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72 - Among the trees there is a tree like a Muslim

حدثنا علي حدثنا سفيان قال: قال لي ابن أبي نجيح عن مجاهد قال صحبت بن عمر إلى المدينة فلم أسمعه يحدث عن رسول الله ﷺ إلا حديثا واحدا قال: كنا عند النبي ﷺ فأتي بجمار، فقال إن من الشجر شجرة مثلها كمثل المسلم فأردت أن أقول هي النخلة فإذا أنا أصغر القوم فسكت، فقال النبي ﷺ هي النخلة}}

[72] Ali told us, Sufyan told us, he said: Ibn Abi Najih told me on the authority of Mujahid, he said, “I accompanied Ibn Omar to Medina, I did not hear him speak on the authority of the Messenger of God ﷺ, Except for one hadith, he said: We were with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he came to the Jamarat, and said, “Among the trees is a tree the like a Muslim, So I wanted to say it is the date-palm, but I am the youngest of the people, I remained silent, so the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: It is the palm tree}}

We benefit the following:

1 - This is Abdullah bin Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him and his two companions. He guessed that the tree about which the Messenger of God was asking, It is the palm tree because he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was in his hand (Jamar: middle of the Palm) But he was embarrassed to say because the assembly was full of senior Companions in age and stature, so he chose to remain silent. It is from etiquette with adults, it is possible that you know by God, Or a scholar and no one knows about you, and learn the hadith that someone utters, and you can narrate it to him by heart, but it is etiquette that you hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Do not match it with words or recite what you have memorized, as this is not from the etiquette of the believer.

One of the beauty of religious councils is that they are interspersed with some questions that make the atmosphere of the council a fun one.

Why did the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - compare the Muslim to a palm tree without the trees of the world, or at least the trees of the Arabian Peninsula? the mangrove tree, for example, has great benefits in climate change, and other benefits. As for the palm tree, it is the most famous tree in the Arabian Peninsula, and all of them have benefits, You benefit from everything in it, even the palm leaves from which bags are made, and so on, even the kernels of dates are ground and the benefits are taken from them. What does this have to do with a Muslim? The Muslim who safe from him:people, all people, not only Muslims, from his tongue and hand, all benefits to those around him from the people - again not only for Muslims, but for everyone around him, Like the palm tree, have you heard that the palm tree emphasizes that Muslims should only eat from it?!!! Rather, the righteous and the immoral eat from it, and you, as a Muslim, must be all of the benefits that benefit from your presence around them, You will not be harmed by an infidel or otherwise.

The related studies


Palm tree is one of the most valuable trees on earth when it comes to natural endowment. No part of palm tree is wasted, as every part of it can be converted into monetary gain.

There are numerous products that can be gotten from palm tree, some are known to us, and some are totally unknown.Derivable items from a palm tree include

palm oil

wood or planks

 palm wine


palm kernel

 frond stall






The stems from palm tree can be converted into woods or planks for making buildings.

There is no home (poor or rich) you will not find brooms. Broom is used for sweeping, removal of cobwebs and as a tool for preparing ewedu soup in Nigeria.

An edible seed of the palm fruit, palm kernel seed, gives the palm kernel oil, which oil is considered as a remedy for epilepsy, is a rich antioxidant agent that contains vitamin E and prevents symptoms and signs of aging. When applied to the hair, it makes it thicker and prevents breakage; it softens the skin, helps to detoxify the body, controls blood pressure and takes care of body odour.

While the frond stall is used as purling in making roofs, leaves fibre obtained from the leaves of raffia palm are used for mats, baskets hats for commercial purpose and for tying plants and other objects.

Baskets are made from leaves fiber of palm trees, sold in bulk most times to distance places where they are used for varying purposes.

The palm tree is said to be a great source of generating income in Nigeria because of its usefulness and the huge profit involved in every part of the tree (fruits, kernel, trunks, leaves and sap) used for different products.

Owning a palm plantation is a business that can serve generations yet unborn. It takes about four to five years to start reaping the fruits from the trees, but it is worth the wait because it generates income for years to come.

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