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The appearance of the Kharijites

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

The Kharijites

Its singular is external, relative to the word (exit)

And the Kharijites are

Those who rebelled against the imam of their time, and also they are a group that revolted against the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib, after the battle of Siffin, after the arbitration that took place in the famous story.

In the intermediate dictionary

A group of Islamic sects revolted against Imam Ali and contradicted his opinion, It is called those who revolted against the caliphs and the like.

Al-Shahristani introduced them to Al mill and nehal

Everyone who revolts against the true Imam on whom the group has agreed is called an outsider

Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani defined them by saying:

The Kharijites who denied Ali arbitration, they disavowed him and Uthman and his descendants, and fought them.

their titles

The Buyers:

For their saying: We bought ourselves in obedience to God; Meaning: We sold it to Paradise.

The arbitrators

For their denial of arbitration and the two arbitrators "in the story of arbitration".

Al - Marqh (those who leave the religion)

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((They pass away from the religion as the arrow passes through the prey))


The reality is that the group that rejected arbitration separated from the body of the Iraqi army when it reached Kufa and headed for Harura, and it settled there, declaring her refusal to reside in Al Musr with the caliph who did not meet her demands, as the concept of “Exit” means leaving the place where the violators reside, hence their name as Haruriyyah.

Al - Musr: the country in which architecture was magnified, and it had judicial power, executive power, and markets for transactions.

The appearance of the Khoraj band

Those who rejected arbitration were not yet called the Kharijites, they had not separated from Ali's army when he left Siffin back to Kufa, but their return was filled with violent discussions and altercations, they returned enmity, enemies, quarreling and fighting with whips, and some of them disavowed each other, brother from his brother, and son from his father, bypassing their family, tribal and regional ties, for another knotty bond, ; This indicates the depth of the impact of the incident on their souls, and they expressed their rejection with the slogan: "There is no judgment but God" which, from that moment on, would become, for centuries, the main motto of the Kharijites and the basis upon which their faith would be based, this slogan has been interpreted in many studies, and most researchers agree that it expresses this group’s rejection of arbitration, as one of the prerogatives of God alone, and humans have no right to interfere with it, and this interpretation is consistent with the linguistic meaning of the word, “Hikum” in the sense of judging and settling the dispute, and with what the readers mentioned during the discussion that took place between them and Ibn Abbas and Ali after the Battle of Siffin.

Did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - predict their exodus?

Al-Bukhari narrated it from the hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, who said: “Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, sent to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from Yemen with gold in maqrouz ( (taken from the mine) leather, It was not harvested from its soil, he said, so he divided it among four people: between Uyaina bin Badr, Aqra bin Habis, Zayd al-Khail, and the fourth, either Alqama, as for Aamer bin Al-Tufail, a man from his freinds said: ((Don't you trust me, and I am trustworthy in heaven, the news of the sky comes to me morning and evening)) He said: so a man with sunken eyes, high cheeks, wide forehead, thick beard and shaved head stood up, Rolling up the loincloth, he said: O Messenger of God, fear God, said: ((Woe to you, am I not the most deserving of the people of the earth to pious God?)) He said: Then the man turned away, and Khalid bin Al-Walid said: O Messenger of God, should I strike his neck? He said: ((No, perhaps he is praying)) Khaled said: How many worshipers say with their tongue what is not in their heart, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((I have not been commanded to dig into people’s hearts, nor to rip open their stomachs)) He said: Then he looked at him while he was standing, and said: ((He emerges from the bottom of "Asl"). This is a people who recite the Book of God softly It does not go beyond their throats, they pass through religion as an arrow passes through prey)), and I think he said: ((If I overtake them, I will kill them as the killing of Thamud)).

In Muslim's narration

He said to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: O Messenger of God, do justice, so he said: ((Woe to you, and who will do justice if I do not do justice? I have failed and lost if I am not just.)) Omar said: O Messenger of God, allow me to chop his head off.

On the authority of Abu Dharr, may God be pleased with him, he said

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((He who will come after me will belong to my nation - or there will be people after me, people who recite the Qur’an, but it does not go beyond their throats, they leave the religion as the arrow exits the prey, then they return to it, they are the worst of creation and al khaliqh: the nature with which a person is created))

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says in the hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri

((They kill the people of Islam, and leave the people of idols, they pass away from Islam as an arrow passes through the prey.

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said

((For the demise of the world as a whole is easier for Allah than the blood that is shed unjustly))

And the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, says

((A believer is still free from his religion as long as he does not shed unlawful blood))

On the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said, describing them

(One of you despise his prayer with their prayer, and his fasting with their fasting, they recite the Qur’an, but it does not go beyond their collarbones, they pass through the religion as an arrow passes through the prey.) Agreed upon.

And the conclusion of the prophetic descriptions of the Kharijites that they

(The evil of creation and the nature with which a person is created) as proven in Sahih Muslim, even their killed (The evil of the dead under the cover of the sky) as narrated by al-Tabarani, and they are (dogs of fire) as in Musnad Ahmad, and they are: (They pass through the religion as an arrow passes through the target) as it is proven in the Two Sahihs.

On the authority of Musab bin Saad bin Abi Waqqas, he said

I asked my father about this verse {Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in deeds* whose effort goes astray in the life of this world, And they think that they are doing well.” [Al-Kahf: 103, 104]:I asked they are Al - Haruriyyah? he said no, I said: then they are the People of the Book are the Jews and the Christians? he said no, as for the Jews, they lied Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and as for the Christians, they disbelieved in Paradise, and said: There is no food or drink in it, as Allah said ( Those who break God's covenant after His covenant, and they cut off what God has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption in the land, it is they who are the losers.” [Al-Baqarah: 27]

How many were they and how many they become?

It is clear that they have spread their beliefs in a good way and by their convincing arguments, and from a complete re-read for the events of sedition, they attracted a number of other Iraqi fighters from outside the circle of readers, It is known that their number at the beginning of their movement did not exceed four thousand men, which indicates a widening circle of rejection of arbitration.

Does God's arbitration is their only motto?

They raised new slogans like

"The matter is Shura after the conquest"

And the pledge of allegiance to God Almighty

"Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice"

Did Ali Ibn Abi Talib leave them alone?

The Commander of the Faithful, Ali, may God be pleased with him, was keen not to divide the community of Muslims, and he, may God be pleased with him, preserved blood, because of the great sanctity it contains in Islam, He is the scholar of the nation, and a translator: the transmitter of speech from one language to another, and here in the sense of the transmitter of the Qur’an, and the people used to deduce the signs of God and deal with the Qur’an, this is the interpreter of the Qur’an who is corresponding with them.

The debate with writing some few words to simplify the debate
Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, says

So I went out to them and put on the best clothes from Yemen, and I dismounted and entered them in the mid-day house - and Ibn Abbas was a beautiful man with a strong voice.

And they said

Welcome, Ben Abbas, what is this suit?

Ibn Abbas said

What do you blame me for? I have seen the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, wearing the best of clothing, and the following verses were revealed: {Say: Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has produced for His servants, and the good things from His provision?} [Al-A’raf: 32]

they said

What brought you?

He said

I have come to you from the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, among the Muhajirun and Ansar, and from the cousin of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his son-in-law, and it was upon them that the Qur’an was revealed, they are more knowledgeable about its interpretation than you, and none of them is among you. To tell you what they say, and tell them what you say, so a group of them bowed to me, and bring what you have resented against the companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his cousin.

they said


I said

what are they

they said

As for one of them: He is the arbiter of men in God’s command, and God has said: {The judgment is only for Allah} [Al-An’am: 57], so what is the matter with men and judgment?

I said

This is one

The Kharijites

As for the second, he fought and did not take captives and did not take spoils, If they were unbelievers, then their captivity was permissible, and if they were believers, it was not permissible to take them captive or kill them.

I said

These are two, what is the third?

they said

He erased himself from the Commander of the Faithful, and if he is not the Commander of the Faithful, then he is the Commander of the Unbelievers

I said

Do you have anything other than this?

they said

That's enough

(The first problem)

I told them

Do you think that if I read to you from the Book of God, may His praise be exalted, and the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, what rejects your saying, will you go back?

they said


I said

The second problem (men rule in God’s affairs)

For I read to you from the book of God that God has made his judgment, to men at the price of a quarter of a dirham, so God - Blessed and Exalted be He - commanded that they judge in it, have you seen the words of God - Blessed and Exalted be He: Do not kill the game while you are in a state of ihram, and whoever among you kills it intentionally, so the reward is like the number of camels he killed, those of justice among you judge in it.” [Al-Ma’idah: 95] And it was from the judgment of men, I adjure you by God who is the wiser of men in reconciling the same argument and sparing their blood is better, or in a rabbit?

they said

Yes, this is even better.

Ibn Abbas said

And in the case of the woman and her husband: {And if you fear dissension between them, then appoint an arbitrator from his family, and an arbitrator from her family} [An-Nisa: 35]. So I adjure you by God, is the judgment of men in terms of reconciliation between them and the prevention of their bloodshed better than their judgment in marriage? Did you get out of this?

they said


Ibn Abbas said

And as for your saying: He fought and did not take captives and did not take spoils, do you insult your mother Aisha? do you consider it lawful from it as you would from other than it, and it is your mother? If you say: We deem it permissible, what else can we make of it, You disbelieved, and if you say: She is not our mother, then you disbelieved, And God - the Exalted and Majestic - says: ( The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers.” [Al-Ahzab: 6] You are between two misguidances, so bring a way out of it, so did I get out of this one?

The third problem (whether he erased himself from the Commander of the Faithful)

I will bring you what you are pleased with. The Prophet of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was on the day of Hudaybiyah, favor of the polytheists, then he said to Ali: “Write, O Ali: This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, agreed upon, They said: If we knew that you are the Messenger of God, we would not have fought you, Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Erase it, O Ali, Oh God, you know that I am the Messenger of God, erase, O Ali, and write: This is what Muhammed bin Abdullah agreed upon)) By God, the Messenger of God is better than Ali, and he erased himself, and it was not his own erasure that erased him from prophecy. Did I come out of this?

they said


So two thousand of them returned, and the rest of them left, and they fought for their error, so the Muhajirun and the Ansar killed them.

The Commander of the Faithful, Ali, may God be pleased with him, was not satisfied with this debate

rather, he went himself, may God be pleased with him, and spoke to them, they returned and entered Kufa, but they understood from this that the Commander of the Faithful, He withdrew from arbitration, and when Ali, may God be pleased with him, learned that and that it had been rumored among the people that he had retracted their disbelief, Ali, may God be pleased with him, delivered a sermon on Friday and explained to them, and commotion and commotion occurred in the vicinity of the mosque, they stood up and spoke that there is no judgment except for God, and the Commander of the Faithful answered them, then the Commander of the Faithful, Ali, may God be pleased with him, announced, His attitude towards this group, which he was keen, may God be pleased with him, to return them to the Muslim community.

And he said to them

We have three for you

We do not prevent you from praying in this mosque, we will not prevent you from your share of this booty as long as your hands are with ours, and we will not fight you until you fight us, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali, may God be pleased with him, sent them more than once to bring them back to the group, especially after the two rulers had separated, they refused to return until Ali, may God be pleased with him, testified against himself as a disbeliever and repented.

Did the Kharijites respond to Ali's conditions, may God be pleased with him?

No, the Kharijites committed all violations and did not fulfill the covenant that the Commander of the Faithful took on them, rather, they made those who oppose them unbelievers, allowed bloodshed, and broke promises, And they committed the prohibitions, so they slaughtered Abdullah bin Khabab bin Al-Aratt, the son of the companion of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and ripped open the stomach of his woman.

Then the Commander of the Faithful sent them to hand over the murderers to carry out the punishment on them

They answered him: “We all killed him.” They left no door but the door to fighting, so Ali, may God be pleased with him, went to them with an army that he had prepared to fight the people of Sham, and encamped on the western bank of the Nahrawan River (we will devote a separate article to the Nahrawan battle, God willing)

The Formation of the thought of the Kharijites

After attempts to dissuade him from his decision failed (Ali Ibn Abi Talib) Al-Haruriyyah contracted, Intensive meetings in the homes of Abdullah bin Wahb Al-Rassi, Shreh bin Awfa Al-Absi, and Zaid bin Husayn Al-Ta’i, and they decided to leave Kufa, and new ideas appeared expressed by this group, the exit from Kufa has been likened to the migration of the Messenger from Mecca to Medina, and his distance from the infidels of the Quraysh, hence the Kharijites calling themselves (immigrants) and naming Kufa (the village whose people are unjust) thus, after expiation was included in Harura, (a place between Mecca and Medina) Muawiyah and his supporters, It became - after the decision to conduct arbitration - Indeed, the Haruriyya included their political positions, religion will push them to adopt the idea of religious error, and excommunicate those who oppose them and fight them, they will regard it as a sacred duty; Because they are "the people of truth" Perhaps the clearest example of this is their execution of a companion, abdullah bin Khabab and his wife after a quick trial.

their qualities

1- Their denial of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and their response to what he does and dissatisfaction with what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, divided. this was apparent in a hadith, Dhul-Khuwaisira when he denounced the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said: Just, O Muhammad, and this would never have been for a believer May God be pleased with God, and Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is his Messenger.

2- Their interpretation of the Qur’an without knowledge, and there is no explicit text indicating their wrong interpretation, and they judge his eternity in the fire, and this is contrary to the evidence and the correct explicit texts,

4- Their intimidation of the Muslims, as the Kharijites were known for their severity and harshness, this is contrary to what the Most High said: {Muhammad is the Messenger of God and those with him, severe against the unbelievers, merciful among themselves.” [Al-Fath: 29].

5- Their unjustified degradation of the blood of Muslims

This was evident in their killing of "Abdullah bin Khabab bin Al-Aart, the son of the companion of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, without sin or wrongdoing, and their impossibility of the blood of others Just because they don't agree with their approach, or disagree with their thought.

6- Intimidating people and killing them, even women

Ibn Katheer said: “So they started killing women and children, and they cut open the stomachs of pregnant women, and they do actions that no one else did.”[40]

7- Their infidelity to some of the senior companions. Like Othman and Ali, may God be pleased with them.

8- Their saying: The Imamate is permissible in non-Quraysh, and with this saying they have contradicted the hadiths of the Messenger of God, He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “This matter is in Quraysh, no one opposes them except that God throws him into the fire, On the face of what they established religion, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “This matter will continue in the Quraysh as long as two of them remain.

9- Their denial of arbitration.

This is what happened between Ali and Muawiya, may God be pleased with them, in terms of arbitration.

10 - Disavowal: From the two rightly guided caliphs, Othman and Ali, may God be pleased with them.

11 - Dropping the punishment for stoning the adulterer, and dropping the punishment for defamation, about those who slander chaste men without slandering chaste women.

Some of them rejected Surat Yusuf, and it is one of their ugliest sayings, and this saying is attributed to the Al-Ajardah among them, as they said that it is not permissible for the love story to be from the Qur’an.

12- Revolting against the rulers if they violate their approach and understanding of the religion

13- Takfir: those who committed major sins

14 - Saying that it is obligatory to make up the prayers for a menstruating woman, but they contradicted the text and the consensus

Among their descriptions is the shaven

It is also proven in Sahih al-Bukhari, with a chain of transmission attributed to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said, describing them: their mark is shaving) What is meant by it: shaving their heads in a special way, or shave it completely, as this was not the custom of the Muslims, nor was it part of their guidance in anything other than the rituals.

From the foregoing, we conclude the following

1 - My honorable brother Ali God - God willing - introduce yourself to their qualities and introduce myself, we are the ones who inherited Islam through the ID card. We did not choose it as a religion, rather we inherited it, this is from God's blessing upon us, but it is necessary, to understand that they are, as the Messenger of God said about them (the dogs of the people of Hell), so do I have or do you have any of their qualities?

2 - The Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - when God Almighty described him - he said about him among what he said in his praise, (And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds) and see mercy for the worlds (humans and jinn) entered into the mercy of the Messenger of God, and the Kharijites in every time and place did not include the people of major sins in their mercy, they disbelieved and slaughtered and killed for the sake of their ideas and belief.

3 - And look at the accuracy of God Almighty’s saying (except for mercy), which means that it is the only possible exception, and (except) is a limitation tool, i.e. God Almighty did not send His Prophet except for mercy, what is the matter with people whose hearts have been stripped of mercy, just as they are the ones who possess the treasuries of Paradise, and throw whomever they want into the fire of this world before the fire of the Hereafter.

My dear brother: May God protect you and me from being one of them, and to meet God with a sound heart, this is the goal of returning to God, Like the saying of the Most High (except he who comes to God with a sound heart) and you are aware that everything has a purpose, and the purpose of getting out of this world, (It is going out with a healthy heart that does not bear fraud, deceit, injustice, or contamination with the blood of a Muslim or even a non-Muslim without right).

(The Battle of Nahrawan)

Hijri year: 37

Lunar month: Rabi` al-Awwal

Gregorian year: 657

The event details

After Ali bin Abi Talib's team and Muawiyah's team agreed to arbitrate after the fight, who circled in two rows and each team returned to its first place, Ali bin Abi Talib walked back to Kufa, and on the way a group of those who were not satisfied with the arbitration sided, and they believed that arbitration is only for the Book of God and not for men, so they went to Harora and began to spread this idea, deviating from Ali and rejecting him, so Ali sent messengers to them to discuss with them so that they might be rewarded for the truth, and among those messengers was Ibn Abbas, and he returned with nearly two thousand men on his hands, then Ali himself walked to them and argued with them, so they returned to Kufa, but they kept saying: there is no judgment except for God. and Ali says: a word of truth intended by falsehood, then when Ali wanted to go out to the Levant after the failure of the arbitration, the Kharijites began to infiltrate from his army to Nahrawan, so they started corruption, killing Abdullah bin Khabab bin Al-Aratt with other women, Ali sent a messenger to them, and they killed him, which compelled Ali to return to them and fight them, He asked them to hand over the killers of Abdullah, but they refused, rebelled and started fighting, So Ali fought against them and exterminated them at Nahrawan, except for a few who remained after that in Kufa and Basra spreading their ideas while they were concealed.

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