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5444 Dairy and meat between prohibition and permissibility

5444 دثني عبد الله بن محمد: حدثنا سفيان، عن الزُهري، عن أبي إدريس الخولاني، عن أبي ثعلبة الخشني رضي الله عنه قال:نهى النبي ﷺ عن أكل كل ذي ناب من السباع. قال الزُهري: ولم أسمعه حتى أتيت الشأم. وزاد الليث قال: حدثني يونس، عن ابن شهاب قال: وسألته هل نتوضأ أو نشرب ألبان الأتن، أو مرارة السبع، أو أبوال الإبل؟ قال: قد كان المسلمون يتداوون بها، فلا يرون بذلك بأساً، فأما ألبان الأتن: فقد بلغنا أن رسول الله ﷺ نهى عن لحومها، ولم يبلغنا عن ألبانها أمر ولا نهي، وأما مرارة السبع: قال ابن شهاب: أخبرني أبو إدريس الخولاني: أن أبا ثعلبة الخشني أخبره: أن رسول الله ﷺ نهى عن أكل كل ذي ناب من السباع.

Abdullah bin Muhammad told me: Sufyan told us, on the authority of al-Zuhri, on the authority of Abu Idris al-Khulani, on the authority of Abu Tha’labah al-Khashni, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Prophet ﷺ forbade eating all carnivores with fangs. Al-Zuhri said: I did not hear it until I came to Sh'm, And Al-Layth added, he said: Yunus told me, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, who said: And I asked him: Do we perform ablution or drink donkey’s milk, or the bitterness of Predators, or the urine of camels? He said: The Muslims used to use it for treatment, and they did not see anything wrong with that, as for the milk of donkeys: We have been informed that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade their meat, and we were not informed of any command or prohibition of their milk. As for the bitterness of the Predators: Ibn Shihab said: Abu Idris al-Khulani told me: that Abu Tha’labah al-Khushni told him: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, forbade eating all carnivores with fangs

Al - A'tan: the female donkey

Gallbladder: a sac attached to the liver, in which bile is stored, and it helps in the digestion of fatty substances

We take from the following hadith

1-1 - The hadith refers to the treatment with (the meat of donkeys, the bitterness of the Predators, such as lions or tigers, or the urine of camels. This is correct in Islam, as for eating, the Messenger of God did not allow them, especially the meat of donkeys, the liver of wild animals, and the gallbladder, as we mentioned above, adjacent to the liver.

2 - As for the urine and milk of camels, they have been previously mentioned in separate hadiths in the same category.

3- The milk of donkeys, as stated in the hadith, the Messenger of God did not forbid it and did not allow it, 4 - The hadith refers to the inclusion of not eating the meat of everything that has a tusk, whether from birds such as falcons, eagles, or others, or from animals with fangs, and we have collected in this file some of the disadvantages of eating some of the meat of these animals, and this is what facilitated the research, and scholars have a greater experience in that.

Health Benefits of Donkey Milk

Donkey milk has properties that make it a high-quality addition to a healthy diet. It's very nutritious and people who can't tolerate cow's milk can often drink it. It can't replace prescribed medicines but it may reduce certain symptoms like inflammation or uncontrolled blood sugar.

Here are some of donkey milk’s health benefits. ‌

Low allergy risk. One benefit of donkey milk is how similar it is to human milk. It is a better substitute for human milk than cow's milk. It has been used to feed infants for centuries.

Donkey milk is also less allergenic than cow’s milk. People who cannot tolerate cow's milk due to allergy or lactose intolerance can often drink donkey milk without problems.

Antimicrobial. Donkey milk doesn't usually contain the foodborne pathogens you might find in other kinds of milk. That means it has a longer shelf life before it starts to spoil.

Immune system benefits. 


Donkey Milk in Cosmetics

The story about Cleopatra and her donkey milk baths may be an ancient urban legend. But there is evidence that donkey milk is good for your skin.

you can see deatails in the link below...

5 Disadvantages of Donkey Meat

Disadvantages of donkey meat is now proven with research and analysis by scientist. Though the donkey meat has a better meat quality than the horse, it contains some elements that can cause Tumor and cancer.

Here are 5 specific disadvantages of Donkey Meat.

In most of the cases, donkey meat is not really good for the human body to consume easily. Because of its high string meat quality. Some other effective reasons are given below.

1. Donkey Meat is acidic

The standard North American diet contains a large amount of acidic foods such as donkey meat. It is tough for the body to digest and break down, so the kidneys have to work extra hard.This causes the body to produce too much acid. In addition to weakening the body’s immune system, too much acid also promotes the development of chronic diseases.Other factors to consider are the quality of donkey meat that a majority of people eat: often it’s fried, overcooked, and not served with green vegetables.The result is that acidity is not only created in the body, but it is also not neutralized.

2. Donkey Meat Contains palmitic acid

According to the research done by Dr Paolo Polidori, Dr Clarita Cavallucci, Dr Silvia Vincenzetti and Dr Daniela Beghelli of the university of Camerino, Italy donkey meat contains Palmitic Acid. Researchers have found that palmitic acid can significantly raise levels of LDL cholesterol. The World Health Organization (WHO) says palmitic acid raises LDL levels more than other saturated fats, such as stearic acid. Visit the Research by WHO.

3. Donkey meat contains toxin

Donkey meat absorbs toxicity like sponges. Their bodies accumulate an excessive amount of toxins due to the fat that constitutes most of their biological makeup.Consequently, donkey meat eating a toxic diet carry these toxins to their next generation, which make their way into our food.

4. Donkey meat causes cancer and osteoporosis.

A high donkey meat intake also contributes to other health-degrading conditions, including osteoporosis and cancer. The excess protein isn’t healthy for the body, no matter what people think. Moreover, donkey meat can result in a large number of fatty deposits in the body, which in turn may cause plaque deposits, which can cause calcification of bones and tissues, leading to long-term problems like heart disease.

5. Donkeys are fed poor-quality feed

The majority of Donkeys raised conventionally eat bottom-of-the-barrel feed, which is anything but natural for them. As a result, Donkeys are not only left unsatisfied on many levels but also affected physiologically. Because of an unnatural diet, many people lack the nutrients they need to be healthy. Not only do these factors impact their well-being, but their well-being ultimately affects meat consumers as well. Unlike the foods they eat naturally, donkeys do not consume them as part of their native diet.

 eating the cast-offs of the exotic animal business.

Bears and lions are raised by big game dealers for circuses, exotic pet enthusiasts and zoos. When these animals are too old to breed, or their owners discard them, they are slaughtered for their fur and the meat is sold to dealers. Note that it is never legal to slaughter an endangered animal.

Eating these animals just might kill you

Polar bears

A polar bear’s liver contains an extremely high concentration of vitamin A. This is due to their vitamin A rich diet of fish and seals. The Eskimos have long been wary of eating the polar bear for this reason, but it’s something the early Artic explorers found out the hard way. Ingesting the liver can cause vitamin A poisoning known as acute hypervitaminosis A. This results in vomiting, hair loss, bone damage and even death. So although actually capturing a polar bear may seem life threatening, it turns out that eating its liver is just as deadly.


 has earned a reputation as one of the oceans most fierce fish. But it’s outside the water that this animal is most dangerous to humans. This is because barracuda often contains ciguatoxin which causes ciguatera fish poisoning in humans. This illness leads to many symptoms including nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and tingling in feet and hands. It’s can also cause death as a result of severe dehydration or respiratory failure due to respiratory muscles being paralyzed. Unfortunately, many other tropical fish also contain high levels of ciguatoxin because they it accumulates in their flesh after feeding on smaller fish. So if you’re stranded in tropical waters, you’re better off eating seaweed.

Why Animal Liver Is Dangerous To Eat

There are certain part in animal which when eaten can cause harm to our body. This part include liver of some animals. Today let's look at why liver in some animals is dangerous to eat.There are three types of animals, broadly speaking—herbivores that eat vegetation, carnivores that eat meat, and omnivores that eat both.

Herbivores such as cows and horses eat grass and foliage from bushes and trees and their livers are safe to eat. Carnivores, such as tigers and lions eat primarily meat, and omnivores such as humans that eat both meat and vegetation.

Humans can eat the livers of herbivores such as cows and horse safely. Humans should not eat the livers of carnivores such as tigers, lions and the like; it is dangerous for them.Apparently, the livers of carnivores accumulate toxins that are dangerous for humans. 

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