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2337 -What came in the room

2337 ] حدثنا ابن سلام حدثنا الفزاري عن حميد الطويل عن أنس رضى الله تعالى عنه قال إلى رسول الله ﷺ من نسائه شهرا وكانت انفكت قدمه فجلس في علية له فجاء عمر ، فقال أطلقت نساءك قال لا ولكني آليت منهن شهرا فمكث تسعا وعشرين ثم نزل فدخل على نسائه

[2337] Ibn Salam told us, Al-Fazari told us, on the authority of Hamid Al-Taweel, On the authority of Anas, may God Almighty be pleased with him, he said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ALa ( not intercourse with them for a period) one month from his wives, His foot had loosened, so he sat in his attic, and Umar came, He said, "You divorced your wives." He said, "No, but I have given them one month ( ALa ) He stayed twenty-nine, then went down and entered upon his wives.

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