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spilled wine when it was forbidden

[ر: 4340]. 2 - باب: نزل تحريم الخمر وهي من البُسْر والتمر. 5260/5262 - حدثنا إسماعيل بن عبد الله قال: حدثني مالك بن أنس، عن إسحق بن عبد الله بن أبي طلحة، عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه قال:كنت أسقي أبا عبيدة وأبا طلحة وأبي بن كعب، من فَضِيخ زَهْوٍ وتمر، فجاءهم آت فقال: إن الخمر قد حُرِّمت، فقال أبو طلحة: قم يا أنس فأهرقها، فأهرقتها.(5261) - حدثنا مسدَّد: حدثنا معتمر، عن أبيه قال: سمعت أنساً قال: كنت قائماً على الحي أسقيهم، عمومتي وأنا أصغرهم، الفَضِيخ، فقيل: حُرِّمت الخمر، فقالوا: أكفئها، فكفأتها. قلت لأنس: ما شرابهم؟ قال: رُطَب وبُسْر. فقال أبو بكر بن أنس: وكانت خمرهم، فلم ينكر أنس.

[R: 4340]. 2 - Chapter: The prohibition of wine, which is from the fruit and dates, was revealed. 5262/5262 - Ismail bin Abdullah told us, he said: Malik bin Anas told me, on the authority of Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Abi Talha, On the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, he said: I used to give Abu Ubaidah, Abu Talha and Abi bin Ka’b drinking water from grape juice and dates, so he came to them and said: “Wine has been forbidden.” Abu Talha said: Arise, Anas, andpour it, then I pour it. (5261) - Musaddad told us: Mu`tamar told us, on the authority of his father, he said: I heard Anas said: I was standing on the neighborhood watering them, My paternal aunts and I am the youngest of them, al-Fadikh: It was said: wine has been forbidden. I said to Anas: What is their drink? He said: Wet and drink. Abu Bakr bin Anas said: It was their wine, so Anas did not deny it.

al-Fadikh: Wine extracted from grape juice

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