قال تعالي
قَالَ فَعَلْتُهَا إِذًا وَأَنَا مِنَ الضَّالِّينَ (20)
أى قال موسى في جوابه على فرعون: أنا لا أنكر أنى قد فعلت هذه الفعلة التي تذكرني بها، ولكني فعلتها وأنا في ذلك الوقت من الضالين، أى: فعلت ذلك قبل أن يشرفنى الله بوحيه، ويكلفني بحمل رسالته، وفضلا عن ذلك فأنا كنت أجهل أن هذه الوكزة تؤدى إلى قتل ذلك الرجل من شيعتك، لأنى ما قصدت قتله، وإنما قصدت تأديبه ومنعه من الظلم لغيره. فالمراد بالضلال هنا: الجهل بالشيء، والذهاب عن معرفة حقيقيته.
إطلالة حول الآية
موسي - عليه السلام - كليم الله والقريب منه سبحانه وتعالي ، فعل فعلة من الكبائر ( قتل النفس) فقتل الرجل القبطي من حاشية فرعون، لأن قلبه كان يمتلأ غيظاً علي فرعون وحاشيته، فلما دخل اسواق مصر في الظهيرة ووجد واحد من النخبة المصرية ( القبطي، فاهل مصر كانوا يُسمون الأقباط في هذه الآونة ) يتشاجر مع واحد من بني اسرائيل أو سمها (خرائب بني اسرائيل) فوقف بجانب الضعيف ( الذي من بني اسرائيل ) هكذا كان يري علي حسب ما يفهم من الحياة وقتها، ولم يعلم أن هذا الإسرائيلي ليس علي الحق وأنه سوف يكون سببا في هروب موسي من مصر وسبب في مشاكل لموسي لم يحسب لها حساب ... الآن: موسي - عليه السلام - لم ينكر أمام فرعون أنه فعل هذه الفعلة التي تعتبر كبيرة سواء في شريعة موسي بعد ذلك، أو حتي شريعة الفرعون فهو كان يدعي الألوهية، والمقتول من نخبته، إذن هذا طعناً في الوهية فرعون مباشرة . وعدم إنكاره لفعله دلالة علي نظافة موسي عليه السلام من الداخل، وأنه لا يكذب حتي في أكبر المواقف شعورا بالهلكة، كان من الممكن أن ينكر أنه قتل، أو يتحجج بأي حجة ، لكنه الآن يأتي برسالة رب العالمين، فلابد أن يكون صادقاً حتي يَصدقُه الله تعالي.
Allah says
فَفَرَرْتُ مِنكُمْ لَمَّا خِفْتُكُمْ فَوَهَبَ لِي رَبِّي حُكْمًا وَجَعَلَنِي مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ (21)
So, I fled from you when I feared you, and my Lord granted me judgment and made me among the messengers (21)
قال موسى مجيبًا لفرعون: فعلتُ ما ذكرتَ قبل أن يوحي الله إلي، ويبعثني رسولا فخرجت من بينكم فارًّا إلى "مدين"، لـمَّا خفت أن تقتلوني بما فعلتُ من غير عَمْد، فوهب لي ربي تفضلا منه النبوة والعلم، وجعلني من المرسلين. وتلك التربية في بيتك تَعُدُّها نعمة منك عليَّ، وقد جعلت بني إسرائيل عبيدًا تذبح أبناءهم وتستحيي نساءهم؟
إطلالة حول الآية
يستطرد موسي - عليه السلام - الحديث لفرعون وحاشيته (ففرت منكم لما خفتكم) الغريب: والآن يا موسي هدأ خوفك من الإله المزعوم فرعون؟ فهو يناطحه الآن، ويلغي حججه بأنه إله، فماذا تغير في موسي - عليه السلام - بعد 10 سنوات قضاها في مدين؟ إنه الإيمان
فوهب لي ربي حكما وعلما وجعلني من المرسلين
فقه موسي أن الرسالة ليست مجرد هدية يستطيع ردها لمن أهداه إياها، بل علم أنها هِبة: والهِبة لا تُرد لصاحبها فقط لأنها أكبر من أن يستطيع أحد أن يردها، فماذا رزق رب العالمين 3 أشياء ، كل واحدة أكبر من اختها ( حكم بين بني اسرائيل - علم - أصبح من المرسلين من قِب الله تبارك وتعالي)
Allah says
وَتِلْكَ نِعْمَةٌ تَمُنُّهَا عَلَيَّ أَنْ عَبَّدتَّ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ (22)
And that is a blessing that You bestowed upon me that you slaved the Children of Israel (22)
ال موسى مجيبًا لفرعون: فعلتُ ما ذكرتَ قبل أن يوحي الله إلي، ويبعثني رسولا فخرجت من بينكم فارًّا إلى "مدين"، لـمَّا خفت أن تقتلوني بما فعلتُ من غير عَمْد، فوهب لي ربي تفضلا منه النبوة والعلم، وجعلني من المرسلين. وتلك التربية في بيتك تَعُدُّها نعمة منك عليَّ، وقد جعلت بني إسرائيل عبيدًا تذبح أبناءهم وتستحيي نساءهم؟
إطلالة حول الآية
قفزت الآيات الكريمة بالأحداث اعتماداً علي وجودها في سور أخر، فذكر فرعون (موسي) بأنه أخذه رضيع ومن عليه بمنن كل أهل مصر كانوا يتمنونها، وعاش في قصر بالرغم من إنه كان من خرائب بني اسرائيل ، فكان رد موسي ما جاء علي لسان الآية ( وتلك نعمة مننت بها علي أن أنقذتني وحدي وتركت بني اسرائيل كلهم عبيد عندك وعند حاشيتك، وكأنه يقول له هذا قياس شنيع .
Allah says
قَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ وَمَا رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ (23)
Pharaoh said, “And what is the Lord of the worlds” (23)
وهذا إنكار منه لربه, ظلما وعلوا، مع تيقن صحة ما دعاه إليه موسى
إطلالة حول الآية
بدأت محاورة موسي وفرعون تأخذ شكل من الجدية، ففي الأول محاولة تحطيم معنويات موسي عليه السلام أمام النخبة المصرية (القبط) أنه ناكر للجميل ولا يشعر بمنة فرعون عليه أنه أنقذه من العيش في الخرائب بين بنو اسرائيل، وكل ذلك امام النخبة التي طالما كانت تعرف موسي بأنه ابن فرعون، يا تري كانت بينهم آسيا (امرأة فرعون) ، ياتري كان بينهم مؤمن آل فرعون، الذي سيعلن إيمانه بعد قليل ؟ الله يعلم ، إلا أن فرعون قال لموسي ( وما رب العالمين)؟
Allah says
قَالَ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ إِن كُنتُم مُّوقِنِينَ (24)
He said: The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, “If you are certain.” (24)
أي: الذي خلق العالم العلوي والسفلي, ودبره بأنواع التدبير, ورباه بأنواع التربية ومن جملة ذلك, أنتم أيها المخاطبون, فكيف تنكرون خالق المخلوقات, وفاطر الأرض والسماوات إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُوقِنِينَ.
إطلالة حول الآية
كان الكلام بين موسي عليه السلام وفرعون، ولكن موسي عليه السلام أراد أن يوجه رسالته لقون فرعون (الحاشية النخبوية) كلها، فبدأ بالحديث لفرعون وهنا قال لهم جميعا (إن كنتم موقنين) ولماذا اختار موسي عليه السلام لفظ (اليقين) دون العلم أو الفهم مثلاً، ربما لأن الظن أكذب الحديث كما يقول الحديث الشريف، تظن البنت أنها لن تتزوج، وتظن المتزوجة أنها لن تنجب ويظن الطالب أنه لن ينجح وهكذا ، تتوالي الظنون طوال حياتنا، ولا يوجد يقين في شيء مطلقا، حتي في العلاقات بين الناس أن فلان سيظل بجانبي أو يحبني ، حتي بين الآباء وابناءهم، فالظنون تملأ السمع والبصر لكل واحد في حياتنا كلها، أما اليقين لا نشعر بها في حياتنا إلا أوقات محدودة ، ويقال في الأثر إن كان الصبر نصف الإيمان، والشكر النصف الآخر، فاليقين = الإيمان كله، عزيزي المسلم: أن كنت لا تتيقن من وجود يوم آخر تحاسب فيه علي اعمالك، فلا داعي لإيمانك مطلقا ، لو كنت تشك في وجود الله تبارك وتعالي ، تارة تشعر أنه موجود وتارة لا ، فلا داعي لإيمانك مطلقا ، لقد فقه موسي عليه السلام أن اليقين أعلي درجات الإيمان، ويبدوا أنه أراد أن يعلوا بفكرهم من ادعاء الإلوهية إلي فكرة التيقن من وجود إله لهذا الكون وأنه سيحاسبه حسابا عسيرا علي ادعاءه للألوهية .
Allah says
قَالَ لِمَنْ حَوْلَهُ أَلَا تَسْتَمِعُونَ (25)
عون لمن حوله مِن أشراف قومه: ألا تسمعون مقالة موسى العجيبة بوجود رب سواي؟
إطلالة حول الآية
الحوار بين موسي وفرعون، لماذا توجه فرعون بالحديث لحاشيته ( ألا تستمعون؟) يبدوا أن فرعون خاف من كلام موسي عليه السلام أن يؤثر في الحاشية وهو ما حدث بالفعل ( فآمنت به بعد ذلك آسيا، و وماشطة ابنة فرعون ومؤمن آل فرعون ) وما خفي منهم كان أعظم عند الله تبارك وتعالي
Allah says
قَالَ رَبُّكُمْ وَرَبُّ آبَائِكُمُ الْأَوَّلِينَ (26)
Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers said: (26)
إطلالة حول الآية
واستطرد موسي عليه السلام، وكأن فرعون لا يتحدث لحاشيته، وكأنه يقول له: لن تخيفني أو تلفتني عن مقصدي، فقال لهم ( الله هو ربكم ورب آباءكم الأولين)
Allah says
قَالَ إِنَّ رَسُولَكُمُ الَّذِي أُرْسِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ لَمَجْنُونٌ (27)
فقال فرعون معاندا للحق, قادحا بمن جاء به: إِنَّ رَسُولَكُمُ الَّذِي أُرْسِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ لَمَجْنُونٌ حيث قال خلاف ما نحن عليه, وخالفنا فيما ذهبنا إليه، فالعقل عنده وأهل العقل, من زعموا أنهم لم يخلقوا, أو أن السماوات والأرض, ما زالتا موجودتين من غير موجد وأنهم, بأنفسهم, خلقوا من غير خالق، والعقل عنده, أن يعبد المخلوق الناقص, من جميع الوجوه، والجنون عنده, أن يثبت الرب الخالق للعالم العلوي والسفلي, والمنعم بالنعم الظاهرة والباطنة, ويدعو إلى عبادته، وزين لقومه هذا القول, وكانوا سفهاء الأحلام, خفيفي العقول فَاسْتَخَفَّ قَوْمَهُ فَأَطَاعُوهُ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا قَوْمًا فَاسِقِينَ
إطلالة حول الآية
القول القديم الجديد، الذي قيل لكل الرسل والأنبياء تقريبا ( إن رسول الله الذي جاءكم: مجنون ) لمجرد أنه قال أن الله رب العالمين رب فرعون وحاشيته ورب أجداده وأجداد أجداده حتي يصل لأول البشرية، لم يستطع فرعون تحمل هذا الطرح العقلي، فكان التشكيك في موسي وفي عقله اسهل عليه من أن يستطرد في محاورة عقلية ، بدأ يشعر بها أنه خاسر، وليس خاسر بينه وبين موسي لا بل بدل من ذلك أمام النخبة، والأخبار تسير بسرعة جداً في مصر المحروسة ، وسرعان ما كان سيصل هذا الخبر إلي خرائب بني اسرائيل ويعلموا أن صورة إلههم تزلزلت أمام بضعة جمل من موسي عليه السلام، وهي بداية لهز العرش من تحت أرجل فرعون.
Allah says
قَالَ رَبُّ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ (28)
فقال موسى عليه السلام, مجيبا لإنكار فرعون وتعطيله لرب العالمين: رَبُّ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا .من سائر المخلوقات إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ فقد أديت لكم من البيان والتبيين, ما يفهمه كل من له أدنى مسكة من عقل، فما بالكم تتجاهلون فيما أخاطبكم به؟ وفيه إيماء وتنبيه إلى أن الذي رميتم به موسى من الجنون, أنه داؤكم فرميتم أزكى الخلق عقلا وأكملهم علما، بالجنون، والحال أنكم أنتم المجانين, حيث ذهبت عقولكم لإنكار أظهر الموجودات, خالق الأرض والسماوات وما بينهما, فإذا جحدتموه, فأي شيء تثبتون؟ وإذا جهلتموه, فأي شيء تعلمون؟ وإذا لم تؤمنوا به وبآياته, فبأي شيء - بعد الله وآياته - تؤمنون؟ تالله, إن المجانين الذين بمنزلة البهائم, أعقل منكم, وإن الأنعام السارحة, أهدى منكم.
إطلالة حول الآية
لو لاحظت معي، موسي يستطرد في الكلام، وكأنه لا يسمع فرعون وما يحرض النخبة عليه مطلقا، فقال لهم ولهم كلهم ( رب المشرق والمغرب ، أي الكون كله ملك له، وما بينهما (أي لا يوجد فراغ كوني من وجود الله تبارك وتعالي بلفظ " بينهما") ثم وجه حجيثه ايضا للجميع ( الحاشية المحيطة بفرعون.
Allah says
قَالَ لَئِنِ اتَّخَذْتَ إِلَٰهًا غَيْرِي لَأَجْعَلَنَّكَ مِنَ الْمَسْجُونِينَ (29)
فلما خنقت فرعون الحجة, وعجزت قدرته وبيانه عن المعارضة قَالَ متوعدا لموسى بسلطانه لَئِنِ اتَّخَذْتَ إِلَهًا غَيْرِي لأَجْعَلَنَّكَ مِنَ الْمَسْجُونِينَ زعم - قبحه الله - أنه قد طمع في إضلال موسى, وأن لا يتخذ إلها غيره, وإلا فقد تقرر أنه هو ومن معه, على بصيرة من أمرهم.
إطلالة حول الآية
الحوار انتهي بالتهديد، تهديد فرعون لموسي عليه السلام بالسجن، هكذا إذا كنت تتحاور مع أحدهم وانتهي الحوار معه بالتهديد أو الضرب أو الركل فاعلم أنه أفلس ، فالنقاش لا يستطيعه إلا اصحاب العقول الكبيرة، فأصحاب العقول الصغيرة يسمي حوارهم ( حوار الخرصان) لا أحد يسمع وإن سمع لا يجيب لأنه لا يستطيع الكلام ، فهدد فرعون: موسي عليه السلام بالسجن لينهي هذه المحاورة العقلية التي لم يستطع فرعون أن يرد عليها رد واحد مقنع لمن حوله أنه أحق بالألوهية
Allah says
قَالَ أَوَلَوْ جِئْتُكَ بِشَيْءٍ مُّبِينٍ (30) قَالَ فَأْتِ بِهِ إِن كُنتَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ (31)
قال موسى: أتجعلني من المسجونين، ولو جئتك ببرهان قاطع يتبين منه صدقي؟ قال فرعون: فأت به إن كنت من الصادقين في دعواك.
إطلالة حول الآيات
موسي أيضاً: يستطرد حديثه فقال لفرعون ( تريد دلالة واضحة أي أني رسول من عند الله، سآتيك بعلامة علي صدق حديثي)، فكان رد فرعون: أأت به لو بتدعي انك صادق في كلامك.
Allah says
فَأَلْقَىٰ عَصَاهُ فَإِذَا هِيَ ثُعْبَانٌ مُّبِينٌ (32) وَنَزَعَ يَدَهُ فَإِذَا هِيَ بَيْضَاءُ لِلنَّاظِرِينَ (33)
: فألقى موسى عصاه فتحولت ثعبانًا حقيقيًا، ليس تمويهًا كما يفعل السحرة، وأخرج يده مِن جيبه فإذا هي بيضاء كالثلج من غير برص، تَبْهَر الناظرين.
إطلالة حول الآية
فالقي عصاه التي كانت في يده فتحولت لثعبان مبين، ولو لاحظت الله تبارك وتعالي في قصة موسي عليه السلام أتي بكل ألفاظ الثعبان ، هنا ثعبان مبين ( الثعبان: هو الذكر) وفي آيات أخر ذكر (حية: وهي انثي الثعبان) وفي آيات أخري سماها (جان: وهي صغار أو أولاد الثعبان) فلما انقلبت العصا تحديدا ( لثعبان أم حية أم جان؟ ) يقول مولانا الشيخ الشعراوي : كانت حية (أكبرهم واشدها سمية ، وكانت طويلة جداً مثل الثعبان الذكر، ومع هذا كانت خفيفة الحركة مثل الجان: صغار الثعبان )
الأهم من ذلك أنها تحولت ثعبان
وقد يقول قائل: هل هذا كلام يخاطب به أهل العقول النيرة التي تعلمت الفزياء النووية والعلوم الكونية وغيرها؟ الحقيقة نعم، لماذا؟ لم يبعث الله تعالي رسول إلا بمعجزة: أي شيء خارق للعادة ، وماذا كانت عادة الفراعنة في ذلك الوقت؟ كانوا بارعين في علم الكيمياء (السحر) وكانوا بارعين في التحنيط وما شابه ، ولهذا لو جاء لهم رسول من عند الله تعالي بآية أقل مما هم عليه من العلم، لقالوا مثلما تقول أنت الآن ، لكن فجأة تحول العصا لثعبان، وحركته المخيفة أمام الجميع لن تكون تجربة تمر مرور الكرام.
ونزع يده فإذا هي بيضاء للناظرين، وفي آية أخري ( من غير سوء)
أي من غير برص، فموسي عليه السلام كان أسمر اللون (كالمصريين) ويده كانت سمراء كبقية وجهه وجسده ، وفجأة أدخلها في جيبه ( فتحة الصدر ) فخرجت بيضاء تتلألأ امام الناظرين، آية معجزة تأييد لرسول من أولي العزم من الرسل وهنا قد يجيء علي لسانك سؤال: لماذا الله يعطي انبياءه أو رسله معجزات؟
اسألك سؤال بسؤال
كم عمرك الآن أنت أنت؟ نتخيل أن عمرك 45 عام، فهل قومك يحبونك، أهلك - معرفك - أصدقاء العمل، كل دوائر العلاقات حولك؟ نفترض نعم يحبونك، هل تستطيع أن تصحو غداً فتفاجأهم أنك رسول من عند الله؟ مستحيل وإلا اتهموك بالجنون ...الخ، إذن المعجزة الحسية لقوم حياتهم كلها ماديات ( بنو اسرائيل بعد قليل ) لابد أن تكون آية مبهرة وضخمة ولا يستطيع أحد تكذيبها أو الإتيان بأحسن منها.
Allah says
قَالَ لِلْمَلَإِ حَوْلَهُ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَسَاحِرٌ عَلِيمٌ (34)
إطلالة حول الآية
قال فرعون للملأ، من هم الملأ؟ أصحاب الياقات العالية، البيضاء الناصعة ، متصدرين الصفوف الأولي في المؤتمرات والإحتفالات ، الذين تملأ بهم المجالس، وتملأ بهم الصفوف الأولي، ولو حضر مؤتمر ما 1000 شخص ولم يحضر نخبة تجلس في الصفوف الأولي، لفشل المؤتمر ، فالياقات العالية تملأ بهم المجالس، فتوجه فرعون بكليته للنخبة وقال لهم إن هذا ( علي موسي ) ولم يستطع ذكر اسمه مطلقا، ساحر عليم ، لم يقل ساحر وانتهي الأمر بل أضاف كلمة عليم، لماذا ؟ ل، المصريين كان منهم نخبة السحرة في المنطقة العربية - إن صح التعبير - في تلك الآونة، والمصريين أغلبهم أو الأكثرية منهم علماء ، فلا ينبغي أن يستخف بالعقول ، فأفهمهم أنه عليم حتي لا يوقل قائل منهم ، لا هذا شيء خارق للعادة، فسبق فرعون بكلمة عليم .
Allah says
يُرِيدُ أَن يُخْرِجَكُم مِّنْ أَرْضِكُم بِسِحْرِهِ فَمَاذَا تَأْمُرُونَ (35)
قال فرعون لأشراف قومه خشية أن يؤمنوا: إن موسى لَساحر ماهر، يريد أن يخرجكم بسحره من أرضكم، فأي شيء تشيرون به في شأنه أتبع رأيكم
إطلالة حول الآية
الحديث الآن بين فرعون وبين النخبة: ويقول لهم شيء لا يحبه مطلقا المصريين ( الخروج من مصر) فيقال إن المصريين مرتبطين بالنيل ومن يخيفهم علي أكلهم وشربهم أو أهلهم يأكلونه باسنانهم، فبدأ بتحريض النخبة علي موسي عليه السلام ، وليس هذا فحسب بل يستشيرهم ، (فماذا تأمرون) منذ متي وفرعون يستشير أحد !!!
Allah says
قَالُوا أَرْجِهْ وَأَخَاهُ وَابْعَثْ فِي الْمَدَائِنِ حَاشِرِينَ (36) يَأْتُوكَ بِكُلِّ سَحَّارٍ عَلِيمٍ (37)
يُرِيدُ أَنْ يُخْرِجَكُمْ مِنْ أَرْضِكُمْ موَّه عليهم لعلمه بضعف عقولهم, أن هذا من جنس ما يأتي به السحرة, لأنه من المتقرر عندهم, أن السحرة يأتون من العجائب, بما لا يقدر عليه الناس, وخوَّفهم أن قصده بهذا السحر, التوصل إلى إخراجهم من وطنهم, ليجدوا ويجتهدوا في معاداة من يريد إجلاءهم عن أولادهم وديارهم، فَمَاذَا تَأْمُرُونَ أن نفعل به؟
إطلالة حول الآيات
فقال النخبة لفرعون: اعطيه بعض الوقت هو وأخوه ليعيدوا حسابتهم أو لربما يتنازلوا عن ما جاءوا به ، وابعث في كل مدن مصر يأتوك بكل سحار وليس ساحر ، وسحار عليم: اي مخضرم في السحر بشكل لا يصدق
Allah says
فَجُمِعَ السَّحَرَةُ لِمِيقَاتِ يَوْمٍ مَّعْلُومٍ (38) وَقِيلَ لِلنَّاسِ هَلْ أَنتُم مُّجْتَمِعُونَ (39)
إطلالة حول الآيات
اجتمع السحرة في يوم معروف للجميع للمصريين (الأقباط) وللنخبة (حاشية فرعون) وحتي خرائب بنو اسرائيل، هذا اليوم الذي سيواجه موسي فرعون فيه وجها لوجه والتحدي امام الجميع ، وقيل للناس كلهم أن يجتمعوا ، وهنا يكمن سؤال: هل لقاء موسي بعد 10 سنوات في مدين، بفرعون وجكان هذا الحوار بعده مباشرة نجا الله تعالي موسي وبنو اسرائيل من فرعون ، إذن كيف تبتلي الرسل، ومتي علم بنو اسرائيل عقيدتهم، أو أقل تقدير أن لهم إله وستأتي الشريعة بعد ذلك، وكيف اقنعهم أن يخرجوا معه إلي البحر؟ كل هذا لم يجب عنه القرآن الكريم في قصة موسي عليه السلام مجملة من كل سور القرآن، لكن لن نفهم إلا أن إرادة الله تبارك وتعالي لا تنفذ بين عشية وضحاها، دون أن يبتلي المؤمن ويميز الله الخبيث من الطيب ويتفاضل الناس ويرون مكانهم ومكانتهم في الدنيا قبل الآخرة ، ثم تأتي العاقبة علي طبق ليس من ذهب ، بل مملوء بالدماء والتضحيات والشهداء علي واقعة تاريخية بين الحق والباطل، انتصر فيها أهل الحق بعد دفع ثمن مرير، ليختبروا اختبار من نوع جديد ، اختبار الرزق الوفير والدنيا تفتح ذراعيها من كل جانب وهنا (فتنة الخير) لا يصدق فيها إلا صِديق، يقال يوسف الصِديق، ومن هو الضِديق إذن؟ هو المبالغ في الصدق ، ألا تتذكر معي وق رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم ( .... ولا يزال يتحري الصدق حتي يكتب عند الله صِديقا) ولذا من صدق في اقواله، صدقت رؤياه إن رأي أحدهما في منامه ، اللهم بفضلك وليس بعدلك احشرنا مع النبيين والصديقين والشهداء وحسن أولئك رفيقا.
Allah says
قَالَ فَعَلْتُهَا إِذًا وَأَنَا مِنَ الضَّالِّينَ (20)
He said, "Then I did it, and I was among those whose astray." (20)
That is, Moses said in his response to Pharaoh: I do not deny that I did this deed that you mention to me, but I did it while I was at that time among the astray, that is, I did that before God honored me with His revelation and charged me with carrying His message. Moreover, I was unaware that this nudge would lead to the killing of that man from your party, because I did not intend to kill him, but rather intended to discipline him and prevent him from oppressing others. What is meant by astray here is ignorance of something and going beyond knowing its truth.
look at the verse
Moses - peace be upon him - the one who spoke to God and was close to Him, the Most High, committed a major sin (killing a soul) by killing a Coptic man from Pharaoh's entourage, because his heart was filled with anger at Pharaoh and his entourage. When he entered the markets of Egypt at noon and found one of the Egyptian elites (the Copt, as the people of Egypt were called Copts at that time) quarreling with one of the Children of Israel, or call it (the ruins of the Children of Israel), he stood by the weak one (who was from the Children of Israel). This is how he saw it according to what he understood from life at that time, and he did not know that this Israelite was not on the right path and that he would be the reason for Moses' escape from Egypt and cause problems for Moses that he had not taken into account... Now: Moses - peace be upon him - did not deny before Pharaoh that he had committed this act, which is considered a major sin, whether in the law of Moses after that, or even in the law of Pharaoh, as he claimed divinity, and the one killed was from his elite, so this is a direct attack on Pharaoh's divinity. His not denying his action is evidence of the purity of Moses, peace be upon him, from the inside, and that he does not lie even in the most dangerous situations, feeling doomed. He could have denied that he killed, or made any excuse, but now he comes with the message of the Lord of the Worlds, so he must be honest so that God Almighty will honest him in return.
Allah says
فَفَرَرْتُ مِنكُمْ لَمَّا خِفْتُكُمْ فَوَهَبَ لِي رَبِّي حُكْمًا وَجَعَلَنِي مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ (21)
So, I fled from you when I feared you, and my Lord granted me judgment and made me among the messengers (21)
Moses said in response to Pharaoh: I did what you mentioned before God revealed to me and sent me as a messenger. I fled from among you to Midian, when I feared that you would kill me for what I did unintentionally. So my Lord, out of His favor, granted me prophethood and knowledge, and made me one of the messengers. And you consider that upbringing in your house a blessing from You upon me, while you have made the Children of Israel slaves, slaughtered their sons and kept their women alive?
A look at the verse
Moses - peace be upon him - continues talking to Pharaoh and his entourage (So I fled from you when I feared you) The stranger: Now, Moses, has your fear of the alleged god Pharaoh subsided? He is now confronting him, and nullifying his arguments that he is a God, so what has changed in Moses - peace be upon him - after 10 years he spent in Midian? It is the faith
So my Lord has given me wisdom and knowledge and made me one of the messengers
Moses understood that the message is not just a gift that he can return to the one who gave it to him, but he knew that it is a Hebah: and the Hebah is not returned to its owner only because it is greater than anyone can return it, so what did the Lord of the Worlds provide Him? with 3 things, each one greater than the other (the Judgement between the Children of Israel - Knowledge - He became one of the messengers from Allah the Blessed and Exalted)
Allah says
وَتِلْكَ نِعْمَةٌ تَمُنُّهَا عَلَيَّ أَنْ عَبَّدتَّ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ (22)
And that is a blessing that You bestowed upon me that you slaved the Children of Israel (22
Moses answered Pharaoh: I did what you mentioned before Allah inspired me and sent me as a messenger, so I fled from you to "Madyan", when I feared that you would kill me for what I did unintentionally, so my Lord granted me prophecy and knowledge, and made me one of the messengers. And that upbringing in your house, you consider it a blessing from you to me, and you made the children of Israel slaves, slaughtering their sons and keeping their women alive?
A look at the verse
The noble verses jumped with events based on their presence in other surahs, so Pharaoh mentioned (Moses) that he took him as an infant and bestowed upon him favors that all the people of Egypt wished for, and he lived in a palace despite it being one of the ruins of the children of Israel, so Moses' response was what came in the verse (And that is a blessing that You bestowed upon me, that you saved me alone and left the children of Israel all slaves with you and with your entourage, as if he was saying to him, this is a hideous comparison.
Allah says
قَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ وَمَا رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ (23)
Pharaoh said, “And what is the Lord of the worlds” (23)
This is a denial from him of his Lord, unjustly and arrogantly, while he was certain of the truth of what Moses had called him to
A look at the verse
The dialogue between Moses and Pharaoh began to take on a serious form. At first, there was an attempt to break the morale of Moses, peace be upon him, in front of the Egyptian elite (the Copts), that he was ungrateful and did not feel the favor of Pharaoh that he had saved him from living in the ruins among the children of Israel. All of this was in front of the elite who had always known Moses as the son of Pharaoh. I wonder if there was among them Asiya (Pharaoh's wife), I wonder if there was among them the believer of Pharaoh's family, who would announce his faith shortly? God knows, except that Pharaoh said to Moses (And what is the Lord of the worlds)?
Allah says
قَالَ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ إِن كُنتُم مُّوقِنِينَ (24)
He said: The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, “If you are certain.” (24)
That is: He who created the upper and lower worlds, and managed them with various types of management, and nurtured them with various types of nurturing. Among that are you, the ones being addressed. So, how can you deny the Creator of creations, and the Originator of the earth and the heavens, if you are certain?
A look at the verse
The conversation was between Moses, peace be upon him, and Pharaoh, but Moses, peace be upon him, wanted to direct his message to all of Pharaoh’s elite, so he began by speaking to Pharaoh and here he said to them all (if you are certain) and why did Moses, peace be upon him, choose the word (certainty) instead of knowledge or understanding, for example, perhaps because suspicion is the most false speech, as the noble hadith says, a girl thinks that she will not marry, a married woman thinks that she will not give birth, and a student thinks that he will not succeed, and so on, suspicions continue throughout our lives, and there is absolutely no certainty in anything, even in relationships between people that so-and-so will remain by my side or love me, even between fathers and their children, suspicions fill the hearing and sight of everyone in our entire lives, but certainty we do not feel in our lives except for limited times, and it is said in the hadith that if patience is half of faith, and gratitude is the other half, then certainty = all of faith, my dear Muslim: If you are not certain of the existence of another day in which you will be held accountable for your deeds, then there is no need for your faith at all, if you doubt the existence of God Almighty Come on, sometimes you feel that He exists and sometimes you don’t, so there is no need for you to believe at all. Moses, peace be upon him, understood that certainty is the highest degree of faith, and it seems that he wanted to elevate their thinking from claiming divinity to the idea of being certain that there is a God for this universe and that He will hold him to a strict account for his claim to the divinity.
Allah says
قَالَ لِمَنْ حَوْلَهُ أَلَا تَسْتَمِعُونَ (25)
He said to those around him, “Do you not listen?” (25)
an aid to those around him from the nobles of his people: Do you not hear Moses' amazing statement about the existence of a Lord other than me?
A look of the verse
The dialogue between Moses and Pharaoh, why did Pharaoh address his entourage (Do you not listen?) It seems that Pharaoh was afraid that Moses' words would affect the entourage, which is what actually happened (So, after that, Asiya believed in him, and the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter, and the believer of Pharaoh's family) and what was hidden from them was greater in the sight of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted.
Allah says
وقال ربكم ورب آبائكم الأولين: (26)
Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers said: (26)
A look at the verse
Moses continued, as if Pharaoh was not speaking to his entourage, and as if he was saying to him: You will not frighten me or distract me from my purpose, so he said to them (Allah is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers)
Allah says
قَالَ إِنَّ رَسُولَكُمُ الَّذِي أُرْسِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ لَمَجْنُونٌ (27)
He said, "Indeed, your messenger who has been sent to you is mad." (27)
Then Pharaoh said, defying the truth and denouncing the one who brought it: “Indeed, your messenger who has been sent to you is mad,” since he said something contrary to what we are upon, and he differed from us in what we have gone to. Reason, according to him and the people of reason, is those who claim that they were not created, or that the heavens and the earth have always existed without a creator and that they were created by themselves without a creator. Reason, according to him, is to worship a created being who is imperfect in all aspects, and madness, according to him, is to prove the Lord, the Creator of the upper and lower worlds, and the Bestower of apparent and hidden blessings, and to call to His worship. He made this statement seem beautiful to his people, and they were foolish in dreams and light-minded, so he made his people light, so they obeyed him. Indeed, they were a people of immorality.
A look at the verse
The old-new saying, which was said Almost all the messengers and prophets (The Messenger of God who came to you: is crazy) just because he said that God is the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Pharaoh and his entourage, the Lord of his ancestors and the ancestors of his ancestors until he reached the first of the humanity, Pharaoh could not bear this rational argument, so doubting Moses and his mind was easier for him than continuing in a rational dialogue, in which he began to feel that he was a loser, and not a loser between him and Moses, but rather in front of the elite, and the news travels very quickly in Egypt, and soon this news would reach the ruins of the Children of Israel and they would know that the image of their God was shaken in front of a few sentences from Moses, peace be upon him, and it was the beginning of the shaking of the throne from under the feet of Pharaoh.
Allah says
قَالَ رَبُّ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ (28)
He said, "Lord of the East and the West and what is between them, if you would but understand." (28)
Moses, peace be upon him, said, in response to Pharaoh’s denial and his nullification of the Lord of the Worlds: “Lord of the East and the West and what is between them. Of all the creatures, if you understand, I have given you a statement and clarification that anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence can understand. So why do you ignore what I am addressing you with?” This is an allusion and a warning that what you have accused Moses of, madness, is your disease. You have accused the most intelligent and most perfect of creation of madness, while the fact is that you are the madmen, as your minds have gone to deny the most evident of existences, the Creator of the earth and the heavens and what is between them. So if you deny Him, what do you affirm? And if you are ignorant of Him, what do you know? And if you do not believe in Him and His signs, then what - after Allah and His signs - do you believe in? By Allah, the madmen who are like beasts are more rational than you, and the grazing cattle are more guided than you.
A Look at the verse
If you notice with me, Moses continues speaking, as if he does not hear Pharaoh and what he is inciting the elite to do at all, so he said to them and to all of them (Lord of the East and the West, meaning the entire universe is His, and what is between them (meaning there is no cosmic void from the existence of God Almighty by the word “between them”) then he also directed his argument to everyone (the entourage surrounding Pharaoh.
Allah says
قَالَ لَئِنِ اتَّخَذْتَ إِلَٰهًا غَيْرِي لَأَجْعَلَنَّكَ مِنَ الْمَسْجُونِينَ (29) He said, "If you take a god other than me, I will surely put you among the imprisoned." (29)
When Pharaoh's argument was choked, and his power and eloquence were unable to oppose it, he said, threatening Moses with his authority, "If you take a god other than me, I will surely put you among the imprisoned." He claimed - may God curse him - that he had hoped to mislead Moses, and that he would not take a god other than him. Otherwise, it was established that he and those with him were aware of their matter. A look at the verse
A look at the verse
The dialogue ended with a threat, Pharaoh threatened Moses, peace be upon him, with imprisonment. Thus, if you are talking to someone and the conversation ends with him with a threat, beating or kicking, then know that he is bankrupt. Only those with great minds can do the discussion. Those with small minds call their dialogue (the dialogue of the Deaf and dumb). No one listens, and if he does, he does not answer because he cannot speak. So, Pharaoh threatened Moses, peace be upon him, with imprisonment to end this mental dialogue to which Pharaoh could not respond with a single convincing response to those around him that he is more deserving of the divinity.
Allah says
قَالَ أَوَلَوْ جِئْتُكَ بِشَيْءٍ مُّبِينٍ (30) قَالَ فَأْتِ بِهِ إِن كُنتَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ (31)
He said, "Even if I bring you something clear?" (30) He said, "Then bring it, if you should be of the truthful." (31)
Moses said: Will you place me among the prisoners, even if I bring you conclusive proof that proves my truthfulness? Pharaoh said: Then bring it, if you are truthful in your claim.
A look at the verses
Moses also: Continuing his talk, he said to Pharaoh (You want clear evidence, that I am a messenger from God, I will bring you a sign of the truthfulness of my speech), so Pharaoh replied: Bring it, even if you claim that you are truthful in your words.
Allah says
فَأَلْقَىٰ عَصَاهُ فَإِذَا هِيَ ثُعْبَانٌ مُّبِينٌ (32) وَنَزَعَ يَدَهُ فَإِذَا هِيَ بَيْضَاءُ لِلنَّاظِرِينَ (33)
So he threw down his staff, and behold, it was a serpent manifest (32) And he drew out his hand, and behold, it was white to the onlookers (33)
Then Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a real snake, not a disguise as magicians do. He took his hand out of his pocket and saw that it was white as snow, without leprosy, dazzling the onlookers.
A look at the verse
So, he threw down his staff which was in his hand, and it was transformed into a manifest serpent. If you notice, God Almighty in the story of Moses, peace be upon him, came with all the words of the serpent, here a manifest (snake: is the male), and in other verses he mentioned (serpent: which is the female snake), and in other verses he called it (jainn: which are the young or children of the snake). So, when the staff was specifically transformed (into a snake or a serpent or a jinn?) Our master Sheikh Al-Shaarawy says: It was a serpent (the largest and most poisonous of them, and it was very long like the male snake, and with this it was agile like the jinn: the young snakes)
More importantly, it was transformed into a snake
Someone might say: Is this a statement addressed to people of enlightened minds who have learned nuclear physics, cosmic sciences, and other things? The truth is yes, why? God Almighty did not send a messenger except with a miracle: that is, something extraordinary, and what was the custom of the Pharaohs at that time? They were skilled in chemistry (the magic) and they were skilled in mummification and the like, so if a messenger from God Almighty came to them with a sign less than what they have in terms of knowledge, they may underestimate the verses of God Almighty, but suddenly the stick turned into a snake, and its frightening movement in front of everyone would not be an experience that would pass without notice.
And he pulled out his hand and behold it was white to the onlookers, and in another sign (without disease)
That is, without leprosy, Moses, peace be upon him, was dark-skinned (like the Egyptians) and his hand was dark like the rest of his face and body, and suddenly he put it in his pocket (chest opening) and it came out white and shining before the onlookers, a miraculous sign of support for a messenger of the resolute messengers, and here a question may come to your tongue: Why does God give his prophets or messengers the miracles?
I ask you a question against your question
How old are you now? Let's imagine that you are 45 years old, so do your people love you, your family - your acquaintance - your work friends, all the circles of relationships around you? Suppose they love you; can you wake up tomorrow and surprise them that you are a messenger from God? Impossible, otherwise they will accuse you of madness...etc. So, a tangible miracle for a people whose entire life is materialistic (the Children of Israel in a little while) must be a dazzling and huge sign that no one can deny or come up with something better than it.
Allah says
وقال للملأ من حوله: (إن هذا لساحر عليم) (34)
He said to the chiefs around him, "This is indeed a knowledgeable magician." (34)
A look at the verse
Pharaoh said to the chiefs, who are the chiefs? The people with the high collars, the dazzling white ones, who lead the front rows in conferences and celebrations, who fill the gatherings and fill the front rows. If 1000 people attended a conference and there were no elite sitting in the front rows, the conference would fail, because the high collars fill the gatherings. So Pharaoh turned to the chiefs in his entirety and said to them that this (Musa) - and he could not mention his name at all - is a knowledgeable magician. He did not say magician and that was it, but he added the word knowledgeable. Why? No, the Egyptians were among the elite magicians in the Arab region - if I may say so - at that time, and the majority of the Egyptians were scholars, so one should not underestimate the minds, so he made them understand that he was knowledgeable so that none of them would say, "No, this is something extraordinary," so he preceded Pharaoh with the word "knowledgeable."
Allah says
يريد أن يخرجكم من أرضكم بسحره فماذا تأمرون (35)
He wants to expel you from your land by his magic, so what do you command? (35)
Pharaoh said to the nobles of his people, fearing that they would believe: Moses is indeed a skilled magician, he wants to expel you from your land by his magic, so whatever you advise regarding him, I will follow your opinion.
A look at the verse
The conversation now is between Pharaoh and the elite: And he tells them something that the Egyptians absolutely do not like (leaving Egypt), so it is said that the Egyptians are connected to the Nile and whoever frightens them for their food and drink or their families eats it with their teeth, so he began to incite the elite against Moses, peace be upon him, and not only that, but he consults them, (So, what do you command?) Since when Pharaoh consulted anyone!!!
Allah says
قَالُوا أَرْجِهْ وَأَخَاهُ وَابْعَثْ فِي الْمَدَائِنِ حَاشِرِينَ (36) يَأْتُوكَ بِكُلِّ سَحَّارٍ عَلِيمٍ (37)
They said, "Postpone him and his brother, and send among the cities gatherers (36) who will bring to you every learned magician (37)
He wants to expel you from your land." He deceived them, knowing the weakness of their minds, that this was the same as what magicians do, because it is established among them that magicians perform wonders that people cannot do. He frightened them that his intention with this magic was to get them out of their homeland, so that they would find and strive to oppose those who wanted to expel them from their children and homes. So what do you command us to do with him?
A look of the Verses
The elite said to Pharaoh: Give him and his brother some time to reconsider their calculations or perhaps give up what they came with, and send to all the cities of Egypt to bring you every magician and not just a magician, and a knowledgeable magician: that is, an incredibly experienced magician
Allah says
فجمع السحرة لميقات يوم معلوم (38) وقيل للناس: هل أنتم مجمعون؟ (39)
So the magicians were gathered for the appointed time of a known day (38) and it was said to the people: Are you gathered? (39)
A look of the Verses
The magicians gathered on a day known to all the Egyptians (the Copts) and to the elite (Pharaoh's entourage) and even perhapes to the ruins of the Children of Israel, this is the day on which Moses will face Pharaoh face to face and the challenge is before everyone, and all the people were told to gather, and here lies the question: Did Moses meet Pharaoh after 10 years lived in Midian , and this dialogue was immediately after he came back to Egypt, and God saved Moses and the children of Israel were expelled from Pharaoh, so how were the messengers tested, and when did the children of Israel learn their belief, or at least that they had a God and the law would come after that, and how did He PBUH convince them to go out with him to the sea? All of this was not answered in the Holy Quran in the story of Moses, peace be upon him, summarized from all the chapters of the Quran, but we will only understand that the will of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, is not implemented overnight, without testing the believer and Allah distinguishing the wicked from the good and people being differentiated and seeing their place and status in this world before the hereafter, then the outcome comes on a platter not of gold, but filled with blood, sacrifices and martyrs in a historical incident between truth and falsehood, in which the people of truth were victorious after paying a bitter price, to experience a new kind of test, the test of abundant sustenance and the world opening its arms from every side, and here (the temptation of goodness) in which only a sedeeq, it is said Joseph l sedeeq:Truthful, so who is the sedeeq, then? He is the one who exaggerates in honesty. Don’t you remember with me the saying of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace (….and he continues to seek honesty until he is recorded with God as sedeeq: the truthful). Therefore, whoever is truthful in his words, his vision will be true if he sees one of them in his sleep. O God, by Your grace and not by Your justice, gather us with the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs, and excellent are those companions.