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The prophet' life PBUH from birth until the death of His mother حياة النبي من الميلاد حتي وفاة أمه

سبب تسمية النبي محمد بهذا الاسم

قال ابن إسحاق، ويزعمون فيما يتحدث الناس - والله أعلم - أن أمه كانت تحدث أنها أتيت حين حملت به، فقيل لها: إنك قد حملت بسيد هذه الأمة، فإذا وقع إلى الأرض فقولي: أعيذه بالواحد من شر كل حاسد، ثم سميه محمدا .

ومن طريق محمد بن عمر: ، عن علي بن زيد ، عن عبد الله بن وهب بن زمعة ، عن أبيه، عن عمته، قالت

كنا نسمع أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لما حملت به أمه آمنة بنت وهب كانت تقول: ما شعرت بأني حملت به، ولا وجدت له ثقلة كما تجد النساء، إلا أني أنكرت رفع حيضتي. وربما كانت تقول: وأتاني آت وأنا بين النائم واليقظان فقال: هل شعرت أنك حملت؟ فكأني أقول: ما أدري. فقال: إنك قد حملت بسيد هذه الأمة ونبيها. وذلك يوم الاثنين.. الحديث، وفيه: وأمهلني حتى دنت ولادتي أتاني فقال: قولي، أعيذه بالواحد. وعن الزهري قال: قالت آمنة: لقد علقت به فما وجدت له مشقة حتى وضعته.

محبة جده عبد المطلب له منذ اللحظة الأولى، فور ولادته

أخذه جده عبد المطلب ودخل به البيت الحرام وطاف بالكعبة يحمله ويشكر الله، ولما بلغ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يومه السابع ذبح له، فدعا جده قريشاً إلى الطعام، ثم أخبرهم أنه سماه محمداً ليحمده الله في السماء ويحمده أهل الأرض.

لماذا لم ترضعه آمنة بنت وهب (أمه الحقيقية)؟

كانت من عادات قريش والعرب إرسال أطفالهم للرضاعة في الريف لتقوية أجسادهم وفصاحة ألسنتهم، وانظر إلى هذه الدراسة

تظهر الأبحاث أن

قضاء الوقت في الهواء الطلق، وخاصة في سن مبكرة، يمكن أن يقلل من توتر الأطفال وقلقهم، مع تعزيز الثقة، "التعليم القائم على الطبيعة [والعلاج] هما مصدران حقيقيان للقوة والمرونة للشباب"، كما قال كلايتون، الخيال والصحة البدنية - كلها خصائص ستساعد كبار الغد على التكيف مع عالم متغير.

لذا، انظر لإختيار الله سبحانه وتعالي لرسوله صلي الله عليه وسلم ؟
من حديث عبد الله بن جعفر:قال:
"لما وُلد رسول الله ﷺ قدمت حليمة بنت الحارث، في نسوة من بني سعد بن بكر يلتمسون الرضعاء بمكة. قالت حليمة: فخرجت في أوائل النسوة على أتان لي، قمراء، ومعي زوجي الحارث بن عبد العزى، أحد بني سعد بن بكر، ثم أحد بني ناضرة، قد أدمت أتاننا، ومعي بالركب شارف والله ما تبض بقطرة لبن، في سنة شهباء. قد جاع الناس حتى خلص إليهم الجهد، ومعي ابن لي، والله ما ينام ليلنا، وما أجد في يدي شيئًا أعلله به، إلا أنا نرجوا الغيث، وكانت لنا غنم، فنحن نرجوها. فلما قدمنا مكة فما بقي منا أحد إلا عرض عليها رسول الله ﷺ فَكَرهَتْهُ، فقلنا: إنه يتيم، وإنما يكرم الظئر، ويحسن إليها الوالد، فقلنا: ما عسى أن تصنع بنا أمه أو عمه أو جده، فكلُّ صواحبي أخذ رضيعًا، فلما لم أجد غيره، رجعت إليه، وأخذته، والله ما أخذته إلا إني لم أجد غيره، فقلت لصاحبي: والله لآخذنَّ هذا اليتيم من بني عبد المطلب، فعسى الله أن ينفعنا به، ولا أرجع من بين صواحبي ولا آخذ شيئًا، فقال: قد أصبت. قالت: فأخذته، فأتيت به الرَّحْلَ، فوالله ما هو إلا أن أتيت به الرَّحْلَ، فأمسيت أقبل ثدياي باللبن، حتى أرويته، وأرويت أخاه، وقام أبوه إلى شارفنا تلك يلمسها، فإذا هي حافل، فحلبها، فأرواني وروي، فقال: يا حليمة، تعلمين والله لقد أصبنا نسمة مباركة، ولقد أعطى الله عليها ما لم نتمنَّ، قالت: فبتنا بخير ليلة، شباعًا، وكنا لا ننام ليلنا مع صبينا.ثم اغتدينا راجعين إلى بلادنا أنا وصواحبي، فركبت أتاني القمراء، فحملته معي، فوالذي نفس حليمة بيده لقطعَتْ الركب حتى أن النسوة ليقلن: أمسكي علينا، أهذه أتانك التي خرجت عليها؟ فقلت: نعم، فقالوا: إنها كانت أدمت حين أقبلنا فما شأنها؟ قالت، فقلت: والله حملت عليها غلامًا مباركًا. قالت: فخرجنا، فما زال يزيدنا الله في كل يوم خيرًا، حتى قدمنا والبلاد سِنَةٌ، ولقد كان رعاتنا يسرحون ثم يريحون، فتروح أغنام بني سعد جياعًا، وتروح غنمي شباعًا، بِطانًا، حفلًا، فنحتلب، ونشرب .
لمحة عن السيدة حليمة (مرضعة رسول الله - صلي الله عليه وسلم)

وكانت رضي الله عنها حين وقفت على عبد المطلب تطلب منه أن يرضع رسول الله، قال لها عبد المطلب (جد رسول الله): من أنت؟ قالت: امرأة من بني سعد. قال: ما اسمك؟ قالت: حليمة، قال: بخ بخ (كلمة تقولها العرب عند التفاؤل)، سعيدة وحليمة

نمو رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم في الصحراء
ثبت في (صحيح مسلم) عن أنس بن مالك:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أتاه جبريل عليه السلام وهو يلعب مع الغلمان فأخذه فصرعه فشق عن قلبه فاستخرج القلب واستخرج معه علقة سوداء فقال: هذا حظ الشيطان. ثم غسله في طست من ذهب بماء زمزم ثم لأمه ثم أعاده في مكانه وجاء الغلمان يسعون إلى أمه - يعني: ظئره - فقالوا: إن محمدا قد قتل. فاستقبلوه وهو منتقع اللون. قال أنس: وقد كنت أرى ذلك المخيط في صدره.

قصة السحابة التي كانت تظلله أينما ذهب -صلى الله عليه وسلم-

لم يكن -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يشعر بالحر، فكانت هناك سحابة تظلله أينما ذهب، قالت أخته ( الشيماء - اخته من الرضاعة -) يا أماه، كان أخي لا يشعر بالحر، رأيت سحابة تظلله أينما مشى، وإذا وقف وقفت السحابة حتى انتهى إلى هذا الوضع.

رجوعه صلي الله عليه وسلم من البادية (الصحراء)

قالت: ما رجعكما به قبل أن أسألكما، وقد كنتما حريصين على حبسه؟؟ فقلنا: لا شيء إلا أن قضى الله الرضاعة وسرَّنا ما نرى، وقلنا نؤويه كما تحبون أحب إلينا قالت: إن لكما شأناً فأخبراني ما هو فلما أخبرناها. قالت: كلا والله، لا يصنع الله ذلك به، إن لابني هذا شأناً، أفلا أخبركما خبره إني حملت به فوالله ما حملت حملاً قط، كان أخف عليَّ منه، ولا أيسر منه، ثم أريت حين حملته خرج مني نور أضاء منه أعناق الإبل ببصرى ثم وضعته حين وضعته، فوالله ما وقع كما يقع الصبيان، لقد وقع معتمداً بيديه على الأرض رافعاً رأسه إلى السماء فدعاه عنكما فقبضته، وانطلقنا.

(وفاة آمنة بنت وهب أم النبي الحقيقية وكان عمره ست سنوات)

روى الزهري عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: لما بلغ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ست سنين خرجت به أمه إلى أخوال جده وهم بنو عدي بن النجار بالمدينة تزورهم، ومعها أم أيمن بركة الحبشية، فأقامت به عندهم شهراً.كان صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد الهجرة يذكر أموراً كانت في مقامه ذلك، فلما نظر إلى الدار قال، «ههنا نزلت بي أمي، وأحسنتُ العوم في بئر بني عدي بني النجار، وكان قوم من اليهود يختلفون ينظرون إلي فقال: يا غلام ما اسمك؟ قلت: أحمد، ونظر أحدهم إلى ظهري فسمعته يقول: هذا نبي هذه الأمة، وذهب إلى إخوانه، فأخبرهم، فأخبروا أمي فخافت علي، فخرجنا من المدينة، فلما كانت بالأبواء توفيت ودفنت بها».

دراسة ذات صلة
ماذا يحدث للطفل بعد وفاة أحد الوالدين على المدى القريب؟

بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر الغضب والحزن والخدر والقلق والشعور بالذنب والفراغ والندم، من الطبيعي أن ينشغل المرء بالعمل؛ ومن الطبيعي أيضًا الانسحاب من الأنشطة والأصدقاء، ويؤكد لنا علم الأعصاب أن الخسارة ستؤدي إلى ضائقة جسدية. وعلى المدى الطويل، يعرض الحزن الجسم كله للخطر. لقد وجدت مجموعة من الدراسات روابط بين الحزن غير المحلول ومشاكل القلب وارتفاع ضغط الدم واضطرابات المناعة وحتى السرطان.


1 - لا تحتقر أو تقلل من شيء في هذه الحياة، فالبركة مقرونة باليسير من الرزق وليس الكثير، فحليمة السعدية لم تري الخير في رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم في البداية لمجرد أنه يتيم، فكانت البركة والفضل والرزق الوفير قادم مع هذا اليتيم.

2 - كما رأيت النمو في الصحراء والأماكن المفتوحة كم تجعل من الصبي غلام، وهذا اختيار الله سبحانه وتعالي لرسوله صلي الله عليه وسلم وقد كان أبلغ البلغاء صلي الله عليه وسلم، كلمة لأصحاب الحروب: عافاكم الله، أكرمكم الله وخفف عنكم: لا تقلل من شأن الأماكن المفتوحة التي وضعتم فيها لعل الله يُحدث بعد ذلك امرا .

3 - وفاة الأم الحقيقية ، ورجعت به مربيته (أم أيمن) وشاهد الطفل الصغير ذو الشأن الكبير بعد حين أمه وهي تُدفن أمام عينيه الصغيرتين المملوؤتين بالحزن وقتذاك ، لا تحزن يا من فقدت أماً أو أباً وأنت صغير، فلعل الله يُحدث بعد ذلك امرا.

4 - لو لاحظت معي: أنهم كانوا يحلبون انثي الحمار ويشربون لبنها، حيث شربت منها حليمة السعدية وزوجها وهي كانت ترضع سيدنا محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم وهو خير البشرية ، ولو كان به شيء ضار فلن يكون الغذاء الأساسي لمرضعته صلي الله عليه وسلم ، تأكد من الأمراض الغير سارية ، واشرب من لبن انثي الحمار - إن احتجت لذلك - فلرسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم حديث حرم فيه أكل لحم الحمار وسكت عن لبنه.

بالنسبة للحم الحمار

ففي الصحيحين عن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال: نهى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن لحوم الحمر الأهلية وأذن في لحوم الخيل.

بالنسبة للبن انثي الحمار

عند فقهاء الحنفية والشافعية روايتان، الأصح منهما عند كل مذهب أن حليب الأتان نجس لا يجوز شربه، وأما المالكية فقد ذهبوا إلى أن الحكم على لبن غير الآدمي يعود إلى حكم لحمه؛ ولحم الأتان محرم لذلك حرم لبنه، كما ذهب الحنابلة إلى أن لبن غير المأكول لحمه، أو بيضه نجس.

أما بالنسبة للتداوي بحليب الأتان (انثي الحمار)

فقد أجازه بعض الفقهاء كالمالكية، والشافعية، وبعض الحنفية؛ عند الضرورة وعند عدم وجود علاج طاهر غيره؛ وذلك دفعاً للحرج والمشقة؛ فقد ثبت أثر استخدام لبن الأتان في علاج كثير من الأمراض.

بالنسبة للدراسة حول الإصابات التي تصيب الطفل بعد فقدان أحد الوالدين أو كليهما في سن مبكرة

ماذا تتخيل الذي منع سيدنا رسول الله - صلي الله عليه وسلم - من هذه الإصابات سواء علي المدي القصير أو المدي الطويل؟ يبدو أن الله - تعالي - حفظه بحفظه وبالقرآن، فصلي اللهم علي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم.

The reason for naming the Prophet Muhammad with this name

Ibn Ishaq said, and they claim, as people say - and God knows best - that his mother used to say that when she was pregnant with him, she was told: You have become pregnant with the master of this nation, so when he falls to the ground, say: I seek refuge in Him from the evil of every envier, then name him Muhammad.

From the path of Muhammad bin Omar: On the authority of Ali bin Zaid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Wahb bin Zama’ah, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his aunt, she said:

We used to hear that when the mother of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, became pregnant with him, Amina bint Wahb used to say: I did not feel that I was pregnant with him, nor did I feel any heaviness in him as other women do, except that I denied that my menstruation had stopped. And perhaps she used to say: And someone came to me while I was between sleeping and awake and said: Did you feel that you were pregnant? It was as if I said: I do not know. He said: You have become pregnant with the master of this nation and its prophet. That was on Monday.. The hadith, and in it: And he waited for me until my birth was near. He came to me and said: Say, I seek refuge in the One. And on the authority of Al-Zuhri, he said: Amina said: I became pregnant with him and did not find any difficulty in it until I gave birth to him.

His grandfather Abdul Muttalib loved him from the first moment after his birth

His grandfather Abdul Muttalib took him and entered the Sacred House and circumambulated the Kaaba carrying him and thanking God, and when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached his seventh day, he slaughtered a sacrifice for him, so his grandfather invited the Quraysh to eat, then he told them that he named him Muhammad so that God would praise him in heaven and the people of the earth would praise him.

Why did Amina bint Wahb (his real mother) not breastfeed him?

It was the custom of the Quraysh and the Arabs to send their children to be breastfed in the countryside to strengthen their bodies and eloquence of their tongues, and look at this study

The research shows that

Spending time outdoors, especially at an early age, can reduce children's stress and anxiety, while boosting confidence, "Nature-based education [and therapy] are two real sources of strength and resilience for young people," Clayton said, imagination and physical health - all characteristics that will help tomorrow's adults adapt to a changing world.

So, look at the choice from God - SWT - to His Messenger PBUH.!!!
From the hadith of Abdullah bin Jaafar: He said:

“When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born, Halima bint Al-Harith came with some women from Banu Saad bin Bakr looking for foster children in Mecca. Halima said: So I went out with the first of the women on a donkey of mine, which was red, and with me was my husband Al-Harith bin Abdul-Uzza, one of Banu Saad bin Bakr, our donkey had turned red, and with me in the caravan was a she-donkey, by God, she did not give a drop of milk, in a gray year. The people were hungry until they were exhausted, and with me was a son of mine, by God, he did not sleep at night, and I did not find anything in my hand to entertain him with, except that I hoped for rain, and we had sheep, so we hoped for them. so, when we arrived in Mecca, there was not one of us who did not offer her the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and she disliked him, We said: He is an orphan, and only the wet-nurse is honored and the father is good to her. We said: What would his mother, uncle, or grandfather do to us? Each of my companions took a suckling baby. When I could not find anyone else, I went back to him and took him. By God, I did not take him except because I could not find anyone else. I said to my companion: By God, I will take this orphan from Banu Abdul Muttalib, and perhaps God will benefit us through him. I will not return from among my companions and not take anything. He said: You have done well. She said: So I took him and brought him to the saddle. By God, it was only when I brought him to the saddle.

A glimpse of Lady Halima (the wet nurse of the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace)

When she stood before Abdul Muttalib (The grandfather of the prophet PBUH) may Allah be pleased with her, asking him to breastfeed the Messenger of Allah, Abdul Muttalib said to her: Who are you? She said: A woman from Bani Saad. He said: What is your name? She said: Halima. He said: Bakh Bakh (a word that the Arabs say when they are optimistic), Sa'idah (happy) and Halima (Forbearing)

The growth of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in the desert

It is proven in (Sahih Muslim) on the authority of Anas bin Malik:

That Gabriel, peace be upon him, came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, while he was playing with the boys. He seized him and wrestled him to the ground. He split open his heart and took out the heart, and with it took out a black clot and said: This is the share of the devil. Then he washed it in a golden basin with Zamzam water, then he put it in its place. The boys came running to his mother - meaning: his wet nurse - and said: Muhammad has been killed. They met him while his color was pale. Anas said: I could see that stitch in his chest, So I spent the evening my breasts full with milk, until I satisfied him and satisfied his brother. His father went to our she - donkey and touched her, and she was full. He milked her, and they satisfied me and satisfied him. He said: O Halima, you know by God that we have been given a blessed soul, and God has given her what we did not wish for. She said: So we spent the best night, satisfied, and we did not sleep at night with our boy, then we set out to return to our country, I and my companions. I mounted my she-donkey, and carried it with me. By the One in Whose Hand is Halima's soul, the caravan was so long that the women said, "Hold on to us! Is this your donkey that you rode out on?" I said, "Yes." They said, "She had turned red when we came, so what is the matter with her?" She said, "I swear by God that I have loaded a blessed boy on her." She said, "So we set out, and God continued to increase our goodness every day, until we returned and the country was in drought. Our shepherds would go out to pasture and then rest, and the sheep of Banu Sa'd would go back hungry, and my sheep would go back full and satisfied, so we would milk them and drink."

The story of the cloud that shaded him wherever he went - may God bless him and grant him peace -

He - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - did not feel the heat, as there was a cloud that shaded him wherever he went. His sister (Al-Shimaa - his foster sister -) said: O mother, my brother did not feel the heat. I saw a cloud that shaded him wherever he walked, and if he stopped, the cloud stopped until he reached this position.

His return from the desert

She said: What brought you back with him before I asked you, and you were keen to keep him?? We said: Nothing, unless God decrees breastfeeding, and we were pleased with what we saw, and we said we would rather shelter him as you like. She said: You have a matter, so tell me what it is. When we told her, she said: No, by God, God will not do that to him, My son is of great importance. Shall I not tell you about him? I became pregnant with him, and by God, I have never carried a load that was lighter or easier for me than this. Then, when I carried him, I saw a light coming out of me that illuminated the necks of the camels in Busra. Then, when I gave birth to him, I gave birth to him. By God, he did not fall as children fall. He fell, leaning on the ground with his hands, raising his head to the sky. Then he called you and I took hold of him, and we set off.

(The death of Amina bint Wahb, the real mother of the Prophet, when he was six years old)

Al-Zuhri narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, who said: When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached the age of six, his mother went out with him to visit his grandmother’s maternal uncles, the Banu Adi bin Al-Najjar, in Medina, with Umm Ayman Barakah Al-Habashiyya, and she stayed with him for a month. After the migration, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to mention things that happened during his stay at that time, and when he looked at the home, he said, “Here my mother stayed with me, and I swam well in the well of the Banu Adi bin Al-Najjar, and some Jews were differing and looking at me, so he said: Boy, what is your name? I said: Ahmad, and one of them looked at my back and I heard him say: This is the Prophet of this nation, and he went to his brothers and told them, so they told my mother, and she feared for me, so we left Medina, and when she was in Al-Abwa, she died and was buried there.”

Related Study

What happens to a child after the death of one of the parents in the near future?

Including, but not limited to, anger, sadness, numbness, anxiety, guilt, emptiness, and regret, it’s normal to become preoccupied with work; it’s also normal to withdraw from activities and friends, and neuroscience tells us that loss will lead to physical distress. And in the long run, grief puts the whole body at risk. A number of studies have found links between unresolved grief and heart problems, high blood pressure, immune disorders, and even cancer.

The comment

1 - Do not despise or underestimate anything in this life, as blessings are associated with a little provision and not a lot. Halima Al-Sadia did not see good in the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, at first just because he was an orphan, so blessings, favor, and abundant provision came with this orphan.

2 - As you have seen the growth in the desert and open spaces, how much it makes the infant a boy, and this is the choice of Allah Almighty for His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he was the most eloquent of the eloquent, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, a word to the people of war: May Allah protect you, may Allah honor you and make things easy for you: Do not underestimate the open spaces in which you were placed, perhaps Allah will bring something after that.

3 - The death of the real mother, and his nanny (Umm Ayman) returned with him, and the little boy of great importance saw his mother being buried in front of his small eyes filled with sadness at that time. Do not be sad, you who lost a mother or father while you were young, for perhaps Allah will bring something after that.

4 - If you notice with me: They used to milk the female donkey and drink its milk, as Halima al-Sa'diyah and her husband drank from it while she was breastfeeding our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, who is the best of mankind, and if there was anything harmful in it, it would not have been the main food for his wet nurse, may God bless him and grant him peace. Make sure of non-communicable diseases and drink the milk of the female donkey - if you need to - because the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, has a hadith in which he forbade eating donkey meat and was silent about its milk.

As for donkey meat

In the two Sahihs, on the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him), he said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade the meat of domesticated donkeys and permitted the meat of horses.

As for the milk of a female donkey

the Hanafi and Shafi'i jurists have two narrations, the most correct of which according to each school is that the milk of a female donkey is impure and it is not permissible to drink it. As for the Malikis, they have held that the ruling on the milk of a non-human returns to the ruling on its meat; and the meat of a female donkey is forbidden, so its milk is forbidden. The Hanbalis also held that the milk of a non-edible animal or its eggs are impure.

As for treating with donkey milk

some jurists, such as the Malikis, Shafi'is, and some Hanafis, have permitted it when necessary and when there is no other pure treatment; this is to avoid embarrassment and hardship; the effect of using donkey milk in treating many diseases has been proven.

Regarding the study on the injuries that affect a child after losing one or both parents at an early age

What do you imagine prevented our Master the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - from these injuries, whether in the short or long term? It seems that God - the Most High - preserved him with His preservation and with the Qur’an, so may God’s prayers and peace be upon Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

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