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the envy

تاريخ التحديث: ١٦ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤

(It is distress due to the abundance of blessings upon the servants of God Almighty)
(Envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes wood)
The envy in language

Wishing the blessing to disappear from others

He envied his neighbor

He hated God's blessing upon him, and wished that it would be removed from him, or that it would be taken away from him

The envious

one whose nature is envy, whether male or female. The plural is: envious.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

((Do not envy one another, do not quarrel with each other, do not hate each other, and do not turn your back one another and do not sell to one another, and be - servants of God - brothers, a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, does not let him down, does not lie to him, and does not despise him, piety is here - and he points to his chest three times - according to the man of the evil that degrades his Muslim brother, everything of a Muslim is forbidden to another Muslim: his blood, his property, and his honor)). narrated by Muslim.

The hadith tells us several prohibitions and some commands
First: The prohibitions:

1 - Do not envy one another: that is, do not envy one another, even though people have preferred one another over another. The Messenger forbade them from infecting each other with envy.

2 - Do not argue: he uncovered the hidden thing: he provoked it and extracted it - It is when a person increases the price of a commodity that he does not want to buy so that someone else will hear him and increase the price, In this sense, it is forbidden. It is a type of verbal manipulation to increase the value of the commodity, It is possible for the dispute to be material (commodity) or it may be moral, (A person, a job, or something else) Anything tangible, and some people flinch to draw attention to something whose value is not that high. God knows best.

3 - Do not hate: hatred: intense hatred - abhorrence. An order from the Messenger that your hatred for anyone should not bring you to the extent of hatred, after which it is not good. Either you oppress him, disparage him, backbite him, or spread gossip among people about him, tempting them to harm him.

4 - Do not turn your back one another: that is, give each other your backs, and it is a metaphor for not meeting faces due to hatred, enmity, or something else.

5 - Do not sell some of you to sell others: that is, do not sell the commodity to anyone, and another buyer comes and raises the price because he liked the commodity, so he takes it from the first one and gives it to the one with the highest price.

Second: The orders

1 - The first thing you must keep in mind (the Muslim is the brother of the Muslim: not his enemy)

2 - He should not be unfair to him: My brother, as you leave the house, you say one of your supplications when leaving

(O God, I seek refuge in You from being unjust or being wronged) Why do you receive your rights from your brother and want him not to wrong you, to be unfair in the balance, and this is the balance of morals, not the balance of vegetables and fruits.

3 - Do not let him down: abandon his help. It is possible for you to hate a person and be a Muslim like you for a good reason, or not for something you understand, unless your soul tells you not to help him, open doors of sustenance for him that will help him. If you open certain doors for him, you will help him.

4 - And do not lie to him: Do not lie to your brother, for lying results in loss, be honest, it will only cost you an unreal loss, as for lying, it will cause you real loss when people find out about your lie.

5 - And do not despise him: Do not belittle anyone unless he does things that disgrace him, you are not better than him in anything, we are all superior to each other in things

Everything is forbidden to another Muslim: his blood, his property, and his honor
The types of envy
There are two types of envy: blameworthy envy and praiseworthy envy
First, reprehensible envy

What is meant by reprehensible envy is that a person sees a blessing for another person, but he hates that and wishes that that blessing would be removed from him and transferred to him, this type of envy is condemned and forbidden by God in His Book, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - warned us against it in his pure Sunnah.

The levels of reprehensible envy

Forbidden envy has levels that we mention below

first level

That a person loves for the blessing to disappear from others, and for it to be transferred to him, and therefore he seeks by all forbidden means to harm him in order to achieve his goal, and this rank is prevalent among envious people.

Second level

That a person loves the disappearance of a blessing from others, even if this blessing is not transmitted to him, and this level is extremely insidious, but it is below the first level.

Third level

If he is unable to obtain the same, he would like this blessing to be removed from others so that the disparity between them does not appear.

Second: Praiseworthy envy (Ghbtah)

What is meant by praiseworthy envy is that a person sees a blessing on others, so he wishes to have the same without hating it or wishing it would be removed from that other person.

This type of praiseworthy envy is called envy or competition, and it may also be called jealousy, It is known that competition is in doing good deeds and seeking the afterlife, Something that God urged us to do in His Book and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in his purified Sunnah.

Allah says

{سَابِقُوا إِلَى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ أُعِدَّتْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ ذَلِكَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمٌِ} (الحديد، 21)

{Race to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose breadth is as wide as the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers, that is the bounty of God. He gives it to whomoever He wills, And God is the Possessor of great bounty} (Al-Hadid, 21)

Allah says

{وَفِي ذَلِكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ الْمُتَنَافِسُونَ} (المطففين، 26)

{And in this, let the competitors compete} (Al-Muttaffifin, 26)

And speaking of Al - Ghbth

Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (There is no envy except in two cases: A man whom God taught the Qur’an, and he recites it throughout the night and during the day, A neighbor of his heard him and said: I wish I had been given what so-and-so was given, so I did the same as what he does, and a man to whom God has given wealth will destroy it in truth, A man said: I wish I had been given the same as what so-and-so was given, and I had done the same as what he does.)

Do not begrudge those in front of you if you fall into the circle of envy

He - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “If you feel envious, do not transgress it...” Hadith

Some people may be envious, but they are not satisfied with envy, rather they seek to harm the envied person by harming him with his words, or by seeking to remove him from his position, or striving for something that is harmful to himself, his body, or his religion. This comes from the perspective of envy, He combines envy and injustice. He wrongs him more than his envy of him, if he envies him for a job, health, knowledge, or anything else, He sought to remove this great blessing, striving to remove it from the envied unjustly and aggressively. We ask God for wellness.

If it is proven that it is possible for it to happen, and from believing souls, the problem does not lie in envy alone, but rather in the harm it causes to the envied, for your own comfort, then harm him. Transgression is transgression and injustice, and the Messenger has commanded you (do not oppress one another).

The eye

(It is said that the eye does not like to see someone better than it)

An organ and sense of sight

The people of the house and the country

Or the spy

It is said that a man has eyes, meaning he often suffers from eye enevy

The Symptoms of the eye and envy

Infection with the evil eye or envy cannot occur except by the decree and destiny of God Almighty, We see many people who always imagine that every accident or distress that befalls them is from the evil eye and envy, so they confuse that with the illnesses, depression, or other things that afflict them, therefore, the believer must have a good opinion of God Almighty, rely on Him as he should, and know that everything that befalls him is according to the power and decree of God Almighty, If all the people gathered together to harm him with something that God had not prescribed for him, they would not be able to do so, If envy truly affects a person, there may be symptoms such as distress, lack of obedience,   Anxiety, etc., but a person may actually have a disease, so he should consult doctors and take the causes and treatment.

The difference between evil eye and envy

The difference between them in terms of the main reason is that

The evil eye: is caused by admiration, approval, and pride, while envy: is caused by hatred, the wish to remove blessings from others, and hatred.

Generality and specificity: Envy is more general than the evil eye. Every curser is an envier, but not every envier is a evil eye.

The Impact on others and the source

Envy and the evil eye share the same effect. So that the two cause harm to the envied and the eyes, but the source is different, as the source of the eye is the squinting of the eye’s gaze, and it may affect inanimate objects, money, crops, and other things that are not enviable in the first place.

A person may infect himself
The treatment

Whoever sees something that he likes should remember God Almighty and say: God willing, there is no power except in God, God bless, or he should pray and say: O God, bless him, so that the eye can be averted from it, since the eye falls on the eyes sometimes without the choice of the one who cares, it is safe to always remember God when he sees God’s blessings on others.

The treatment for the eye is to ask the person who has the eye if he knows him to wash himself with water, and he must respond to him

It was mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet that Sahl bin Hanif was taking a bath, and Amer bin Rabia saw him and was impressed by the extreme whiteness of his skin. He said: (By God, I have never seen anything like today, nor any skin hidden.) As soon as he said that, Sahl fainted, so the Companions brought him to the Messenger of God and said to him: (O Messenger of God, do you have a son in Sahl who does not raise his head?) The Messenger of God said to them: (Are you accusing anyone?) They answered him with what Amer bin Rabia said, so the Messenger called him and said to him: (Why should one of you kill his brother, do you not bless him?) Then he ordered him to wash, so Amer washed his hands, face, elbows, knees, the tips of his feet, and the inside of his garment in a bowl, then he was poured onto a plain, and there was nothing in him, the best thing that people can avoid is to commit to obeying God Almighty, and to mention Him frequently, And memorizing the morning and evening remembrances, and asking God for well-being, especially the legal ruqyah.

Here are some supplications and remembrances

Reading Surah Al-Fatihah, it is healing, God willing. Maintain reading Ayat Al-Kursi.

Maintain reading Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad, and Al-Mu'awwidhatayn, and repeat them.

Read the legal ruqyah, and memorize the morning and evening remembrances

. Read the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah. Reading Surah Al-Kafirun.

Reading the Almighty’s saying: (We said, “Do not be afraid. Indeed, You are the Most High, and cast what is in Your right hand. You will seize what they have done.” Indeed, they have created the plot of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he comes), and praying with this supplication: (In the name of God, I promote you from everything that harms you, from the evil of every soul and eye.) A lion, in the name of God I recite ruqyah for you, and may God heal you.)

Helping to meet one's needs is to be discreet, and not to tell people about the virtues of God Almighty, except by trusting them. Blowing your nose when reading, as the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to do.

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