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3045 - The Angls didn't seen with the naked eye

3045 – حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد: حدثنا هشام: أخبرنا معمر، عن الزهري، عن أبي سلمة، عن عائشة رضي الله عنها: أن النبي ﷺ قال لها: (يا عائشة، هذا جبريل يقرأ عليك السلام). فقالت: وعليه السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، ترى ما لا أرى، تري النبي ﷺ .3045 -

Abdullah bin Muhammad told us: Hisham told us: Muammar told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, on the authority of Abu Salamah, on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said to her: (O Aisha, this is Gabriel saluting you. She said: May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon him. You see what I do not see, you see the Prophet, peace be upon him.

we benefit from the noble Hadith

God’s will decreed that the nation of Muhammad should believe in the unseen, and it is from the core of faith, and this is surprising because Islam is God’s final religion on earth, and scientific revolutions will come to life visible to the naked eye, So why do we not see many things such as jinn and angels and God Himself - Glory be to Him - the truth is that I will not tell you that we live in a world of some unseen and we cannot see it, such as electricity that we do not touch or smell or know its shape, but we believe in its existence, this is old talk.

But I will tell you that the astronauts of Mars today must undergo some physiological changes to suit the nature of their bodies with the period of stay on Mars, such as enlarging the forehead, dilating the pupils of the eyes, or even changing the color of the body tilted to orange, All this in order for them to adapt to life on another planet, we do not see God, we do not see angels, we do not see demons, although some animals have been proven to see them, because they see in infrared and we do not, if we wear a bionic eye will we see God - Almighty- of course not.

The will of God - come - is that you believe in the effects of his existence and the effects of the presence of demons and the effects of the presence of angels and you do not see them, tomorrow in heaven, God willing - if you and I are believers, we will meet God and look at him and see who we have been worshiping throughout our years and did not see him once - And today we are waiting because how our eyesight will not perform this task, and if they improved things and techniques, that will not happen, until God - the Most High - remains unseen - and your job is to believe in the unseen... and remember His saying (who wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve).

Now let us become familiar with the science of eye anatomy and theories of cosmic dimensions

1 - Because of its extreme speed

I remember the experience of dividing a disk into eight parts, coloring each part with a color, then piercing the center of the disk with a screw, and spinning the disk quickly. We noticed that the color of the disk turned white, while we did not notice the rest of the colors despite their presence. This is the link of the horse with colors and speed, because of the speed of the movement of the jinn, it is difficult for the human eye to track the movement of the jinn and thus monitor their presence

And you are an expert that angels are created from light, and light is one of the fastest speeds with which it moves in the universe, so it takes roughly the same ruling.

2- The anatomy of the human eye

The relationship of an object's speed and color to the eye's observation of it and its accurate vision, so we must talk a little about the anatomy of the eye humans containing 4.5 or 6 million small cone cells are photoreceptors in the retina, It works best in relatively bright light. each cell is connected to a fine nerve that leads to the nerve fiber. The role of cones is to perceive color, as well as to perceive finer details and rapid changes in images. the function of cones is to distinguish movement, when we perceive a certain movement by peripheral vision, the eyes look directly at the bod, thus, the image falls on the retinal fovea and appears perfectly clear, each cone contains on one of three chemicals that turn white in light, These materials are sensitive to red-yellow-green-blue-violet light. All other colors that we "see" are a mixture of these colors and determine the number of types of cone cells different types of visible spectrum, for example, the human eye contains three types of cone cells therefore, it responds to color changes in different ways, which is why people usually have triple vision the color.

3 - The average person does not extend his sight beyond the red rays, the opposite of a donkey whose range of sight extends beyond infrared rays, so he can see the jinn, because they were created from fire, which is the field of infrared rays. red; As it came in the honorable Prophetic hadith: (If you hear the braying of donkeys, seek refuge with Allah from the devil, for she saw a devil) Agreed upon in the two Sahihs from the narration of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him about him.

As for those who will colonize Mars, here is this statement

Will Mars colonists evolve Will Mars colonists evolve into this new type of human being?

Experts say a long period of isolation on the Red Planet - where gravity and sunlight are weaker than on Earth and mutagenic radiation more - could eventually cause the bodies of Martian colonists to change, And at least one expert believes that colonizers could evolve into a new species, in other words, switching to multi-species might lead us to become a multi-species. Experts say Mars colonists may evolve into a new type of human being, . Here's what it might look like, how these Martian people might differ from their distant ancestors -

In other words

? Whether or not they evolved into a new species, they may have other anatomical, immunological, and physiological differences. Solomon said they may have significantly thicker bones (including those of the skull) , which could give them a more robust appearance—perhaps somewhat similar to members of the extinct primitive human Paranthropus genus, including P. boisei. Why would that be? Bones need to work against the force of gravity to stay strong. The gravity on Mars is about 38 percent of the gravity on Earth. thus, Martian colonists who started life with larger skeletons might have had a leg, evolutionarily speaking., the idea is that as their bone density gradually decreases in a low-gravity environment, the bones of larger colonists may retain enough strength to stave off serious fractures. Solomon said the evolutionary pressure for larger skeletons may be especially strong for Martian colonies, given the risk of pelvic fractures during childbirth, huge skeletons or not, Solomon said, colonies might come to choose a cesarean section over a natural birth

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