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The consanguineous marriage between science and religion

Updated: May 18

The consanguineous marriage in Islam Marriage between relatives is not explicitly forbidden in Islam, nor is it encouraged, as it leaves people to choose what is most appropriate for them, perhaps this approach confirms what modern medicine has reached on this subject, which is that consanguineous marriage is... Not harmful at all, it may be useful, In the event of a high level of intelligence, beauty, and strength in the family, and therefore saying that marriage between relatives is harmful, even though Islam permits it, is a statement that lacks scientific validity.

Some examples of consanguineous marriage in Islam

Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) married Fatima Al-Zahra (peace be upon her)

and he is the cousin of the Messenger, may God bless him, his family, and his companions, as is clear, The Messenger married his paternal aunt’s daughter, Zainab bint Jahsh

The positive aspects of consanguineous marriage If the family has desirable genetic factors that are not in other families, such as characteristics of beauty, intelligence, strength, longevity, etc. the marriage between relatives is better than marriage between strangers, provided that the marriage is not between relatives and lasts for a generation so that families do not turn into small closed communities, which proves that it is genetically harmful, and thus the chances of marriage between relatives and distant relatives are equal in these cases, whether one or the other. May God bless him and grant him peace, he commanded us, By choice, as he said: “Choose for your sperm,” and choice in our time is based on genetic counseling.

The negative aspects of consanguineous marriage are not sacrificing one generation for the sake of another

To clarify this point, we assume that in society marriage is only between relatives. In this case, we find that the percentage of presence of disease genes in this society, It will increase in the offspring of this generation as a result of not getting rid of these disease genes, as their closeness is in a dual or rare case, the result is that as generations pass, the presence of these disease genes in society will increase, this leads to a steady increase in the emergence of hereditary diseases, these genes control it in future generations, such as pancreatic cirrhosis.

God permitted the Messenger to marry the daughters of a paternal uncle, paternal uncle, and maternal uncle, who was one of the lowest ranks, so I knew that this was permissible, but the ruling changed from permissibility to hatred, or something more severe than that, if there is a reason that changes the permissibility to other things, as evidence of health damage, family disintegration, or social instability among relatives and surrogates.

The religious response to consanguineous marriage The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged the qualities on which a man should choose his wife, He did not mention to her that the wife is a stranger and is not related to her because of lineage,   rather, the request for delay should be from righteous people and specialists.

Allah says

يا أيها النبي إنا أحللنا لك أزواجك اللاتي أتيت أجورهن وما ملكت يمينك مما أفاء الله عليك وبنات عمك وبنات عماتك وبنات خالك وبنات خالاتك…” (الأحزاب: 50)

This verse is a middle ground between excess and negligence, because Christians do not marry a woman unless the lineage between them and her grandparents is seven or more, and for Jews, one of them marries his brother’s daughter and his sister’s daughter, this pure and complete law came to destroy the excess of Christians, so it permitted the daughter of , paternal uncle, and maternal aunt’s daughter, and prohibited what the Jews left behind. In any case, marriage between relatives is permitted in the first place, provided that social and health conditions are taken into account, in each case, without comparison to others, with a medical examination and marriage examinations conducted before its conclusion.

The refuting the validity of the topic

The increase in the incidence of genetic diseases in offspring resulting from recessive genetic factors in both parents, It does not depend on inbreeding in any way, but depends mainly on the extent of the spread of the recessive genetic factor among members of the population as a whole, If more than 1:8 is prevalent in the community; Marrying distant people is no guarantee of having genetically healthy children, we understand from this that some genetic diseases appear in offspring in societies where recessive genetic factors are widespread among its members, the prevalence is about 1:8 equal to the ratio of its occurrence in offspring in both inbreeding and mixed mating, there is another assumption if the prevalence of the recessive genetic factor in the community is more than 12% and the family in this community is genetically pure, In this case, marriage between relatives in this family is much better and safer than intermarriage.

Examples of these diseases include sickle cell anemia: If the recessive genetic factor is restricted to members of a particular family more than to members of the population around them, then intermarriage is preferable to inbreeding.

But if the opposite is true, and the members of the family are genetically pure, and the members of the community around them are prevalent in the recessive genetic factor, then in this case consanguineous marriage is safer and more secure than intermarriage, for example, in some areas of Italy and Sicily, the recessive genetic factor for sickle cell anemia is present in community members at a rate of up to 10%, and the percentage is higher in other communities, such as some areas of Kenya, where the percentage reaches 40% in community members. If we assume that a family and its members immigrated They are genetically pure from this genetic factor... Isn’t marriage between relatives better than marriage between distant people?

We come to an important conclusion

This is that consanguineous marriage may sacrifice the current generation for the sake of future generations, and lateral marriage may sacrifice future generations for the sake of the current generation, and thus we find in the end that even in diseases governed by recessive genes, there is no preference for inbreeding over intermarriage, nor for further marriage on inbreeding, and the scientific possibility of transmitting a minority of hereditary diseases resulting from recessive genes, inbreeding occurs in one condition, which is that the members of the community are genetically pure and the members of the family are genetically pure.

The endogamy There is absolutely no authentic text that prohibits this, and the hadith about “Western marriage” is incorrect. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, married his cousin Zainab, and the verse in the Qur’an is clear

Allah says

يا أيها النبي إنا أحللنا لك أزواجك اللاتي أتيت أجورهن وما ملكت يمينك مما أفاء الله عليك وبنات عمك وبنات عماتك وبنات خالك وبنات خالاتك…” (الأحزاب: 50)

O Prophet, we have made your wives lawful for you, those whose you pay them their wages, And your paternal uncle’s daughters, and your paternal aunts’ daughters, and your paternal uncle’s daughters, and your paternal aunt’s daughters…” (Al-Ahzab: 50)

Exclusively prohibition; Other than that, among relatives, it is absolutely permissible, and that does not prevent him from preferring to reduce consanguineous marriage in order to preserve the expansion of kinship and lineage, for fear of consolidating some negative genetic traits. Therefore, it is a matter of preference and not a matter of prohibition.

Sometimes we may find relatives who have married each other and they are full of intelligence, intellect, and physical integrity while adhering to religion, and everything is taken into consideration accordingly. There is also no objection to a person who wants to marry his relative to undergo a medical examination to ensure that there are no medical contraindications. I finish Marriage of relatives was not intended in the legal prohibition, nor was it commanded. Rather, he left the matter to permissibility until he studied each case separately. Perhaps it is more appropriate for a man to marry his female relative.  There may have been social considerations that favored consanguineous marriage, and consanguineous marriage might lead to severing ties of kinship, or increasing quarrels between relatives, if it was known in the family that the friendship between them was unstable. Among the jurists mentioned: the fear of the weakness of children, and investigating them according to the opinion of doctors, and it has been proven that the matter is not conclusive.

Most scientific studies confirm

the existence of common genetic diseases Among the most prominent diseases are hemoglobin in the blood, “hemoglobin,” birth defects, metabolism, and common monogenic diseases, which are the main cause of many diseases and disabilities in children, and according to some studies, consanguineous marriage inherits 82 diseases, such as recurrent miscarriage, multiple disabilities, multiple vesicles in the kidneys, thalassemia, iron overload disease, atrophy of the muscles of the face and shoulders, multiple neoplastic diseases of the colon, and low birth weight. Less consanguineous marriage and other diseases. Although this is the legal medical ruling, she does not mind the marriage of relatives, but she urges caution and caution.

The psychological rooting of consanguineous marriage

In Iran, after unintentional accidents, mental health problems are the second major burden of disease. Consanguineous marriage is very common in Iran and the relationship between parental consanguinity and mental health is an important issue that has not yet been adequately studied in Iran.

The study revealed the prevalence of social dysfunction among the students and the absence of a relationship between consanguineous marriage to one of the parents and mental health. Parental consanguinity and genetic factors may not be the main causes of the prevalence of mental health problems in Iran, and the effects of environmental factors on these problems may be greater than those of inherited factors.

The conclusion

The study revealed that social dysfunction was very common among SKUMS students and that mental health problems tended not to occur as frequently in children of consanguineous parents compared to children of non-consanguineous parents. These findings suggest that mental health problems may not have a recessive or polygenic inheritance pattern.

What is taken into consideration: Pre-marital examination

One of the important matters is the medical examination of married couples before marriage to determine the impact of marriage on the future of the children and the family in general. Among the requirements for marriage are the contract in Qatar and the examination before marriage, and this is what all the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have adopted, and this is what we wish for all Arab and Islamic countries, and with this examination the individual can correct many matters that are difficult to correct after marriage.

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