
وبعد أن نزلت الآية (يا أيها المُدثر قم فأنذر)
بدأ رسول الله يدعو سراً كل من وثق به لعبادة الله طيلة السنوات الثلاث الأولى، واتخذت الدعوة طابع السرية حفاظاً عليها
كان أول من أسلم من النساء
كانت زوجته خديجة تقف إلى جانبه، فآمنت به، وآمنت به، وآزرته وكانت بمثابة الجبهة الداخلية له صلي الله عليه وسلم.
أول الصبيان الذين أسلموا
علي بن أبي طالب
من الموالي
زيد بن حارثة
من الرجال
أبو بكر الصديق: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «ما دعوت إلى الإسلام أحداً إلا كانت عنده كبوة إلا ابن أبي قحافة فإنه لم يتلعثم"
دعوة أبي بكر الفردية
بدأ أبو بكر يدعو من وثق به إلى الإسلام، فأسلم على يديه كثير من الأحرار والعبيد
عثمان بن عفان
والزبير بن العوام
وعبد الرحمن بن عوف
وسعد بن أبي وقاص
وطلحة بن عبيد الله
هل كل من دخل في الإسلام في البداية عبيد وفقراء؟
بدأ المسلمون يدخلون أفراداً في دين الله، ويطيب لكثير من المؤرخين أن يقولوا إن الإسلام في بدايته لم يجذب إليه إلا العبيد والفقراء ومن لا علاقة له بقريش. عشرة من الموالين والحلفاء من ثلاثة وخمسين شخصاً، أما هم فقراء ولا علاقة لهم بقريش، فاكتب بعض أسماء من سبقوا إلى الإسلام، واحكم لك بحسب مقدار النفوذ والثروة التي كانوا يملكونها.
خديجة بنت خويلد رضي الله عنها
أول من أسلم كان له مال وتجارة، مما جعلها تنافس أكبر تجارة قريش، ويكفي ذكر اسمها للدلالة على عظم ثروتها
أما أبو بكر الصديق
فهو أول من أسلم من الرجال، وكان صاحب تجارة واسعة ومال كثير، وكان من زعماء قريش في الجاهلية ومن أهل المشورة، وقد بلغ ماله في الجاهلية أربعين ألف درهم، أنفقها كلها على تحرير رقاب العبيد المسلمين
نستفيد من الآتي
1- يقول الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- (بلغوا عني ولو آية) وعددنا كمسلمين مليار ونصف المليار تقريباً والعدد في ازدياد، فالقلوب التي في الصدور لا تهتم بأشكالنا، أو صورنا أو ما غيرنا في ديننا ونيتنا أو مهما التفتنا إلى عقائد وشكليات، يهتم بما نحن عليه حقاً، والله -تعالى- لا يحابي أحداً من خلقه، فنحن لسنا أبناء الله ولا أحبابه، بل من أخطأ يتحمل أعباء ذنبه، كأخيه في الإنسانية.
2- الدعوة الفردية: باختصار تقول لك: أنت ومكانتك في المجتمع، وماذا يعني هذا؟ هل يحبك الناس؟ هل يستمعون إليك؟ هل يقبلون ما يسمعونه منك؟ وكلما زاد مكانتك الاجتماعية وقبولك بين الناس زاد اتباع الناس لك، وهذا ما يوضحه لنا المقال الذي أمامنا. فانظر كم من أغنياء وأعيان قريش أسلموا على يد التاجر الثري المسلم حديثاً (أبو بكر الصديق - رضي الله عنه ورضي الله عنه).
3- رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عندما كثر عدد المسلمين اختار بيتاً من بيوت الأعيان (الأرقم بن أبي الأرقم) وهذا دليل على أن الرسول أول من بدأ في العصر الجاهلي ما نسميه الآن بالصالون الثقافي -إن صح التعبير- حيث كان العرب في جاهلية تطبيقية وكان أكثرهم لا يعرفون القراءة والكتابة، وكان من يعرفون القراءة والكتابة لا يتجاوز عدد أصابع اليد الواحدة، ولذلك فإن أول كلمة تنزل عليهم (اقرأ)، والقرآن ليس كلمة تدغدغ المشاعر إطلاقاً، وخاصة أن القرآن المكي كله يخاطب العقل والعقل فقط، وانظر إلى كل من كان يرتاد الأعداد في بيته، هل يتصف بالعقل والرشد في هذا الوقت فقط باعتراف المجتمع وليس باعتراف أهل الإسلام؟
هل يعتبر الإسلام أيديولوجيا؟
لا طبعا، هو منهج رباني: دين، ولكن لو تأملت لوجدت أن الغرب اليوم يعبد الفكرة، وكلما كانت الفكرة مبدعة ومفيدة كانت أكثر موثوقية، خاصة إذا كانت الفكرة تعطى ولا تؤخذ، أما الإسلام فإنه يأخذ منك أكثر مما يعطيك، ربما أخذ ذلك عمرك كله، يعطيك نعمة، قد يعطيك نجاحا في الحياة، ربما الحياة الطيبة ليست أكثر من ذلك، أما العيش في الإسلام الحقيقي فهو حياة الآخرة، فمن دخل في الدين الإسلامي دخله بعقله قبل قلبه، يدخله طوعا، لا بأمر ولا حتى استجداء من أحد، الحمد لله على دين لا يسلب عقولنا منا.
دراسات ذات صلة
كيف ننشر "الأفكار البطيئة" - تحدث إلى الناس المحادثات وليس الوصفات الطبية أو العلاقات العامة، هي العوامل الحقيقية التي تغير قواعد اللعبة، لأن الثورة المفاهيمية تدور حول "الأفكار البطيئة". التنمية البشرية كنشاط اجتماعي "تتحول" للحياة، والأداء واللعب لخلق أنفسنا، والعلاج الإبداعي غير التشخيصي، والتعليم الذي يعيد التطوير والتعلم معًا، وقوة المجموعات و"حكمة الجماهير" هذه أفكار كبيرة، لكنها غير مرئية لمعظم الناس. إنها تتطلب التضحية بشرعية الممارسات "الأفضل" (تتحول "فقط" في بعض المهن) المعينة مؤسسيًا. لقد تحدثت إلى الناس عنهم لسنوات. ربما يجب عليك، من خلال هذه الدراسة التي بين أيدينا، نفهم أن قوة المجموعات وثقافة الجماهير تأتي من نقل أفكارك الإبداعية التي تؤمن بها إلى الآخرين، بغض النظر عن مدى بطئها، لكنها فعالة.
After the verse (O you who are coverd stand and warn) was revealed, the Messenger of God began to secretly call everyone who trusted him to worship God throughout the first three years, and the call took on a secret character to preserve it.
It was the first woman to convert to Islam. His wife Khadija stood by his side, believed in him, , supported him, and was like his inner front, may God bless him and grant him peace.
The first boys to convert to Islam
Ali ibn Abi Talib
Of the Mawali (slave' man)
Zaid ibn Haritha
Of the men
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “I did not call anyone to Islam except that he had a stumble except for the son of Abu Quhafah, for he did not stutter.”
Abu Bakr's Individual Call
Abu Bakr began calling those he trusted to Islam, and many free men and slaves converted to Islam at his hands
Uthman ibn Affan
Al-Zubayr ibn Al-Awwam
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf
Saad ibn Abi Waqqas
Talha ibn Ubaidullah
Were all those who entered Islam at the beginning slaves and the poor?
Muslims began to enter the religion of God individually, and many historians like to say that Islam at its beginning only attracted slaves, the poor, and those who had no connection to Quraysh. Ten loyalists and allies out of fifty-three people, but they were poor and had no connection to Quraysh, so, I will write some names of those who preceded Islam, and judge for yourself according to the amount of influence and wealth they possessed.
Khadija bint Khuwaylid, may God be pleased with her
The first to ever embrace Islam had money and trade, which makes her compete with the largest trade of the Quraish, and it is sufficient to mention her name to indicate the greatness of her wealth
As for Abu Bakr
He was the first man to convert to Islam, and he was the owner of a wide trade and a lot of money, and he was one of the leaders of Quraysh in the pre-Islamic era and the people who gave their advice, His wealth, during the pre-Islamic era, amounted to forty thousand dirhams, which he spent all of it on freeing the necks of Muslim slaves
As for Othman bin Affan
He was the wealthiest of Quraysh and the largest of them in trade, and his trade to the Levant carried more than a hundred camels, and he had the guardianship of the orphans of his family and the aid of their poor.
As for Talha bin Ubaidullah
He was in a profitable trade and a lot of money, and his trade was going out to the markets of Levant and Iraq, and from those who preceded him to Islam
Zubair bin Al-Awwam
And Saad bin Abi Waqas
Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah
Abu Salamah Makhzoumi
Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam
And Suhaib Al-Rumi
and Khaled bin Said
And Salit bin Omar
and Amir Abi Waqas
Many others were in vast wealth, or at least they lived a decent life in their society. These historians wished to understand the nature of the Islamic call, which, if it touches the heart, becomes attached to its owner, there is no difference between rich and poor or free and slave, and the previous ones received the teachings of their religion, secretly from their Prophet, and if they wanted to practice their rituals, they went out to the reefs of Mecca far from the eyes of the Quraysh, And when their number increased, the Messenger of God chose for them the House of Al-Arqam Ibn Abi Al-Arqam,To meet with it, the secret invitation remained for about three years, during which, according to Ibn Hisham's narration, fifty-three people embraced Islam, among them are ten women. It is a good fortune for Muslims in this period that Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, uncle of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, embraced Islam, He was the dearest man in the Quraish, and the toughest of them all, and he was called the Lion of Quraish.
The reason why Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib - may God be pleased with him - was called the Lion of Quraish, one day he came back from his hunting and learned that Abu Jahl had objected to Muhammad his nephew, had hurt him, insulted him, and insulted his religion, He got angry and went to Abu Jahl and hit him with his bow so hard that it shook his head. He said: do you insult him while I am on his religion and I say what he says? He replied: they called Abu 'Amara (meaning Hamza), because by God I had caused his nephew to be an ugly curse, and Hamza hurried to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: I bear witness that you are the truthful, so show, my nephew, your religion, for by God, I do not like that I have what the sky has shaded and that I follow my first religion, And Hamza’s conversion to Islam was a good opening for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when the Quraysh knew that Muhammad had honored and refused to embrace Hamza’s Islam, so they stopped insulting him, and Hamza was among those whom God honored Islam with.
We make use of the following
1 - The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - says (Convey from me, even if it is a verse) and our numbers as Muslims are approximately one and a half billion and the number is increasing. For the hearts that are in the chests and does not care about our shapes, Or our images or what changed us in our religion and our intentions or whatever we turned to doctrines and formalities, he cares about what we really are, and God - the Most High - does not favor anyone from His creation, for we are not the children of God nor His loved ones, but rather the one who sins bears the burdens of his sin, like his brother in humanity.
2 - The individual invitation: In short, it says to you: You and your position in society, and what does this mean? Do people love you? Do they listen to you? Do they accept what they hear from you? And the more your social position and acceptance among the people increases, the more prominent people will follow you, and this is what the article before us shows us. Look how many of the wealthy and notable of Quraysh converted to Islam only at the hands of the newly Muslim wealthy merchant (Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him and his approval).
3 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - when the number of Muslims increased, chose one house of dignitaries (Al-Arqam Ibn Abi Al-Arqam) and this is an indication that the Prophet was the first to start in the pre-Islamic era what we now call the cultural salon - if so to speak - where the Arabs were in an applied ignorance and most of them did not know how to read and write, and those who knew how to read and write did not exceed the number of fingers on one hand, so the first words (Read) will be revealed to them, and the Qur’an is not a word that tickles the feelings at all, especially the entire Meccan Qur’an addresses the mind and reason only, and look at everyone who used to go to the numbers in his house, Is he only characterized by reason and rationality at this time by the recognition of society and not by the recognition of the people of Islam?
4 - Bait Al-Arqam: The title of the religious salon that takes place in many Muslim countries thanks to God - the Almighty - but do you know that in some countries this is forbidden even if the number is only 3 individuals including the preacher and not only on Muslims but on Christians and any kind of religion, and whoever does that offends his citizenship and may be subjected to severe torture, so if you are one of those whom fate has blessed him by opening a religious salon in your home, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying (and make your homes a compass) that you should remember your Muslim brothers in such countries and give them charity, or at least make doaa for them, because they cannot do what you can do.
5- Is Islam considered ideological (intellectual method)? No, of course. It is a divine approach: religion, but if you thought, you would find that the West today worships the idea, and the more creative the idea is and brings benefit to it, the more reliable it is, especially if the idea is given and not taken, as for Islam, it takes more from you than it gives you. Perhaps that took your whole life. It gives you a blessing. It may give you success in life. Perhaps a good life is nothing more. As for living in true Islam, the life of the Hereafter, therefore, whoever enters the Islamic religion enters it with his mind before his heart, and he enters it voluntarily, not by order or even begging for anyone. Praise be to God for a religion that does not take our minds away from us.
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