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The first Friday sermon in the city

The sermon of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the first Friday prayer he prayed in Medina

  Which the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, delivered a sermon on the first Friday prayer he performed in Medina in Bani Salem bin Awf: “Praise be to God, I praise Him, seek His help, seek His forgiveness, seek His guidance, believe in Him, and do not disbelieve in Him, I am hostile to those who disbelieve in him, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, without partners, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, He sent him with guidance, light, and preaching at a time when the Messengers had little knowledge, misguidance of people and interruption of time, the Hour is approaching and the term is near, whoever obeys God and His Messenger has attained the right path, whoever disobeys them has gone astray, went too far and went astray, I advise you to fear God, for it is the best thing a Muslim advises a Muslim to do, Then to encourage him to the Hereafter and command him to fear God, so beware of God from Himself. there is no better advice than that and no better remembrance than that, and that the pious of God for those who act upon it with reverence and pious of His Lord is a true help in what you seek in the matter of the Hereafter, whoever reconciles his affairs with God in secret and in public, does not intend to do so except for the sake of God, It will be a remembrance of him in his immediate affairs and a reserve after death when a person lacks what he gave, there was nothing other than that, and he wishes that there was a long period of time between him and him, and God Himself warns you, and God is Compassionate toward His servants, and He who is true to His word and fulfills His promise, there is no going back on that, for God Almighty says:

{مَا يُبَدَّلُ الْقَوْلُ لَدَىَّ وَمَآ أَنَاْ بِظَلَّمٍ لّلْعَبِيدِ} (قلله: 29)

{What is said in my opinion cannot be changed, and I am not unjust to my servants.} (Qullah: 29)

So pious God in your immediate and future affairs, in secret and in public, for whoever fears God, His sins will be forgiven for him and his reward will be increased, whoever fears God has achieved a great victory, If you fear God, it will protect you from His hatred and anger, indeed the pious of God is It brightens the faces, pleases the Lord, and raises the rank, take your luck and do not neglect God, God has taught you His Book and has made clear to you His path, that He may know those who are truthful and that He may know those who are liars, do good as God has done good to you and be hostile to His enemies, and strive for the sake of God as He deserves to strive. He has chosen you and named you Muslims, So that whoever perished will perish based on clear evidence, and whoever lives will live based on clear proof. there is no power except in God, remember God often and work for the day after today, whoever reconciles what is between him and God, God will protect him from what is between him and the people, this is because God destroys people and they do not eliminate Him, He possesses people and they do not possess him. God is great, and there is no power except in God Almighty.

We note the following

1 - The Messenger of God did not mention the people of Mecca in it, nor did they mention their stubbornness, their insistence on disbelief, their harm to Muslims, and their conspiracy to kill him, this is an indication of good citizenship, as he - may God bless him and grant him peace - does not turn the people of the same country against each other, even if the cities are different, but they were under the same roof of the Arabian Peninsula at that time.

2 - He limited his sermon to urging Muslims to be pious, and reminding them of God Almighty. This is, in truth, the ultimate goal of politeness and the ultimate goal of a prudent person. If he were other than the Messenger of God, he would be angered He enumerated their faults because they were the ones who failed him, persecuted him, and expelled him from the country he loved most, and he was an obstacle in the way of conveying the message of his Lord, and God Almighty spoke the truth when he said:

{وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ} (القلم: 4

{And indeed, you are of great morels } (Al-Qalam: 4

3- We see the men of the parties using in their speeches the ugliest words and the most heinous insults for trivial reasons, yet they claim to be leaders and gentlemen who spread knowledge and civilization and seek reform and freedom.

4 - He - PBUH - did not mention the right to citizenship for religious pluralism, as it will soon be the constitution of the emerging modern state.

5 - From the content of the sermon, it appears to you that jihad will be the slogan of the next stage, as the word jihad was repeated more than once.

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From this part of the study we conclude:

The Messenger mentioned the consequences of staying away from obedience to God in the first Friday sermon in Medina so that it would be in the conscious mind. He also mentioned more than once the importance of jihad, He mentioned that we have an intellectual approach that is different from what much of the “cultural pluralism” that exists in the city’s society is that we have an afterlife in which we will be held accountable for our worldly deeds, and whoever reconciles what is between him and God, God will reconcile what is between him and people. And other reminders of the consequences in the short or long term...of course God is Most High and Most Knowing.

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