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Grandmother' inheritance

Updated: May 18

Who is the heir grandmother?

She is the true grandmother who is not separated from the deceased, mention between two females, such as the mother of the mother, and the mother of the father, and the mother of the mother of the father, and the mother of the mother of the mother.

Who is a non-hereditary grandmother?

It is the one whose attribution to the deceased is very non - sound, as a mother father mother, and mother mother mother of father, It is called Rotten granny, the cases of grandmother's inheritance The grandmother's inheritance was not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, rather, it was proven by the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet

The right grandmother has two cases in inheritance
The first case
(taking one-sixth of the inheritance)

If the grandmother is single and there is no mother below her: she inherits one-sixth, Like someone who died leaving a wife or a mother, the mother’s mother is alone to one-sixth.

If the deceased had more than one grandmother

They share in one-sixth, provided that they are united in degree, like someone who died leaving a wife, a mother’s mother, and a father’s mother, the mother’s mother and the father’s mother share a sixth.

And proof of that

What is authentic on the authority of Qabisah bin Dhu’ayb - may God be pleased with him - that he said: (...Then the other grandmother came to Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - asking him for her inheritance, He said: You have nothing in the Book of God - the Most High - and the decree that was decreed was only for someone else, and I am not an extra in the obligatory prayers, but it is that sixth, If you meet in it, then it is between you, and whichever of you is alone with it, it is for her.)

The second case

Withholding from inheritance The grandmother is withheld from inheritance in four cases:

1 - The grandmother is obscured by the mother

The mother obscures the grandmother on both the father and mother side, For example: He passed away on behalf of a mother and a mother, and a mother, and mother of father, in this example: nothing for mother's mother and father's mother; because they are blocked by the mother.

2 - The paternal grandmother is obscured by the father

The grandmother on the paternal side is prevented by the father, and the grandmother on the mother’s side is not prevented by the father, for example: one of them died leaving a wife, father, and father’s mother, In this example, the mother of the father obscures the father, someone passed away leaving a wife, a father, Um Um, in this example, Um Um inherits one-sixth; because the mother's mother is not obscured by the father.

3 - Absolutely obscure the distant grandmother by the kinship grandmother

For example: a man died leaving his wife, mother father, mother of mother of mother, In this case, the mother of the father inherits one-sixth, Umm Umm Um Um is obscured by the kinship grandmother, which is: (father’s mother).

4 - The paternal grandmother is obscure by the paternal grandfather

The grandmother veils with the presence of her son, who is the grandfather of the deceased, for example: He passed away on behalf of the father, and mother of the father of father, In this example, the mother of the father of the father do not inherit Because it is blocked by the father's father.

It should be noted here that this issue is controversial among the jurists.

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