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Some Situations of some Companions during the Hijrah

The migration of Umm Salamah and Abu Salamah

She is Hind bint Umayyah bin Al-Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoum (24 BC - 61 AH / 598 - 680 AD), her father - may God be pleased with her - was from the best of the Quraysh, he is known as "head of the caravan" because of his generosity, Her mother is Atika bint Amer bin Rabia bin Abdul Muttalib, her maternal uncles are Abdullah and Zuhair, two paternal uncles of the Messenger of God.

How did Abu Salama migrate and why did he differ from his wife when migrating?

And when God permitted the Muslims to migrate to Medina, Abu Salamah, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the first to emigrate to Medina from among the companions of the Prophet, PBUH, from Bani Makhzoom, Hajar, may God bless him and grant him peace, a year before the pledge of allegiance to the Companions of Aqaba, He came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the land of Abyssinia, and when the Quraysh attacked him, The convert to Islam reached him from among the Ansar, and he went out to Madinah as an emigrant, and the Lady Umm Salamah - may God be pleased with her - suffered severe pain during this migration.

As she says, may God be pleased with her

When Abu Salamah had gathered to go out to Medina, he took his camel to me, then carried me on it, and carried my son Salama bin Abi Salama with me in my lap, then he went out leading me with his camel, When the men of Banu al-Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoum saw him, they stood up to him and said: This is your soul that you beat us with, did you see this friend of yours? Why do we let you walk the country with it? She said: They took the camel's snout from his hand, and they took me from it. She said: At that, the Banu Abd al-Assad, the men of Abu Salamah, became angry and said: no, by God, we do not leave our son with her when you took her from our friend, She said: So they argued: My sons Salama: between them, until they took off his hand, and Banu Abd al-Assad took him, Banu al-Mughira imprisoned me, and my husband, Abu Salama, went to Medina. She said: So there was a difference between me, my husband, and my son. She said: I would go out every morning, I would sit in Al- Abth: place, and I would still cry, until evening, a year or so close, until a man from my uncle's children - one of Banu al-Mughirah - passed by me and saw what was with me and had mercy on me, He said to Banu al-Mughirah: Will you not expel this poor woman, as you separated her, her husband, and her son? She said: They said to me: Follow your husband if you wish. She said: Banu Abd al-Assad returned my son to me at that time.

She said: So I took my camel

 then took my son and put him in my lap, then I went out to want my husband in Medina. She said: I have none of God's creation with me. She said: I said: be informed of whom I met, until I reach my husband, until, when I am in a state of gentleness, I meet Othman bin Talha bin Abi Talha, the brother of Banu Abd al-Dar, He said to me: Where are you going, O daughter of Abu Umayyah? She said: I said: I want my husband in Medina. He said: Is there anyone with you? She said: I said: No, by God, but God and this son of mine, He said: By God, you have no left. So he took the camel's snout, and he set out with me, taking me down, By God, I have never accompanied a man of the Arabs, I think that he was more generous than him, If he reached the house, he would call me: stay, Then he prayed for me, so that when I came down, I would take my camel behind, then tied him to the tree, then he stepped aside and said: ride. If I ride and straighten on my camel; He came and took his hook and led him to bring me down, and he still did that to me, until he brought me to the Maddinh, when he looked at the village of Bani Amr bin Awf in Quba', he said: Your husband is in this village, Abu Salama was staying with her - so enter her with the blessing of God. Then he went back to Mecca, She used to say: By God, I do not know the people of a house in Islam: what happened to them what happened to the family of Abu Salamah, I have never seen a friend who was more generous than Uthman bin Talha.

We benefit from the following story

 If the idea not been alive in their head (belonging to the new religion), they would never have endured such suffering.

Umm Salama says: She does not know a house of immigrants that happened to hem during the emigration, What happened to her, and to her sincerity: Soon she will be the mother of the believers as prophet married her, after the martyrdom of her husband - may God be pleased with them both.

The emigration of Hamza Ibn Abd al-Muttalib

And when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered the Muslims to migrate to Medina, Hamzah migrated with those who migrated to it shortly before the migration of the Prophet, peace be upon him, It was revealed in it to Saad bin Zurara of Bani Al-Najjar, and the Messenger, peace be upon him, made a brotherhood between him and Zaid bin Haritha, Mawla of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.

You will benefit from the above

Not all of the Companions suffered during their emigration, there were those among the notables whom the notables of the polytheists could not prevent from emigrating

The emigration of Omar ibn Al- Khatab

Not all of the Companions suffered during their emigration.

There were those among the notables whom the notables of the polytheists could not prevent from emigrating, The migration of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him and satisfaction him, May God be pleased with him, when he wanted to migrate from Mecca to Al - Maddinah, he took hold of his sword and went before the Kaaba, and the crowds of Quraysh in its courtyard, so he circumambulated the House, then he came to the shrine and prayed, then stood up and said: The faces were distorted, then he came to the shrine and prayed, then stood up and said: ugly the faces, God only forces these snorts, Whoever wants his mother to lose him, or his son orphanage, or his wife to be widowed, let him throw me behind this valley.

We take advantage of the above

1 - The best of you in the Jahiliyyah is the best of you in Islam if they understand it. You do not change your characteristics or personality before adopting a new idea or a new religion, rather, you remain you, but the new idea or the new religion that you have embraced only refines these qualities and makes them conform to the limits of this new religion, and this is what happened with our master Omar - may God be pleased with him and please him, for he was a man of prestige that the polytheists feared before and after Islam, even Satan, when he saw Omar on a path, would go to another path.

2 - An idea must be clarified: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab is not braver than the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his love for the friend, but if the Messenger of God did this, it would have been Sunnah and not all Muslims have immunity to do so.

Related Studies

How do new ideas spread?

Diffusion is the process by which innovation is communicated through certain channels over time between members of a social system, an innovation is an idea, practice, or thing that is seen as new by an individual or other unit of adoption, during the diffusion process, innovation is communicated through channels of communication between members of the social system. Describe the decision process, Innovation The stages an individual can go through while considering the adoption of an innovation: After gaining knowledge of it, the individual forms an opinion about the innovation and decides whether to adopt it or not. Then the individual begins to use innovation and reduces the remaining uncertainty through practice and learning, when an innovation is adopted, the individual continues to observe whether the adoption still makes sense to them.

From this part of the article we conclude

Islam was a new idea and even had consequences for those who embraced it, and the degree of its spread was wide in spite of it, and it is completely new than the ideas that were prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula, although it is new and strange and has consequences, but it spread widely, and this study that is in your hands, dear reader, tells us how New ideas spread among people

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