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5282 - People doubted that the Messenger of God would fast on the Day of Arafat

[ر: 3214]. 5282 - حدثنا الحُمَيدي: سمع سفيان: أخبرنا سالم أبو النضر: أنه سمع عُميراً، مولى أم الفضل يحدث، عن أم الفضل قالت: شك الناس في صيام رسول الله ﷺ يوم عرفة، فأرسلتُ إليه بإناء فيه لبن فشرب. فكان سفيان ربما قال: شك الناس في صيام رسول الله ﷺ يوم عرفة، فأرسلتْ إليه أم الفضل، فإذا وُقِفَ عليه، قال: هو عن أم الفضل.

[R: 3214]. 5282 - Al-Humaidi told us: Sufyan heard: Salem Abu Al-Nadr told us: He heard Umair, the mawla of Umm Al-Fadl, say, on the authority of Umm Al-Fadl, she said: People doubted that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, would fast on the Day of Arafat, so I sent him a bowl of milk and he drank it, Sufyan might have said: People doubted that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, would fast on the Day of Arafa, So Umm al-Fadl sent him, and if it was stopped for him, he said: It is on the authority of Umm al-Fadl

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