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Quraysh negotiations with Abu Talib regarding Muhammad

Negotiations of Quraysh with Abu Talib regarding Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him (his nephew)


The First Negotiation

When the Quraish saw that Abu Talib had risen without the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and did not hand him over to them, some of their nobles walked to Abu Talib:

Utbah and Shaybah, sons of Rabia

And Abu Al-Bakhtri bin Hisham

And Al-Aswad Ibn Al-Muttalib

And Al-Waleed bin Al-Mughirah

and Abu Jahl bin Hisham

Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Sahmi

Nabeh & Munbh the two sons of Hajjaj

And others, and they said: O Abu Talib, your nephew has insulted our gods, insulted our religion, ridiculed our dreams, and misled our fathers, either you keep him away from us, or you leave us with him, for you are on the same as what we are upon: from the opposite of him, Abu Talib said to them a beautiful word, and gave them a gentle response, so they turned away from him, and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, proceeded as he was. This is the first negotiation, but it did not bear any fruit, as the Messenger kept calling for the worship of God as it was.

We take advantage of what has passed

When you disagree with me in opinion, you must respect that as much as I can, and you also, in one case, we can disagree and never agree, if interests are threatened, Here the negotiations begin, tongue before hand is not it? This is what happened in the first negotiation, but it did not produce anything. Abu Talib (the uncle of the prophet: the non-Muslim infidel ) remained defending his nephew, but their words with him did not yield anything.

The second negotiation

Then, when the men separated and quarrelled, and the Quraysh mentioned the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, they thought about negotiating with Abu Talib again, so they walked to him and said: O Abu Talib, you have age, honor, and rank among us, and we desired you to forbid your nephew, but you did not do it. By God, we cannot be patient with this who insults our gods and fathers, and slanders our dreams until you stop him from us, or we fight him and you in that until one of the two groups perishes, or as they said, then they turned away from him, and this means that they threatened Abu Talib this time and showed him their enmity, so the separation of his people and their enmity against him became great for him, he did not please himself with the Islam of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his betrayal, he sent to the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, and told him what the Quraish had said, and he said to him: Keep yourself and me and do not burden me with a matter that I cannot bear. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, thought that his uncle had betrayed him and weakened his support, He said to him: “Oh, my uncle, by God, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, on the condition that I leave this matter until God makes it appear or I perish in it, I would not leave it, then the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, cried and got up, and when he turned away, Abu Talib called him, and he turned to him and said: “Go, my nephew, and say what you like, for by God, I will never give you over to anything.

We benefit from this negotiation as follows

Now it has not become talk or negotiations, but rather an explicit threat. Why? because Abu Talib is the one who defends and they still respect Abu Talib's social status and this is what appeared in their frank words

 and see this study

Effects of stereotype threat on short-term task performance

Advise psychology on how people deal with blocking valuable goals, and social identity on how people respond to identity threats. Drawing on these different areas of research, this model provides a more comprehensive framework for understanding the different ways in which individuals may deal with the long-term effects of stereotype threat in the workplace

 Stereotypes are widely held cultural beliefs that resist change. Therefore, employees in the demographic minority will likely continue to face stereotype threat at work. An important implication of our model is that every response to a stereotype threat has both positive and negative consequences for the individual.

Understanding how employees experience and deal with the threat of stereotype will help foster a more diverse and inclusive environment at work. If clinicians and counselors are aware that employees may react to stereotype threat in many ways, they may be better able to support employees as they confront this pervasive threat at work, although our model focuses on how an individual employee responds to a stereotype threat, it is critical that future research examines strategies at the group and organization level to change the context so that stereotype threat is less prevalent in workplace environments.

And we conclude the following

1 - If this is the case with a different identity form for the work community on which a study was based, then what about new ideas that establish major projects in life that must be countered and fear of their future effects, and the Islamic call was increasing and the love of Muslims in it increased and the number of Muslims increased, and it is basically an idea contrary of what the society is upon and what the nobles of the people are upon, so their interests are under threat, as merchants from all over the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere come to them during the Hajj season, and they earn very large sums of money from that, this is not the house of the symposium in which they used to hold meetings, and although they were illiterate, they did not read or write, but they attended the collections of poets and listened, and they had a high-level critical mind, they listen to the Qur’an and compare it to poetry, and they understand that it is not human speech, and they know that the intellectuals and thinkers in the Quraish society will not go from under their thought to taste the new way of thinking, these are found in the Qur’an, so they are threatened by commercial and intellectual interests, threatening their position, which they built over the years.

The third negotiation

Abu Talib insisted on defending his nephew in fulfillment of his duty in the manner of those who were raised in his sponsorship and grew up in his home and acted with chivalry, but with that he remained on his religion and did not embrace Islam, therefore, his task became arduous and his position critical. In front of him was the Quraysh who were fanatical about their religion, and they were angered by Muhammad ﷺ’s spread of Islam and the fight against idols, and the proponent of the call does not discourage him from doing what he was commanded with sarcasm or persecution, If Abu Talib had embraced Islam, his defense would have been greater and his argument more eloquent in front of the Arabs and wiser, but he remained on the religion of his forefathers and defended the Messenger of God, not on a doctrine but in the performance of the duty of kinship. And this time they walked to Abu Talib in Umrah ibn al-Walid, and they said:

O Abu Talib, this is Umar ibn al-Walid, the youngest of Quraysh, the hairiest of them and the most beautiful of them, So take him, you have his intellect and his help, so take him as a son, and give us this nephew of yours who spoiled our dreams, he disobeys your religion and the religion of your forefathers, and divides the group of your people, He said: By God, what a bad thing you call me. Do you give me your son, I feed him for you, and I give you my son, that you kill him? This God will never be. Al-Ma’ta’ bin Uday bin Nofal bin Abd Manaf said: your people have done you justice and I do not see you wanting to accept anything from them, so he said: By God, they did not do me justice, but you have agreed to betray me and support the people against me, so do what seems to you, when they despaired of having their request answered, the Quraysh became vehement against those who embraced Islam, so every tribe proved itself against the Muslims in it, torturing them and seducing them from their religion, Abu Talib stood in Bani Hashim and called them to prevent the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and they responded to that.

We take advantage of the above

The bargaining this time came as the West says on Needs: Abu Talib brings Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - the status of a son who raised him will not hand him over to his enemies, and it is the status of paternity, not doctrine, and It seems that Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - is beautiful in image - this is what everyone used to say by those who saw him or described him - so they brought him a beautiful image (Amarah ibn al-Walid) And in this thinking, they should bring him someone who wants to be proud of him in the midst of society, and he is also a poet. If Abu Talib wanted a social position more than other Quraishites, then this handsome, poetic young man would replace Muhammad, and please do not say that this is ridiculous, Rather, he thought about Abu Talib’s Needs at this time, and when he refused, they knew that it was not a question of needs, but rather a matter of principle, chivalry and manliness. We are here, even if he died as an infidel (Abu Talib), but we admire him for his personality and way of thinking.

Related Studies

Explanation of the psychology of negotiation

We all negotiate, whether with our political opponents, our friends or our families.

What is negotiation?

What does negotiation mean? Negotiation refers to discussions between parties who have opposing preferences and interests (but also have some common interests), with the aim of reaching agreement on important issues. Thus, negotiation is “a joint decision-making process that involves interactive communication”

Closing Thoughts Regardless, when the stakes are high (eg, the Cuban Missile Crisis), successfully negotiating has made a world of difference. As Frederick Stanton writes, “Every successful negotiation is … an affirmation that conflict is not the inevitable result of a conflict of interest.” The same is true of non-political negotiations. You do not need to ignore your interests in order to avoid a high-conflict relationship. You simply need to learn how to negotiate successfully and put your knowledge into practice.

And we conclude

The negotiation process began with the emergence of thinkers in every time and place. It does not matter how well this society was first educated, but rather it is a purely psychological process.

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