
Allah said
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَنْ يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا فَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَيَقُولُونَ مَاذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِهَذَا مَثَلًا يُضِلُّ بِهِ كَثِيرًا وَيَهْدِي بِهِ كَثِيرًا وَمَا يُضِلُّ بِهِ إِلَّا الْفَاسِقِينَ (26)
God is not ashamed to strike an example of a mosquito or more, but those who believe know, It is the truth from their Lord , and as for those who disbelieve, they say, What did God intend with this parable? He misleads many with it and guides many with it, and he misleads only the transgressors (26).
It was said: If you are not ashamed, do whatever you want. This is a very well-known saying, and its meaning is: There must be shyness in your life as a Muslim (shyness), and not, but is it shyness in knowledge? Or general shyness? This is not a matter of jurisprudence. It is only a prelude, because God says in the Qur’an that he is not shy, and he is not ashamed of a small, delicate thing - weak like a mosquito to mention it as an indication of the accuracy of his workmanship. Is God Almighty right in that? Or is it possible that the infidels scoff at such an example. We will not forget the words of Mrs. Aisha - may God be pleased with her and her satisfaction - where Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: Yes, women are the women of the Ansar, the best of women are the women of the Ansar. They were not prevented by modesty from being mutually agreeable in religion, In fact, God - with His transcendent power - is not ashamed to set an example for your ears with this simplicity, to the extent that He singled out an entire verse about an insect that people hate and hardly consider it as anything at all. And God Almighty - began with this small parable: the mosquito and what is higher and bigger than it, People are divided into two main groups in front of these eternal Qur’anic words: A group of believers who believe in the example without discussion because it came in the book of God, which he pledged to preserve. And another section: The infidels are astonished and surprised that God gives an example of such simplicity and superficiality? And you are an expert that the parable is to approximate the meaning only, and therefore people are guided by such an example and others are misled by it. why? Because he did not bother to think of such an example, and this is the main problem.
We benefit from the following verse
1- Do not be ashamed to seek knowledge in the midst of a group of scholars, and do not be ashamed to ask; Because the question is the key to science, and science is against ignorance.
2 - Do not underestimate anyone, their knowledge or their appearance, listen and discover / analyze and then judge others, preferably not judge anyone because your life, mental background and the circumstances in which you were raised are different from him.
3 - Do you own a well-made Swiss watch? Has it stopped working from the time you bought it until now? Or is it still working? Is it small or large? did you know that there are now watches printed under the skin and in a very small size? I mean that the perfect craftsmanship remains at your service for a lifetime, and you can say the well-known proverb (The expensive its price in it).
We will now begin to refute why God Almighty chose some animals rather than others as a model perhaps for the rest of the species. Choosing the lion, for example, is a model for all monsters, and the mosquito is a model for the precision of making in the smallest things. As for the bees and ants, you will know how value they are to the life you live. and all the people ...let's begin.
The mosquito
The basic mosquito anatomy
Like all insects, mosquitoes have three main body parts, which include the head, thorax, and abdomen.
mosquito head
Do mosquitoes have eyes? yes . The mosquito's head carries its sensory organs, including the brain, two compound eyes covered with tiny lenses called ommatidia, as well as light-sensitive eyes (ocelli) that detect differences in light. Mosquitoes also have two antennas that work in conjunction with their eyes to search for food.
Female mosquitoes extract blood
From humans and animals through a long, needle-like tube called a "proboscis". The hose contains six individual needles (covered with a protective sheath) and works somewhat like a Swiss army knife. These needles have sharp serrated edges for cutting through the skin. Two of the fine needles hold the other needles while cutting. Female mosquitoes use a needle to locate the blood vessels under the skin. This needle sucks blood, too. Another needle injects saliva and chemicals that stimulate blood flow to humans and animals. These chemicals create an itchy allergic reaction on the surface of the skin.
the chest
The thorax is the upper part of the mosquito's body, it has two scaly wings and six tender legs. Each leg has small claws to cling to surfaces. Mosquitoes use their large wings to search for food and mates, although most do not travel far from home, and live within a few hundred feet of their hatching place.
Mosquitoes have long and narrow stomachs to digest liquids. The abdomen contains the vents, which are small openings on either side of the abdomen that allow mosquitoes to draw air. If you study a mosquito while it is biting, you will see its transparent belly turning red as it is feeding. To make room for the blood, water is squeezed out from the back of the abdomen in the form of small droplets, creating more space.
How many eyes does a mosquito have?
Mosquitoes have two sets of eyes, ocular and ocular, which we have already discussed. The ommatidia gives this small flying insect a wide view of the world. The eye detects movement, which is why mosquitoes can fly away before you can crush them.
Do mosquitoes need blood to live?
Interestingly enough, mosquitoes do not need blood to survive. They get a lot of food from nectar and plant sugars. Only females drink blood, which they do to store protein to produce eggs. During her lifetime, a female mosquito may create hundreds of eggs - which means she will need a lot of blood protein.
How does mosquitoes find you?
Mosquitoes are equipped with sophisticated sensors on their heads that detect human and animal breath, as well as body temperature and sweat. These "superpowers" of mosquitoes make it impossible for humans and animals to hide from them. We basically have invisible biological "bulls" on our bodies.
These pests have meal preferences. The smell of your sweat will determine whether you are a target or not. Some people produce more lactic acid than others, which is what mosquitoes are attracted to. Also, mosquitoes tend to choose blood type O whenever possible (as opposed to types A and B).
Consumption of alcohol and physical activity (which produces more sweat) can also make you more attractive to mosquitoes. These flying insects are also attracted to dark clothing.
Does mosquitoes have members?
Yes, mosquitoes have organs, including organs that help them digest their food, as well as organs (in females) for storing eggs.
Now: Do you know why God is not ashamed of His creation - Glory be to Him - you How is the news of your local or international handcraft, God willing - is it like Swiss watches or Chinese watches of level 3?
A final glimpse, dear reader: Whoever mastered his craft and it came out from under his hand uncompromised: one of two things: (he is proud of it - or is not ashamed if he mentions it in front of people). Do you understand what it means that he is not ashamed to mention the example of a mosquito, just a mosquito? You have to master your profession, and after a while you will show off or at least not be ashamed to mention it name in front of people.
Today, scientists have created a genetically modified mosquito that eliminates malaria - under experiment - it has proven its efficiency in the laboratory and is still in the process of experiment. Remember that this dangerous scientific event in the late twenty-first century, how many trials and errors occurred to produce this mosquito, how many years did it take: Really and honestly ((May God sanctify the best of creators)
The bees
قال تعالي
﴿ وَأَوْحَى رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحْلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذِي مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ وَمِمَّا يَعْرِشُونَ ثم كُلِي مِن كُلِّ الثَّمَرَاتِ فَاسْلُكِي سُبُلَ رَبِّكِ ذُلُلاً يَخْرُجُ مِن بُطُونِهَا شَرَابٌ مُّخْتَلِفٌ أَلْوَانُهُ فِيهِ شِفَاء لِلنَّاسِ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ.
And he Invisibly informing, your Lord, to the bees, to make houses from the mountains and from the trees and from what they place, then eat of all the fruits, so, follow the paths of your Lord, which are easy there comes out of their bellies a drink of different colors in which there is a cure for people. Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who think.
The noble verse is understandable, but it has many indications, including:
1 - Your Lord revealed to the bees: We understand from them that God - the Most High - speaks to the bees, since the revelation means: invisibly informing, and we can call it instinct here.
3 - Bees now in many countries of the world, such as England and Israel, have organizations to protect them from extinction - and they may have been used for environmental and other purposes for biological diversity because they pollinate 120,000 species of plants.
4 - In the verse there is a gesture: (it comes out of its bellies) Who is expelled: God Almighty, why all this attention to an insect? He reveals to her a secret and he himself brings out the best in it: Kindly: Do not underestimate anyone: what you underestimate may be appreciated by others, and in the past they said: He places his secret in his weakest.
5- Also: the idea that if you do the work that God Almighty makes easy for you (every facilitator is for what he was created for) know with certainty that God and Himself will bring out the best from you, you have to strive, give and sacrifice, and soon your production will come from all the fruits.
6 - There is healing for people, this is well known about bees. As for you, will it be a cure, a pain reliever, and a disinfectant for the lives of those around you? Do what you have to do and not only the results. Know that the diversity of the work of the bees and their credibility in their mastery of their work and their dedication to death for their work, suggests that if you did, you would have achieved .
7 - Of course, this is the tip of the iceberg of the story of an insect, but it is not for the unaware, but for people who think . and God is superior and knows best .
Facts about honey bees
(Mostly from Texas A&M University's Honeybee Information Site)
Did you know this...
Bees have 5 eyes
Bees are insects that have 6 legs
Male bees in the hive are called drones
Bees fly about 20 miles per hour
The female bees in the hive (except for the queen) are called worker bees
The number of eggs laid by the queen: 2000 eggs per day is the highest
Losing her to aid her will lead to the death of a bee
Bees have been here about 30 million years!
Bees carry pollen on their hind legs in the pollen basket or in the curpicula
An average beehive can contain about 50,000 bees
Foragers must collect nectar from about two million flowers to make one pound of honey
Average feed yield is about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime
The average per capita consumption of honey in the United States is 1.3 pounds
Bees have two pairs of wings
The main form of communication between honeybees is through chemicals called pheromones
Bees are important because they pollinate approximately 130 agricultural crops in the United States including fruit, fibre, nut and vegetable crops. Bee pollination adds nearly $14 billion annually to improve crop yield and quality.
Are honeybees one word or two words?
Many people note that dictionaries list "honeybee" as one word. However, entomologists use the two-word naming convention "honeybee". Both are correct!
The Ants
The Ants and (Scientific Miracles)
The ant anatomy
Imagine you are the size of an ant. Be careful - a face-to-face encounter with an ant will be scary and even life-threatening! But, if you avoid eating, you can learn a lot about ant anatomy from an up-close perspective, Ants have many body parts that are usually difficult to see without a magnifying glass or microscope. Each structure has its own function. whenever you come across an ant on the ground, it is always a worker ant. Workers are adult females who do not reproduce but perform all other functions needed to keep the ant colony alive and healthy, In case you were wondering, there are no male workers in ant colonies. What do these worker ants look like? Let's take a closer look.
Anatomy of a working ant
All ants may look alike to you, but if you look closely at workers of different types of ants, you may see some differences. We have indicated a few of them with an asterisk (*). Think you know all these parts? Try our ant anatomy activity.
What's inside the ant?
The second part of the ant's body, the mesentery, is full of muscles that occupy its three pairs of legs. Legs are designed for running - ants can run very fast for their size. At the end of each leg is a hook claw used for climbing and clinging to objects, the gastre contains an ant's heart, digestive system, and chemical weapons. Some ants have a sting that is used to inject venom to enemies. Others have a small opening at the tip of their cliff through which they sprinkle acid to stun prey or defend themselves. Between mesothelioma and colic, There are peduncles (and in some ants, post-petioles). It is this part of the body that distinguishes ants from other insects. The stalk (and post-stalk, when present) provides a flexible junction, allowing the ant to bend its serration forward to sting or spray. Finally, the entire body of the ant is covered with a rigid exoskeleton that provides support, protection, and a barrier against water loss.
Young and old workers
Worker ants perform all kinds of jobs for their colony. In most species, nearly all workers are of the same size. However, some ants have different sizes of workers that perform different roles. Young workers are smaller and perform general work such as looking after the young, building and cleaning the nest, and gathering food. Key workers are larger and specialized to perform certain tasks. For example, large workers called soldiers have large heads and powerful lower jaws that are used to guard and defend the colony.
Anatomy of an ant queen
The queen ant spends most of its life inside the nest laying eggs, but you may see one outside during the mating season. Queens own most of the female workers' body parts. However, queens are usually much larger than workers. The queen's large plate contains her reproductive system. Queens also start with wings, but these wings disintegrate after mating. It takes more muscle in the mesothelioma to stimulate the fly
Anatomy of a male ant
The only time you come across a male ant is during mating, because it dies shortly thereafter. Like queens, males have flight mesothelioma wings. But males are usually not the size of queens and have smaller heads, larger eyes, and straighter antennae, the only time you come across a male ant is during mating, because it dies shortly thereafter. Like queens, males have flight mesothelioma wings. But males are usually not the size of queens and have smaller heads, larger eyes, and straighter antennae
The social lifestyle of ants is a major reason for their success. How much can an ant carry and how many ants live on the ground? The study is over, and see what we can benefit from it on the Qur’anic format
1 - Look at the accuracy of the Qur’anic pronunciation (ant in Arbic language نملة), which is a singular female, isn’t it, and they are female workers (female, not male), which is a heavenly scientific precedent.
2 - The first person to use chemical weapons on the face of the earth is an ant, which is God's creation - the Most High - you are just imitating nature.
3 - Ants are social, cooperative creatures that love their colony and are fierce defenders of their species
4- The ant (the female) is preferred over the male, and she is the one who suffers and works, and the role of the male is only to fertilize and then die, as if in today’s expression (single mother)
5 - Although she is not appointed by the male, but she is a very active worker and works back and forth, how many women are preferred to men by their work and activity without tiring or boredom, but with perseverance and patience.
Allah says
:{ وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيْمَانَ جُنُودُهُ مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنْسِ وَالطَّيْرِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ (17) حَتَّى إِذَا أَتَوْا عَلَى وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ (18) فَتَبَسَّمَ ضَاحِكاً مِنْ قَوْلِهَا وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحاً تَرْضَاهُ وَأَدْخِلْنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِينَ } [النمل: 17-19].
God Almighty said: {And cramped for Solomon were his hosts of jinn, men, and birds, So they distribute (17) until, when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said, “O ants, enter your dwellings, so that Solomon and his soldiers do not destroy you while they do not feel(18) He smiled, laughing at what she said, and said, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for the blessing that You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and do righteous deeds that you are pleased with, and enter me, by Your mercy, into the ranks of Your righteous servants} [An-Naml: 17-19].
What is smash
(Al-hatm): the broken is for a solid thing. (And debris) is what breaks from the dry.
It came: (dwellings) in the plural form
To suggest that she was not limited to one art in the architecture of her homes, but there are other types of homes in different places of the environment, It builds dwellings above the ground like the one below it, and takes old trees as houses, just as people take homes from mountains. And whoever contemplates the making of the ancient Egyptians in the underground catacombs, the caves, the hollows, and the pyramids they built above them, We do not know who taught the other, but we are certain that the ants were guided to him by the nature that God created him with, without education or school, for they existed before man by millions of years. expression (dwelling) It is inspired by comfort, tranquility, safety, stability, tranquility and dignity, after earnestly throughout the day, and this can only be achieved if the dwelling contains all the elements of life with a precise system that is regulated with the approach of common sense, an important warning: In this context, {enter your dwellings} a warning on an important matter, which is that whoever is walking on the road does not have to beware, but whoever is on the road is required to beware,
{ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ }
Al-Hastam: This expression stopped me a lot in his contemplation. What does shattering mean? Is it shattering souls or shattering bodies, or both? Why this particular word?
From a scientific point of view
This particular expression has a deep scientific meaning, and no one else is useful in this place. We know, for example, that the skeleton of a human being is his bones, and they are inside the body, and when one or more bones are broken, the whole body is not destroyed, rather it is possible for this fracture to be forced, This is the complete opposite of what is in the ant. Its skeleton is what surrounds it from the outside of its body. The ant is an insect, and it is like other arthropod animals (7). Its bodies are covered with a chitinous structure (ice), and the most important functions of this structure is to protect the internal organs and tissues from drying out and mechanical damage, Muscles are also attached to it and are based on it, and their growth is affected by it, and it adapts to its properties and behavior. This structure not only covers the body of the insect from the outside and protects it, but also lines the gaps that originally consist of the ectoderm (8), such as the oral cavity and the front part of the alimentary canal, As well as the posterior part of it, the bronchioles, the posterior accessory genital ducts, and the various glands that open on the surface of the body...etc.
Without interfering with the details of the structures of this structure and its natural and chemical properties - which may be lengthy and boring by non-specialists, this simple introduction is sufficient, through which it becomes clear to us that damage to this structure, such as trampling under the feet for example, results in crushing and smashing of this insect, when any part of the structure is broken The contents of the body bleed out, and then dehydrated, and his life ended... The fracture here is not subject to reparation, but it leads to the complete destruction of the insect and its death... Therefore, this word itself is what carries with it this precise scientific meaning of the structures of the body of the insect, which is the ant.
We benefit from the following two previous studies
1 - That ants are one of God’s creatures - the Almighty - and it is not the biggest thing in life. They are just ants, not dinosaurs, for example. Do not underestimate your role in life, for perhaps you are useful to your race like ants.
2 - God Almighty singles out an entire surah for an insect, which is not the first insect in the Qur’an that God speaks about. Does the Lord of Muslims care about biological diversity, as he spoke about some animals, some birds, some plants (figs) and others, so is this a sign of interest or is it just a coincidence?
3 - Why is there a sacred book for illiterate people (at the beginning of Islam) that speaks in a scientific dialect and that millions of Muslims memorized it in the first three centuries, and they do not understand that they carry in their heads scientific facts that they will die knowing nothing about? Answer: The Qur’an is a book for every time and place.
4 - The name of the surah indicates the axis around which it revolves, does it not? And the axis of the surah here revolves around (the ants), and only the axis did not talk about beliefs or belief in the Last Day, but rather focused on (work). Yes, knowledge and action, the knowledge of Solomon - peace be upon him - and the work of ants. The question here: Is the work of the ant religious or worldly? Worldly, of course, then God Almighty in the center of this surah tells you to work, work, work, even if your work is small, it will not be smaller than the work of an ant that makes a difference in the lives of its kind.
5 - The ant queen is true that she does not leave the cell, perhaps throughout her life, but she has a role in life.
The Spider
The spider in the Qur’an and the social miracle
Allah says
(مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاءَ كَمَثَلِ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا ۖ) العنكبوت: 4
Information about the spider home from the inside (socially)
1 - The spider is a female small animal belonging to the family of arachnids, and the male is called a spider
2- It is the female who builds the house, not the male, and the male who calls the spider has nothing to do with that.
3 - The house is woven from silk threads, relying on three axes under its stomach connected to small glands that secrete the substance of which these strings are made, and these are all components that the male does not possess! The spider's thread is the saliva that comes out of the mouth and freezes in the air.
5- After the mating stage is completed, the female kills the male and eats it after the completion of the fertilization process, and this assassination occurs among most types of spiders, especially the spider known as the black widow.
6 - On the other hand, some species of male spiders are left to live after the pollination process, but not for long; She keeps it for her children to kill and feed on after they leave the eggs.
7- On the other hand, there are types of spiders that the mother feeds her young, and if their legs become strong,they kill her and eats her.
8 - The spider family is distinguished by the individual life of each individual in it, with the exception of the moments of mating and the times of egg hatching.
The battle of survival between the spider family
The female of some spiders destroys the male, and devours him as soon as the fertilization process is completed, because it is larger and more ferocious than it, while other species deliberately devour their young, without the slightest mercy. In other cases, the spider dies after completing the fertilization of its eggs, which it usually incubates in a silk bag, When the young come into existence, they find themselves in a harsh place, where individuals jostle inside the egg sack, the siblings begin to fight for food and a fierce battle ends with the death of the weak, while the strong. The victors are scattered in the surrounding environment; Where females begin to build their homes while males prepare for fertilization, to begin a new cycle of ferocity devoid of the slightest bonds of mercy, affection and kinship
Information about cobwebs
The spider web that we see with our naked eyes is nothing but a group of threads that twist together, and the individual spider thread is amazingly thin, with an average thickness of one millionth of a square inch. One Glory be to God! Despite its infinite refinement, spider web is one of the toughest natural fibers ever, the strongest biological material known to man to date, with a strength of 300,000 pounds per square inch, spider web stretches five times its length before breaking, so the pressure exceeds the endurance of the spider's thread The strength of steel, which is why spider thread is called biological or bio-steel. What's more, spider thread is twenty times stronger than ordinary metallic steel thread, and a spider-web-like substance called kavlar has been produced, used to make body armor and bulletproof shirts. Alternatively, if you are going to make a rope of cobwebs as thick as your thumb, you can easily and uninterruptly carry a "bulky" plane with it. Despite this superstitious power, the Qur'an confirms the fact that cobwebs are among the weakest of houses.
After scientists pondered these amazing scientific facts about the anatomy and functions of the spider, they understood that the talk is not on physiological or functional strength, but on social life inside the spider's home already mentioned above.
So from the previous context, what do you imagine the characteristics of the spider family to be? Here are some of them:
1 - A materialistic, practical wife who does not enter into emotional calculations, she only wants to marry and have children, and after that she does not need a husband, she only wants to prove her reproductive competence.
2- The husband is weak-tempered, who cannot do something for her like this arrogant one, and is waiting for his death at her hands in peace.
3 - Sons are poisoned by bad words about their father, until it occurs to them that this speech is a reason to kill him, even if it is social.
4- The individual life of each member of the spider family, the wife is single, and in some species of spider called the black widow, the defeated husband waiting for his moral or material death, from the wife or from the children without trying to defend himself in any way, the children kill the father, And if they are crowded in silk threads, they will fight savagely among themselves for food, and the strong kills the weak in it.
In the end: You and I are the nucleus of families in society, and the spider family is one of the families in society that we may have seen around us or just heard about in the crime newspaper, but God from above seven heavens alerts us to the existence of such a family in every possible society that you see. Those in charge of reforming societies should pay attention to the causes of the spider family, what are the factors that cause this type of marriage, and what is the solution from their point of view before starting such a family from the ground up?
The effect of an invalid family on ourselves as individuals
However, poor relationship quality, extensive care giving to family members, and marital dissolution are all stressors that can negatively affect an individual's well-being. Moreover, family relationships also change over the course of life, with different levels of emotional support and closeness being shared, to care for us when needed, adding varying levels of stress to our lives, and needing to provide care at different stages of the life path. The potential risks and rewards of these relationships have a cumulative effect on health and well-being over the course of life. In addition, structural constraints and disadvantages place more pressure on some families than others based on structural location such as gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, resulting in more deprivation and the transmission of inequality between generations.
In The end
why all we mentioned above? that's for to know that the God who's the first who talk about the animals not for entertainment or fun Information which we inform kids with, but for you and me to has wisdom, to learn from any thing around us even it's an insect, and this is the right of Animals to know what's the role of it which create for from the ground up.