The name
He is Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashem bin AbdManaf bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Kaab bin Loay, bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kenana bin Khuzaimah bin Madrakah bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan
His titles
He was a scholar and orator
the scholar of the nation
the jurist of the age
the imam of interpretation
the translator of the Qur’an
he was called the sea; the sting of his knowledge
His Lineage to the Messenger of God –
The Cousin of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace
His lineage meets him with his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim, a distinguished companion, His lineage rises to the Prophet of God, Ismail, peace be upon him, the wife of the Messenger of God, the Mother of the Believers (Maymoona: his aunt).
his birth
Narratives differed about the year in which Ibn al-Abbas was born; The statement of the words is as follows
It was narrated on the authority of Amribn Dinar that he was born in the year of the Hijrah, which means that he was He was ten years old at the time of the death of the Prophet, and what supports this is what Ibn al-Abbas narrated: (The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, died when I was ten years old).
It was said that his birth was three years before the Hijrah, that is, in the year in which the siege was imposed on the Muslims, In the reefs of AbiTalib, and what supports this is what Al-Zubayr bin Bakkar narrated that Ibn Al-Abbas was thirteen years old when the Prophet died.
It was narrated that he was born five years before the Hijrah, meaning that he was fifteen years old at the time of the Prophet’s death, This view was supported by IbnKathir.
His upbringing - may God be pleased with him and make him satisfaction –
The Birth of Abdullah Bin Abbas Abdullah Bin Abbas grew up in a blessed family
His aunt, Mother of the Believers, was Maymoona, and on one of the nights he spent in her room he prayed Behind the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Prophet made him stand beside him, However, Ibn Abbas went back, and when the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - had finished, he asked him about the reason for that, Ibn Abbas answered, saying: “Is anyone equal to you, and you are the Messenger whom God sent you and revealed to you the Qur’an?” The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - smiled and prayed for him for goodness and righteousness.
Did Abdullah bin Abbas immigrate immediately after his conversion to Islam?
Abdullah bin Abbas - may God be pleased with him - and his mother did not emigrate, Although they converted to Islam before the conquest, They were not able to do so until after his father announced his conversion to Islam, so he emigrated with his father, but they encountered the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - In the Al-Juhfa area on his way to the conquest of Makkah, they returned to witness the conquest with him, This was in the eighth year of the Prophet’s migration, and therefore his migration is the year of the conquest and not immediately after his conversion to Islam
Why is he one of the most narrators of the Messenger of God?
Ibn Abbas was distinguished from his peers; When he was young, he adhered to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and took it from him, He received hadiths narrated from him, and sought them out from the people of knowledge and the great Companions, may God be pleased with them.
His marriage - may God be pleased with him
He married three women
Zaraa or Zahra bintMusharrah Al-Kindi, ShumailabintJanada Al-Zahraniah, and Umm Walad
his sons
Al-Abbas, Muhammad, Al-Fadl, Abd Al-Rahman, Ubayd Allah, Lubaba, Ali, and Asma.
Who narrated the companion Abdullah bin Abbas hadith? Abdullah bin Abbas narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - a number of hadiths because he had been with him for nearly thirty months, He also narrated on the authority of many of his companions, including: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Ali bin AbiTalib. Muadh bin Jabal, Abdul Rahman bin Auf. Abu SufyanSakhr bin Harb. Abu Dhar. Ubayy bin Kaab. Zaid bin Thabit
The physical traits
God endowed Ibn Abbas with simplicity (abundance and increase) in the body, perfection in creation, and physical beauty, He was white to yellowish, long, bright in face, and he meant by bright face, i.e.: bright and luminous in the face.
The Personal Traits of Abdullah bin Abbas
I knew from Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - many qualities that bestowed upon him, A high position and a great stature, and the following is an explanation of some of those qualities:
Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - was known for his good manners with the people of knowledge, this returned to him with blessings.
He was a firm devotee in his worship, crying a lot for fear of God Almighty
He made the intention to go to perform Hajj on foot, but his eyesight was injured and he did not do so, He regretted that and said: “I do not regret anything that I missed except that I did not perform Hajj on foot.”
He was also known for his reflection on the verses of the Noble Qur’an, and his reflection on the meanings and connotations
Among his great qualities that are known about him; Loyalty, as he granted Abu Ayyub al-Ansari - may God be pleased with him - money to pay off his debts, and endowed him likewise with him; In honor of him for the beautiful thing he did with the Messenger - peace be upon him - when he emigrated to Medina.
Ibn al-Abbas was also famous for his patience in the face of calamities and trials, seeking reward from God Almighty.
He was well-aware of people's natures, and aware of the methods of dealing with them, and thus people's love for him increased.
He was patient, forbearing, wise, eager to show the grace and blessings of God upon him
The mental characteristics of Abdullah bin Abbas
1 - Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - was keen since his childhood to seek knowledge and learn it, so he made a great effort for that, And he was humble in that, and he only took the hadith of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - right after it was proven to be true.
2- He was a companion of the scholars, one of the Companions He stayed in their homes without caring about any harm or danger that might befall him on the way.
3 - Some of the Companions singled out receiving knowledge from them; As Omar bin Al-Khattab, Ali bin AbiTalib, and Abi bin Kaab.
4 - His fame for the depth of deduction and his deduction of deep meanings from the texts, to the extent that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab called him a diver.
5 - Ibn al-Abbas was also quick to understand, with strong memorization, and he understood all that he heard from scholars in their gatherings, He was also known for intelligence and acumen, although he was a contemporary of a number of those who were famous for them, and he was known for his foresight, wisdom, and judgment in all matters.
6 - His opinion agreed with the opinion of Caliph Omar - may God be pleased with him - in many situations, and he disagreed with Ali bin AbiTalib in some matters and won the Caliph’s admiration for it.
7 - Ibn al-Abbas completed the memorization of the Noble Qur’an before he was ten years old
Among the reasons that made Ibn al-Abbas a scholar and jurist
The supplication of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to him; He said: (Oh God, give him understanding of the religion and teach him t2weel)
T2weel: Disbursing the word from its apparent meaning to another possible meaning for evidence.
His position - may God be pleased with him at the state
The position of Ibn Abbas' rejection of the mandate when Ali bin AbiTalib - may God be pleased with him - took over, the caliphate called Abdullah bin Abbas to it, And when he came to him, he commanded him: “Go, for you have I appointed you on Levant.” But Ibn Abbas did not accept that for fear that Muawiyah bin AbiSufyan would be blamed at him, He punishes him with the killing of Uthman, may God be pleased with him, and he asked the Caliph I have to write to Muawiyah and keep him as an prince over Syria, swear his oath and prepare him. But Ali bin AbiTalib also refused that.
His jurisprudence
Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - took the fatwa during the era of Omar and Othman, may God be pleased with them, and due to his great knowledge of jurisprudence, he was one of the seven jurists, The fatwa was transferred to them after the death of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, as Ibn Abbas was the reference to the Companions in the event of their disagreement on a matter, It should be noted that he did not express his opinion on any issue, Unless he did not find an explanation for it in the texts and what was reported on the authority of Abu Bakr and Omar, may God be pleased with them
The evidence for the jurisprudence of Ibn al-Abbas
What is contained in the jurisprudence books of opinions attributed to him and not others, as he was the only one to rule on a number of issues, IbnHazm - may God have mercy on him - reported that Abu Bakr bin Al-Khalifa Al-Ma’mun, One of the imams of knowledge and hadith collected the fatwas transmitted from Ibn Abbas and they were in twenty books.
Ibn Abbas used to encourage people to ask about matters of religion, then he asks them what he said to make sure that their understanding is correct.
He was also keen on guiding them to the ways and methods by which they memorize knowledge; In order for them to be able to convey him to others, and his statements in that: “Remember this hadith and it will not escape you, for it is not like the Qur’an, a memorized collection, If you do not study this hadith, it will escape from you, And do not say that one of you spoke yesterday, so I do not speak today, rather it happened yesterday, and it happened today and tomorrow.”
Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him
A little bit of interpretation of the Qur’an from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, then from the Companions, may God be pleased with them, then what he had of knowledge of the Arabic language, eloquence.
Then the interpretation is appropriate; it is meant by interpretation in the sense of speech, based on the strength of the law
Sometimes he would refer to the sayings of the People of the Book by looking deeply into them, in order to take from them what corresponds to the truth
And attributed to him is the interpretation of Tanweer al-Maqabis, whose novels revolve only on the road to al-Suddi al-Sagheer, However, it is true that this interpretation is not attributed to him.
Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - did not want to narrate a lot of hadiths from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace
Following this on the path of Umar ibn al-Khattab, who forbade people from narrating a lot of hadiths from the Messenger, and prevented some of the repeaters from the novel; This is for fear of lying against the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and for fear of abandoning the Holy Qur’an, That is why Omar Ibn Al-Khattab decided to write down the Sunnah of the Prophet, but he changed his opinion at the end of the matter.
And with Abdullah's keenness not to narrate a lot of hadiths
However, he was one of the six companions who remembered a great deal on the authority of the Prophet, in addition to Abu Hurairah, Jaber bin Abdullah, Abdullah bin Omar, Anas bin Malik, and Aisha bintAbiBakr, may God be pleased with them
The entirety of his life - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction
He lived a long and dignified life, and moved between Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Madinah and Taif, He participated in the conquest of Egypt and North Africa, Because of him, God guided thousands of Kharijites after several debates in which he proved the truth, He was the first soldier in the conquest of Constantinople during the reign of Caliph Muawiyah bin AbiSufyan.
They said about him
Ibn Abbas received the best remembrance and praise from the companions and followers
Obaidullah bin Utbah said about him
“He has surpassed people in qualities, for he was distinguished by his knowledge, jurisprudence, forbearance and lineage.”
He also said about him
“I have not seen anyone who was more knowledgeable of what preceded the hadith of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - than him, Nor by the judgment of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman from him, I have no understanding of his opinion, and I have never seen a beggar ask him except that he finds knowledge at him.”
Ataa said about him
“I never saw the full moon but mentioned the face of Ibn Abbas.”
Ibn Masoud said about him
The best translator of the Qur’an, Ibn Abbas.
Ubayy bin Kaab said
“This will be the ink of the nation, endowed with intellect and understanding.”
The Mother of the Believers, Aisha - may God be pleased with her, said about him
Teach the people, the proof
Al-Hasan said about him
“Ibn Abbas was in a position of Islam, and he who taught the Qur’an was of a high rank.”
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq said:
Omar Ibn Al-Khattab used to authorize Abdullah Ibn Abbas to attend with him the assembly of the elders of Badr because of his intelligence and acumen, And he orders him not to speak until they do, and after he speaks, he asks them about their inability to do what Ibn Abbas came with at his young age, Some of the senior immigrants objected that they had children who could attend with them, so the Commander of the Faithful said to them: "That's the boy of elderly, He has a questioning tongue, and a mind heart
The death of Abdullah bin Abbas
The narrations differed in determining the year in which Ibn al-Abbas died - may God be pleased with him, It was said that she was in the sixty-eighth year of Hijrah
It was said in the sixty-fifth year
It was also said in the seventy, seventy-first, or seventy-fourth
However, it is agreed that his death was in Taif, and it should be noted that his death, he had been ill for eight days.
It was said
He was seventy-one years old at the time, and it was narrated that when his funeral took place, a great white bird came, He did not enter between his shrouds and did not come out of it, and when he was placed in the grave it read the verse: :
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ (27) ارْجِعِي إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً (28) فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي (29) وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي (30)
O you reassured soul (27) Return to your Lord satisfied and well-pleasing (28) So enter among My servants (29) and enter My Paradise (30)
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