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The banned pots for Intbaz

[ر: 239]. 5265 - وعن الزُهري قال: حدثني أنس بن مالك:أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: (لا تنتبذوا في الدُّبَّاء، ولا في المُزَفَّتِ). وكان أبو هريرة يلحق معها: الحَنْتَمْ والنَّقير.

[R: 239]. 5265 - On the authority of al-Zuhri, he said: Anas bin Malik told me: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (There is no Intbath, in squash vessels, nor in vessels coated with asphalt). Abu Huraira used to accompany with it: vessels painted green, perforated wood, in which wine was soaked

Intbaz: Putting several dates individually in water or milk, then leaving it for a while, drinking its water and eating its fruits while it is from the Sunnah, provided that it does not exceed a day or night - in any case we will talk about it in - a single hadith, God willing

Dobaa: the bowl of gourd

Asphalt: Asphalt-coated pot

Al-Hantam: green painted jars. wine pots

Al-Naqir: A wood that is pierced, in which wine is taken from dates and the like.

Why Your Business Should Avoid Amber Glass Jars

Amber glass jars and bottles are quite common, and you’ve probably used them at least a few times in your life. After all, amber is one of the more common glass container colors out there. You’ll find beer bottles, medicine bottles, essential oil bottles, jars, and many others in amber glass. Does this mean, therefore, that amber glass jars are the best choice for your own business?

the color of glass, as well as how the glass itself was colored, doesn’t just serve a decorative purpose.Not all colored glass containers are the same, of course. Some colored glass jars or bottles are actually clear glass containers that have been painted over. However, actually incorporating the color into the glass itself isn’t as simple as just painting over clear glass. Amber glass, for example, gets its color from the addition of carbon, iron, and sulfur. Cobalt blue glass gets its color from the addition of cobalt oxide. Green glass gets it color from non-toxic chrome oxide, and red glass gets its color from selenium oxide, copper, or gold chloride.Typically, the higher the amount of the added coloring, the darker and more solid the glass’s coloring will be. The concentration of color, as well as the colors themselves, can affect the amount and kinds of light that can penetrate through the glass.


Green glass gets it color from non-toxic chrome oxide, and red glass gets its color from selenium oxide, copper, or gold chloride, and this is from high healthy sources factories, if one of them doesn't make safty factores, then the risk is existance, and the question here: who's teaching the prophet - peace be uopen him that?

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