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59 - If trust is lost, wait for the hour

[59] حدثنا محمد بن سنان قال: حدثنا فليح ح وحدثني إبراهيم بن المنذر قال: حدثنا محمد بن فليح قال: حدثني أبي قال: حدثني هلال بن علي عن عطاء بن يسار عن أبي هريرة قال: بينما النبي ﷺ في مجلس يحدث القوم جاءه أعرابي، فقال متى الساعة فمضى رسول الله ﷺ يحدث، فقال بعض القوم سمع ما قال: فكره ما قال، وقال بعضهم بل لم يسمع حتى إذا قضى حديثه قال أين أراه السائل عن الساعة؟ قال: ها أنا يا رسول الله قال: فإذا ضيعت الأمانة فانتظر الساعة قال كيف إضاعتها قال إذا وسد الأمر إلى غير أهله فانتظر الساعة

[59]Muhammad bin Sinan told us, he said: Falih told us, Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir told me, he said: Muhammad bin Falih told us, he said: My father told me, he said: Hilal bin Ali told me on the authority of Ata bin Yasar on the authority of Abu Huraira who said: While the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was in a gathering talking to the people, a Bedouin came to him and said, “When is the hour?” Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went on speaking, some of the people said he heard what he said: he hated what he said, and some of them said he did not even hear when he finished his speech he said: Where do the questioner see him about the Hour? He said: Here I am, O Messenger of God. He said: If the trust is lost, then wait for the Hour. He said, how did you waste it? He said: If the matter is closed to someone who does not deserve it, then wait for the hour.

We benefit from the noble Hadith

1 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - did not turn to the questioner in his assembly until he finished his hadeeth, and this is a reference to preachers, sheikhs, hadith scholars and others, That they do not respond to the questioner, regardless of his rank, if it is in a hadith that gathers people, so the hadith is not interrupted, whoever it is.

2 - People’s words (he heard the Messenger of God but hated what was said - or did not hear) an indication that it is possible for people to speak during the speech of the elders with some hum - even if it is inappropriate - in mysterious circumstances that people do not understand easily.

3 - The response of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him at the end of his session to the questioner after he asked about his identity, is an indication of the answer to the questioner’s question, and not ignoring him for not embarrassing him in front of people is an indication of the great morals of the Prophet.

4- The question at the end of the assembly is as much as the question, especially if the question is outside the scope of the council's lesson

5- Trusts, then trusts, starting from the trust in the paper that you trust in your work, and passing through the purity of the female from her menstruation, and ending with the trust in debt with all the trusts that you have in mind, do not waste it yourself, because if it is lost between your loved ones and those you know - and they are pious, God willing - then losing it among strangers is more severe, and then the Hour will come.

6- One of the most trustworthy is to take what is not yours, or take something (a high-ranking position) and then be lazy or lazy about people’s interests, or not be gentle to them, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, warns us in this hadith specifically about this lazy person not to give the order to him and there are those who are more deserving of this position, so he activates the needs of the people through his position

And God know the best

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