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5292/5293 - It's permissible to stand while drinking

15 - باب: الشرب قائماً. 5292/5293 - حدثنا أبو نعيم: حدثنا مسعر، عن عبد الملك بن ميسرة، عن النَّزَّال قال:أتي علي رضي الله عنه على باب الرَّحبة بماء فشرب قائماً، فقال: إن ناساً يكره أحدهم أن يشرب وهو قائم، وإني رأيت النبي ﷺ فعل كما رأيتموني فعلت.(5293) - حدثنا آدم: حدثنا شُعبة: حدثنا عبد الملك بن ميسرة: سمعت النَّزَّال بن سَبْرة يحدث، عن علي رضي الله عنه: أنه صلى الظهر، ثم قعد في حوائج الناس في رحبة الكوفة، حتى حضرت صلاة العصر، ثم أتي بماء، فشرب وغسل وجهه ويديه، وذكر رأسه ورجليه، ثم قام، فشرب فضله ، وهو قائم، ثم قال: إن ناساً يكرهون الشرب قياماً، وإن النبي ﷺ صنع مثل ما صنعت.

[R: 4918]. 15 - Chapter: Drinking while standing. 5292/5293 - Abu Naim told us: Masar told us, on the authority of Abd al-Malik bin Maysara, on the authority of al-Nazzal, he said: Ali, may God be pleased with him, was brought at the gate of Rahba with water, and he drank while standing, He said: Some people hate to drink while standing, and I saw the Prophet, peace be upon him, He did as you have seen me. I did. (5293) - Adam told us: Shu’bah told us: Abdul Malik bin Maysara told us: I heard Al-Nazzal bin Sabra say, on the authority of Ali, may God be pleased with him: He prayed the noon prayer, then sat among the needs of the people in the vastness of Kufa, until the afternoon prayer came, then water was brought, he drank and washed his face and hands, He mentioned his head and legs, then got up and drank his bounty while standing, then said: People hate drinking while standing, and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, did the same as I did

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