces scolded her and warned her that what prevented him from shooting at them was that they were women, so she removed the veil to assure the colonizer that they were like the men of Egypt and there were no differences between them. And after the revolution of 1919, specifically in 1921 Hoda Shaarawy and Cezanbrawi lifted the burqa in front of the masses, as they welcomed Saad Zaghloul upon his return from exile. Add to this the efforts made by Saad Zaghloul to remove the veil of Egyptian women, as he left no opportunity without calling for the liberation of women, It was required for those attending his sermons to lift the veil from her face. Then came magazines specializing in women's affairs Such as “Al-Masria” magazine and “The New Woman” magazine, which were published in 1925, It did not differ much from the “As Sufur” magazine in terms of issues related to women, and the issuance of books and articles calling for the removal of the hijab became commonplace. And in 1928 The book “Unveiling and the Veil” appeared by Nazira Zain al-Din, in which she called for removing the veil as one of the symbols of the backwardness and oppression of women. It is worth noting, in this context, that the statue of the renaissance of Egypt by Mahmoud Mukhtar, which was erected in one of the major squares of Egypt, next to the University of Cairo in 1992 Pictures of a woman dressed in the clothes of an Egyptian peasant, placing her right hand on the head of the Sphinx, and with her left hand lifting the veil from her face, an expression - as Mukhtar stated - of advancement and the desire to remove what hinders Egypt from progress and advancement, and it prevents her from returning to her old glory, and calls continued to remove the veil in various forms and methods, so that the third decade of the twentieth century would be without a veil, and no official law was passed to ban the veil, as happened in some other Arab and Islamic countries, and the matter remained a personal choice, but the impact of the various movements and calls to liberate women and remove the veil was stronger than the law, as the matter did not stop at removing the burqa, but rather extended to the veil, so that women of all classes since the beginning of the forties of the twentieth century (unveiled) . One of the reasons for this phenomenon may be that the veil was no longer part of the religious component during that period, but rather turned into a mere cultural heritage, like the fez for men, which made it easy to dispense with it in order to keep pace with the developments of the age, At that time, the veil lacked the character of religious obligation, which made taking it off an easy matter. This prompted some to try to awaken the religious sense of Egyptian women and invite them to wear the veil in response to the divine command, and not to conform to social custom. In the book “Tabarruj” by Nemat Sidqi in 1947 In which she called on the Muslim woman to complete the pillars of her religion by wearing the legal dress. But it happened that since the fifties of the last century, the state adopted leftist discourses and raised nationalist slogans, which led to the disappearance of the veil from the Egyptian street for decades. After the setback of June 1967 The hijab did not suddenly return to the Egyptian street. Rather, it went through a long throes, which paved the way for an increase in religious motivation and the desire of the Egyptians to draw closer to God, the national project retreated, the Egyptians tried to search in religion for a way to overcome the feeling of defeat and raise morale, so society gradually turned towards Islam, which appeared in the October War, when religious slogans were raised, where the October victory consolidated the societal shift towards religion. During this period, the number of women wearing the hijab was not large, but it began to gradually increase in the streets, universities and workplaces, The travel of large numbers of Egyptians to work in the Gulf countries at this time had an impact, Kabir to adopt the style of Gulf clothing, including the niqab, the veil continued to increase in the Egyptian street, and it was not affected by the state’s restrictions on political Islam groups and its suspension of their activities after Sadat’s assassination, this is thanks to the efforts of Al-Azhar sheikhs and the religious lessons and programs that were broadcasted by Egyptian radio and television. Celebrities, including female artists and media figures, began to wear the hijab. Influenced by the lessons of great sheikhs and preachers such as Sheikh Al-Shaarawi— This was done in different styles and ways, some of which, of course, were appropriate to the prevailing fashion, especially in light of the haste of fashion designers to adapt the veil according to the standards and lines of fashion and beauty. And at the beginning of the third millennium The number of veiled public and famous women has increased thanks to the new preachers, and their ability to attract young people by presenting a moderate Islamic discourse, and their reliance in their style on simplification and the use of modern terminology and modern methods, which approached the form of human development lessons, and they focused a great deal of their efforts on attracting a sector of upper-class women, and the presence of these preachers expanded in TV programs and satellite channels, and they began to appear in seminars held in universities and clubs, their lectures were widely distributed as cassette tapes. Despite the increase in the number of veiled women during this period, the intellectual debate over the veil did not stop, and this was embodied in the rejection of a number of thinkers and journalists of the veil and the call to remove it, and among the most prominent of these was the journalist Iqbal Baraka in her book. Entitled “The Veil: A Modern Vision” in 2003 And Muhammad Saeed Ashmawy in his book “The Truth of Hijab and the Authenticity of Hadith,” where they tried, through a special interpretation of some verses of the Holy Qur’an and what was stated in the noble Sunnah, to prove that the veil is not part of the religion and that it is a symbol of backwardness. On the other hand, it is worth noting the restrictions that it faced, some veiled women at the end of the last century and the beginning of the new millennium tried to curtail their role in society, by depriving them of holding high positions in the state and preventing them from appearing on television as announcers, with the exception of some limited models. After the revolution of January 2011 The veil in Egypt declined again for the following reasons The feeling of freedom after the revolution, which led to a series of repercussions, the most prominent of which was the state of disintegration that affected many traditional values, and the desire of many to get rid of the imposed social, cultural and religious restrictions and their attempt to break all constants, to demolish the old and rebuild on new foundations and standards. The failure of political Islam movements to fulfill their promises to large segments of Egyptian society, and the shaky image of youth after their vociferous involvement in political life, which created a state of confusion among some, after linking the teachings of the Islamic religion, and between the performance of these groups, and the outcome of that was a state of aversion or rejection of everything that could indicate, even remotely, belonging to these Islamic groups, and that was the veil. The distortion of the phenomenon of the new preachers, after they were seen as symbols of moderation and moderation of religion, they were seen as symbols of confusion between religion and business, and voices of ridicule began to rise from each other because their personal behavior conflicted with what they call for in their sermons and religious lessons, these and other reasons made the way open for movements demanding the removal of the veil, and nostalgia for the forties and fifties when Egyptian women were in full elegance without a veil, and the use of social media was expanded to promote these ideas, and the issue began to be raised on television and talk shows to discuss whether the veil is a cult or a habit. alien to society? Gradually, removing the hijab became a form of public defiance This includes what some girls are doing by publishing their pictures as they get rid of their headscarves in a way that is not devoid of provocation, and some of them wrote books documenting this stage of their lives to encourage the rest of the girls and women to give up their headscarves. On May 1, 2015 The call of some activists for millions to take off the veil, to which some women have already responded by standing in Tahrir Square. The truth is that we are now facing a very complex societal scene, It is noticeable that the number of veiled women is still large, and it can even be said They represent the majority in society. However, it is seen that their numbers are declining significantly, especially among the youth, and even a percentage of the veiled women themselves diverge from their traditional positions, and fluctuate between the religious form and the modern form of the veil, (by wearing the “Turban” and the Spanish), while others are trying to adapt, Hijab according to their desires by covering the head (as agreed) while the rest of their dress remains far from being religious or even socially acceptable decency. But despite this, the opposite phenomenon can be observed It is represented in the arrival of some of the traditional veil wearers to a number of public and high positions; Ministers, deans and announcers. However, this does not preclude confusion from the overall scene in Egyptian society. In conclusion It can be said that the movement of wearing and removing the veil is a revealing indicator of the distance through which the Egyptians move away or approach their frames of reference, since religion is the basic normative fence of the Egyptian personality, from which most of the characteristics are derived Its value system that governs its behavior and habits, it seems, is no longer taken for granted, as the Egyptian personality now seems to be in a state of retreat in the face of a number of Western influences, which tempt it to adopt reference frameworks and value systems that contradict its traditional formation, . It seems that this state of civilized confusion is likely to worsen, as long as the fundamental questions regarding the position of the Egyptians regarding their identity on the one hand, and the culturally dominant and culturally dominant other on the other hand, are not resolved. The links

  • Al - tayammum

    Wiping the face and hands with dirt, which is an alternative to ablution when there is no water or it is not possible to use it due to illness or the like Wiping the face and hands with dirt. And so on with the intention of purity Q What are the evidences for tayammum from the Holy Quran? Almighty says( O you who have believed, do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying, and there is no impurity except for passers-by, until you wash up ۚ and if you are sick or on a journey, or any of you comes from the stool, Or have you touched women, and you could not find water, so perform tayammum, good soil, so wipe your faces and your hands, Indeed, Allah is pardoning, Forgiving) Surah Al-Nisa as much as you can»; As for the second, his prayers are correct, and he does not have to repeat it, according to what was reported on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, who said: Two men went out on a journey, and the time for prayer came, and they did not have water with them, so he performed pure earth, then found water at the time, so he returned one of them for ablution and prayer, and did not return the other. Then they came to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and mentioned that to him, He said to the one who did not repeat: “You followed the Sunnah and your prayer is sufficient for you.” He said to the one who performed ablution and repeated: “You will be rewarded twice, It was narrated by Abu Dawud and Al-Nisa’i, and they also narrated it on the authority of Ata bin Yasar on the authority of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - However, it is better not to do tayammum with anything other than soil as long as it is possible, and if there is no dirt, then with sand, If sand is lost, then with mud, and if mud is lost, then with pebbles and stones. Q Is it permissible to do tayammum with limestone, gypsum and agate? Tayammum is valid with lime stone (i.e. al-Nura stone) and gypsum stone. Likewise, it is valid for tayammum with cooked plaster, However, tayammum with metal stones such as agate stones is invalid. Q: What is the solution if dirt, sand, mud, gravel and stone are lost? He can do tayammum with the dust attached to the bed or clothes and the like. If there is no dust in these things, he must do tayammum with mud, and if the mud is lost, it is obligatory to pray without tayammum, and as a precaution, it is desirable to make it up later. Q: What if: If he could get dirt by shaking the mattress and the like, and if he could dry the mud? If he was able to obtain dirt by shaking the mattress and the like, then the dust ablution is invalid, and if he was able to dry the clay and get dirt from it, the dust ablution is invalid. Q: What about tayammum with dust? It is mustahabb for the thing with which tayammum is used to have dust attached to the hand, just as it is desirable for him to shake his hands - after hitting that thing with them - so that the dust falls off. Q: What about tayammum with low-lying soil, dirt on roads, and swampy lands? Issue 741: It is makrooh to do tayammum with the soil of low-lying ground, the soil of roads, and swampy lands If salt is not on top of it, and if salt is on top of it, then tayammum is invalid. Q: Who does not have water and has snow or hail, is it valid to do tayammum with them? If it is possible to dissolve it without harm or embarrassment, then it is obligatory to dissolve it and perform ablution or ghusl with it, even if it is the same as applying anointing with its water, If it is possible to dissolve it without harm or embarrassment, then it is obligatory to dissolve it and perform ablution or ghusl with it, even if it is the same as applying anointing with its water, Or wash it, just as he did not have to do tayammum with snow or hail, as a precaution, he should make up the prayers that he prayed in the last instance while he was not purified. Q Is it permissible to do tayammum with straw? It is not permissible to perform tayammum with it, but if that thing is so little that it is considered perishable and dissolved in the soil or sand, then the tayammum is valid with that soil or sand. Q Is it permissible to do tayammum with a mud wall? It is valid to do tayammum with a mud wall, and as a precaution, it is desirable not to do tayammum with earth or soil that is slightly damp with the presence of earth or dry soil, Q: If he was certain of the validity of tayammum with something, then he did tayammum with it, then it became clear to him later that tayammum with that thing was invalid? He must repeat his prayers that he prayed with that tayammum. Q: Does a person have to perform tayammum for every prayer, or is it permissible for him to pray whatever he wants of obligatory and supererogatory prayers as long as he has not yet performed tayammum? A: It is permissible for a Muslim, if he performs the Shari’a tayammum, to pray with that as much as he wants, whether obligatory or supererogatory, as long as he lacks water or is unable to use it, as long as he does not happen or find water, according to the most correct sayings of scholars, for the prophet said: ( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: ((The soil is the ablution of a Muslim, even if he does not find water for ten years, so if he finds water, then let him fear God and touch it with his skin)) Narrated by Al-Bazzar and the hadiths in that are many, and God is the conciliator. Total (10/203).) Q: Does tayammum make ablution completely obligatory for the one who is in a state of ritual impurity/sick? A: Tayammum takes the place of water, for God has made the earth a mosque and a purification for Muslims, If he loses water or is unable to find it due to illness, tayammum takes its place, and it is still sufficient until he finds water, If water is found, it is obligatory for him to perform ghusl for his previous ritual impurity, and likewise for the patient, if he is cured and God heals him, he must perform ghusl for his previous impurity, which he purified with tayammum, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The earth is the ablution of a Muslim even if he does not find water for ten years.” Then he said: “If you find water, touch it to your skin, Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, from the hadith of Abu Dharr, may God be pleased with him, and narrated by Al-Bazzar, and authenticated by Ibn Al-Qattan, from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, If he finds water that is junub, he touches it with his skin, i.e., he takes a bath after that for what has passed, as for his past prayers, they are valid by doing tayammum when he lacks water or is unable to use it, because of a disease that prevents him from water, until the disease ends and he is cured of it, and until he finds water if he lacked it, even if it takes a long time. Q What are the nullifiers of tayammum? The presence of water and the ability to use it, Tayammum is invalidated in the event that there is enough water for ablution, and the tayammum is able to use it, and to see water are three cases that we mention in the following. Seeing water before prayer In this case, tayammum is invalid, and ablution must be performed with water even if there is no time to perform the prayer on time. Seeing water while praying In this case, the tayammum is not invalidated, unless the person is among those who must repeat the prayer for some reason. Seeing water after prayer In this case, the prayer is valid, and the worshiper does not repeat his prayer. 2 - Exit of time It is the end of the time set for performing the prayer, and the entry of the time for the prayer that follows it, such as the Fajr prayer, for example. Its time ends with sunrise, and the noon prayer begins with noon, and the noon prayer begins its time by noon, and whoever says that the expiry of time invalidates tayammum, that is because he said that tayammum is permissible for prayer, However, it does not remove the impurity, and whoever says that tayammum does not invalidate the expiration of the time, it is based on the fact that tayammum temporarily removes the impurity, many scholars hold this view. 3 - The disappearance of the excuse which permissible to do tayammum The jurists agreed that tayammum is invalidated by the removal of the reason that permitted it, so whoever was doing tayammum because of an illness and God Almighty cured him of it, then it is not permissible for him to do tayammum after recovery, or like going to an enemy who was warning him, or became able to reach the water, or was able to use it, and that is because what was permissible because of an excuse is invalid by the disappearance of this excuse, The Summary Tayammum is invalidated by the invalidations of ablution, just as it is invalidated by the presence of water, and the fuqaha’ have detailed the cases of seeing water, so whoever sees water before praying and is able to use it invalidates his tayammum, and during and after the prayer, his prayer is valid, and some scholars believe that the expiry of the prayer time is one of the invalidations, and most are otherwise, Tayammum is invalidated by the disappearance of the excuse for which the person performed tayammum. Q Mention the pillars of tayammum? 1 - The Intention And it is in the heart, and it is intended to do the act of tayammum, and it is Sunnah to utter it with the tongue, and it is intended by the person who has done tayammum what he wants to do, and the Hanafis and Hanbalis said, that the intention is one of the conditions of tayammum, and there is no pillar of it, such as prostration, prayer, or anything else, and the removal of the event, or the impurity, if the orphan intends to remove one of the two events or the impurity, the intention is not sufficient for the two matters, but each action must have a different intention from the other; Because each of them has a reason different from the other, and the hadeeth of the Prophet: (Actions are but by intentions, and each person will have what he intended) The jurists differed in the characteristic of the intention imposed upon the intention of the tayammum. The statement of their disagreement is as follows The majority of scholars from the Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali schools said That the characteristic of the intention of tayammum is with the intention of permitting prayer and other acts of worship, such as touching the Qur’an The Hanafis said that The intention of tayammum is required to contain one of three things, namely The intention is to purify oneself from an existing event, and it is not required to specify it And the intention to permissive prayer, or remove the event. The intention for a specific act of worship is not valid without purification, such as the prostration of recitation. If a Muslim intends to perform tayammum without intending to make the prayer permissible, then his prayer is not valid. 2- Wiping the face And it is by delivering the dirt to all the face, taking into account that the dirt reaches the area above the lips, while Imam Abu Hanifa sees the permissibility of limiting himself to tayammum in most cases, 3- Wiping the hands up to the elbows Taking into account the removal of what is on them, such as the ring, to be wiped under it, it is not sufficient to confine it to moving it from its place only, while the Hanbalis and the Malikis see, the obligation on the hands is by wiping them up to the elbows, as for the dust reaching the elbows, it is a Sunnah, as the Prophet said to Ammar: (It was enough for you to do this, so he hit the ground with his hands, then he brushed it off, then wiped the back of his hand with his left hand or the back of his left hand with them, then wiped his face with them) 4- The order between the two swabs The Hanbali and Shafi’i considered it obligatory, and this arrangement is between the members of the tayammum; Because tayammum takes the place of ablution, the arrangement is obligatory for them, and it is excluded from the arrangement if the tayammum is from a major impurity according to the Hanbalis, while the Hanafis and Malikis see that the arrangement is Sunnah, not an obligation; Because the obligation in tayammum is wiping, and dirt is a means, not an end. It is the transfer of dirt from its place to the member to be wiped The Shafi’is considered it the first pillar of the ritual ablution, while the Malikis considered that Transfer is Sunnah. At Shafi'i, and Hanafi Tayammum should be done with two strokes one for the face, and the other for the hands While the Maliki and Hanbali see that the first strike is obligatory, and the second strike is Sunnah; The reason for that difference is in the generality of the verse of tayammum, and the clear hadiths conflict with two strokesو They agreed on the necessity of removing any barrier that prevents dirt from reaching the member that must be wiped, such as the presence of a ring. Because the soil is dense and has no flow like water, The time of removal is when wiping, and the Maliki and Hanafi views, It is obligatory to pickle the fingers with the palm of the hand when wiping, in contrast to the Shafi’is and Hanbalis who said that pickling is desirable as a precaution. That the person who performs tayammum removes the impurity from his body, unless the impurity is one that is pardoned by the Sharia, and if he performs tayammum before removing the impurity, his tayammum is not valid Q Mention the Sunnahs of Tayammum? 1- The naming at its beginning 2 - Present the right over the left 3- The top of the face is on the bottom of the face As in ablution. Reducing the dust that is on the soil, following the Prophet, and so that there is no distortion of morals. 4- Dust should not be wiped off until after the prayer is completed. 5- Separating the fingers when striking the soil; for the excitement of dirt 6- Removing everything that prevents dust from reaching the members of the tayammum. 7 - Passing the hand over all the members to be wiped in a manner similar to rubbing in ablution, with an addition to the members by wiping the upper arm; It is between the elbow and the shoulder 7- Facing the qiblah while pronouncing the two testimonies of faith, raising both hands and looking at the sky 8 - Use of toothpicks among the Malikis 9- The succession, i.e. the sequence of scanning the organs The Malikis and Hanbalis have gone that it is one of the duties of tayammum, and its pillars. Second: the scientific part First: what is soil? What exactly is dirt contents made of? Dirt (also called soil or earth) contains a mixture of rocks, clay, sand, and other organic materials. Dirt is usually full of minerals and various microorganisms. Depending on your location, the amounts of these materials will vary, as will the types of materials that make up the dirt. Dirt Benefit #1: Strengthens the immune system One of the primary benefits of dirt is that it supports a healthy immune system. The New York Times reported on the “hygiene hypothesis,” which explains that dirt contains millions of bacteria and viruses that actually help develop a healthy immune system. Dirt Benefit #2: Detoxifies the body Dirt may actually detoxify the body - people use clay and charcoal to detoxify their skin, but these same properties found in dirt may also work as a detoxifying agent from within the body as well. Scientific American reports, “Researchers take another look at dirt eating and discover that the behavior often supplies vital minerals to people and animals and inactivates toxins from food and the environment.” It may benefit pregnant women People have been eating dirt and mud for centuries—often, the people who find themselves craving dirt are pregnant women. ABC News reports that “While most people recoil at the idea of eating mud or mud, some medical experts say it may be beneficial, especially for pregnant women.” Mud, especially in areas rich in mud, contains plenty of essential minerals like magnesium and copper. and calcium and iron, which explains why pregnant women crave them—their bodies need more minerals than usual because they created another human life: In preindustrial times, eating a handful of dirt might do the same job as a prenatal vitamin. #4: Helps prevent allergic reactions With allergies, we're back to the hygiene hypothesis, as ABC News explains that research has found that children raised in rural environments, especially on farms, suffer significantly fewer allergies and autoimmune disorders than children born and raised in cities. "Some researchers believe exposure to soil and other environmental impurities is to blame," they explain. Dirt benefit #5: It may settle in the stomach If you've ever had an upset stomach, you may have taken an over-the-counter medicine that tastes "chalky" like an antacid, because it was probably made with kaolin, the primary substance in white clay. Antacid properties, which can relieve nausea, heartburn and indigestion. Dirt benefit #6: Helps smooth digestion You may have heard of the “gut microbiome,” which is the small ecosystem of good bacteria that live in your digestive tract and help get digestion moving smoothly. Exposure to dirt can cause your microbiome to flourish by encouraging new, healthy bacteria to develop and grow, according to In addition, clay has binding properties that can help when you are experiencing loose bowel movements, however, it can also make you constipated if you consume too much. . Should you really be eating dirt? Toxic substances -- such as pesticides and lead -- may also be present in the dirt, so you shouldn't eat dirt from the ground. Alternatively, you can purchase an earth or clay supplement that will give you some benefits. Just bring a little dirt into your daily life. Rinse organic fruits and vegetables with water, but don't go to extreme measures to sterilize them; swim in the ocean; Go barefoot, play with the dogs, and allow yourself to get a little dirty from time to time. In the end 1 - Note: Tayammum was originally prescribed for sickness, and dirt is considered a natural detox - in the language of the times - Who taught the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace?!! 2 - Note also that God - the Almighty - chose the upbringing of the Messenger of God not in Medina or Mecca (the best of God's countries with God), but chose the desert for him to grow up in the bosom of nature.

  • The Circumcision between religion and science

    The Circumcision of a newborn: cutting off part of his genitals. Circumcision is the cutting of the foreskin (the head of the penis), and circumcision may refer to the same place that is cut off, and from it they say that if the two circumcisions meet, they must perform ghusl and dowry. in men Cut the foreskin lashes in women Cut some high lashes overlooking the vulva The Scientific description of female circumcision Female genital mutilation or circumcision, or what is known as the legal Sunni circumcision of girl, prepucectomy is the process of cutting the skin of the foreskin that covers the head of the clitoris only for those in need of circumcision, this type of circumcision was not prohibited by the World Health Organization (WHO), There is an explicit definition of it in some of the organization's previously published books. However, in recent years, this circumcision has been combined with the first type (Type I) of female genital mutilation (FGM), under the pretext that its practice by Muslims is incorrect. As for what is called female genital mutilation or pharaonic circumcision, it is divided into four types: It is the amputation or removal of part of the female genital organs, Complete or partial removal, for cultural, religious or other reasons. The United Nations declared February 6 as the "International Day for the Rejection of Female Genital Mutilation". The World Health Organization found in 2008 (pp. 5-7) the reasons for this operation customs and traditions religious requirements Cleansing family honour Cleanliness aesthetics Virginity protection Increase the sexual pleasure of the husband Giving a sense of belonging to a group Enhance fertility and increase chances of marriage However, these reasons do not necessarily mitigate the negative effects of FGM. Explain the process of female circumcision and its types FGM is classified into four main types. Cut off the clitoris Partial or complete removal of the clitoris (the clitoris is a small, sensitive, and protruding part of the female genital organ) and, in very rare cases, only the foreskin (the fold of skin that surrounds the clitoris) is removed. excision Total or partial removal of the clitoris and labia minora, with or without removal of the labia majora (the labia is the outer skin fold of the vagina). incisional excision Narrowing of the vaginal orifice by making a hood tamponade. The tamponade is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner or outer labia, with or without excision of the clitoris. all other practices All other harmful procedures performed on the female genital organs for non-medical reasons, such as pricking, piercing, incision, scraping and cauterization of these organs. The opinions of some Muslim sheikhs and doctors Sheikh Al-Qaradawi explained The reduction is legitimate for those who need circumcision, and this is known through a Muslim doctor, who has experience in female circumcision, Al-Qaradawi said that the prohibition of female genital mutilation is in the case of transcending sexuality to exhaustion, that is, extirpation and exaggeration in cutting, which deprive women of legitimate pleasure without justification, which is represented in what they call (the Pharaonic lower), or that this circumcision is practiced by ignorant midwives and the likes of them, rather, it must be done by trusted, specialized female doctors, if it is not possible for a trusted Muslim doctor to do that when necessary, and that the tools used are sterile and sound, It is suitable for the required operation, and the place is suitable, such as clinics, hospitals and health centers. It is not permissible to use primitive tools in a primitive way, as happens in the countryside and the like. Dr. added. Amal Ahmed Al-Bashir The correct steps in legal circumcision for those in need do not constitute any danger, and she explained that the steps begin with preparing the child psychologically, choosing the appropriate time for the girl child and making sure that there are no cases of hereditary bleeding in the family, and also that there are no congenital deformities in the child’s genitals, and it must be with sterile equipment, using ethanol solutions, using local anesthesia (1% lidocaine) with a small syringe (Hypodermic needle), and then removing the surface and inner layer of the foreskin, without cutting off the head of the clitoris or any of the skin of the body of the clitoris, it ends with cleanliness, wiping Vaseline, applying cotton, taking into account not leaving an opportunity for adhesions to occur, and following up on cleaning the wound in the following days with soap and water or water and salt. And she says too That medical organizations and social studies have not demonstrated any risks of reduction and that legal "reduction" circumcision was not prohibited by the World Health Organization (WHO). He found an explicit definition in some of the previously published books of the organization. But in recent years, this circumcision was combined with the first type (Type I) of female genital mutilation (FGM), under the pretext that it is not practiced by Muslims. Amal Ahmed Al-Bashir in a study entitled "Female Circumcision in Medicine and Islam, Between Excess and Negligence, according to medical and social studies, the war against circumcision has no valid medical basis, and in a Western study, doctors and specialists declared that there is no evidence indicating the dangers of circumcision, and that some studies produce conflicting results that cannot be determined with certainty, and that some studies indicate that there are benefits in circumcision. Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Bar mentioned He prefers to use anatomical medical methods, which have been proven to be the best and the most remote from complications Dr. Fathia Hassan Mirghani mentioned That the war against circumcision aims to war against male circumcision in the future, and that it is under the pretext that there is no interest in changing God's creation, and calls have become popular and supported even by some in the Islamic world Dr. Set Al-Banat, Khaled Mohamed Ali, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, published it A study on circumcision and the work of non-governmental association committees held by the United Nations on family, women, children, population and housing, the Population and Development Conference held in Cairo in 1994, and the Fourth Conference on Women held in Beijing, In September 1995 AD and the Second Human Settlements Conference held in Istanbul in June 1996 AD, at the twenty-third session of the United Nations held in New York, the doctor mentioned that the work of the committees aimed at combating circumcision has ideological and social concepts as well, and among its objectives are: 1 - - Avoiding early marriage 2 - Advocating Western concepts of freedom and equality 3 - Elimination of innate differences between men and women 4- Spreading the habits of public speaking about private parts 5 - Opening the door to forbidden relationships 6 - Work to spread contraceptive methods among adolescents 7 - Claims to legalize abortion 8 - Permissibility of adultery, incest and extramarital relations 9 - birth control 10- Raising the minimum age for marriage 11- Spreading the culture of mixing, and promoting what is called safe sex by publishing videos, pornography and temptation under the pretext of fighting AIDS. 12- Lifting the guardianship of parents over their children 13 - Cancellation of inheritance 14 - Abolition of the guardianship of fathers over children and women 15 - Poisoning the thoughts of youth 16 - Many concepts and customs that do not fit the religious and social values in Islamic and Arab countries Dr. Set Al banat mentioned That the increase in the size and length of the foreskin leads to infections and causes sensitivity in the clitoris and pain when touching it, and causes bacteria to multiply in urinary urination and accumulations in the smegma, and that adhesions in the foreskin can lead to infections due to a lack of estrogen, especially in the category of girls in the ages of pre-puberty and adulthood. It also leads to a lack of sexual libido, because the foreskin pushes the clitoris inward, and the intensity of sexual arousal is a result of a lot of sensitivity and touching, and it leads to involuntary urination and can lead to some cases of depression and lymphoma, and if there is no desire, the person will be attached to inanimate objects, then circumcision refines him, and that is why you find that uncircumcised men and women are not satisfied with sexual intercourse, and cutting the foreskin saves a person from fatty secretions and seborrhea. In a memorandum submitted by the Muslim World League and His Excellency the Secretary General of the Muslim World League Dr.Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Obaid In it, he reviewed objections to some of the programs that contain bad ideas and destructive principles that are dangerous to humanity in general and to developing countries in particular, and Islamic ones in particular. in the United Nations program. The statement of the Supreme Sharia Committee of the Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa That “female circumcision” in the form and manner in which it is currently performed is usually forbidden by Sharia, and that is because modern medicine has proven it with absolute and certainty, with its many physical and psychological harms to the female, where female circumcision or circumcision is by cutting off part of her body, without justification or necessity, it is prohibited by Sharia. And Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the Mufti of Egypt, issued an official statement prohibiting female genital mutilation, and considering it just a habit that has nothing to do with Islam from near or far. Al-Nawawi said Circumcision in women: Cutting the lowest part of the skin at the top of the vulva, which is above the outlet for urine, similar to the crest of a rooster. Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi said Circumcision is the cutting of the foreskin that covers the glans of a man, and the cutting of some of the skin that is at the top of the vagina of a woman. And Sheikh Muhammad Nasser Al-Din Al-Albani said I know that circumcision of women was known to the predecessors, contrary to what those who have no knowledge think The Mufti of Al-Azhar said The circumcision of girls is from the Sunnahs of Islam and its method should not be neglected, Rather, care must be taken to circumcise them in the manner and description that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, taught Umm Habiba, It should be kept away from circumcised women who do not improve this work. God Almighty has entrusted the affairs of the children to their parents and guardians. Whoever turns away from him is a waste of the trust entrusted to him. Ibn Baz said Circumcision is one of the Sunnahs of instinct, and it is for males and females, but it is obligatory for males, and a Sunnah and an honor for women. Abu Hafs Siraj al-Din al-Hanbali al-Dimashqi said As for female circumcision, two blades are surrounded by three things: a hole at the bottom of the vagina, which is the entrance for the male, and the exit for menstruation and childbirth, and another hole above this like the male urethra, It is the outlet for urine only, and above the urethral hole is the place of its circumcision, and here it is like a thin, standing skin like the crest of a rooster, and cutting this skin is its circumcision. Sheikh Allam Nassar said Female circumcision is one of the symbols of Islam, and it was mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet, We choose in the fatwa: to say that it is Sunnah in order to outweigh its chain of transmission and the clarity of its direction, and the wisdom in its legitimacy is what it contains of softening the sexual orientation in women, and its tendency towards praiseworthy moderation And Sheikh Jad Al-Haq said on Gad Al-Haq The jurists agreed that circumcision is for men, and circumcision for females is legitimate, then they differed as to whether it is Sunnah or obligatory, and he urged adherence to it, and it was not reported from any of the Muslim jurists - in what we have read from their books that are in our hands - to say that circumcision is prohibited for men or women, or that it is not permissible, or that it is harmful to the female, If it was done in the manner taught by the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - for Umm Habiba, as for the difference in describing his ruling, between duty, Sunnah, and honorable, It is almost a difference in the terminology under which the ruling falls. Ibn al-Qayyim said There is no disagreement about the desirability of female circumcision, and there is a difference of opinion regarding its obligation. Sheikh Attia Saqr said The cries calling for the prohibition of female circumcision are cries that contradict the Sharia, because there is no clear text in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and no saying of the jurists for its prohibition. And if the jurisprudential rule says: The ruling of the ruler to raise the dispute, In this matter, he has the right to rule by obligation or recommendation, and it is not valid for him to protect by prohibition, so as not to contradict Sharia, which is the main source of legislation in countries whose constitution stipulates that Islam is the main religion of the state, It is permissible to legislate reservations for the good performance of duty and delegate so that they do not conflict with religious decisions. The benefits of reducing females who need to be reduced Dr. Nejashi Ali Ibrahim mentioned, and Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Kanaan In the medical jurisprudence encyclopedia Some of the reasons for the demand for circumcision, including that if a female is not circumcised and remains uncircumcised, she is overwhelmed by intense desire, and looks forward to men more, Leaving their circumcision ignites her sexual instinct, and this may push her to fall into forbidden things, including the spread of immoralities among non-Muslim women that are not found in Muslims, in addition to the secretions that are in this place, which causes an unpleasant smell, women who are not circumcised are always troubled and have sharp temperament, absent-mindedness, and nervous temperament. the religious context of the topic The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said to the lower And she who is circumcised is better and not exhausted, for it is more beautiful for the face, and is more pleasing to her in the presence of the husband.” Meaning: do not exaggerate in cutting, and that is because the purpose of circumcision of a man is to purify him of the impurity that is ingrained in the foreskin, and the purpose of circumcision of a woman is to moderate her desire, because if they are uncircumcised, she is strong lust. For this reason, there are abominations in Tatar and Frank women that are not found in Muslim women, and if exaggeration occurs in circumcision, the lust is weakened, so the man’s intention is not completed. The sayings of the four imams It has legitimacy and permissibility in the sentence when everyone It varies between obligation and desirability at the Hanafis honored At the owner representative At Shafi'i duty at the Hanbalis Honorable and not obligatory The psychological context of female circumcision The Psychological effects of female genital mutilation general The World Health Organization (2008, Appendix 5) reports that immediate psychological trauma may result from pain, trauma, and the use of physical force by those who perform FGM. The long-term Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may occur. anxiety and depression Amnesia (Behrendt and Moritz 2005). A study in African communities of practice found that women who had undergone FGM had the same levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as adults who experienced early childhood abuse, and that the majority of women (80 percent) had PTSD. Affective (mood) or anxiety disorders (Kel, 2014, p. 6) Women who have undergone FGM may also be affected by chronic pain syndrome There is an increased risk of depressed mood Decreased social functioning and worthlessness feeling guilty Even contemplating suicide Limited mobility also increases social isolation and loss of role in society (Whitehorn, Ayonrinde and Maingay, 2002, p.166). Burrage (2015, p. 99) writes that women who have undergone FGM tend to develop psychological conditions that make them withdrawn, uncommunicative, or mistrustful. There are anecdotal reports of teenage girls "returning to the UK from" holidays, “Outsiders who acclimatized well to school before they went, but failed to thrive in the learning environment after they returned” (p. 99). Other psychological effects include emotional distance, flashbacks, sleep disturbances, social isolation, and somatisation. b) The effect of female genital mutilation on relationships The marital relations Women who have undergone FGM are more likely than women who have not undergone FGM to experience painful intercourse, decreased sexual satisfaction and decreased libido (Berg, Dennison, 2012, pp. 41-56) FGM may lead to sexual phobias (El-Defrawi et al, 2001, p.472). Women may also experience greater difficulty reaching orgasm and shame or embarrassment about intimacy (Burrage, 2015, p.115) Narrowing of the vaginal opening can make intercourse painful for both partners (British Medical Association, 2011, p.6). A study (Elnashar, Abdelhady, 2007, p.241) conducted on a sample of newly married women in the city of Benha found that 40.5% of women who underwent FGM, they experienced dyspareunia (difficult or painful sexual intercourse), while only 18.8% of the women who had not had sex experienced it. 17.5% of women who underwent FGM felt dissatisfied with their husbands, while only 4.7% of uncircumcised women felt this way. A lack of sexual pleasure for both parties can lead to couples having extramarital affairs with women who have not undergone FGM (FORWARD, 2002, p6). Emotional or physical pain during intercourse reduces enjoyment for both the woman and her partner, affecting intimacy in the relationship (Whitehorn, Ayonrinde, Maingay, 2002, p.167) an interview with Dr. Brenda Kelly (Chung, 2015) reveals that when intercourse is painful, the vaginal muscles contract, making intercourse more difficult, perpetuating a vicious cycle. As a result, these women avoid sex, which can lead to marital dissatisfaction. In addition, immigrant females may have “altered expectations” of sex due to “new sexual culture, media, or new peers” (Whitehorn, Ayonrinde, Maingay, 2002, p.166). A woman who has undergone FGM may be aware of differences in the appearance of her genitals and may feel embarrassed during a physical examination or sexual intercourse. Furthermore, women who perceive a lack of sexual pleasure may feel anger, guilt, shame, or inadequacy (p. 166). Furthermore, the inability to have sexual intercourse may result in the woman being unable to fulfill her reproductive role, and this may be a major role in certain societies. In some societies, women are blamed for failing to bear children, and this may be attributed to a curse, which can lead to a woman being rejected by her husband and even by her extended family, causing 'further social isolation' (Whitehorn , Ionrind, Minghai, 2002, p. 167). However, the assumption that all circumcised women suffer from sexual problems or are unable to achieve orgasm is not substantiated by research or anecdotal evidence. The relationship between the degree of anatomical damage and a woman's ability to compensate for it through other sensory fields or emotions and imagination is not well understood (Tobia, 1994, p. 714). family relationships Traditionally, a female from the community performs the FGM procedure. They may be closely related or completely alien. Some survivors experience a sense of betrayal by someone emotionally close to them (Whitehorn, Ayonrinde, Maingay, 2002, p.165). In many cases, girls are held by female relatives while FGM is performed (British Medical Association, 2011, p5). The long-term There may be “behavioral disturbances as a result of childhood trauma and a potential loss of trust in caregivers who have allowed or participated in a traumatic and upsetting procedure” (British Medical Association, 2011, p.6). In 1999, FORWARD conducted a study of 15 Somali women in Manchester Ask about her experiences and attitudes towards FGM. Many women felt distressed and hurt. One woman stated, "My mother is dead now but I can never forgive her for what she did to me [;] she ruined my life" (FORWARD, 2002, p. 21). Age can be a protective factor against the negative psychological effects of FGM. As stated by Dr. Brenda Kelly (Chung, 2015), if a survivor is younger than two years old, she is less likely to remember and less likely to suffer from PTSD. The people most at risk of developing PTSD are children older than five years of age who remember being subjected to forcible stress and who experienced severe pain and/or complications afterwards. There are a variety of other conditions that may mitigate the negative effects of FGM. A 2015 study by Knipscheer et al (2015) found that approximately 64% of participants “did not report scores above the threshold for indicators of PTSD, anxiety, or depression” (p. 275). It was found that the type of FGM, country of origin, source of income, vividness of recall and coping style were important factors influencing mental health outcomes. For example, circumcision, and "Vivid Memories" and Style of Coping with Substance Abuse, High Scores of PTSD (p. 275). Survivors may also be able to recover without experiencing mental health problems (p. 276) - for example, Lockhat showed in 2004 that women who had undergone type 4 genital mutilation did not report problems related to post-traumatic stress disorder. Alternatively, women may report symptoms without reporting them due to different perceptions for example that factors other than female genital mutilation were responsible for the symptoms) or taboos (which make them ashamed to share these problems). The reluctance to report symptoms may also be due to the fact that thinking or talking about their FGM experience may bring up the pain they experienced at the time (p. 276). The study also suggested that if women rate the event less negatively, there is a lower likelihood of developing PTSD (p. 276). Therefore, the study highlights the importance of assigning different weights to different factors in each individual case. female genital mutilation globally Since 2008 The joint program between the United Nations Fund and UNICEF Work to accelerate the abandonment of FGM in a wide range of areas such as legal reform, research and data analysis, capacity building of medical and field workers, as well as direct engagement with communities and religious leaders. And in 2014 The joint program between the United Nations Population Fund and UNICEF launched the second phase, and expanded its work to include 17 countries. The joint program is working closely with the Ministry of Health and Population to address the growing challenge of: 1- Medication of female circumcision 2 - Strengthening the law banning female genital mutilation 3 - Mobilization of social change at the community level.

  • The types of water

    1 - Tahoor Water 2 - Taher water 3 - Impure water The Tahoor water Purified water is defined as; Everything that descends from the sky or springs from the ground, without any change in its color, taste or smell, with anything that takes away the characteristic of purity, and it is correct to purify water, raise the major and minor events, with it, prayer becomes permissible, and it is permissible for a Muslim to use it for whatever he wants of permissible things, such as cooking, drinking, washing clothes, and other things. 2 - The Taher water Pure, non-purified water is defined as; Water mixed with something pure without its kind, He changed one of its three descriptions, or it was used to refer to an event, and it was less than two ounces, and the ruling on this water according to the majority of scholars is that it is pure in itself, and is not purified for anything else, this type is considered to be deprived of purification. That is, it is not right for a Muslim to purify himself with it, The water that was used a little to raise the event, such as Plant and flower water, and this type is considered pure water, but it is not pure. 3 - The impure water Najis water is defined as; Water mixed with an impurity that changed its colour, taste or smell, this kind of water is absolutely not permissible for a Muslim to use, whether in habits quot; cooking, drinking, washing, or in acts of worship such as; ablution or ghusl. The reason for prohibiting its use is due; to That he transfers the impurity to others, with the need to point out that he excludes from the prohibition the necessary and urgent cases, such as Fear of self-destruction and the absence of anything other than impure water: here it is permissible to use it There are two types of impure water Plenty of pure water mixed with some impurity, this type of water does not become impure unless one of its three characteristics changes: colour, smell or taste. The little pure water that has been mixed with some kind of impurity, and this type of water It becomes impure as soon as impurity enters it, and it is not necessary for one of its three characteristics to be deemed impure.

  • The provisions of ablution

    Q - Mention the evidence that ablution is a condition of prayer? A: Ablution is one of the conditions of prayer, as the Almighty says: O you who have believed, when you rise to prayer wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet up to the ankles.” [Al-Ma’idah: 6] Q: Mention the pillars of ablution A: Ablution has six pillars The intention when washing the face He washed the entire face, from the roots of the hair, according to most people, to the chin and from ear to ear. And washing the hands with the elbows - and the elbow is the junction of the forearm and upper arm - and anointed part of the head and wash the feet up to the ankles And the arrangement of the pillars is as it mentioned. If the arrangement is not performed, ablution is not valid according to Al-Shafi’i. Mention the Sunnahs of ablution The Sunnah of using toothpicks before ablution It is similar to a stick, and is used to clean the teeth Seeking refuge and basmalah It is enacted to seek refuge from the Devil before the name of Allah - by saying, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the insinuations of the Devil" - and then the Sunnah of the name of Allah before performing ablution. - Like saying in the name of God or in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful The Sunnah of rinsing and sniffing They are recommended by the majority, and the performer of ablution can do them in the manner that suits him. The Sunnah of circulating the head with water while wiping it And that is from the front of the head to the back of it, then back with the hands from the back of the head back to the front of it, for whoever suits him to do that. Sunnah to wipe the ear after wiping the head; The performer of ablution must renew water for her other than what he used to wipe his head, and he is keen to deliver the water to its surface and its interior. It is possible to limit it to wiping some of the head It has power and direction, especially in the right of women, so separating between them and men is a narration from Ahmed, although the precaution is undoubtedly that the head should be covered by wiping. The tooth of pickling between the fingers This applies to the fingers of the hands or feet, as is the case in the thick beard, for its owner soaks it with water without affectation. The Sunnah of triangulation in the acts of ablution For the hadith of Ibn Omar - may God be pleased with him - describing the ablution of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace -: (He performed ablution three three ) It does not harm him to do it once if the time for prayer is short, or he fears that the water will not suffice him, or he fears missing the congregational prayer. The Sunnah of Tayamun And what it means is putting the right hand forward over the left in the actions of ablution, according to the hadith of Aisha, the Mother of the Believers - may God be pleased with her - who said: (The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was fond of wearing clothes, putting on his feet, purifying himself, and in all his affairs). Sequence sunnah And sequence means continuity between the members, and it is by starting to wash the second member before the first member dries, and it is a Sunnah for everyone except the Hanbalis who make it obligatory The Sunnah of Massage And it is by passing the hand over the organ after the water has hit it. The Sunnah of ablution with a mudd of water The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - used to perform ablution with a mudd of water, and a mudd is less than one liter, so it is (0.68 liters). The sunnah of lengthening the forehead and Tahajil And lengthening the bangs means taking into account that the water reaches all sides of the face, while lengthening the Tahajil means taking care of the water reaching all sides of the hands and feet, This was reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - who said: (I heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: Indeed, on the Day of Resurrection, my nation will be called white, radiant from the traces of ablution, so whoever among you is able to make his forehead long, let him do so.) The sunnah of moving the ring This is so that the water reaches the member well. The Sunnah of renewing ablution It is desirable for a Muslim to renew ablution for obligatory and supererogatory prayers, even if his previous ablution has not been invalidated The Sunnah of praying two rak'ahs after ablution It is two rak’ahs that he prays after every ablution, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - urged it and the Companions did it. Othman bin Affan - may God be pleased with him - said: (I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, perform ablution like this ablution of mine, and then he said: Whoever performs ablution like this of mine, then he prays two rak'ahs, in which he does not think to himself about anything, except that his previous sins will be forgiven), even if it was at a time when it is disliked. The Sunnah of supplication after ablution It is similar to the tashahhud of prayer, and its formula is: (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone with no partner, And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, O Allah, make me among those who repent and make me among those who purify themselves. The Sunnah of facing the qiblah for whoever wants it Q Is it necessary for water to reach the inside of a man's beard and across the face in ablution? A: The water must reach the inner part of the beard, which is not thick, and on the sides (the hair that grows on both sides of the face) those who are not dense, and with regard to the thick beard and the thick sides, it is not necessary for the water to reach their insides, Rather, it is sufficient to wash the surface, and the thick one through which the skin is not visible. What are the invalidators of ablution? A: Ablution is invalidated by what comes out of the two passages except semen , and touching the human privte parts or anus with the palm of the hand without a barrier, touching the skin of a foreign woman that desires, and the demise of the mind, there is no sleep: sits upright Q: What is the difference between semen and madhiy? Semen comes out with lust, with apathy, and it comes out in abundance and flow. As for madhiy, it comes out of lust, not with lust, and it is little, and is not followed by apathy, and the person may not feel its ejaculation until after ejaculation. Q: What is the ruling on secretions of women? Ruling on a woman’s secretions: The woman’s secretions that come out of her vagina, which are white water oscillating between madhiy and sweat, are vaginal fluids, It invalidates ablution, but it is pure, and the place where it was infected does not have to be washed from the clothes or the body. How can sleep whose MMkn Meq'dth: upstraight sleep ? A: That is when he sleeps in a straight position on the ground so that there is no space between them, so that he is safe from passing wind and the like. Q What is the meaning of a foreign woman who desires? A: It means foreign, i.e. not a relative. And the meaning of she desires has reached an age in which the person of sound nature desires to her, so a young girl, like a one or two-year-old girl, can go out with that, and an old woman cannot go out with that. Ablution is required for the validity of several acts of worship Like which in photo aboveAblution is required for the validity of several acts of worship Like which in photo above.

  • The Menstruation

    The Menstruation Blood expelled from the womb of an adult woman who has no disease or pregnancy and has not yet reached the age of menopause First: Common jurisprudence questions Q: What are the rulings on a woman having menstruation? Q: What are the rulings on a woman having menstruation? The prayer So it is forbidden for a menstruating woman to perform obligatory and supererogatory prayers, and she is not valid from them, and she is not obligated to pray, unless she catches up with the time for a complete rak’ah, in which case she must pray at that time, whether she realizes that at the beginning of the time or at the end of it. An example from the beginning A woman menstruates after sunset, one rak’ah, and if she becomes pure, she must make up the Maghrib prayer, because she has caught up with one rak’ah of prayer before she menstruates. An example from the end A woman who purifies herself from menstruation one rak’ah before sunrise, and if she purifies herself, she must make up for the Fajr prayer, because she has made up a portion of her time that is sufficient for one rak’ah. But if the menstruating woman realizes a part of the time that does not accommodate a full rak’ah For example, if you menstruate in the first example a moment after sunset, or become pure in the second example a moment before sunrise, prayer is not obligatory for her, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever catches up with one rak’ah of the prayer has caught up with the prayer.” Agreed upon. What is understood is that whoever catches up with less than one rak’ah does not catch up with the prayer. Dhikr, takbeer, glorification and praise Saying “Bismillah” when eating and other things, reading hadeeth and jurisprudence, praying and believing in it, and listening to the Qur’aan, so none of that is forbidden to her, It was proven in the Two Sahihs and others that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to recline on Aisha’s lap, may God be pleased with her, while she was menstruating, and he would recite the Qur’an. Also in the Two Sahihs, on the authority of Umm Atiyah, may God be pleased with her, she heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: (He brings out the women and the women who are in numbness and menstruating - that is, to the two Eid prayers - and let them bear witness to goodness and the supplication of the believers, and menstruating women should retire from the prayer place.) As for a menstruating woman reading the Noble Qur’an by herself, if it is looking with the eyes or contemplating with the heart without speaking with the tongue, then there is nothing wrong with that, such as placing the Mushaf or the tablet, so she looks at the verses and reads them with her heart. Al-Nawawi said in Sharh al-Muhadhdhab: It is permissible without a difference of opinion. And if it is recited orally, then the majority of scholars are of the view that it is forbidden and not permissible, Al-Bukhari, Ibn Jarir al-Tabari and Ibn al-Mundhir said: It is permissible, and it was narrated on the authority of Malik and al-Shafi’i, In the old saying, it was narrated from them in Fath Al-Bari, and Al-Bukhari mentioned a comment on the authority of Ibrahim Al-Nakha’i: There is nothing wrong with reading the verse. Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in “Al-Fatawa” There is no Sunnah to prevent her from reading the Qur’an, because his saying: “Neither a menstruating woman nor a person who is in a state of ritual impurity should read anything from the Qur’an” a weak hadeeth, according to the agreement of the people with knowledge of the hadeeth, women used to menstruate at the time of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so if recitation was forbidden to them, it is like prayer, this would have been from what the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, explained to his nation, and the mothers of the believers taught it, and that was from what they transmitted among the people, In that there is a prohibition that it is not permissible to make it haraam, knowing that he did not forbid it, and if he did not forbid it despite the abundance of menstruation in his time, it is known that it is not forbidden. End. Which should be said after we know the dispute of scholars It is better for a menstruating woman not to recite the Noble Qur’an orally, except when needed, for example, if she is a teacher and needs to teach the learners, or in the case of an exam, the learner needs to read for her test, and so on. The Fasting 1- It is forbidden for a menstruating woman to fast, both obligatory and supererogatory It is not valid from her, but she must fulfill the obligatory part of it, because of the hadeeth of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: (This used to happen to us - meaning menstruation - so we were commanded to make up the fast, but we were not commanded to make up the prayers) Agreed upon. 2- If she menstruates while she is fasting, her fast is invalid, even if that was a moment before sunset, and she must make up that day if it was obligatory. 3- If she sensed the onset of menstruation before sunset, but it did not come out until after sunset, Her fast is complete and does not invalidate it according to the correct view, because the blood inside the stomach has no ruling, and because when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was asked about a woman seeing in her dreams, what does a man see? Does she have to do ghusl? He said: (Yes, if she sees water) The ruling was attached to seeing semen, not to its transmission. Likewise, menstruation is not established except by seeing it outside, not to its transmission. 4- If dawn breaks while she is menstruating, her fast on that day is not valid, even if she becomes pure a moment after dawn. 5- If she purifies herself before dawn and fasts, her fast will be valid, even if she does not take a bath until after dawn, like the case of a person who is junub if he intends to fast, He was junub and did not perform ghusl until after dawn, so his fast is valid, according to the hadeeth of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, who said, : (The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to become junub, Whoever has sexual intercourse without a wet dream, then fasts during Ramadan) Agreed upon. Staying in the mosque It is forbidden for a menstruating woman to stay in the mosque until the Eid prayer place, and it is forbidden for her to stay there, for the hadeeth of Umm Atiyah, may God be pleased with her: She heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: (He brings out the free women and the women who are in bed and menstruating) and in it: (The menstruating women retire from the prayer place) Agreed upon. The intercourse 1 - It is forbidden for her husband to have intercourse with her, and it is forbidden for her to enable him to do so, The Almighty says: (And they ask you about menstruation. Say it is harmful, so keep away from women in menstruation, and do not approach them until they are clean) what is meant by menstruation is the time and place of menstruation, which is the vagina. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (Do everything except marriage) means sexual intercourse. narrated by Muslim . And because Muslims are unanimously agreed that it is forbidden for a menstruating woman to have intercourse with her vagina, It was permissible for him to break his lust without intercourse, 2- Kissing, hugging, and intimacy with what is below the vulva, but it is better not to touch what is between the navel and the knee, except from behind a barrier, because Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said:The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to order me to wear a garment, so he would have intercourse with me while I was menstruating. Agreed. The Marriage contract for a menstruating woman There is nothing wrong with it because the basic principle is that it is permissible, and there is no evidence that it is forbidden, but the introduction of the husband to her while she is menstruating is considered, If he is safe from having intercourse with her, then there is nothing wrong with it, otherwise he should not enter upon her, until you purify yourself for fear of falling into the forbidden The Obligatory: Ghusl after menstruation 1- If a menstruating woman becomes pure, she must perform Ghusl by cleansing the entire body The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Fatimah bint Abi Hubaish: (When the menstruation comes, stop praying, and when it ends, do ghusl and pray) Narrated by al-Bukhari. The least obligatory ghusl is for her to cover all her body with it, even under the hair, Where Asma bint Shakal asked him about the washing of menstruation, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (One of you should take her water and lotus leaves and purify herself well, then pour water on her head and rub it vigorously, until it reaches the roots of her head, then she pours water on her, then she takes a piece of cloth that contains musk, and purifies with it, Asmaa said: How do you purify yourself with it? He said: Glory be to God! Aisha said to her: You follow the trail of blood) Narrated by Muslim (1) If a person dies leaving a woman whose pregnancy inherits to him, and she is the wife of a husband, then her husband does not have intercourse with her until she menstruates, or until it becomes clear that she is pregnant, we judged by his inheritance, because we judged his existence at the time of the death of his bequeather, and if she menstruates, we rule that he does not inherit, because we rule that the womb is innocent by menstruation. ( 2 ) It is not obligatory to undo the hair of the head, unless it is tightly tied in such a way that there is the fear that the water will not reach its roots, according to Sahih Muslim, from the hadith of Umm Salama, may God be pleased with her, that she asked the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and she said: I am a woman whose hair is thicker on my head, should I break it for ghusl from impurity? And in a narration of menstruation and impurity? He said: (No, it is enough for you to throw three handfuls on your head then you pour water over yourself, and you purify yourself). ( 3 ) If a menstruating woman becomes pure during the time of prayer, it is obligatory for her, take the initiative to do ghusl so that you can perform the prayer on time ( 4) If she is on a journey and does not have water with her, Or she had water but feared harm from using it, Or if she was sick and was harmed by water, then she would do tayammum instead bathing until the barrier is gone, then you wash. Sin fall into some women in Some women become pure during the time of prayer, and delay ghusl until another time. They say: she cannot completely purify herself at this time, but this is neither an excuse nor an excuse, because it can limit itself to the minimum required in ghusl, and she performs the prayer on time, then if she has time, The capacity for complete purification has been purified. End . The Sin fall into some women in Some women become pure during the time of prayer, and delay ghusl until another time. They say: she cannot completely purify herself at this time, but this is neither an excuse nor an excuse, because it can limit itself to the minimum required in ghusl, and she performs the prayer on time, then if she has time, The capacity for complete purification has been purified. End . Second: the common medical questions Q How does a girl reach puberty and what are the signs of that? When a girl reaches puberty, many physical changes occur to her, such as: Underarm hair growth And the prominence of the breasts. Menstrual bleeding or the occurrence of the menstrual cycle as it is called Which occurs as a result of the secretion of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are female hormones in girls. Q What happens during the menstrual cycle inside the womb? During the menstrual cycle, the uterus begins to form a thin wall in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg, and when fertilization of the egg does not occur through sperm,pregnancy will certainly not occur, then the uterus gets rid of this wall through monthly bleeding, i.e. menstruation. Q What is the normal duration of the menstrual cycle? For most women, a normal menstrual cycle lasts between 3-7 days, and the bleeding during the first days is heavy and will subside as you reach the last days of your period. Q Does the number of days of the cycle differ from one girl to another? The number of days of the cycle varies according to the nature of the body of each girl, but if the menstrual cycle continues for more than 7 consecutive days, then you should consult a doctor, as this warns of the existence of a problem, The time period between one menstrual cycle and another is not fixed for all girls, it varies from one woman to another, and it occurs every 21 to 35 days, and the average is usually every 28 days. Q What is the amount of blood lost during the menstrual cycle? Blood loss varies from one woman to another, and the menstrual cycle is considered normal when the rate of blood loss ranges between 20-60 milliliters, It is considered abundant when the amount of blood lost is between 60-80 milliliters or more. Q What are the causes of cramps and pain during menstruation? Cramps and pains during menstruation are contractions in the uterus, and they are in the form of pain in the uterus area below the navel area. Period pain may move to the lower back, as it comes either during the menstrual cycle or a few days before it. These cramps occur as a result of hormonal changes during menstruation, because of chemicals called prostaglandins, these substances work on uterine contractions, higher nervous irritation, and severe contractions in the uterus to release blood or menstrual fluid. And women who suffer from these pains have a large amount of prostaglandins, or they have a greater sensitivity to these chemicals. The Risk of infection from sex during the menstrual cycle It's especially important to practice safe sex during your period because you can still get or pass on a sexually transmitted infection, such as HIV, during this time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus may be present in menstrual blood. Therefore, doctors strongly encourage the use of condoms to reduce these risks. Anecdotally, says Lauren Streicher, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg College of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, there are two reasons for this risk. "Any bodily fluids can carry HIV or [other] STDs, and [during your period], the cervix opens slightly, which can allow viruses to pass through." You may also be more susceptible to some infections in general around this time The vagina maintains a pH level of 3.8 to 4.5 throughout the month, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). But during menstruation, this level rises due to the higher pH level in the blood, and the yeast can grow more quickly. The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection They are most likely in the week leading up to your menstrual period, and sexual intercourse during this time can exacerbate symptoms. But there is no clear evidence of any increased risk of getting a yeast infection if you have sex during your period. There's also the dreaded UTI. "Some women can be more likely to get a UTI after intercourse," says Dr. Coleman. "This is most likely related to the bacteria's ability to move easily into the bladder through sexual intercourse, but it could happen at any time during the menstrual cycle." The risk of pregnancy during the menstrual cycle Yes, you can get pregnant when you have your period, especially if your period is shorter (21 to 24 days) and you have sex at the end of your period. Sperm can still be able to survive in your vagina for up to five days, so pregnancy is possible, and it's important to continue using birth control. Q How do I choose a sanitary pad that is good for me? Things to consider while choosing the right sanitary pads Know your periods Understanding your body and your menstrual cycles is the first step towards choosing the right pads for your period. Your flow is not exactly the same throughout your menstrual cycle. Therefore, you have to keep track of the changes in your body and menstrual cycle in order to choose the sanitary pads. It is also important to know how many pads you actually need for one cycle. Look for materials that are not only soft, but skin-friendly Also suitable for your skin. Use caution if your skin is sensitive and prone to infections. Cotton pads are best for all skin types. length by flow Well, you can't be wrong about this. You have to buy a sanitary pad according to your flow. The first time you get your period you may want to try a regular size pad but if the regular size seems to fill up too quickly then try a larger size pad. It totally depends on the shape and flow of your body whether you need an extra long pillow with a wide hip protector or a regular pillow. There are special night pads that have a longer length and a wider back to avoid staining the sheets while sleeping. diverse Fortunately, just like your clothes and underwear, there are many products available to help make it easier to deal with your period. Lots of options available based on your usage and preferences. Whether you want a really short and thin sanitary pad or thick layers. Or if you want an extra large or a regular fit, with wings, without wings and much more. In fact, there is something called panty liners that are best for days when you have a few stains or simply want to feel extra protected when wearing a tampon or cup. Good absorption The absorbent capacity of the pads allows you to decide if you need an extra absorbent pad or just a regular pad. The main factor of the pad is to absorb blood flow without any backflow or leakage. Some women use two different types of pads with different absorbencies - one that can take care of their heavier days and one that is lightly absorbent for lighter days. lifestyle Sometimes wearing sanitary pads depends not only on flow and body type, but also on the activities you do. You should wear sanitary pads according to the nature of your daily activities or the activities that occur on the days of your menstrual cycle. For example, use thin winged pads if you have a gym class or an extra absorbent pad if you have a lot of workload or any physical work around the house. I do Wear cotton panties to keep her breathing and fresh there. Change it every 4-5 hours to avoid any infection. Wash the vaginal area every time you change the pad. Take a warm bath to relieve cramping and pain. No Do not flush an open bandage or flush a pad down the toilet. Do not wait until the pad is full. Do not use soap. Q: What is the correct way to clean the vagina during menstruation? Don't use toilet paper, tampons, or scented pads. They can be very irritating to your skin and may cause burn-like symptoms. Ensure that all of your products are fragrance-free and do not contain additives such as aloe vera. For some, organic products may be a better choice because they contain no pesticides or other chemicals. Do not wash the vagina and vulva well. This can throw off your pH balance, making you more susceptible to yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Try an oral female probiotic, such as Fem-Dophilus or IsoFresh, if you think you may be susceptible to these infections. It is important to remember that vaginal discharge will change throughout both your menstrual cycle and your lifetime. Sometimes there will be more, and sometimes there will be less. Discharge is not always a worrying indicator. Rinse the vagina and vulva with water only, and the groin can be washed with a natural, perfume-free soap. Do not change the tampon frequently You definitely don't want to leave a tampon in for more than eight hours. Ideally, you can change it every three to four hours. The danger is toxic shock syndrome, a rare and fatal infection that spreads into the bloodstream. This happens most frequently in women who use super absorbent tampons. Q: Will you guide me with general information about the vagina as it ages - especially cleaning -? 2. Using warm water and a washcloth, clean the front and back of your vagina, making sure you are pressing very gently there. Clean around the bikini line, then move to either side of the clitoris and then work your way to the anal area. Doing so will ensure that no germs are transferred to the vaginal area. When finished, wash the towel well and pat dry. 3- Avoid using any harsh soaps or shower gels to clean the vagina. They can cause dryness, itching, and excessive vaginal discharge, as they cause an imbalance in the pH levels in the vagina. It is best to consult a gynecologist for the most appropriate body wash that you can use to clean your vagina. 4. If you have any vaginal itching after your period, try sitting in a bath with warm salt water. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add half a cup of salt, then squat down. A salt bath will help clean your vagina and relieve itching. After cleaning the vagina, whether with a washcloth or a salt bath, make sure to gently dry the intimate area well. A wet vagina can easily lead to infections, and it's best to avoid it! After cleaning your vagina after your period ends, there are a few other things to keep in mind... Grooming your pubic hair regularly makes your vagina healthier, as this reduces the risk of yeast or bacteria growth. Wearing 100% cotton underwear helps keep your vagina fresh and healthy, as it is breathable, and helps eliminate any bad vaginal odor. Drink pomegranate, raspberry, or pineapple juice, as these fruits are good for your vagina. The vagina ages as you approach menopause Just like the rest of your body, your vagina ages. Once you approach menopause, its parts don't look or function the same way they did when you were younger. Dryness, drooping and lack of hydration are all problems at this stage of life. These changes are normal, although their impact on bathroom habits and sex life may not be welcome It's very dry Estrogen keeps vaginal tissues healthy, plump, and moist. When estrogen levels drop around menopause, those delicate tissues are left feeling sore and dry. Dehydration is one of the most troubling symptoms of menopause. It can make sex uncomfortable or even painful. Use a water-based lubricant to reduce friction. And have sex regularly to keep the moisture you still have. There is less hair there Your hair goes through natural cycles where it grows for a while and then falls out. As your hair gets older, its growth cycle shortens. At the same time, the decrease in estrogen leads to the production of the dominant hormone testosterone in the body. Testosterone fuels hair loss. When more hair is lost than your body can replace, you will start to see areas of thinning. It happens on your scalp There drooping Your pelvic floor muscles act as a sling that supports your uterus, bladder, rectum, and upper vagina. Childbirth and menopause weaken these muscles, which can cause your pelvic organs to prolapse. This is called prolapse. Sometimes an organ falls all the way into the vagina and causes a bulge. Medical devices and procedures can elevate the pelvic organs and treat prolapse. you have a contraction The loss of estrogen around the time of menopause causes the once-stressed vaginal tissues to become thinner and less elastic. This is definitely a "use it or lose it" situation. If you don't have sex often enough, your vagina can get shorter and narrower. So when you have sex, it will hurt. Maintaining a healthy sex life (with a partner or a vibrator) will keep your vagina loose and limber For sex that makes you sore You will feel the loss of estrogen when you try to have sex. Dryness and thinning of the tissues in the vagina can lead to painful penetration. Over time, the soft tissues can tear and bleed. Don't let fear of pain stop you from having a healthy sex life. When you avoid sex, it can make the problem worse. Use a water-based lubricant. If this does not help, ask your doctor about estrogen therapy or other treatments. Your vulva is not the same You may not be well acquainted with the vulva - the opening to the vagina and its outer lips. But if you've held a mirror up there recently, you may have noticed some changes. For one thing, he's probably paler than he was before. The lighter color is due to reduced blood flow from lower estrogen levels. The inner lips have shrunk for the same reason, and they may be drier than they were before. You get more UTIs A sudden urge to use the bathroom or pain when urinating may be signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). The vagina is home to many bacteria — some good, some harmful. The loss of estrogen in menopause changes the climate there, leaving more harmful bacteria than good. This is why women get more UTIs as they age. Vaginal estrogen therapy can increase the beneficial bacteria and reduce the number of infections you Q Are there good applications for calculating the menstrual cycle? Don't avoid tracking your menstrual cycle. Your period can be a valuable marker of your overall health. In fact, some medical conditions, including diabetes, thyroid imbalances, celiac disease and even some types of cancer can be brought on by irregular menstruation. Clue is the top-rated (and free) period-tracking and ovulation app according to the Obstetrics & Gynecology Journal, an official publication of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). There are many other resources available to help you keep track of your menstrual cycle, so ask your doctor/gynecologist.

  • The Ghusl provisions

    What is Ghusl? Pouring water over the whole body with the intention. Washing and removing impurities that cling to the body, by pouring over pure water to make acts of worship permissible. Q Is there a type of ghusl, and when should I do ghusl? Ghusl is divided into three parts The obligatory ghusl.. the sunnah ghusl.. the permissible ghusl. It is obligatory Ghusl for The emission of semen is a gush with pleasure from a man or a woman, masturbation, sexual intercourse, or a wet dream. A man has intercourse with his wife, even if he does not ejaculate If a Muslim dies, except for those killed in the way of God If the infidel converted to Islam Menstrual or postpartum bleeding from a woman. It is Sunnah Ghusl for washing on Friday Ghusl for Ihram Hajj or Umrah Ghusl upon entering Makkah Ghusl for every sexual intercourse Ghusl is for the one who washed the dead Washing for cleanliness Washing on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha Ghusl for the burial of a polytheist relative Ghusl for those who have recovered from fainting or madness Ghusl to stand at Arafah. And permissible washing for Like washing to cool Swimming in the water is just for fun and pleasure Q: What are the obligations of ghusl? 1 - The intention is according to the majority, and according to the Hanafis it is Sunnah, and the most correct view is the opinion of the majority. 2- Covering hair and skin with water, and this is agreed upon by the jurists. 3- Rinsing the mouth and sniffing is obligatory in ghusl according to the Hanafis and Hanbalis, and the Shafi’is and Malikis are of the view that it is not obligatory. 4- The sequence, and he went to its Maliki hypothesis, and the majority went to that the sequence is a sunnah. 5- Rubbing the limbs in ghusl is obligatory according to the Malikis and Al-Muzni from the Shafi’is, and the majority are of the view that rubbing is Sunnah. Reversal of the braids: The Shafi’is said: The braids must be revoked if the water does not reach the inside of them except by reversing, the Malikis said: It is not obligatory to unravel the braids unless they become severe by themselves, or it may have been braided with strings, and some of them said: What was braided with less than three strings did not undo, And it was braided with three or more overturned. And the man and the woman according to the Malikis and the Shafi’is are the same in this ruling. Q How do I do ghusl step by step? It was narrated on the authority of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, in mentioning the washing of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - from impurity, as she said: (The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was, If he performs ablution from ritual impurity, he starts by washing his hands. Then he empties with his right hand over his left and washes his private parts, then he performs ablution as he does for prayer. Then he takes water and puts his fingers into the roots of the hair, even if he saw that he had recovered, he sprinkled three handfuls on his head. Then it poured over the rest of his body, then he washed his feet. and in a narration: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, He took a bath from impurity, so he started by washing his hands three times, then he mentioned the hadeeth of Abi Muawiyah, but he did not mention washing the feet. It is possible to detail the method of ghusl from sexual impurity, as mentioned by Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi in his book al-Mughni, where he said: Al-Kamil comes with ten things: 1 - Intention Worship, obedience, and work without intention are not accepted, and it is sufficient for it to simply resolve to do something and intend to do it from the start. 2- The naming It is the same as the basmalah, or the person saying: In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 3- Washing his hands And wash them three times. 4- Washing off any dirt on it It is intended specifically for the vagina, so it is Sunnah for those who want to perform ghusl from janaabah, to wash the place of janaabah, which is the vagina, as stated in the aforementioned hadith of Aisha - may God be pleased with her. 5 - The ablution What is meant is the usual ablution with its pillars and Sunnah, and it is Sunnah to delay washing the feet until the end of the ablution. 6- To put three handfuls of hair on his head So that tells the origins of hair 7- The water overflows all over his body It is the main pillar in the washing of impurity, if it suffices it, that is sufficient; Because the purpose of ghusl is to circulate water over the body to remove impurity and achieve purity. 8- He should start with his right side and massage his body with his hand Then he moves to his left side until he finishes washing all of his body. 9- He should move from the place of his ablution and wash his feet And this is at the end of the ablution so that the feet are washed with pure water that has not been affected by impurity. 10- To soak the roots of his hair and beard with water before pouring it over it. Q: What is the ruling on one who neglects to wash an injured limb while doing ghusl from ritual impurity? If one of the parts of the bathing body has a wound, then the scholars have detailed how to deal with this part in the following detail: The wound and the like is either open or hidden. If it is exposed What is required is to wash it with water. if it is hidden by what justifies its cloak There is nothing in it except wiping only, and if wiping harms him even though it is hidden, then he should adjust to tayammum, as if it was uncovered. This is what the fuqaha’ (may God have mercy on them) mentioned regarding this issue. End quote from al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (1/247). Q If someone had a wet dream while he was asleep, then he woke up knowing that he had a wet dream, and he did not find any semen, and he did ghusl, then after a while the semen came out, does he have to do a second ghusl? Whoever had a wet dream and did not find traces of semen on his clothes or bed, he is not required to perform ghusl. On the authority of Umm Salama, the mother of the believers, that she said: “Umm Sulaym, the wife of Abu Talha, came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, She said: O Messenger of God, God is not ashamed of the truth. Does a woman have to do ghusl if she has a wet dream? The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Yes, if she sees water. Narrated by al-Bukhari (282) and Muslim (313). Some scholars have reported consensus on this. Ibn Al-Mundhir, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said: All of the scholars from whom I learned information are unanimously agreed that if a man sees in his sleep that he had a wet dream, or had intercourse and did not find any wetness: he does not have to do ghusl. End quote from al-Awsat (2/83). If a wet dream washes before seeing water in his clothes; Then after that, water came out of it (semen). This water that came out after taking a bath has two scenarios: The first case That this person thinks most likely that this water is the result of what he saw in sleep; born of it; But it remained congested in the urethra, and then came out because of the sequence of movement, or urine, In this case, he must do ghusl. because the reason for the obligation of ghusl has been fulfilled, which is seeing water due to a wet dream, as previously mentioned in the hadith of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, and as in the hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Water is only from water. Narrated by Muslim (343). But if he walked, then semen came out of him, or he came out after he woke up He has to wash. Ahmed stated it; Because it seems that it had moved, and its emergence did not take place until after waking up. End quote from al-Mughni (1/269). The second case That he thinks it most likely that it is not the result of a previous wet dream; If he sees it after a long time has passed since he slept, for example after a day has passed, then the view of the majority of scholars is that the emission of semen while awake: does not necessitate ghusl unless it is due to desire. And the evidence of the majority of scholars The hadith of Ali, may God be pleased with him, who said: I was a man: every time I spurted madhiy, So I took a bath until my back cracked, and I mentioned that to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace - or it was mentioned to him - so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: do not do this if you see madhiy, wash your penis, and perform ablution as you do for prayer, Narrated by Abu Dawood (206) and Al-Nasaa’i (193). Al-Albani classed it as saheeh in Irwa’ al-Ghalil (1/162). It seems that the second school of thought - the school of thought - is more correct Because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, described the emission of semen in the hadeeth of Ali, may God be pleased with him, as an emission of semen, By fajh, and we have already stated that it means gushing, so if it does not come out in this capacity, ghusl is not required, as for the hadeeth: “Water is from water” and the like, this does not contradict this. Because it is absolute and carried on the restricted. And God knows best. End quote from Thakheerah al-‘Uqabi (4/176-177). And on it If semen comes out with desire and gushing, ghusl is required. If it comes out as urine comes out - without gushing or desire - then ghusl is not required. Q The ruling on delaying the ghusl of impurity until the dawn time comes out to ensure that the semen reaches the womb and achieve childbearing There is nothing wrong with that, as long as he did not come at the time of the prayer. If the time of the prayer did come, then he must perform the ghusl and perform the prayer, such as at noon or the afternoon prayer. It is proven in the Two Sahihs from the hadith of Hudhayfah and from the hadith of Abu Hurairah: that they met the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and then got drunk from him, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to them:What is the matter with you? They said: We were in a state of ritual impurity, so we thought we would sit with you when we were not in a state of purity, He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: A Muslim does not become impure, and he did not denounce them for remaining in a state of impurity. which we recommend Hastening to wash is good, and if he hastened, then it is good, but he is not obligated to do so. An obstacle may hinder him: he goes out to the market to buy something or so, there is nothing wrong with him, rather he has to hasten if he attends something that necessitates that. End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala ad-Darb (5/317). And on it If you delay washing until the time for dawn ends: it is forbidden, because it delays the prayer beyond its time, and that is a great major sin, The Almighty said: Indeed, the prayer is ordained for the believers at scheduled times, An-Nisa’ 103. And he said: Preserve the prayers and the middle prayer, and stand up to God with obedience. Al-Baqarah/238 And He, Glory be to Him, said: Then after them there came a successor who neglected prayer and followed desires, so they will meet with destruction Maryam / 59 Ibn Masoud said about Al-Ghay: A valley in Hell, far away from the bottom, with an evil taste. And the Almighty said: Woe to the worshipers who are negligent about their prayers: Al-Ma’un / 4, 5. Secondly: If a person performs ghusl from sexual impurity, he has done what he owes, and it does not matter if the sperm remains in the womb, or if some of the semen remains in his body, but if the semen ejaculates after that without desire, he does not have to repeat the ghusl. It says in Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ (1/141): “(or) semen came out (after washing it as a result of intercourse during which it did not ejaculate), without desire: it is not obligatory to do ghusl,(Or a remnant of my semen comes out for me to do ghusl for him, without desire: ghusl is not required); When Saeed narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he was asked about the ritual impurity, something comes out of him after washing? He said: He performs ablution. It was also mentioned by Imam Ahmad on the authority of Ali. And because it is one semen, then one washing is required, as if it came out in one jet. and because it is outside without lust; More like a cold outside. And Ahmed's ills, he said, : because lust is past, but it is an event; I hope that ablution will suffice it.” End. Q: What are the invalidators of ghusl? Ghusl is not invalidated by what nullifies ablution, but it is invalidated by the occurrence of what necessitates it, such as sexual intercourse or the emission of semen, If there is a reason for washing during washing, then the washing is invalidated, and he must take a bath again, as well as if that happened after him. Among the invalidations of washing is also the refusal of the intention during or before washing. The relevant scientific evidence menstrual hygiene Cleaning your vagina after your period is a very important step for maintaining feminine hygiene, but did you know that you might be washing your vagina the wrong way? Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your vagina after your period, to make sure it is fresh and healthy: 1. Once your period ends, make sure to clean your vagina right away, to get rid of any spotting or vaginal discharge. This will help you avoid any vaginal infections. 2. Using warm water and a washcloth, clean the front and back of your vagina, making sure you are pressing very gently there. Clean around the bikini line, then move to either side of the clitoris and then work your way to the anal area. Doing so will ensure that no germs are transferred to the vaginal area. When finished, wash the towel well and pat dry 3- Avoid using any harsh soaps or shower gels to clean the vagina. They can cause dryness, itching, and excessive vaginal discharge, as they cause an imbalance in the pH levels in the vagina, It is best to consult a gynecologist for the most appropriate body wash that you can use to clean your vagina. 4. If you have any vaginal itching after your period, try sitting in a bath with warm salt water. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add half a cup of salt, then squat down. A salt bath will help clean your vagina and relieve itching, after cleaning the vagina, whether with a washcloth or a salt bath, make sure to gently dry the intimate area well. A wet vagina can easily lead to infections, and it's best to avoid it! After cleaning your vagina after your period ends, there are a few other things to keep in mind... Grooming your pubic hair regularly makes your vagina healthier, as this reduces the risk of yeast or bacteria growth. Wearing 100% cotton underwear helps, It helps keep the vagina fresh and healthy, as it is breathable, and helps eliminate any bad vaginal odor. Drink pomegranate, raspberry, or pineapple juice, as these fruits are good for your vagina. Post-sex hygiene: What to do after sex to make sure you don't get infected Post-sex hygiene, if not maintained, can lead to various complications for your sensitive reproductive organs and make you really sick. This is all you need to do after sex to stay healthy wash your hands It's the best way to get rid of bacteria you might pick up when you or your partner's genitals touch. This is key to preventing the spread of infection. Wash with soap and water and make it part of your post-sex cleaning routine. Take care of any yeast infection Partners can pass these back and forth during sex. (Yes, men get yeast infections, too.) So if you notice symptoms — itching, burning, or a thick white discharge from the vagina or penis — treat them before the next time you get engaged. Talk to your doctor if you think you may have one. Clean and wash your genitals Having sex doesn't mean turning off the light and going to sleep. Go to the bathroom and wash your genitals (not the inside), although you don't have to shower immediately after sex. Gently washing your genitals with water will help you avoid any kind of infection including a urinary tract infection (UTI) This applies to both men and women. You can try mild soaps, but it is wise not to use soaps if you have sensitive skin or if you already have an infection. Soap can dry out the area and cause irritation. Men who have a foreskin should gently pull it back and wash it underneath, experts suggest. cleaning process should be simple Cleaning up after sex should not include any type of lotion, wipes, creams, or sprays. While we usually assume these help rejuvenate your private parts, they can end up damaging the area. Some are made with harsh soaps, detergents, or shampoos, or perfumes or lotions that can chap your skin in and around your personal areas. Rinsing the area with warm water is the best solution. Try to stay away from scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays, especially if you have a tendency to catch infections quickly. Go and pee after sex It is important to urinate after sex as this reduces your chance of infection. Bacteria can enter the urethra at the time of sex. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of your body. The moment you urinate, these germs leave your body with your urine. Women should wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria Purity musk Evaluation of the anti-musc effect on eleven bacterial strains and three types of yeast. cleaning process should be simple Cleaning up after sex should not include any type of lotion, wipes, creams, or sprays. While we usually assume these help rejuvenate your private parts, they can end up damaging the area. Some are made with harsh soaps, detergents, or shampoos, or perfumes or lotions that can chap your skin in and around your personal areas. Rinsing the area with warm water is the best solution. Try to stay away from scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays, especially if you have a tendency to catch infections quickly. Go and pee after sex It is important to urinate after sex as this reduces your chance of infection. Bacteria can enter the urethra at the time of sex. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of your body. The moment you urinate, these germs leave your body with your urine. Women should wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria The Purity musk Evaluation of the anti-musc effect on eleven bacterial strains and three types of yeast. This study investigates the antifungal effect of different musk concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% on some pathogenic microorganisms. 11 bacterial strains and 3 types of yeast were isolated and diagnosed. Strains of bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enteritis, Proteus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Aeromonas aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Bacillus anthracis, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The three species isolated from yeast are Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The results indicated Musk has inhibitory effects on the growth of the studied pathogenic microorganisms. The higher concentration of 100% Musk was less effective, possibly due to the fact that the higher concentration of Musk had a high viscosity and caused cracks in the medium which hindered its diffusion through the media. The results also showed that musk was more effective than antibiotics. Note: The Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - commanded cleaning with water only, and then wiping the genitals of a woman after the menstrual cycle specifically with musk, which reduces the use of perfumes, creams, etc., which makes getting my infection easily after intercourse or after a woman’s menstrual cycle.

  • The characteristics of the instinctive

    - And on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him and make him pleased, that the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: The fitrah is five, or five are from the fitrah: circumcision, pubic hair, clipping the nails, plucking the armpits, and trimming the moustache. Agreed upon. 9/1204- On the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, she said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Ten things are from the fitrah: trimming the mustache, letting the beard grow, using a toothpick, and sniffing water, Cutting the nails, washing the knuckles, plucking the armpits, shaving the pubic hair, and decreasing the amount of water. The narrator said: and I forgot the tenth, except for rinsing the mouth. Waki`, who was one of its narrators, said: Reducing the water, meaning: cleaning yourself. narrated by Muslim The Circumcision between religion and science The Circumcision of a newborn: cutting off part of his genitals. Circumcision is the cutting of the foreskin (the head of the penis), and circumcision may refer to the same place that is cut off, and from it they say that if the two circumcisions meet, they must perform ghusl and dowry. in men Cut the foreskin lashes in women Cut some high lashes overlooking the vulva for more, please follow this link Second: the shaving Look at the accuracy of what the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said - that is, shaving in any of the forms then look at the scientific aspect Sharpen:one of his knife or blade Mustache:Shaving the pubic hair, which is shaving the hair around the vulva. The Scientific aspect Why do people remove it? There are alot of reasons why people get rid of their pubic hair. Some of the most common ones are discussed below. There are alot of reasons why people get rid of their pubic hair. Some of the most common ones are discussed below. social norms Pubic hairgrooming has been a common practice for centuries. Today, at least some hair removal is common, and some theories link this trend to increased accessibility to porn, where baldness is the norm, many people remove their pubic hair to conform to this aesthetic standard. Partner expectations For others,their grooming habits are driven by a partner's preferences. In a 2013 survey, about 21.1% of women reported that their general grooming was related to a partner's preference. The same survey showed that a similar percentage of men also groomed according to their partner's desire, and in a 2015 study, men were more likely than women to report a preference for a sexual partner free of pubic hair. To indicate that they prefer trimmed, partially shaved, or waxed pubic hair. Having sex with pubic hair A new study found that those who groom their pubic hair are three to four times more likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection, such as herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), or syphilis, a new study found. However, the study did not prove a direct cause-and-effect relationship between pubic care and sexually transmitted diseases, it was only designed to show a link between these factors. Possibility of getting pubic lice The studyauthors report that people who never or rarely groom their pubic hair have a double risk of pubic lice infestation. "You actually reduce your risk of getting lice by grooming." The study was published online Dec. 5 in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infection. Third:trimming the mustache Look at the accuracy of the words of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - (Cutting the mustache, not plucking it or shaving it), then look at the scientific aspect. The Scientific aspect November:It's the month during which thousands of men grow their upper lip hair in order to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide prevention. How oftenshould you actually trim your beard and mustache? For thoseof you with hair, "every 6 to 8 weeks" is probably ingrained in your memory. 1. Reduce the risk of cancer Reduce therisk of face cutting, early death The thinneryou shave, the less you cut your face. Without proper antibiotics, an infection from razor knee can easily kill a person. You can get rot and die in a short time. Henry David Thoreau's brother John died in this way, as did Lord Carnarvon, shortly after the discovery of Tutankhamun's burial chamber in 1922. Third: trimming the mustache Look at the accuracy of thewords of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - (Cutting the mustache, not plucking it or shaving it), then look at the scientific aspect. The Scientific aspect November: It's the monthduring which thousands of men grow their upper lip hair in order to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide prevention. How often should you actuallytrim your beard and mustache? For those of you with hair,"every 6 to 8 weeks" is probably ingrained in your memory 1. Reduce the risk of cancer Covering the face with a beardor mustache reduces the effectiveness of UV rays on the skin, thus reducing the risk of skin cancer. Depending on the angle of the sun (or whatever other radiation source you might be dealing with—do you sleep with radon under your pillow? face down?) and depending on the length of the hair, the average drinker reduces exposures by one-third. Also, Movember uses the use of mustaches in November as a way to symbolically raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancer. Reduce the risk of face cutting, premature death The thinner you shave, theless you cut your face. Without proper antibiotics, an infection from razor knee can easily kill a person. You can get rot and die in a short time. Henry David Thoreau's brother John died in this way, as did Lord Carnarvon, shortly after the discovery of Tutankhamun's burial chamber in 1922. Fourth: trimming the nails Fourth: trimming the nails The Scientific aspect Health benefits of nail clipping Everyone knows that nailsaccumulate dirt and have a higher chance of spreading infection Most of us take care of ourbody and always neglect the small areas like toenails and fingernails which are also an essential part of our body. More importantly, these easy-to-forget areas are also essential parts that can protect your fingertips and toes from scratching and injury. However, keeping them clean is imperative. Cutting and trimming your nails is one of the things that most of us forget or neglect completely because we consider them boring or unimportant. And then we let them grow and become infected. So it is best to avoid trimming them to avoid any kind of nail problems like ingrown toenails, spoon nails, and pincer nails. One of the benefits of cuttingnails is that they help prevent diseases. . It is important to take goodcare of your toe and toe nails. Make sure to wash and cut your nails regularly. Here are some of the health benefits of nail clipping. in grown toe nails This is the most serious medical condition caused by not trimming your nails regularly. Ingrown nails also called onychocryptosis can be painful and unpleasant. When you have large nails, they tend to puncture the skin. Some people have curved nails and the corners or sides of them grow into tender flesh. The result is pain, swelling and can sometimes turn into infection. Aches and pains can make the toe very sore. If your pain is unbearable or severe, see a doctor. Your doctor can relieve you of the pain. bacterial infection Taking care of your nails isimportant if you do not want to pick up infections. If you always wear shoes or socks, toenails can increase bacteria build-up because your feet are unable to breathe while sweating. So try to trim your nails to get rid of infections. Make sure not to wear dirty socks as it can lead to toenail infections. Good hygiene Beautiful nails give an impression of goodhygiene and maturity. If you do not cut your nails regularly, there are chances of getting fungal infections. The health benefits of clipping your nails regularly can also help you get rid of ringworm. It is referred to as athlete's foot and is a red, itchy rash. It usually occurs between the toes with white patches of skin veering away. These wet spots can also affect the nails by making them look yellow. If ringworm gets under your toenails, it can cause fungal infections. So it is better to trim your nails to get rid of them. nail injury If you don't cut your nails, you're already doing damage. Sometimes nails cut in this way may not cause injury if you accidentally hit them hard against the door. It definitely can cause bruising. It can be painful and it takes several months for the dark blood mark to disappear. So in order to avoid any nail deformity, cut your nails regularly. The benefits of clipping your nails can protect you from nail damage. Fifth: plucking the armpits Look at the accuracy of the words of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - plucking the armpits and not shaving them or anything else, then look at the scientific aspect. pluck Compared to shaving, this process pulls out the hair. All you need are your trusty tweezers and you're good to go. One of the most sensitive areas of my body is the armpits. That's partly because I use it to test patches of new homemade beauty recipes, but also because I've been shaving my underarms at random for 20 years. One pit in particular seemed to take the brunt of the abuse and had a monthly bout of inflammation that had me recently exploring armpit plucking instead. Obviously, plucking your underarms will take longer than shaving, so it's likely that if you suffer from razor burn like me, laser hair removal is a more enticing method. Shaving is fast and cheap, albeit dangerous, and laser hair removal is expensive and requires commitment, but where does trichotillomania fall into the realm of underarm hair removal? Sixth: letting grow of the beard Look at the accuracy of what the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - said - letting the beard grow - and letting it grow to a specific degree determined by the honorable Sunnah. Here is not its place, but here is its place - Taking into account that the Messenger was illiterate, neither reading nor writing, why did he not confuse between the mustache and the beard, or mix up rulings, for example, truly (and he does not speak out of desire, it is only a revelation that inspires) The Scientific aspect Does beard growth benefit men's health? Prevents skin problems The skin on your face and neckis particularly sensitive. If you regularly suffer from acne, then a beard maybe the solution you are looking for. Not only will the rash be covered, but nothaving to shave will also mean it's less likely to get worse, If you sufferfrom acne and shave regularly, you run the risk of razor cuts in spots. As you can imagine, this will only make them worse. It's really best to leave them alone, and that's a lot easier if you don't have a reason to get close to them.Seems obvious, but a beard is also the best way to avoid razor rash. The patches you see here are often caused by ingrown hairs, which is when the hairre-enters the skin and continues to grow. By allowing your facial hair to grow,you avoid this problem. fights infection Last year, a study claimedthat beards contain the same bacteria as human feces. Naturally, this was aconcern for bearded men, as this is exactly the kind of thing that can turn offpotential partners. Fortunately, a more comprehensive study was just around thecorner, it was published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, and it involvedsampling 408 hospital workers, some bearded and some without beards.Researchers found that clean-shaven workers were three times more likely tocarry the bacteria associated with MRSA than those with beards. Why? Well, thetheory is that shaving causes tiny, tiny cuts in your skin — not as big asnicks that lead to bleeding, but still enough for bacteria to live and thrive.So if you have a beard your face might be cleaner than someone who shaves everyday! Helps treat allergies According to research by NewYork-based doctors, your beard and mustache can help capture dust particles andother allergens before they reach your nose or throat. Or hay fever, a beardcan be one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. Of course, this willonly work if you clean your beard regularly, because those particles aren'tgoing anywhere and let's face it, no one wants dust. beard. Researchers at the Australian University of Queensland conducted tests to see if a beard can protect your face from the sun and its harmful rays, and found that in some cases, facial hair can provide some protection against skin cancer. However, this is where everything gets a little complicated, as the effectiveness of your beard as a sunscreen will depend on the angle and length of your facial hair. Obviously,some beards provide up to 95% UV protection, however, even if you have a particularly thick beard, no amount of hair can provide you with complete immunity from the sun. You still need to use sunscreen if you plan to spend a day at the beach. slows down aging; Sunlight and damage from acne are just some of the factors that can make your skin look a little tired. By growing a beard, you can keep your skin looking younger and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Prevent your skin from drying out. Skin produces natural oils that keep it soft and youthful, but it's very easy to miss these benefits if you're a clean shave. Men who don't have a beard are more likely to remove these oils when they wash—which is why many of them need to use moisturizer in the first place. A beard keeps all of these beautiful natural oils close to your skin and helps you look and feel fresh. long. Seventh: decreasing with water Ie seeking refuge with him forthe sake of purity Eighth: washing the knuckles The knuckles are the knots and joints of the fingers, and the dirt that has gathered in the ear-coats is attached to it and wipes it, as well as the dirt in any part of the body. Knuckles: The visible joint of the fingers, next to the nails Al-Barajim is the plural of“Karjama”, which is the visible joint of the finger joints, and it is said that the inner ones. Al-Ghazali said The Arabs did not wash theirhands after eating, and dirt would collect in that time, so he ordered them to be washed The scientific aspect Good foot hygiene can helpmanage toe impaction, the collection of sweat and dead skin between your toes. It can be a sign that you need to wash your feet or rethink your choice of shoes. It can also lead to major health problems. How dangerous is toe jam? It's a very differentpossibility, however, for people who have a chronic disease like diabetes, someone who has poor vision (so they don't see toe jams or develop complications) or who may be unable to get to their feet due to limited mobility. Diabetes that is not wellcontrolled by diet, exercise, or medications increases the risk of decreased blood flow (peripheral arterial disease) and decreased feeling in the feet (sensory neuropathy). The broken skin between the toes caused by ringworm can quickly become infected, increasing the risk of: Spread of infection to thefoot and leg (cellulitis). infection in the bones (osteomyelitis) gangrene (dead tissue due tolack of blood flow) Amputation of a toe or part ofa foot or leg. So early recognition of ringworm in a vulnerable person is especially important to prevent complications. Ninth: The Inhale Modern science has proven, after the microscopic examination of the microbial culture that was conducted for the regular and non-regular performers of ablution. That those who perform ablution constantly, the nose appears for most of them clean and pure, free of microbes. microbial cultures They were completely free of any kind of microbes, while the noses of those who did not perform ablution were given microbial cultures with multiple types and large quantities of highly contagious staphylococcal microbes, rapidly spreading streptococcus and organic microbes that cause many diseases, and it has been proven that self-poisoning occurs from As a result of the growth of harmful microbes in the nasal cavities, and from them into the stomach and intestines and to cause infections and multiple diseases, especially when they enter the blood circulation. And if we know that the most prevalent diseases among people, such as colds, influenza, and bronchitis, are transmitted to humans through droplets that come out of the patient through the air that passes through the nose, we realize the importance of the prophetic call to adhere to the act of inhaling and exhaling with each ablution, which the Muslim repeats several times a day to perform his prayers. As it was established in the Two Sahihs, if he gets up at night, he should clean his mouth with a siwak, because stagnation of saliva during sleep is one of the factors predisposing to the multiplication of germs and the increase in their sedimentation in this plaque. Also, this plaque has nothing to do with eating and food waste, as it is constantly forming. So we understand the wisdom behind the encouragement of the Prophet. Al-Bukhari narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Amer bin Rabia, may God be pleased with him, who said: » Tenth: the Miswak He, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Take practice, for the miswak is a purifier for the mouth, pleasing to the Lord, and Gabriel did not come to me except that he recommended me to use the siwak, to the extent that I was afraid that it would be imposed on me and my nation, and if I feared that I would be hard on my nation, I would have imposed it on them, and I used to ask you until I was afraid to keep the front of my mouth.” Yes, the miswak really purifies the mouth, as it has been proven that a thin tuft of saliva sticks to the teeth called bacterial plaque, in which a huge number of germs swim up to about 100 billion germs in each gram of it, and this plaque or layer forms quickly, even after polishing the teeth. In less than an hour, it increases in thickness and soft deposits occur whenever it is left unmoved. It has been proven that this bacterial layer is responsible for gum disease and tooth decay. Thus, wefeel the greatness of the command of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to his nation On theconstant use of the siwak at every prayer or ablution, in his saying, peace and blessings be upon him: “If it were not that I would be hard on my nation, I would have commanded them to use the siwak with every prayer.” Narrated by the two sheikhs. It explains to us the importance of the Prophet’s urging and urging him to use the toothpick and stick to it even during fasting. As it was established in the Two Sahihs, if he gets up at night, he should clean his mouth with a siwak, because stagnation of saliva during sleep is one of the factors predisposing to the multiplication of germs and the increase in their sedimentation in this plaque. Also, this plaque has nothing to do with eating and food waste, as it is constantly forming. So we understand the wisdom behind the encouragement of the Prophet. Al-Bukhari narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Amer bin Rabia, may God be pleased with him, who said: » I saw theProphet eating you while he was fasting so much that I cannot count or count.” Miswak has many medical benefits for the mouth and teeth. It contains antibacterial substances, and research has proven that it eliminates at least five types of infectious germs present in the mouth, the most important of which are streptococcus bacteria, some of which cause rheumatic fever. It was alsofound in the arak toothpick, a substance that washes waste, removes tartar, and helps to polish the teeth. It also contains a lot of tannic acid, which kills germs and a strong antiseptic, and heals gum wounds and infections. A study wasconducted on the users of the Miswak, during which it was proven that the Miswak removes bacterial plaque while it is virgin, before it becomes damaged and affects the tissues. Repeating the Miswak daily before prayer leads to a high degree of oral hygiene and cures gum infections. Eleventh: It was said to rinse the mouth In the mouth, there are large gatherings of microorganisms of different types, more than three hundred colonies, see Figure (3/8), and saliva contains about 100 million germs / mm, and some fungi and protozoan parasites may be present in a number of people, and the types of streptococcal microbes range from 30-60% It is a parasitic bacteria that causes tonsillitis and sore throat, These microorganisms feed on leftovers in the mouth and between the teeth, and their growth and multiplication produces many acids and secretions that affect the mouth and its smell, and the color and performance of the teeth. Rinse the mouth with water several times a day. The second: urging the use of miswak. The accumulation of food residues in the mouth makes them susceptible to fermentation and becomes a suitable hotbed for germs to multiply, which may cause gum infections, thrush, tooth decay and other infections of the oral cavity, and then to their transmission to the digestive system and the resulting digestive disorders and putrefaction that gives off bad breath. Sniffing and blowing both together get rid of the accumulated mucus in the nose, and the dust and germs that stick to it, which leads to the renewal and revitalization of its mucous layer to perform its vital function to the fullest. 1- It hasbeen proven that rinsing the mouth and pharynx is protected from Infection sand gum suppuration, and protect teeth from decay by removing food waste that may remain in them. It has been scientifically proven that 90% of those who lose their teeth, if they cared about oral hygiene, would not have lost their teeth prematurely, and that the purulent and putrefactive matter with saliva and food is absorbed by the stomach and enters the blood. And from it to all organs and cause many diseases 2- Rinsingthe mouth develops some of the muscles in the face and makes it round This exercise was not mentioned by a few ofthe sports teachers, except for their dedication to the large muscles in the body.

  • The journey of Isra and Mi'raj is between the religion and the modern science

    First: the possible reasons for the blessed journey 1 - Before the event of the Night Journey and Mi’raj, calamities befell the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in addition to the hardship and torment of the infidels he was facing, and they responded to his call and caused harm to him and to those who followed him among the people of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula. 2 - He lost a supporter and supporter for him, his uncle Abu Talib, and he also lost a very dear person to him, namely his wife Khadija, who was his support and help in enduring difficulties and hardships in order to convey his lofty calling, they both died within days before the Isra and Miraj event, and so this year was called the “Year of Sorrow.” Hence the blessings of God upon His servant and Messenger Muhammad,  with this great miracle, to sweeten his mind and relieve his sorrows and pain of him. 3 - To witness the wonders of creatures and strange sights that are hidden from the hearts and minds. 4 - Among what was stated on the lips of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was that when he arrived in Jerusalem, all the prophets and messengers gathered around him, lined up and presented him to the leadership, and he led them in prayer... This is considered a celebration of the legacy of prophecy that was passed on to the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, He is Muhammad bin Abdullah, and thus he passed from the descendants of Ishaq to the descendants of Ismail Abu Al-Arab ( The father of Arab) this is also clear evidence of the universality of the Islamic message, and the Islam is the comprehensive religion that contains all previous divine laws and beliefs, and therefore it is the seal of the messages that God has sent down to humanity to guide them. 5 - Since the Isra’ - and also the Mi’raj - were a violation of the natural conditions that people were accustomed to, they used to go from Mecca to the Levant in a month and return in a month, but - that is: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went and returned and was taken up to the highest heavens, and all of this and that in less than two-thirds of one night... So this was an amazing thing, meaning that it was a test for all people, especially those who believed in the new message. The strong in faith believed it, the weak in faith lied, and some of them abandoned their Islam. Thus, the ranks of Muslims are clean, the Muslims whom God prepares for migration will be pious, pure, and strong people, with strong resolve and a solid will. Because immigration requires them to have these qualities. 6 - The ascension was from Jerusalem and not from Mecca, and it had connotations, one of which was the command to spread Islam and expand its framework, because it is the final, comprehensive, and all-encompassing religion, what God has approved for all people, regardless of their races, colors, peoples, and languages. It also contains an implicit command to reject disagreement among Muslims, without a command to unite them and combine their interests. 8 - When you create a craft or product and want to preserve your right to invent it, you apply for a patent so that no one takes your effort and attributes it to themselves, how do you prove to the Patent Authority that it is an invention and that you brought something new that no one had brought before you? To come up with something like a miracle, and it is a miraculous thing when people cannot come up with something like it in the same circumstances that you lived in, right? God Almighty created the universe, created people, created the prophets, and made them human beings, not angels, so how can people believe them when they grew up with them and lived with them until they reached forty years of age? then I call upon prophecy. Who would believe them? Even if their circumstances are better than everyone else (morals and behavior), there must be something extraordinary. Second: The description of the lightning with which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ascended to heaven After the two journeys were completed, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, returned to his homeland and his home in Mecca, he told the people what had happened, and among what he said was: “Burq” He came to him and ordered him to ride him. This Buraq was the means that transported him on his earthly journey from Mecca to Jerusalem. Experts in the Arabic language reported that Al-Buraq: It is an animal smaller than a mule and larger than a donkey. Some commentators on the hadiths of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Buraq is derived from brīq ( sparkling) and its color is white, Or it is from “Al-Buraq”, and it is called that because of its intense brilliance, clarity, sparkling or glow. Third: Does the miracle occur in the spirit, the body, or both? Someone might say: The journey of the Isra (or more importantly: the journey of the Ascension) occurred to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream, that is, a dream-like vision, meaning of his soul and not his body, we say to this one who said: The earthly journey, as well as the upper journey, occurred together in the spirit and the body together, and the overwhelming evidence for that is many, The closest to us are the words of the Qur’an that we mentioned previously. God did not say: (Glory be to Him who took the soul of His servant) ascension from earth to heaven, but rather He said: “Glory be to Him who took ascension from earth to heaven His servant,” meaning: soul and body, thus, the human being (the slave) is both the soul and the body. Before starting the scientific explanation of the journey, the value of the miracle must be noted Now... the West has advanced very advanced technology and said that they created God in a machine, so how can they believe something as strange as a space journey in an era in which most of its people do not read or write, not the space age as we live in? the question here is: Was the Qur’an, including Surah Al-Najm, revealed for the end of time or for the era in which it was revealed? Our answer, as Muslims of all ages and ages, is: Therefore, minds must be perplexed in the era of knowledge, just as they were perplexed in the era of illiteracy. Rather, more and more, then someone will come and explain the matter scientifically and logically, so we will be like our master Abraham, and God Almighty says to him: ( قَالَ أَوَلَمْ تُؤْمِن ۖ قَالَ بَلَىٰ وَلَٰكِن ليَطْمَئِنَّ قَلْبِي) (He said, “Do you not believe?” He said, “Yes, but so that my heart may be at ease.”) Fourth: The Journey of the Night Journey Allah says سُبۡحَٰنَ ٱلَّذِيٓ أَسۡرَىٰ بِعَبۡدِهِۦ لَيۡلٗا مِّنَ ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡحَرَامِ إِلَى ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡأَقۡصَا ٱلَّذِي بَٰرَكۡنَا حوۡلَهُۥ لِنُرِيَهُۥ مِنۡ ءَايَٰتِنَآۚ إِنَّهُۥ هُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡبَصِيرُ (1) Glory be to Him who ascended to heaven through His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the ِAl - Aqsa Mosque which we blessed around it, that We may show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing (1) Glory be to God: a word of exaltation and sanctification, or wonder, and it cannot be said except to God Almighty. Glory be to God: He is above all evil. What do I mean by linguistic meaning? The verse begins with a word that is said when exclaiming, which is the opening of the surah. You are aware that the opening of the speech in any speech that you say in front of a crowd of people must have several characteristics, the most important of which are: It must be attractive and related to the purpose of the word you will say, and this is common in the world of people, We said previously that every human being has a share in his name. Surahs also have a share in their name. In fact, many or most surahs have their main goal in their name, and here is Surah Al-Isra, and it talks about something that the earlier ones marvel at and the later ones doubt, so the surah begins with the content of the wonders it contains..., He ascended with his servant Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace from the Sacred Mosque (his place of residence), may God bless it, to Al-Aqsa Mosque (the second most honorable place to which travelers are drawn - may God free him from his captivity -) and the reason is shown to him by His signs (the miraculous signs of God). Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. Why? Perhaps because this timing came after the year of grief for the Messenger of God, (After the death of Khadija, the inner protective shield of the Messenger of God + his uncle Abu Talib, the outer protective shield of the Messenger of God), So God was the Hearer of the heart of the Messenger of God, Seeing his condition, and God knows what He wants from His servants in this verse. But we have to pause with (to show him of Our signs) If this miracle happened these days, it would be true due to the abundance and horror of the scientific technology developed. They uploaded the minds to the computer and traveled them through the clouds, then they released a laser beam to meet the mind there and travel between the planets... Wait a minute: I do not know exactly whether this really happened or not yet, or is it part of their road map, that is, does God Almighty know (He actually knows, Glory be to Him) that the messengers came to a nation that will one day be dominated by knowledge, so miraculous things must happen that are not specific to a specific time? As a miracle higher than magic, like the miracle of Moses - peace be upon him - or a miracle that the West is almost trying to comprehend and imitate, the miracle of reviving the dead of our Master Jesus - peace be upon him - God knows exactly what He wants with the word (His signs). (From the Sacred House to Al-Aqsa Mosque) The journey could take weeks or months with a camel, and the Messenger of God took them in less than one night because the night begins With the Maghrib call to prayer and ends at dawn, the round-trip journey from heaven to earth took this time. Now the scientific explanation  Interpretation by Professor Dr. Karim Ghoneim.. .but in a simplified way Professor at the Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University - Secretary of the Society for Scientific Miracles of the Qur’an and Sunnah. We must agree on several agreements 1 - The speed of light is about 300,000 km/s 2 - Angels are created from light - Angel Gabriel, the archangel, is therefore the strongest and fastest of them 3 - The speed of light in a vacuum or air is the highest speed known to date, and modern science does not deny the existence of a speed greater than the speed of light in a vacuum, and if it has not been achieved yet, such that you can revolve around the Earth seven and a half revolutions in one second, then what about us if it is not a revolution but rather a straight line to the top? (Just imagine) The speed is higher than the rotation. How can we measure something so amazingly fast? Einstein introduced space and time into his theory of special relativity in 1905 AD and declared: “We do not have to talk about time without space, nor is there space without time. As long as everything moves, it must carry its time with it, and the faster something moves, the less its time relative to what is around it, times associated with other movements are slower than it. We take, for example, the movement of cats and the movement of deer. If the cat moves, then time travels with it at a certain speed, and it has time to move on with it. As for the deer, because it is one of the fastest animals, time decreases with it. According to Einstein's theory If we imagine a rocket very close to the speed of light (such as the angel: Gabriel in this case), it will make a journey that will take fifty thousand years (According to Earth Hour) If you think about visiting the end of the universe, you will return to the Earth to find other generations and the great changes that have occurred on this planet, , which would have passed thousands, millions or billions of years according to the calculations of the inhabitants of the Earth who did not make this amazing journey with you and according to the theory of relativity as well,   If there is an object moving at a speed greater than the speed of light, then distances lie in front of it and time in its travels erases these distances. Fifth: The Ascension Journey Allah says { وَالنَّجْمِ إِذَا هَوَى (1) مَا ضَلَّ صَاحِبُكُمْ وَمَا غَوَى(2) وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى (3) إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّاوَحْيٌ يُوحَى (4) عَلَّمَهُ شَدِيدُ الْقُوَى (5) ذُو مِرَّةٍ فَاسْتَوَى (6) وَهُوَ بِالْأُفُقِ الْأَعْلَى (7) ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلَّى (8) فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِأَوْ أَدْنَى (9) فَأَوْحَى إِلَى عَبْدِهِ مَا أَوْحَى (10) مَاكَذَبَ الْفُؤَادُ مَا رَأَى (11) أَفَتُمَارُونَهُ عَلَى مَا يَرَى (12) وَلَقَدْرَآهُ نَزْلَةً أُخْرَى (13) عِنْدَ سِدْرَةِ الْمُنْتَهَى (14) عِنْدَهَا جَنَّةُ الْمَأْوَى(15) إِذْ يَغْشَى السِّدْرَةَ مَا يَغْشَى (16) مَا زَاغَ الْبَصَرُ وَمَا طَغَى (17) لَقَدْ رَأَى مِنْ آيَاتِ رَبِّهِ الْكُبْرَى } (سورة النجم 1 – 18). {And by the star, when it descends (1) your companion has not gone astray or He went too far in his seduction (2) And he does not speak out of desire (3) Indeed, it is revelation revealed (4) He taught him very strong (5) of great strength, he became steadfast (6) He is at the highest horizon (7) Then He approaches and descended (8) It was just around the corner or lower (9) So He revealed to His servant what He revealed (10) The heart does not deny what it saw (11) Do you argued him based on what he sees? (12) And he saw it another coming down ( 13 ) At Sidra Al-Muntaha (14) With it is the Garden of Refuge (15) When He covers the Sidr tree with what it covers (16) the sight never strays, nor does it transgress (17) He has certainly seen of the greatest signs of his Lord” (Surat An-Najm 1-18). This is how Surat Al-Najm begins. Speaking about the ascension of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that is, the great miracle that happened to the Messenger of God in honor of him, in which he saw the wonders of God’s creation and the strangeness of His creation in His great kingdom that is unlimited, the wisdom of God required that the first words of the Surah be a heavenly body, that is, “the star,” and it is one of the cosmic signs that God created, and God Almighty   He swears by the fall of the star, its disappearance, its explosion, or its burning. It is an oath of something great if people think about it and the astronomers understand that this thing is truly great. The second verse came To confirm to the people of Mecca at the time the Qur’an was revealed to them that the Messenger of God (i.e., the one sent among them) did not go transgress, did not deviate, and did not stray, because he is a messenger chosen by God Almighty, He must speak the truth, tell the truth, tell what he saw, narrate what he heard, and convey what he was commanded to convey... How can he go astray, and how can he slip, when he is trustworthy in the Qur’an - the Book of God - to all people? It is the revelation that God gives to His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace Where Gabriel - the archangels - used to bring it to him, and read it to him, and this Gabriel is of great strength, and he was “stabilized,” that is: he appeared in his true image of the Messenger of God, Muhammad bin Abdullah, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the “higher horizon,” so they approached and almost that they touched, but Gabriel separated from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, at a place beyond which angels do not pass, And he said to him: If I advance, I will be burned, and if you advance - you, O Muhammad, nothing will happen to you - and this is strange talk, because the angel Gabriel - peace be upon him - is the chief of the angels, and yet he has limits that he is allowed to meet, and if he crosses them, he is burned. Is this scientific talk? Yes, the astronomers know that there are places in the sky that cannot be reached unless they are kidnapped in the heaven- so to speak - like a black hole for example - so they cannot approach. Here in this place the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - arrived, . after crossing this place, God Almighty appeared to His Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, with blessings, manifestations, and outpourings, and revealed to him a direct revelation. The prayer known to us was what God revealed, and God Almighty swore that what His Messenger narrated would be after his return from this trip, he told the truth and honesty and not a lie, because he had never lied in his entire life. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saw the great signs of God’s greatness and absolute power. The Ascension Journey (scientifically) What do you know about the physical particles of Haguesbousen? They are elementary particles that are thought to be responsible for matter gaining its mass What does this mean? Angel Gabriel is an angel, that is, a creature of light, and light is light, and light is energy, not matter. Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is human and created from clay, and clay is a substance, not an energy, SO, When he took our master Gabriel - our master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace and ascended him to heaven, the scientific majority transformed him from matter into energy... and do not say that this is science fiction, why? Because they are now in the Martian colonies, they are changing the physiology of the human body who wants to live on Mars, such as enlarging his eyes, exposing his forehead, making his body turn orange, or even inhaling carbon dioxide - this is not a joke - this is a reality now, not 1000 years from now, but in 2030 at the latest. The question here  Is it possible to change the body's physiology? Is this reasonable? The truth is yes, and God Almighty mentioned this phenomenon in His Mighty Book at the end of time Allah says ( يوْمَ يَكُونُ النَّاسُ كالْفَرَاشِ الْمَبْثُوثِ (4) وَتَكُونُ الْجِبَالُ كَالْعِهْنِ الْمَنفُوشِ (5) (On the Day when people will be like spread out butterflies (4) and the mountains will be like spread fluff (5) The verses tell us that on the Day of Resurrection people will be like a butterflies spread everywhere in an unorganized manner (the nature of the butterflies ). This means that the person will be very light like a butterflies and the mountains are like dyed wool flying in the air, and scientists have told us that the end of the universe is not due to a cosmic explosion or anything else but due to the change of matter (the clay from which we were created) into energy and therefore it has no weight, and therefore the end of the universe is due to the change of matter, so the Creator of the universe is able to to change the material from which Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - was created from clay to light (for a short time) in order to ascend between the heavens and beyond, where Gabriel - peace be upon him - was unable to reach the Sidra al Muntaha. In Conclusion So: Why do you imagine, look, and learn from astronomers things that are stranger than imagination, such as (farming in the clouds - or not getting close to a black hole, or ascending into the sky with a different physiology than on Earth?) “the spacecraft or the astronauts’ suit” or anything else, and do not accept that God - the Almighty - the Creator of the universe has been doing these things for approximately 1445 years, So that the journey of Isra and Mi’raj is the miracle of all time... God is Most High and Most Knowing, and He guides us to the right path.

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