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The countries that ban wearing of the hijab or niqab

People around the world were divided over the ban on the burqa (also spelled burqa/burka) and other veils. While opponents of the ban describe it as an attack on an individual's freedom to wear a dress of their choice, proponents cite examples of women being forced to wear a dress against their choice.

The burqa dispute, which has angered many around the world, is not a one-time event. The burqa, veil and niqab have been banned in a number of European and Asian countries.

Written by Mukesh Rawat

Days after Sri Lanka decided to ban the burqa (also spelled burqa and burqa) in the wake of deadly bombings that killed more than 250 people on April 21, controversy over a similar ban is gaining momentum in India. Shiv Sena party demanded, He is an ally of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, which has banned the burqa worn by Muslim women. "People wearing face masks or burqas can pose a threat to national security," Shiv Sina said in its hometown of Samna.


This is not the first time that the burqa (or burqa) has been ordered to be banned in India, New Delhi: The burqa row that erupted in Udupi, Karnataka, has escalated into a heated debate. Protests for and against wearing the "hijab" escalated, in educational institutions in Karnataka. The issue has taken center stage and people from all parts have stepped in to discuss and debate the long-running universal topic.

France in 2010

France has banned Muslim women from wearing any form of dress that covers their faces and heads.

Belgium in 2011

Belgium followed France's lead and implemented a ban on clothing that covers the entire face such as the burqa or headscarf. The act prohibited the wearing of clothing that concealed the wearer's identity in public. Breaking the law can result in a fine or up to seven days in prison.

United Kingdom and Australia

Routine reports of Muslim women being harassed because of their dress were also reported in many countries

Chad in June 2015

Since two suicide bombings, women in Chad have been banned from wearing the full veil. Prime Minister Kalzeubi Bhimi Deubet called it a "camouflage" and declared that all burqas in the market would be burned. People who wear them may be arrested and sentenced to prison. To date, Chad is the only Muslim-majority country that criminalizes religious veiling

Republic of the Congo in May 2015

The Republic of the Congo, better known as Congo Brazzaville, became the first African government to ban the burqa. In Congo Brazzaville, Muslims represent less than 5 percent of the population.

Bulgaria in 2016

In wake of Islamist extremist attacks in Europe, Bulgarian parliament bans full-face veils in public, Patriotic Front coalition's "burqa ban" law replicates similar actions taken in other Western European countries

Denmark in 2018

Denmark has joined other European countries in banning the wearing of face coverings, including Islamic veils such as the hijab and burqa

In October 2018, the United Nations

The Human Rights Committee said that France's ban on the burqa and other veils was a violation of human rights.

The Netherlands in 2019

In the Netherlands, a ban on all full face coverings, including some forms of Islamic clothing, has come into effect. It took the Dutch government fourteen years to implement the "burqa ban". It was first enacted with a majority in the House of Representatives in 2005, but it has not passed constitutional appeals.

Switzerland in March 2021

Switzerland has become one of the European countries to ban the burqa. After just over 51 percent of Swiss voters voted in favor of the ban, it was implemented.

Sri Lanka in April 2021

The Sri Lankan Cabinet has approved a proposed ban on wearing the full-face veil in public, including the burqa, citing national security reasons. The burqa was briefly banned in 2019 after more than 250 people were killed in suicide bombings on Sunday.

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