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The door to victory from the oppressor

 لقوله جل ذكره { لا يحب الله الجهر بالسوء من القول إلا من ظلم وكان الله سميعا عليما } { والذين إذا أصابهم البغي هم ينتصرون } قال إبراهيم كانوا يكرهون أن يستذلوا فإذا قدروا عفوا

For His saying, may His remembrance be exalted: {Allah does not like to speak ill of evil in public, except for one who is wronged, And Allah is Hearing, Knowing} {And those who, when oppression befalls them they win} Abraham said: They hated to be humiliated, so if they could, they would pardon.

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