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2336 -What came in the room and the supervising attic in the roofs and others

[ 2336 ] حدثنا يحيى بن بكير حدثنا الليث عن عقيل عن ابن شهاب قال : أخبرني عبيد الله بن عبد الله بن أبي ثور عن عبد الله بن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال لم أزل حريصا على أن أسأل عمر رضى الله تعالى عنه عن المرأتين من أزواج النبي ﷺ اللتين قال الله لهما { إن تتوبا إلى الله فقد صغت قلوبكما } فحججت معه فعدل وعدلت معه بالإداوة فتبرز حتى جاء فسكبت على يديه من الإداوة فتوضأ فقلت : يا أمير المؤمنين من المرأتان من أزواج النبي ﷺ اللتان قال الله عز وجل لهما { إن تتوبا إلى الله } ، فقال واعجبي لك يا ابن عباس عائشة وحفصة ثم استقبل عمر الحديث يسوقه ، فقال إني كنت وجار لي من الأنصار في بني أمية بن زيد وهي من عوالي المدينة وكنا نتناوب النزول على النبي ﷺ فينزل يوما وأنزل يوما فإذا نزلت جئته من خبر ذلك اليوم من الأمر وغيره وإذا نزل فعل مثله وكنا معشر قريش نغلب النساء فلما قدمنا على الأنصار إذا هم قوم تغلبهم نساؤهم فطفق نساؤنا يأخذن من أدب نساء الأنصار فصحت على امرأتي فراجعتني فأنكرت أن تراجعني فقالت ولم تنكر أن أراجعك فوالله إن أزواج النبي ﷺ ليراجعنه وإن إحداهن لتهجره اليوم حتى الليل فأفزعني فقلت : خابت من فعل منهن بعظيم ثم جمعت علي ثيابي فدخلت على حفصة فقلت : أي حفصة أتغاضب إحداكن رسول الله ﷺ اليوم حتى الليل فقالت نعم فقلت : خابت وخسرت أفتأمن أن يغضب الله لغضب رسوله ﷺ فتهلكين لا تستكثري على رسول الله ﷺ ولا تراجعيه في شيء ولا تهجريه واسأليني ما بدا لك ولا يغرنك أن كانت جارتك هي أوضأ منك وأحب إلى رسول الله ﷺ يريد عائشة وكنا تحدثنا أن غسان تنعل النعال لغزونا فنزل صاحبي يوم نوبته فرجع عشاء فضرب بابي ضربا شديدا ، وقال أنائم هو ففزعت فخرجت إليه ، وقال : حدث أمر عظيم قلت : ما هو أجاءت غسان قال لا بل أعظم منه وأطول طلق رسول الله ﷺ نساءه قال قد خابت حفصة وخسرت كنت أظن أن هذا يوشك أن يكون فجمعت علي ثيابي فصليت صلاة الفجر مع النبي ﷺ فدخل مشربة له فاعتزل فيها فدخلت على حفصة فإذا هي تبكي قلت : ما يبكيك أو لم أكن حذرتك أطلقكن رسول الله ﷺ قالت لا أدري هو ذا في المشربة فخرجت فجئت المنبر فإذا حوله رهط يبكي بعضهم فجلست معهم قليلا ثم غلبني ما أجد فجئت المشربة التي هو فيها فقلت لغلام له أسود أستأذن لعمر فدخل فكلم النبي ﷺ ثم خرج ، فقال : ذكرتك له فصمت فانصرفت حتى جلست مع الرهط الذين عند المنبر ثم غلبني ما أجد فجئت فذكر مثله فجلست مع الرهط الذين عند المنبر ثم غلبني ما أجد الغلام فقلت : استأذن لعمر فذكر مثله فلما وليت منصرفا فإذا الغلام يدعوني قال إذن لك رسول الله ﷺ فدخلت عليه فإذا هو مضطجع على رمال حصير ليس بينه وبينه فراش قد أثر الرمال بجنبه متكئ على وسادة من آدم حشوها ليف فسلمت عليه ثم قلت : وأنا قائم طلقت نساءك فرفع بصره إلي ، فقال لا ثم قلت : وأنا قائم أستأنس يا رسول الله لو رأيتني وكنا معشر قريش نغلب النساء فلما قدمنا على قوم تغلبهم نساؤهم فذكره فتبسم النبي ﷺ ثم قلت لو رأيتني ودخلت على حفصة فقلت لا يغرنك أن كانت جارتك هي أوضأ منك وأحب إلى النبي ﷺ يريد عائشة فتبسم أخرى فجلست حين رأيته تبسم ثم رفعت بصري في بيته فوالله ما رأيت فيه شيئا يرد البصر غير أهبة ثلاثة فقلت : ادع الله فليوسع على أمتك فإن فارس والروم وسع عليهم وأعطوا الدنيا وهم لا يعبدون الله وكان متكئا ، فقال أو في شك أنت يا ابن الخطاب أولئك قوم عجلت لم طيباتهم في الحياة الدنيا فقلت : يا رسول الله استغفر لي فاعتزل النبي ﷺ من أجل ذلك الحديث حين أفشته حفصة إلى عائشة وكان قد قال : ما أنا بداخل عليهن شهرا من شدة موجدته عليهن حين عاتبه الله فلما مضت تسع وعشرون دخل على عائشة فبدأ بها فقالت له عائشة إنك أقسمت أن لا تدخل علينا شهرا وإنا أصبحنا لتسع وعشرين ليلة أعدها عدا ، فقال النبي ﷺ الشهر تسع وعشرون وكان ذلك الشهر تسعا وعشرين قالت عائشة فأنزلت آية التخيير فبدأ بي أول امرأة ، فقال إني ذاكر لك أمرا ولا عليك أن لا تعجلي حتى تستأمري أبويك قالت قد أعلم أن أبوي لم يكونا يأمراني بفراقك ، ثم قال إن الله قال { يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك } إلى قوله { عظيما } قلت : أفي هذا أستأمر أبوي فإني أريد الله ورسوله والدار الآخرة ثم خير نساءه فقلن مثل ما قالت عائشة

[2336] Yahya bin Bukair told us, Al-Layth told us, on the authority of Aqeel, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, he said: Obaidullah bin Abdullah bin Abi Thawr told me on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, may God Almighty be pleased with them, he said: I am still eager to ask Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with him, about the two wives of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, To whom God said: {If you repent to God, your hearts have already listned} So I performed Hajj with him, so he went, and I went with him with the Edawah: ((a small bag of skin in which water is held)) and He defecates, Until he came and I poured some of Edawah: ((a small bag of skin in which water is held)) on his hands and he performed ablution, O Commander of the Faithful, from the two wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him to whom God Almighty said: {If you repent to God}, he said: I admire you, O Ibn Abbas, Aisha and Hafsa, then Omar received the hadeeth, narrating it, He said: I and a neighbor of mine were among the Ansar in Bani Umayyah bin Zaid, and it is from (Al-Awali) the highest place in Medina, We used to take turns descending on the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he get down one day and I get down one day, If I was get down, I would come to him from the news of that day regarding the matter and other things, And when he get down, he did the same, and we, the Quraysh, were overwhelming the women, so when we came to the Ansar, If they are a people dominated by their women, then our women began to take from the manners of the women of the Ansar, I shouted at my wife, so return my words to me, and I refused to to return my words back, she said, and you did not deny that I return your words back, for by God, the wives of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, To take him back, and one of them will leave him today until the night, so he scared me, so I said: I was disappointed by those of them who did a great thing, then I gathered my clothes and went to Hafsa and said: O Hafsa, does one of you get angry with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, today until nightfall? She said yes, so I said: disappointed and lost, do you feel safe that God will be angry at the anger of His Messenger, peace be upon him, so you will perish. Do not become too strong for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Do not turn back from him in anything, and do not desert him. ask me what you want, do not be tempted if your neighbor is enlightening than you, and the most beloved to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, wanted Aisha, and we used to talk about Ghassan wearing the shoes for our invasion, So my friend went down on his shift, came back at dinner, and hit my door hard, He said he was sleeping, so I panicked and went out to him, and he said: A great thing happened, What happened to Ghassan? He said: No, rather greater than him and the longest divorce of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to his wives. He said: Hafsa failed, and she lost. I thought that this was about to happen, so I gathered on me my clothes and prayed the Fajr prayer with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, He entered his drinking-place, so he withdrew in it, so I entered upon Hafsa, and lo and behold, she was weeping, What makes you cry, or if I did not warn you, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, let you go? She said, I don't know, he is in the drink place, So I went out and went to the pulpit, and there was a group of people around it crying, so I sat with them for a while, Then I was overwhelmed by what I found, so I came to the drink place in which he was, and I said to a boy who was black: I ask permission for Omar, so he entered and spoke to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and then left. He said: I mentioned you to him, and he remained silent, So I left until I sat with the people who were at the pulpit, then I was overwhelmed by what I found, so I came and he mentioned the same, so I sat with the people who were at the pulpit, Then I was overwhelmed by what I found the boy, so I said: He asked permission for Omar, so he mentioned something similar to him, so when I left, he left, So if the boy calls me, he says: Permission for you is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, So I entered upon him, and behold, he was lying on a sandy mat, There is no bed between him and him that has left sand on his side, leaning on a cushion made of Adam (a mixture of soil) and stuffed with fiber, So I greeted him and then said: While I am standing, your wives have been divorced, so he raised his eyes to me, He said, "No." Then I said: I am standing. Would you take comfort, O Messenger of God, if you could see me when we, the Quraysh, beat the women, When we came to a people whose women dominated them, he mentioned it, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, smiled, then I said: If you saw me and entered upon Hafsa, I said: Do not be deceived If your neighbor is more enlightening than you and dearer to the Prophet, peace be upon him, He wanted Aisha, so he smiled again, so I sat down when I saw him smiling, then I looked up In his house, by God, I did not see anything in it that would return the sight except for three Ahbh ( animal skin before tanning), so I said: Pray to God, so let him expand upon your nation, for the Persians and the Romans expanded upon them, and gave the world, and they do not worship God, and he was reclining, He said: is there any doubt in you, Ibn Al-Khattab? those are people for whom I hastened their goodness in the life of this world, so I said: O Messenger of God, ask forgiveness for me, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, retired because of that speach When Hafsa disclosed it to Aisha and he had said: I will not visit them for a month because of his great grief from them, when God admonished him, when twenty-nine had passed, he entered upon Aisha, and he began with her, and we woke up to twenty-nine nights, except for that, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: the month is twenty-nine, and that month was twenty-nine. Aisha said, then the verse of choice was revealed, and the first woman began with me, He said: I am going to tell you something, and you do not have to hurry until you consult your parents, She said, "I may know that my parents did not tell me to leave you, Then he said that God said {O Prophet, tell your wives} To his saying {great} I said: In this I ask my parents, I want God and His Messenger and the abode of the Hereafter, then the best of His wives, They said as Aisha said.

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