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The Ghusl provisions

What is Ghusl?

Pouring water over the whole body with the intention.

Washing and removing impurities that cling to the body, by pouring over pure water to make acts of worship permissible.

Q Is there a type of ghusl, and when should I do ghusl?

Ghusl is divided into three parts

The obligatory ghusl.. the sunnah ghusl.. the permissible ghusl.

It is obligatory Ghusl for

The emission of semen is a gush with pleasure from a man or a woman, masturbation, sexual intercourse, or a wet dream.

A man has intercourse with his wife, even if he does not ejaculate

If a Muslim dies, except for those killed in the way of God

If the infidel converted to Islam

Menstrual or postpartum bleeding from a woman.

It is Sunnah Ghusl for

washing on Friday

Ghusl for Ihram Hajj or Umrah

Ghusl upon entering Makkah

Ghusl for every sexual intercourse

Ghusl is for the one who washed the dead

Washing for cleanliness

Washing on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha

Ghusl for the burial of a polytheist relative

Ghusl for those who have recovered from fainting or madness

Ghusl to stand at Arafah.

And permissible washing for

Like washing to cool

Swimming in the water is just for fun and pleasure

Q: What are the obligations of ghusl?

1 - The intention is according to the majority, and according to the Hanafis it is Sunnah, and the most correct view is the opinion of the majority.

2- Covering hair and skin with water, and this is agreed upon by the jurists.

3- Rinsing the mouth and sniffing is obligatory in ghusl according to the Hanafis and Hanbalis, and the Shafi’is and Malikis are of the view that it is not obligatory.

4- The sequence, and he went to its Maliki hypothesis, and the majority went to that the sequence is a sunnah.

5- Rubbing the limbs in ghusl is obligatory according to the Malikis and Al-Muzni from the Shafi’is, and the majority are of the view that rubbing is Sunnah.

Reversal of the braids: The Shafi’is said: The braids must be revoked if the water does not reach the inside of them except by reversing, the Malikis said: It is not obligatory to unravel the braids unless they become severe by themselves, or it may have been braided with strings, and some of them said: What was braided with less than three strings did not undo, And it was braided with three or more overturned. And the man and the woman according to the Malikis and the Shafi’is are the same in this ruling.

Q How do I do ghusl step by step?

It was narrated on the authority of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, in mentioning the washing of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - from impurity, as she said: (The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was, If he performs ablution from ritual impurity, he starts by washing his hands. Then he empties with his right hand over his left and washes his private parts, then he performs ablution as he does for prayer. Then he takes water and puts his fingers into the roots of the hair, even if he saw that he had recovered, he sprinkled three handfuls on his head. Then it poured over the rest of his body, then he washed his feet. and in a narration: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, He took a bath from impurity, so he started by washing his hands three times, then he mentioned the hadeeth of Abi Muawiyah, but he did not mention washing the feet.

It is possible to detail the method of ghusl from sexual impurity, as mentioned by Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi in his book al-Mughni, where he said: Al-Kamil comes with ten things:

1 - Intention

Worship, obedience, and work without intention are not accepted, and it is sufficient for it to simply resolve to do something and intend to do it from the start.

2- The naming

It is the same as the basmalah, or the person saying: In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

3- Washing his hands

And wash them three times.

4- Washing off any dirt on it

It is intended specifically for the vagina, so it is Sunnah for those who want to perform ghusl from janaabah, to wash the place of janaabah, which is the vagina, as stated in the aforementioned hadith of Aisha - may God be pleased with her.

5 - The ablution

What is meant is the usual ablution with its pillars and Sunnah, and it is Sunnah to delay washing the feet until the end of the ablution.

6- To put three handfuls of hair on his head

So that tells the origins of hair

7- The water overflows all over his body

It is the main pillar in the washing of impurity, if it suffices it, that is sufficient; Because the purpose of ghusl is to circulate water over the body to remove impurity and achieve purity.

8- He should start with his right side and massage his body with his hand

Then he moves to his left side until he finishes washing all of his body.

9- He should move from the place of his ablution and wash his feet

And this is at the end of the ablution so that the feet are washed with pure water that has not been affected by impurity.

10- To soak the roots of his hair and beard with water before pouring it over it.

Q: What is the ruling on one who neglects to wash an injured limb while doing ghusl from ritual impurity?

If one of the parts of the bathing body has a wound, then the scholars have detailed how to deal with this part in the following detail:

The wound and the like is either open or hidden.

If it is exposed

What is required is to wash it with water.

if it is hidden by what justifies its cloak

There is nothing in it except wiping only, and if wiping harms him even though it is hidden, then he should adjust to tayammum, as if it was uncovered. This is what the fuqaha’ (may God have mercy on them) mentioned regarding this issue. End quote from al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (1/247).

Q If someone had a wet dream while he was asleep, then he woke up knowing that he had a wet dream, and he did not find any semen, and he did ghusl, then after a while the semen came out, does he have to do a second ghusl?

Whoever had a wet dream and did not find traces of semen on his clothes or bed, he is not required to perform ghusl.

On the authority of Umm Salama, the mother of the believers, that she said: “Umm Sulaym, the wife of Abu Talha, came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, She said: O Messenger of God, God is not ashamed of the truth. Does a woman have to do ghusl if she has a wet dream?

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Yes, if she sees water. Narrated by al-Bukhari (282) and Muslim (313).

Some scholars have reported consensus on this.

Ibn Al-Mundhir, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said:

All of the scholars from whom I learned information are unanimously agreed that if a man sees in his sleep that he had a wet dream, or had intercourse and did not find any wetness: he does not have to do ghusl. End quote from al-Awsat (2/83).

If a wet dream washes before seeing water in his clothes; Then after that, water came out of it (semen). This water that came out after taking a bath has two scenarios:

The first case

That this person thinks most likely that this water is the result of what he saw in sleep; born of it; But it remained congested in the urethra, and then came out because of the sequence of movement, or urine, In this case, he must do ghusl. because the reason for the obligation of ghusl has been fulfilled, which is seeing water due to a wet dream, as previously mentioned in the hadith of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, and as in the hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Water is only from water. Narrated by Muslim (343).

But if he walked, then semen came out of him, or he came out after he woke up

He has to wash. Ahmed stated it; Because it seems that it had moved, and its emergence did not take place until after waking up. End quote from al-Mughni (1/269).

The second case

That he thinks it most likely that it is not the result of a previous wet dream; If he sees it after a long time has passed since he slept, for example after a day has passed, then the view of the majority of scholars is that the emission of semen while awake: does not necessitate ghusl unless it is due to desire.

And the evidence of the majority of scholars

The hadith of Ali, may God be pleased with him, who said: I was a man: every time I spurted madhiy, So I took a bath until my back cracked, and I mentioned that to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace - or it was mentioned to him - so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: do not do this if you see madhiy, wash your penis, and perform ablution as you do for prayer, Narrated by Abu Dawood (206) and Al-Nasaa’i (193). Al-Albani classed it as saheeh in Irwa’ al-Ghalil (1/162).

It seems that the second school of thought - the school of thought - is more correct

Because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, described the emission of semen in the hadeeth of Ali, may God be pleased with him, as an emission of semen, By fajh, and we have already stated that it means gushing, so if it does not come out in this capacity, ghusl is not required, as for the hadeeth: “Water is from water” and the like, this does not contradict this. Because it is absolute and carried on the restricted. And God knows best. End quote from Thakheerah al-‘Uqabi (4/176-177).

And on it

If semen comes out with desire and gushing, ghusl is required. If it comes out as urine comes out - without gushing or desire - then ghusl is not required.

Q The ruling on delaying the ghusl of impurity until the dawn time comes out to ensure that the semen reaches the womb and achieve childbearing

There is nothing wrong with that, as long as he did not come at the time of the prayer. If the time of the prayer did come, then he must perform the ghusl and perform the prayer, such as at noon or the afternoon prayer.

It is proven in the Two Sahihs from the hadith of Hudhayfah and from the hadith of Abu Hurairah: that they met the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and then got drunk from him, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to them:What is the matter with you? They said: We were in a state of ritual impurity, so we thought we would sit with you when we were not in a state of purity, He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: A Muslim does not become impure, and he did not denounce them for remaining in a state of impurity.

which we recommend

Hastening to wash is good, and if he hastened, then it is good, but he is not obligated to do so. An obstacle may hinder him: he goes out to the market to buy something or so, there is nothing wrong with him, rather he has to hasten if he attends something that necessitates that. End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala ad-Darb (5/317).

And on it

If you delay washing until the time for dawn ends: it is forbidden, because it delays the prayer beyond its time, and that is a great major sin,

The Almighty said: Indeed, the prayer is ordained for the believers at scheduled times, An-Nisa’ 103.

And he said: Preserve the prayers and the middle prayer, and stand up to God with obedience. Al-Baqarah/238

And He, Glory be to Him, said: Then after them there came a successor who neglected prayer and followed desires, so they will meet with destruction Maryam / 59

Ibn Masoud said about Al-Ghay: A valley in Hell, far away from the bottom, with an evil taste.

And the Almighty said: Woe to the worshipers who are negligent about their prayers: Al-Ma’un / 4, 5.


If a person performs ghusl from sexual impurity, he has done what he owes, and it does not matter if the sperm remains in the womb, or if some of the semen remains in his body, but if the semen ejaculates after that without desire, he does not have to repeat the ghusl.

It says in Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ (1/141): “(or) semen came out (after washing it as a result of intercourse during which it did not ejaculate), without desire: it is not obligatory to do ghusl,(Or a remnant of my semen comes out for me to do ghusl for him, without desire: ghusl is not required); When Saeed narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he was asked about the ritual impurity, something comes out of him after washing? He said: He performs ablution. It was also mentioned by Imam Ahmad on the authority of Ali.

And because it is one semen, then one washing is required, as if it came out in one jet. and because it is outside without lust; More like a cold outside. And Ahmed's ills, he said, : because lust is past, but it is an event; I hope that ablution will suffice it.” End.

Q: What are the invalidators of ghusl?

Ghusl is not invalidated by what nullifies ablution, but it is invalidated by the occurrence of what necessitates it, such as sexual intercourse or the emission of semen, If there is a reason for washing during washing, then the washing is invalidated, and he must take a bath again, as well as if that happened after him. Among the invalidations of washing is also the refusal of the intention during or before washing.

The relevant scientific evidence

menstrual hygiene

Cleaning your vagina after your period is a very important step for maintaining feminine hygiene, but did you know that you might be washing your vagina the wrong way? Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your vagina after your period, to make sure it is fresh and healthy:

1. Once your period ends, make sure to clean your vagina right away, to get rid of any spotting or vaginal discharge. This will help you avoid any vaginal infections.

2. Using warm water and a washcloth, clean the front and back of your vagina, making sure you are pressing very gently there.

Clean around the bikini line, then move to either side of the clitoris and then work your way to the anal area. Doing so will ensure that no germs are transferred to the vaginal area. When finished, wash the towel well and pat dry

3- Avoid using any harsh soaps or shower gels to clean the vagina.

They can cause dryness, itching, and excessive vaginal discharge, as they cause an imbalance in the pH levels in the vagina, It is best to consult a gynecologist for the most appropriate body wash that you can use to clean your vagina.

4. If you have any vaginal itching after your period, try sitting in a bath with warm salt water. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add half a cup of salt, then squat down. A salt bath will help clean your vagina and relieve itching, after cleaning the vagina, whether with a washcloth or a salt bath, make sure to gently dry the intimate area well. A wet vagina can easily lead to infections, and it's best to avoid it!

After cleaning your vagina after your period ends, there are a few other things to keep in mind... Grooming your pubic hair regularly makes your vagina healthier, as this reduces the risk of yeast or bacteria growth. Wearing 100% cotton underwear helps, It helps keep the vagina fresh and healthy, as it is breathable, and helps eliminate any bad vaginal odor. Drink pomegranate, raspberry, or pineapple juice, as these fruits are good for your vagina.

Post-sex hygiene: What to do after sex to make sure you don't get infected

Post-sex hygiene, if not maintained, can lead to various complications for your sensitive reproductive organs and make you really sick. This is all you need to do after sex to stay healthy

wash your hands

It's the best way to get rid of bacteria you might pick up when you or your partner's genitals touch. This is key to preventing the spread of infection. Wash with soap and water and make it part of your post-sex cleaning routine.

Take care of any yeast infection

Partners can pass these back and forth during sex. (Yes, men get yeast infections, too.) So if you notice symptoms — itching, burning, or a thick white discharge from the vagina or penis — treat them before the next time you get engaged. Talk to your doctor if you think you may have one.

Clean and wash your genitals

Having sex doesn't mean turning off the light and going to sleep. Go to the bathroom and wash your genitals (not the inside), although you don't have to shower immediately after sex. Gently washing your genitals with water will help you avoid any kind of infection including a urinary tract infection (UTI) This applies to both men and women. You can try mild soaps, but it is wise not to use soaps if you have sensitive skin or if you already have an infection. Soap can dry out the area and cause irritation. Men who have a foreskin should gently pull it back and wash it underneath, experts suggest.

cleaning process should be simple

Cleaning up after sex should not include any type of lotion, wipes, creams, or sprays. While we usually assume these help rejuvenate your private parts, they can end up damaging the area. Some are made with harsh soaps, detergents, or shampoos, or perfumes or lotions that can chap your skin in and around your personal areas. Rinsing the area with warm water is the best solution. Try to stay away from scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays, especially if you have a tendency to catch infections quickly.

Go and pee after sex

It is important to urinate after sex as this reduces your chance of infection. Bacteria can enter the urethra at the time of sex. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of your body. The moment you urinate, these germs leave your body with your urine. Women should wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria

Purity musk

Evaluation of the anti-musc effect on eleven bacterial strains and three types of yeast.

cleaning process should be simple

Cleaning up after sex should not include any type of lotion, wipes, creams, or sprays. While we usually assume these help rejuvenate your private parts, they can end up damaging the area. Some are made with harsh soaps, detergents, or shampoos, or perfumes or lotions that can chap your skin in and around your personal areas. Rinsing the area with warm water is the best solution. Try to stay away from scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays, especially if you have a tendency to catch infections quickly.

Go and pee after sex

It is important to urinate after sex as this reduces your chance of infection. Bacteria can enter the urethra at the time of sex. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of your body. The moment you urinate, these germs leave your body with your urine. Women should wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria

The Purity musk

Evaluation of the anti-musc effect on eleven bacterial strains and three types of yeast.

This study investigates the antifungal effect of different musk concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% on some pathogenic microorganisms. 11 bacterial strains and 3 types of yeast were isolated and diagnosed. Strains of bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enteritis, Proteus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Aeromonas aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Bacillus anthracis, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The three species isolated from yeast are Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

The results indicated

Musk has inhibitory effects on the growth of the studied pathogenic microorganisms. The higher concentration of 100% Musk was less effective, possibly due to the fact that the higher concentration of Musk had a high viscosity and caused cracks in the medium which hindered its diffusion through the media. The results also showed that musk was more effective than antibiotics.

Note: The Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - commanded cleaning with water only, and then wiping the genitals of a woman after the menstrual cycle specifically with musk, which reduces the use of perfumes, creams, etc., which makes getting my infection easily after intercourse or after a woman’s menstrual cycle.

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