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5441 - Putting poison in the sheep: an attempt to kill the Prophet

5441 - حدثنا قتيبة: حدثنا الليث، عن سعيد بن أبي سعيد، عن أبي هريرة أنه قال:لما فُتحت خيبر، أهديت لرسول الله ﷺ شاة فيها سم، فقال رسول الله ﷺ: (اجمعوا لي من كان ها هنا من اليهود). فجمعوا له، فقال لهم رسول الله ﷺ: (إني سائلكم عن شيء، فهل أنتم صادقيَّ عنه). فقالوا: نعم يا أبا القاسم، فقال لهم رسول الله ﷺ: (من أبوكم). قالوا: أبونا فلان، فقال رسول الله ﷺ: (كذبتم، بل أبوكم فلان). فقالوا: صدقت وبررت، فقال: (هل أنتم صادقيَّ عن شيء إن سألتكم عنه). فقالوا: نعم يا أبا القاسم، وإن كذبناك عرفت كذبنا كما عرفته في أبينا، قال لهم رسول الله ﷺ: (مَنْ أهل النار). فقالوا: نكون فيها يسيراً، ثم تخلفوننا فيها، فقال لهم رسول الله ﷺ: (اخسؤوا فيها، والله لا نخلفكم فيها أبداً). ثم قال لهم: (فهل أنتم صادقيَّ عن شيء إن سألتكم عنه). قالوا: نعم، فقال: (هل جعلتم في هذه الشاة سماً). فقالوا: نعم، فقال: (ما حملكم على ذلك). فقالوا: أردنا: إن كنت كذاباً نستريح منك، وإن كنت نبياً لم يضرك.

5441 - Qutayba told us: Al-Laith told us, on the authority of Saeed bin Abi Saeed, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he said: When Khaybar was conquered, a lamb was given to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, containing poison, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (Gather for me those who were here from among the Jews) so they gathered for him, and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said to them: (I am asking you about something, are you honest about it) They said: Yes, O Abu al-Qasim, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said to them: (Who is your father) they said: Our father is So-and-so. The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: (You lied, your father is So-and-so) They said: You have spoken the truth and you have justified. He said: are you truthful about something if I ask you about it? They said: Yes, O Abu al-Qasim, and if we lied to you, you would know our liars as you knew it in our father, The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said to them: (Among the people of Hell). They said: We will be easy in it, then you will leave us behind in it. So the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said to them: (Go down in it, and God will never leave you behind in it). Then he said to them: Are you truthful about something if I ask you about it? They said: Yes, he said: (Did you put poison in this sheep) They said: Yes, he said: (What made you do that). They said: We wanted: If you were a liar, we would be at ease from you, and if you were a prophet, he would not harm you.

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