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So, Mention in your homes: the Qur’an and the Sunnah

Allah says

وَاذْكُرْنَ مَا يُتْلَىٰ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ مِنْ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَالْحِكْمَةِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ لَطِيفًا خَبِيرًا. سورة الأحزاب

And mention what is recited in your homes of the verses of God and wisdom, Indeed, God is Gentle and Expert. Surah Al-Ahzab

And mention what is read in your homes of the verses of God revealed to His Messenger, and of the purified Sunnah of His Messenger, God was kind to you when He was gracious to you by placing you in the homes of His Prophet, He was aware of you when He chose you as wives for His Messenger and chose you as mothers for all the believers from his nation.

We benefit from the noble verse

1 - The verse was revealed regarding the mothers of the believers - may God be pleased with them all - that their homes be filled with the Qur’an and the purified Sunnah, He expressed the Sunnah as wisdom, and wisdom shortens the path of repeated wrong attempts and turns them into a shortcut to the correct path.

2 - The verse applies to every woman who believes in God after the mothers of the believers as long as they return to God - the Almighty - the Qur’an will be worshiped until the Day of Resurrection, so let women do in their homes what their mothers did - may God be pleased with them.

3 - Then he concludes the verse by saying - Glory be to Him - Gentle: And Gentle is the one who gently extends His apparent blessings to you without your realizing it, Just yesterday you were in trouble, like the air we breathe: do you feel that you are making an effort? If you are healthy and do not need artificial respiration, the air is pleasant, with no color, no smell, and no substance that we hold with our hands, and yet we can never do without it. So is God, Just yesterday you were in trouble, like the air we breathe: Do you feel that you are making an effort? If you are healthy and do not need artificial respiration, the air is pleasant, with no color, no smell, and no substance that we hold with our hands, and yet we can never do without it. So is God, It is his kindness to convey what improves homes of the verses of God and the purifying Sunnah, if used as God Almighty loves them, and it is not only for the home, but rather the best woman will come out of you, She deals with those around her in the homes, so she does not harm or be harmed, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

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