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The fate of Uthman's killers, and Ali's assuming the caliphate

Now that the third Rightly Guided Caliph, Dhul-Nurayn, has killed the son-in-law of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the most shyness of this nation, the collector of the Qur’an, who used to perform it and perhaps recite it all in one rak’ah at night, the unjustly murdered Commander of the Faithful, Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, and his killing was on the 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah 35 AH at the hands of a rogue group whose number approached two thousand, their goals and whims differed, but they all agreed to isolate him first, and then to kill him after that, and all of them are his killers.

who's killed him from the people of Egypt

Kinana bin Bishr al-Tujibi, and he was the one who slaughtered him: and it was said that Sudan bin Hamran al-Sukuni, after Qutira al-Sukuni stabbed him nine times with a dagger, The one who started hitting him, after the people became terrified of that because he was reading the Qur’an, was Al-Ghafiqi bin Harb Al-Akki, He struck him with the sword and kicked the Qur’an with his foot, and he fell into his lap, And a drop of blood fell on the Almighty’s saying: God will suffice you for them [Al-Baqara: 137]

who's killed him from the people of Basra

They were joined by a group from the people of Basra, such as Harqus bin Zuhair al-Saadi and Hakim bin Jabalah.

And from the people of Kufa

A group like Al-Ashtar Malik bin Al-Harith Al-Nakhai.

And Allah the Most High, Othman, may Allah be pleased with him, sufficed everyone who participated in his killing (as he killed everyone who killed him, even after a while) Forty years after that, al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf al-Thaqafi killed them, In order to kill them Othman and they are: Umair bin Dhabi Al-Barjami, and Kamil bin Ziyad al-Nakhai, and among the direct killers, two were killed immediately after his death. They were killed by Obeid Othman, and they are Qutaira al-Sukuni, and the other was said to be Sudan bin Hamran al-Sakuni, Kinana al-Nakh’i was killed, abandoned in the war between Muhammad bin Abi Bakr and Amr bin al-Aas, and Muhammad bin Abi Bakr was killed after that, and al-Ashtar al-Nakhai died from a drink of honey poisoned in Suez, Hakim bin Jabala killed the thief in the battle of Basra, and the group of Aisha, Talha and Zubair killed him. Most of them were killed by order of Talhah and al-Zubayr, may God be pleased with them, after battles in Basra, so they killed everyone who participated from the people of Basra, and they were about six hundred men, and only Harqus bin Zuhair Al-Saadi was killed after that, and his tribe prevented him, What was the position of Muawiyah bin Abis Sufyan and Ali bin Abi Talib regarding the killing of Othman - may God be pleased with all of them?

The reaction of Ali, may God be pleased with him - to the killing of Othman - may God be pleased with them both

He used to see that the pledge of allegiance would be completed to him first, settle down, and things would calm down, then he would judge them and take revenge on them, and what he wanted did not happen to him.

1 - That many of the Companions did not pledge allegiance to him, led by Aisha, Talha bin Ubaid Allah, and Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, and many countries revolted against him and the rise of internal revolutions and strife

2 - The mixing of these killers with the people after they took control of the city, and they were the victors with weapons in their hands, then they mixed with his army, until he announced after his reconciliation first, with Talhah and al-Zubayr, that no one who participated in the killing of Uthman should return with him to Medina.

3 - The occurrence of sedition: Because of these, they attacked both camps, the camp of Ali and the camp of Talha and al-Zubayr at night, and they killed them, and each camp thought, that the other one was the one who attacked him, and there was a camel incident between them, and then the knot of affairs fell apart from Ali’s hand,

4 - So Muawiyah took control of the Levant and declared himself caliph, and Egypt, Yemen, Mecca, Medina itself, and Basra emerged, there is nothing left for Ali except Kufa, which does not settle, and there is a large number of these killers with him in Kufa.

So: How was Ali bin Abi Talib chosen for the caliphate?

Ali, may God be pleased with him, was initially unwilling to assume the caliphate, and he addressed those who nominated him, saying: “Do not do that, for I would be a minister rather than a prince, the option presented after the killing of Othman, may God be pleased with him.

1- Either a return to the system of Omar, may God be pleased with him, which relied mainly on tribal interests and their values

2- Either continuing to follow the path of Uthman, may God be pleased with him, in light of the reality of the new system, which relies on the priority of the Quraish interests.

The positions of the Companions in particular and Muslims in general were divided between these two options
The killing left a political vacuum that had to be quickly filled

That is why the time pressure was severe for everyone to hasten to agree on one candidate for the caliphate, the nation unanimously agrees on him, amidst the stupor, shock, caution, and delay that prevailed over the people of the city. The revolutionaries were still in control of the city, and they had the forefront of the political and military decision, except that they did not actually exercise power, and they seemed confused, they were not united before the enormity of the event that their movement created, and they lacked a clear vision to get out of the impasse, and therefore they did not have a project for a solution that directly affected the caliphate, this was at a time when most of the Companions were hiding in the capital of the Caliphate, preferring to stay away from the developments that had escaped their hands, and the vacuum in power was portends the worst results, and there is an urgent need for a savior who enjoys the support of the majority in political orientations, especially those represented by the group of revolutionaries directly concerned with the status quo.

Muslim disagreement over the candidate for the caliphate
The Egyptians nominated Ali Ibn Abi Talib - may God be pleased with him -

Ali, may God be pleased with him, hid from them

The Kufians nominated Zubair bin Al-Awam, may God be pleased with him

They did not find him, so they sent messengers to him, so he distanced them and repudiated their article

The people of Basra nominated Obaidullah, may God be pleased with him

So he distanced them - also - and disavowed their article

Although each of them wanted to rule, the general political atmosphere did not allow assuming the position of caliphate without being accused of sympathizing with the revolutionaries. Which prompted the revolutionaries to negotiate, with each of Abdullah bin Omar and Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with them, they refused to promise each of them himself had been removed from the matter, at this time the matter was left to the people of the city.

Some of the companions of the Muhajireen and Ansar turned towards Ali, may God be pleased with him

And they addressed him, saying: “This man has been killed, and the people must have an imam, and today we do not find anyone more deserving of this matter than you, have no precedent, nor is it closer than the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

After the rejection of Talha, Al-Zubayr, and Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas - may God be pleased with all of them - the name of Ali Ibn Abi Talib - may God be pleased with him - took the lead

And these three who relinquished power are the ones who remained among the people of Shura, and they represented the political elite in the city, and they were not the subject of accusation, but things did not happen in this way, rather, it came as a popular step without consultations. The majority of Muslims said: “Ali bin Abi Talib, we are satisfied with him.

It is noticeable that the revolutionaries who were forming a pressure factor

They withdrew from intervening in this process, recognizing that only the people of Medina were the ones who were giving legitimacy, and they succeeded in resolving their differences over the problem of the candidates, this is what the Egyptians expressed when they said: “You are the people of the Shura, and you hold the Imamate, and your command is transitory to the nation, so look for a man to appoint him, and we follow you.

Then the people of Al-Amsaar ( cities) rose up and threatened the people of Medina to kill these three

(Ali, Talha, and Al-Zubayr, may God be pleased with them)

Which prompted the general public to ask Ali, may God be pleased with him, to accept the pledge of allegiance, and they frightened him of sedition, so he agreed reluctantly for fear of religion and Muslims from further rupture, and he aimed to annihilate sedition and reassembly of the scattered body of the nation, the restoration of the existing system of power, and the strengthening of communication between the new, more moderate and less murderous social forces represented by al-Ashtar and his companions.

What was Ali's condition - may God be pleased with him - to accept the caliphate?

Ali, may God be pleased with him, stipulated that the people of Madinah should complete their allegiance to him through a Shura process in which the Companions of the Shura people, the people of Badr, and the general public would participate, and to be public in the mosque; This was out of keenness to gather all the Muslims around him, and thus those who pledged allegiance from the common Muslims and the great companions, including Talha and Al-Zubayr, may God be pleased with them, pledged allegiance to him, that was on Friday, the 24th of Dhu al-Hijjah 35 AH / June 23, 656 CE .

Who pledged allegiance to Ali and who failed to pledge allegiance to him?
who pledged to him

The faces of the Companions and Muslims among the Muhajireen and the Ansar have pledged allegiance to him, and they are the people of the solution and the contract, even if there is no unanimous allegiance to him like the previous three pledges.

who did not pledged to him

Muawiyah, may God be pleased with him, remained outside the framework of allegiance

And Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, retired and did not pledge allegiance

A number of the Companions also refused to pledge allegiance to him based on their being Ottomans, such as:

Hassan bin thabet

And Kaab bin Malik

And Muslim bin Mukhaled

And my father Saeed Al-Khadri

And Muhammad bin Maslama

And Al-Nu'man bin Bashir

And Zaid bin Thabit

Rafi bin Khadij, may God be pleased with them, and others.

What was the reaction of the Umayyads to Ali Ibn Abi Talib's take over after Uthman - may God be pleased with him - was one of them?

The Umayyads hesitated to pledge allegiance. As they saw that Ali, may God be pleased with him, assumed the caliphate as a transfer of power from the Umayyads to the Hashemites, then they left Medina to Mecca, such as:

Marwan bin Al-Hakam, Al-Waleed bin Ataba, and Saeed bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with them

When did the pledge of allegiance take place to Ali - may God be pleased with him -?

The pledge of allegiance took place five days after the killing of Othman, may God be pleased with him

And we have a comment that is not big about what has passed

1 - Whoever kills will be killed even after a while. God suffices Othman - may God be pleased with him - to take revenge on everyone who sought to kill him - even after a while. Not all individual victories It comes in recen time but there is a long time for those who wait until God’s promise to His servants who believe in Him comes for their deferred victory.

2 - The disagreements about Ali Ibn Abi Talib, between those who agreed and opposed his assumption of the caliphate, were not between Muslims, but rather between human nature that imposes itself before the type of belief, they are praiseworthy disagreements - if they are taken into account (i.e. whoever assumes the caliphate carries out the rights and duties of Muslims in the most efficient manner), otherwise they are reprehensible.

3 - As for the retirement of the Umayyads, who will have - a pivotal role after that in the life of Muslims - it is also a human nature and purely worldly interests.

Related studies

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In the burgeoning field of neuropolitics, the science of studying how a person's brain influences their political thoughts and actions, or why a particular person supports one candidate over another comes down to the fact that psychological thought processes, pro-supporters determine, to a large extent, whether or not they find a candidate's leadership style attractive. Many studies have now shown that physical differences in the brain predispose people to be liberal or conservative. Dr. Jill Saltz, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and best-selling author who has written extensively on the psychological factors behind relationships says: "there are some differences in the brain in general, not quite." "But it's adequate when you look at certain patterns of thinking and the brain structure that correlates with that, conservatives tend to process things in a way that is fear-based, based on the amygdala, liberal thinkers tend to think more gray, and new information is more likely to change the outcome of their thoughts.

Another study

This paper argues that not only are differences in politics important, but differences in the personality of the candidates as well

We've shown that the public in general dislikes "dark" politicians, rating them significantly lower and significantly more likeable. Voters are more likely to prefer candidates with personalities that "match" their own. In particular, the analyzes found that voters who scored themselves higher on "dark" personality traits (narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism) tended to like dark candidates. the magnitude of this effect is so great that generally the observed adverse effect is completely reversed for them. Finally, the study showed that, in some cases, the effects of the candidates' personality traits are stronger for respondents with weaker party associations.

results like this

Emphasizing the importance of personality in political decision-making. Voters take into account the personality of the candidates when forming judgments, beyond partisanship.

And from those studies we can say

That the disagreement between the honorable Companions is a psychological matter before it is personal interests, political affiliations, or other unjust treatises, wherever there is a human gathering, interests revolve around who represents us... And this is exactly what happened. Go back with your eyes to the events, and you will find that clearly.

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