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2350 - If someone demolished a wall, let him built like it

[ 2350 ] حدثنا مسلم بن إبراهيم حدثنا جرير بن حازم عن محمد بن سيرين عن أبي هريرة رضى الله تعالى عنه قال : قال رسول الله ﷺ : كان رجل في بني إسرائيل يقال له جريج يصلي فجاءته أمه فدعته فأبى أن يجيبها ، فقال أجيبها أو أصلي ثم أتته فقالت اللهم لا تمته حتى تريه المومسات وكان جريج في صومعته فقالت امرأة لأفتنن جريجا فتعرضت له فكلمته فأبى فأتت راعيا فأمكنته من نفسها فولدت غلاما فقالت هو من جريج فأتوه وكسروا صومعته فأنزلوه وسبوه فتوضأ وصلى ثم أتى الغلام ، فقال من أبوك يا غلام قال الراعي قالوا نبني صومعتك من ذهب قال لا من طين

[2350] Muslim bin Ibrahim told us, Jarir bin Hazem told us, on the authority of Muhammad bin Sirin, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God Almighty be pleased with him, that he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: A man among the Children of Israel called Juraij was praying, and his mother came to him So she called him, but he refused to answer her, so he said: Do I answer her or pray, then she came to him She said, O God, do not let him die until you see him to the prostitutes, Jurej was in his cell, and a woman said to Mesmerized Jureja, So she was exposed to him, so she spoke to him, but he refused. She came to a shepherd, so she empowered him with herself, She gave birth to a boy, and she said he was from Juraij. They came to him and broke his cell, so they took him down and took him captive, so he performed ablution and prayed, then the boy came and said, “Who is your father, boy? The shepherd said, “We will build your hermitage of gold.” He said, “No, of clay.

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