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5379 - women forbade from applying kohl during the waiting period

باب: الإثْمِدِ والكحل من الرَّمد. فيه عن أم عطية. 5379 - حدثنا مسدَّد: حدثنا يحيى، عن شُعبة قال: حدثني حُمَيد بن نافع، عن زينب، عن أم سلمة رضي الله عنها:أن امرأة توفي زوجها، فاشتكت عينها، فذكروها للنبي ﷺ وذكروا له الكحل، وأنه يُخاف على عينها، فقال: (لقد كانت إحداكن تمكث في بيتها، في شر أحلاسها، أو: في أحلاسها في شر بيتها، فإذا مر كلب رمت بعرة، فلا، أربعة أشهر وعشراً).

Chapter: Ithmid and kohl from conjunctivitis. It is about Umm Attia. [R: 5027]. 5379 - Musaddad told us: Yahya told us, on the authority of Shu’bah, he said: Humaid bin Nafi’ told me, on the authority of Zainab, on the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her: That a woman whose husband died, and she complained about her eye, So they mentioned it to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and they mentioned kohl to him, and that he feared for her eyes, He said: “One of you used to stay in her house, with a rug spread for her on the floor of her house, If a dog passes by, it throws a litter, then no, four months and ten).

And the meaning of the Hadith

A woman - her name is Atika - her husband - who is al-Mugheerah al-Makhzumi - died, and her eyes became sick during her waiting period from her deceased husband, And they were afraid that her disease would multiply, so they sought permission from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to apply kohl, So, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he forbade it from kohl during the waiting period, then he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “It was one of you" This refers to the period of ignorance, What is the woman's duty if her husband dies? “She stays on a carpet that is being furnished to sit on, i.e. she stays for a whole year away from adornment, She wears nothing but her worst clothes, and sits in the worst place in the house, If a year has passed since the death of her husband, she stalks a dog passing by her, So it was scattered with peas - which are the remnants of beasts after they had dried up and dried up, Announcing that mourning her husband for a year is easier for her than throwing that peas, Then she comes out of her mourning. And it was said: It is an indication that she threw the waiting period after the death of her husband, just as she throws a peas.

We take from the hadith

1 - Some of the customs of some Arab and non-Arab tribes are some traditions that are not part of Islam at all, and you are expert that some traditions become in some tribes above religion, and religions only came to fight against traditions and to refine them if they were bad.

2 - The hadith indicates that a woman is not allowed to adorn herself at all, not even with kohl, for the period of her dead husband’s waiting period.

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