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God is honest, and the lie of your brother's stomach

[5372، 5375، 5377]. 5360 - حدثنا عيَّاش بن الوليد: حدثنا عبد الأعلى: حدثنا سعيد، عن قتادة، عن أبي المتوكل، عن أبي سعيد:أن رجلاً أتى النبي ﷺ فقال: أخي يشتكي بطنه، فقال: (اسقه عسلاً). ثم أتاه الثانية، فقال: (اسقه عسلاً). ثم أتاه الثالثة فقال: (اسقه عسلاً). ثم أتاه فقال: قد فعلت؟ فقال: (صدق الله، وكذب بطن أخيك، اسقه عسلاً). فسقاه فبرأ.

[5372, 5375, 5377]. 5360 - Ayyash ibn al-Walid told us: Abd al-Ala told us: Saeed told us, on the authority of Qatada, on the authority of Abu al-Mutawakkil, on the authority of Abu Saeed: A man came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and said: My brother has a stomachache, He said: (Drink him honey). Then came the second, He said: (Drink him honey). Then the third came to him and said: (Drink it with honey). Then he came to him and said: I done it? He said: (God has spoken the truth, and your brother's somach lies. Give him honey.) So he drinked him and he healed.

We took from the noble Hadith:

All we want to say in this hadith is that: There is a type of honey (Manuka honey) of which you will see some of its great benefits, and then how did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - know that honey contains antibiotics to treat stomach problems and other problems in body?

Note: The Messenger of God said drink honey, and he did not say make him eat honey, and the drink him, may be in quantity.

Manuka Honey

Healing Power of Honey

Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn't until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities. Honey protects the body against damage caused by bacteria. Some honeys also boost production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. Manuka honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can help easepain and inflammation.

However, not all honey is the same. The antibacterial quality of honey depends on the type of honey as well as when and how it's harvested. Some kinds may be 100 times more potent than others.

The components of Manuka Honey

Hydrogen peroxide gives most honey its antibiotic quality. But some types, including Manuka honey, also have unique antibacterial qualities.

One of the major antibacterial components of Manuka honey is a compound called methylglyoxal (MGO). MGO comes from the conversion of another compound in Manuka honey known as dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a high concentration of which is found in the nectar of Manuka flowers. The higher the concentration of MGO, the stronger the antibacterial effect.

How Manuka Honey Is Used

The main medical use for Manuka honey is for wound and burn healing. It is generally used for treating minor wounds and burns. Research shows Manuka honey to be effective in treating other conditions, including:

Skin care including eczema and dermatitis

Soothing a cough or sore throat

Digestive Health

But the evidence is limited on whether it works for these conditions.

The honey used to treat wounds is a medical-grade honey. It is specially sterilized and prepared as a dressing. So the jar of Manuka honey in the pantry shouldn’t be part of your first aid kit. Wounds and infections should be seen and treated by a health care professional.

What the Science Says About Manuka Honey

Several recent studies show Manuka honey can be helpful when it’s used on top of wounds and leg ulcers. Studies also show it might fight infection and boost healing.

The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database lists honey as being "possibly effective" to treat burns and wounds. The Cochrane Review notes that honey may shorten healing times in mild burns and surgical wounds compared with traditional dressings. But they also say more research needs to be done.

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