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Al - tayammum

Wiping the face and hands with dirt, which is an alternative to ablution when there is no water or it is not possible to use it due to illness or the like

Wiping the face and hands with dirt. And so on with the intention of purity

Q What are the evidences for tayammum from the Holy Quran?

Almighty says( O you who have believed, do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying, and there is no impurity except for passers-by, until you wash up ۚ and if you are sick or on a journey, or any of you comes from the stool, Or have you touched women, and you could not find water, so perform tayammum, good soil, so wipe your faces and your hands, Indeed, Allah is pardoning, Forgiving) Surah Al-Nisa

as much as you can»; As for the second, his prayers are correct, and he does not have to repeat it, according to what was reported on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, who said: Two men went out on a journey, and the time for prayer came, and they did not have water with them, so he performed pure earth, then found water at the time, so he returned one of them for ablution and prayer, and did not return the other. Then they came to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and mentioned that to him, He said to the one who did not repeat: “You followed the Sunnah and your prayer is sufficient for you.” He said to the one who performed ablution and repeated: “You will be rewarded twice, It was narrated by Abu Dawud and Al-Nisa’i, and they also narrated it on the authority of Ata bin Yasar on the authority of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -

However, it is better not to do tayammum with anything other than soil as long as it is possible, and if there is no dirt, then with sand, If sand is lost, then with mud, and if mud is lost, then with pebbles and stones.

 Q Is it permissible to do tayammum with limestone, gypsum and agate?

Tayammum is valid with lime stone (i.e. al-Nura stone) and gypsum stone. Likewise, it is valid for tayammum with cooked plaster, However, tayammum with metal stones such as agate stones is invalid.

 Q: What is the solution if dirt, sand, mud, gravel and stone are lost?

He can do tayammum with the dust attached to the bed or clothes and the like. If there is no dust in these things, he must do tayammum with mud, and if the mud is lost, it is obligatory to pray without tayammum, and as a precaution, it is desirable to make it up later.

 Q: What if: If he could get dirt by shaking the mattress and the like, and if he could dry the mud?

If he was able to obtain dirt by shaking the mattress and the like, then the dust ablution is invalid, and if he was able to dry the clay and get dirt from it, the dust ablution is invalid.

 Q: What about tayammum with dust?

It is mustahabb for the thing with which tayammum is used to have dust attached to the hand, just as it is desirable for him to shake his hands - after hitting that thing with them - so that the dust falls off.

 Q: What about tayammum with low-lying soil, dirt on roads, and swampy lands?

Issue 741: It is makrooh to do tayammum with the soil of low-lying ground, the soil of roads, and swampy lands If salt is not on top of it, and if salt is on top of it, then tayammum is invalid.

Q: Who does not have water and has snow or hail, is it valid to do tayammum with them?

If it is possible to dissolve it without harm or embarrassment, then it is obligatory to dissolve it and perform ablution or ghusl with it, even if it is the same as applying anointing with its water, If it is possible to dissolve it without harm or embarrassment, then it is obligatory to dissolve it and perform ablution or ghusl with it, even if it is the same as applying anointing with its water, Or wash it, just as he did not have to do tayammum with snow or hail, as a precaution, he should make up the prayers that he prayed in the last instance while he was not purified.

Q Is it permissible to do tayammum with straw?

It is not permissible to perform tayammum with it, but if that thing is so little that it is considered perishable and dissolved in the soil or sand, then the tayammum is valid with that soil or sand.

 Q Is it permissible to do tayammum with a mud wall?

 It is valid to do tayammum with a mud wall, and as a precaution, it is desirable not to do tayammum with earth or soil that is slightly damp with the presence of earth or dry soil,

Q: If he was certain of the validity of tayammum with something, then he did tayammum with it, then it became clear to him later that tayammum with that thing was invalid?

He must repeat his prayers that he prayed with that tayammum.

 Q: Does a person have to perform tayammum for every prayer, or is it permissible for him to pray whatever he wants of obligatory and supererogatory prayers as long as he has not yet performed tayammum?

A: It is permissible for a Muslim, if he performs the Shari’a tayammum, to pray with that as much as he wants, whether obligatory or supererogatory, as long as he lacks water or is unable to use it, as long as he does not happen or find water, according to the most correct sayings of scholars, for the prophet said: ( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: ((The soil is the ablution of a Muslim, even if he does not find water for ten years, so if he finds water, then let him fear God and touch it with his skin)) Narrated by Al-Bazzar and the hadiths in that are many, and God is the conciliator. Total (10/203).)

Q: Does tayammum make ablution completely obligatory for the one who is in a state of ritual impurity/sick?

A: Tayammum takes the place of water, for God has made the earth a mosque and a purification for Muslims, If he loses water or is unable to find it due to illness, tayammum takes its place, and it is still sufficient until he finds water, If water is found, it is obligatory for him to perform ghusl for his previous ritual impurity, and likewise for the patient, if he is cured and God heals him, he must perform ghusl for his previous impurity, which he purified with tayammum, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The earth is the ablution of a Muslim even if he does not find water for ten years.” Then he said: “If you find water, touch it to your skin, Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, from the hadith of Abu Dharr, may God be pleased with him, and narrated by Al-Bazzar, and authenticated by Ibn Al-Qattan, from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, If he finds water that is junub, he touches it with his skin, i.e., he takes a bath after that for what has passed, as for his past prayers, they are valid by doing tayammum when he lacks water or is unable to use it, because of a disease that prevents him from water, until the disease ends and he is cured of it, and until he finds water if he lacked it, even if it takes a long time.

Q What are the nullifiers of tayammum?

The presence of water and the ability to use it, Tayammum is invalidated in the event that there is enough water for ablution, and the tayammum is able to use it, and to see water are three cases that we mention in the following.

Seeing water before prayer

In this case, tayammum is invalid, and ablution must be performed with water even if there is no time to perform the prayer on time.

Seeing water while praying

In this case, the tayammum is not invalidated, unless the person is among those who must repeat the prayer for some reason.

Seeing water after prayer

In this case, the prayer is valid, and the worshiper does not repeat his prayer.

2 - Exit of time

It is the end of the time set for performing the prayer, and the entry of the time for the prayer that follows it, such as the Fajr prayer, for example. Its time ends with sunrise, and the noon prayer begins with noon, and the noon prayer begins its time by noon, and whoever says that the expiry of time invalidates tayammum, that is because he said that tayammum is permissible for prayer, However, it does not remove the impurity, and whoever says that tayammum does not invalidate the expiration of the time, it is based on the fact that tayammum temporarily removes the impurity, many scholars hold this view.

3 - The disappearance of the excuse which permissible to do tayammum

The jurists agreed that tayammum is invalidated by the removal of the reason that permitted it, so whoever was doing tayammum because of an illness and God Almighty cured him of it, then it is not permissible for him to do tayammum after recovery, or like going to an enemy who was warning him, or became able to reach the water, or was able to use it, and that is because what was permissible because of an excuse is invalid by the disappearance of this excuse,

The Summary

Tayammum is invalidated by the invalidations of ablution, just as it is invalidated by the presence of water, and the fuqaha’ have detailed the cases of seeing water, so whoever sees water before praying and is able to use it invalidates his tayammum, and during and after the prayer, his prayer is valid, and some scholars believe that the expiry of the prayer time is one of the invalidations, and most are otherwise, Tayammum is invalidated by the disappearance of the excuse for which the person performed tayammum.

 Q Mention the pillars of tayammum?
1 - The Intention

And it is in the heart, and it is intended to do the act of tayammum, and it is Sunnah to utter it with the tongue, and it is intended by the person who has done tayammum what he wants to do, and the Hanafis and Hanbalis said, that the intention is one of the conditions of tayammum, and there is no pillar of it, such as prostration, prayer, or anything else, and the removal of the event, or the impurity, if the orphan intends to remove one of the two events or the impurity, the intention is not sufficient for the two matters, but each action must have a different intention from the other; Because each of them has a reason different from the other, and the hadeeth of the Prophet: (Actions are but by intentions, and each person will have what he intended) The jurists differed in the characteristic of the intention imposed upon the intention of the tayammum.

The statement of their disagreement is as follows

The majority of scholars from the Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali schools said

That the characteristic of the intention of tayammum is with the intention of permitting prayer and other acts of worship, such as touching the Qur’an

The Hanafis said that

The intention of tayammum is required to contain one of three things, namely

The intention is to purify oneself from an existing event, and it is not required to specify it

And the intention to permissive prayer, or remove the event.

The intention for a specific act of worship is not valid without purification, such as the prostration of recitation.

If a Muslim intends to perform tayammum without intending to make the prayer permissible, then his prayer is not valid.

2- Wiping the face

And it is by delivering the dirt to all the face, taking into account that the dirt reaches the area above the lips, while Imam Abu Hanifa sees the permissibility of limiting himself to tayammum in most cases,

3- Wiping the hands up to the elbows

Taking into account the removal of what is on them, such as the ring, to be wiped under it, it is not sufficient to confine it to moving it from its place only, while the Hanbalis and the Malikis see, the obligation on the hands is by wiping them up to the elbows, as for the dust reaching the elbows, it is a Sunnah, as the Prophet said to Ammar: (It was enough for you to do this, so he hit the ground with his hands, then he brushed it off, then wiped the back of his hand with his left hand or the back of his left hand with them, then wiped his face with them)

4- The order between the two swabs

The Hanbali and Shafi’i considered it obligatory, and this arrangement is between the members of the tayammum; Because tayammum takes the place of ablution, the arrangement is obligatory for them, and it is excluded from the arrangement if the tayammum is from a major impurity according to the Hanbalis, while the Hanafis and Malikis see that the arrangement is Sunnah, not an obligation; Because the obligation in tayammum is wiping, and dirt is a means, not an end.

It is the transfer of dirt from its place to the member to be wiped

The Shafi’is considered it the first pillar of the ritual ablution, while the Malikis considered that Transfer is Sunnah.

At Shafi'i, and Hanafi

Tayammum should be done with two strokes one for the face, and the other for the hands

While the Maliki and Hanbali see

that the first strike is obligatory, and the second strike is Sunnah; The reason for that difference is in the generality of the verse of tayammum, and the clear hadiths conflict with two strokesو They agreed on the necessity of removing any barrier that prevents dirt from reaching the member that must be wiped, such as the presence of a ring. Because the soil is dense and has no flow like water,

The time of removal is when wiping, and the Maliki and Hanafi views, It is obligatory to pickle the fingers with the palm of the hand when wiping, in contrast to the Shafi’is and Hanbalis who said that pickling is desirable as a precaution.

That the person who performs tayammum removes the impurity from his body, unless the impurity is one that is pardoned by the Sharia, and if he performs tayammum before removing the impurity, his tayammum is not valid

 Q Mention the Sunnahs of Tayammum?

 1- The naming at its beginning

2 - Present the right over the left

3- The top of the face is on the bottom of the face

As in ablution. Reducing the dust that is on the soil, following the Prophet, and so that there is no distortion of morals.

 4- Dust should not be wiped off until after the prayer is completed.

5- Separating the fingers when striking the soil; for the excitement of dirt

6- Removing everything that prevents dust from reaching the members of the tayammum.

7 - Passing the hand over all the members to be wiped in a manner similar to rubbing in ablution, with an addition to the members by wiping the upper arm; It is between the elbow and the shoulder

7- Facing the qiblah while pronouncing the two testimonies of faith, raising both hands and looking at the sky

8 - Use of toothpicks among the Malikis

9- The succession, i.e. the sequence of scanning the organs

The Malikis and Hanbalis have gone that it is one of the duties of tayammum, and its pillars.

Second: the scientific part
First: what is soil?

What exactly is dirt contents made of? Dirt (also called soil or earth) contains a mixture of rocks, clay, sand, and other organic materials. Dirt is usually full of minerals and various microorganisms. Depending on your location, the amounts of these materials will vary, as will the types of materials that make up the dirt.

 Dirt Benefit #1: Strengthens the immune system

One of the primary benefits of dirt is that it supports a healthy immune system. The New York Times reported on the “hygiene hypothesis,” which explains that dirt contains millions of bacteria and viruses that actually help develop a healthy immune system.

 Dirt Benefit #2: Detoxifies the body

Dirt may actually detoxify the body - people use clay and charcoal to detoxify their skin, but these same properties found in dirt may also work as a detoxifying agent from within the body as well. Scientific American reports, “Researchers take another look at dirt eating and discover that the behavior often supplies vital minerals to people and animals and inactivates toxins from food and the environment.”

 It may benefit pregnant women

People have been eating dirt and mud for centuries—often, the people who find themselves craving dirt are pregnant women. ABC News reports that “While most people recoil at the idea of eating mud or mud, some medical experts say it may be beneficial, especially for pregnant women.” Mud, especially in areas rich in mud, contains plenty of essential minerals like magnesium and copper. and calcium and iron, which explains why pregnant women crave them—their bodies need more minerals than usual because they created another human life: In preindustrial times, eating a handful of dirt might do the same job as a prenatal vitamin.

 #4: Helps prevent allergic reactions

With allergies, we're back to the hygiene hypothesis, as ABC News explains that research has found that children raised in rural environments, especially on farms, suffer significantly fewer allergies and autoimmune disorders than children born and raised in cities. "Some researchers believe exposure to soil and other environmental impurities is to blame," they explain.

 Dirt benefit #5: It may settle in the stomach

If you've ever had an upset stomach, you may have taken an over-the-counter medicine that tastes "chalky" like an antacid, because it was probably made with kaolin, the primary substance in white clay. Antacid properties, which can relieve nausea, heartburn and indigestion.

 Dirt benefit #6: Helps smooth digestion

You may have heard of the “gut microbiome,” which is the small ecosystem of good bacteria that live in your digestive tract and help get digestion moving smoothly. Exposure to dirt can cause your microbiome to flourish by encouraging new, healthy bacteria to develop and grow, according to In addition, clay has binding properties that can help when you are experiencing loose bowel movements, however, it can also make you constipated if you consume too much. .

Should you really be eating dirt?

Toxic substances -- such as pesticides and lead -- may also be present in the dirt, so you shouldn't eat dirt from the ground. Alternatively, you can purchase an earth or clay supplement that will give you some benefits. Just bring a little dirt into your daily life. Rinse organic fruits and vegetables with water, but don't go to extreme measures to sterilize them; swim in the ocean; Go barefoot, play with the dogs, and allow yourself to get a little dirty from time to time.

In the end

1 - Note: Tayammum was originally prescribed for sickness, and dirt is considered a natural detox - in the language of the times - Who taught the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace?!!

 2 - Note also that God - the Almighty - chose the upbringing of the Messenger of God not in Medina or Mecca (the best of God's countries with God), but chose the desert for him to grow up in the bosom of nature.

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