4204- حدثنا مسدد: حدثنا يحيى، عن شعبة قال: حدثني خبيب بن عبد الرحمن، عن حفص بن عاصم، عن أبي سعيد بن المعلى قال: كنت أصلي في المسجد، فدعاني رسول الله ﷺ فلم أجبه، فقلت: يا رسول الله، إني كنت أصلي، فقال: (ألم يقل الله: {استجيبوا لله وللرسول إذا دعاكم لما يحييكم}). ثم قال لي: (لأعلمنك سورة هي أعظم السور في القرآن، قبل أن تخرج من المسجد). ثم أخذ بيدي، فلما أراد أن يخرج، قلت له: ألم تقل: (لأعلمنك سورة هي أعظم سورة في القرآن). قال: ({الحمد لله رب العالمين}: هي السبع المثاني، والقرآن العظيم الذي أوتيته). [4370، 4426، 4720]
4204- Musaddad told us: Yahya told us, on the authority of Shu’bah, he said: Khubayb bin Abdul Rahman told me, on the authority of Hafs bin Asim, on the authority of Abi Saeed bin Al Mualla who said: I was praying in the mosque, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, called me, but I did not answer him. I said: O Messenger of God, I was praying. He said: (Didn’t God say: {Respond to God and the Messenger when he calls you to what make you alive.} then he said to me: (I will teach you a surah which is the greatest surah in the Qur’an, before you leave the mosque) Then he took my hand, and when he wanted to get out, I said to him: Did you not say: (I will teach you a Surah which is the greatest Surah in the Qur’an) He said: {Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds}: They are the seven dualities, and the Great Qur’an which I have been given). [4370, 4426, 4720]
The Reasons why it is the best surah in the Quran
1 - The great writers in this life respect the mind of the reader by making an introduction to his book, especially if he is interested in a book in particular, Pay close attention to the introduction to this book, and mostly: this introduction makes a very quick summary of what will be going on in this book, and skilled writers reduce this introduction as much as they can, Does this remind you of anything? It is the opening of the Noble Qur’an, it is the opening of your prayers, it is the opening of your marriage, it is the Fatiha.
2- There is no prayer for one who does not begin with Al-Fatihah.
3 - Lord of the Worlds: Perhaps he means mankind and the jinn, or everything besides God, the Blessed and Exalted
4 - For every person who created something in this life, we used to patent it until no one says that he invented this idea, how old are you now? Whatever your age, have you heard anyone claim that he will have the Day of Resurrection? Or do they deny it from the ground up, no one can, they claim that they created God in a machine, And they created Paradise in this life, but no one ever said that he will own the Day of Resurrection unless they claim that it is here. The meaning is that God is the owner of the Day of Judgment and reminds you of this in the introduction of his book, So that you never remove this idea from your daily life (you read it at least 5 times a day and night).
5- Beware: a limiting tool for worship and seeking help, there is no worship except for God, and there is no real help except with God - people change for you, today they love you and give you their help, tomorrow they will hate you and incite people against you. as for God Almighty, He will not change you even if you sinned, except for punishment followed by repentance, mercy and sympathy.
6- Asking for guidance and a straight path. In this life, there are many trends, the direction of science, technology and progress, the direction of being a well-known scholar in a specific field, And the direction of the king and the presidency and a direction and a direction and a direction, and if you were left alone, you would be confused as to what I put my feet in? And your request from God Almighty 5 times for guidance in the best way is a kind of transfer of experience From God the All-Aware to you, the poor servant, so you will shorten your time and effort, and you will find experience only to reduce the effort.
7- And you seek the path of those who are God, not those whom God has led astray, whatever they were and whatever their religion was. Look around you. There are more than 4000 religions on the planet and they may have turned to Mars, God’s guidance for you is not with your cleverness, but it is a supplication that you say and you do not feel 5 times, or perhaps your parents’ supplication to you and you do not feel.
So God is Amen to every letter that came in Al-Fatihah, whether we read it in our prayers, whether we read it over water and drink it for healing, whether we open our marriage and the marriage of our children, thank you for a great introduction in its meaning, great in its virtue, great in its impact on our life.
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