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Mother's inheritance

Updated: May 18

inherit a sixth

The first case

The mother inherits one-sixth in the event of multiple brothers or sisters, two or more brothers, or two or more sisters, or brother and sister, whether they are siblings or half-siblings, And the evidence for that is the saying of God - Glory be to Him (the Almighty): (If he has brothers, then to his mother is one-sixth).


The second case

 The mother inherits one-sixth if the deceased had an inheriting branch; like a son, or a daughter, or a son's son, or daughter of the son, and if descended, And the evidence for this is what God Almighty said in His Holy Book: (And for his parents, each of them has a sixth of what he leaves if he has a son).

inherit a third

The first case

The mother inherits one-third (obligatory) in the absence of multiple brothers or sisters, whether they are siblings or half-siblings, male or female, like someone who died and left behind a mother and a paternal brother, in this case, the share of the mother is one-third; for the absence of multiple brothers or sisters, and the absence of an inheriting descendant.

 The second case

 The mother inherits a third (obligatory) in the absence of an inheriting descendant at all, like the son, the daughter, and the son of the son, even if he descends, and the daughter of the son, even if he descends, and the evidence for that is what God Almighty said in His Holy Book: (If he has no child and his parents inherit from him, then his mother gets a third.)

a third of the rest
The first case

If the deceased was a woman and did not have an inheriting descendant nor a group of brothers and sisters, and left behind a husband and a mother, in this case the mother's share of the inheritance is one-third of the remainder, after he takes the husband's share of the estate.

The second case

If the husband dies and he has no descendents and heirs, nor a group of brothers and sisters, and he is leaving father and mother, and a wife, in this case the mother's share of the inheritance, one-third of the remainder after the wife takes the legally determined share.

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