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Al - Hajj as a social miracle

Allah says

...وَأَتِمُّوا الْحَجَّوَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلَّـهِ 

Note: Complete, is it possible for a person or a worshiper to start something and not complete it to the fullest? And why does God command Muslims in the imperative form (complete) We thought it was only religious, but it seems that God - the Most High - wants Muslims to have psychological well-being after completing Hajj and Umrah. Read this scientific statement:

The scientific part of the topic
The psychology of health and well-being in mass gatherings

Participation in mass gatherings can benefit well-being: How does participation in a long-term gathering (such as a pilgrimage event) affect well-being? there are good reasons to believe that such mass events pose health risks. There are risks associated with infectious diseases, moreover, the physical conditions in such events

(noise, crowds, harsh conditions) are often detrimental to well-being

However, at the same time, psychosocial research indicates that participation in group-related activities can positively affect well-being, and thus we investigated whether participation in a long-term group gathering could indeed bring such benefits, In our research we examined one of the largest mass events in the world - a demanding month-long Hindu religious festival in northern India. Participants (consisting of 416 pilgrims who attended the gathering for a month, and 127 officers who did not) completed measures of self-assessment of well-being and symptoms of ill-health at two time points.


It was a month before the gathering started


It was a month after it ended

1 We found that participants in this group event reported a longitudinal increase in well-being compared to those who did not participate.

2 Our data thus suggests that we must reimagine how mass gatherings affect individuals.

Indeed, an exclusive focus on risk is misleading and limits our understanding of why such events are so attractive. Importantly, because our research is longitudinal and includes a control group, our work adds strong evidence to the social psychological literature regarding the relationship between participation in social group activities and well-being.

The psychological importance of groups

Although people are able to live separate and apart from others, they join with others because groups meet their psychological and social needs, although any kind of companionship is appreciated, we prefer those who offer us reassurance and support as well as accurate information. In some cases, we also prefer to join others who are worse off than us. Imagine, for example, how will you respond when the teacher retakes the test and your test is marked with an 85% mark? Do you want to affiliate with a friend who scored 95% or a friend who scored 78%? To maintain a sense of self-worth, people look up and compare themselves to those who are less fortunate. This process is known as downward social comparison.

Motivation and performance

Groups usually exist for a reason. In groups, we solve problems, create products, create standards, pass on knowledge, have fun, performing the arts, establishing institutions, and even ensuring our safety from attacks by other groups. But do groups always out perform the individuals?

Make decisions in groups

Groups are particularly useful when it comes to decision making, as groups can draw on more resources than a lone individual can. One individual may know a lot about a problem and possible solutions, but his or her information is far outweighed by the group's combined knowledge.

not born

Groups not only give more ideas and possible solutions by discussing the problem, but they can also more objectively evaluate the options they generate during the discussion. Before accepting a solution, the group may require that it be favored by a certain number of people, or that it meet some other criteria for acceptance. People generally feel that a group's decision will be better than an individual's.

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