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The wild Animals

Almighty said

وَالْخَيْلَ وَالْبِغَالَ وَالْحَمِيرَ لِتَرْكَبُوهَا وَزِينَةً ۚ وَيَخْلُقُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ (8)

And horses, and mules and donkeys, that you may ride on them for adornment, and He creates what you do not know (8)

About riding wild animals, God Almighty began with the most honorable and then the least honorable among the animals. The kingdom of animals has the honorable, the humble, and so on, and they have morals like people and more. A lion, for example, does not eat the rest of yesterday, and an elephant on the contrary flatters to eat, These types of animals (horses - mules - donkeys) are for riding, so why did God Almighty not mention camels in this verse even though they are among the animals that ride, logic says that camels are only exploited in the desert, but these three animals are possible.

And from the horse’s ribat... (The ribat of horses: the fifty and above) Or is the ribat: the place where the horses are tied, Now: God - the Most High - sends the Qur’an not only to the Messenger and the believers at the time of the revelation of the message, but the Qur’an exists until the Day of Resurrection - so what about God Almighty telling us about the use of horses in wars and now they are using chemical, epidemiological, missile wars and other innovations. Here is the paragraph from the link below to use some horses in the armies so far:

Why the military still uses horses, and how both still play an important role for ceremonial purposes and in actual combat. Army special forces use horses to train their operators how to care for livestock and herd animals. More recently, caissons have been used to treat soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress (PTS) and traumatic injuries. Most notably the use of horses in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when special operations soldiers took them to fight with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban. This was the first time since 1942 that horses were used in combat, And do not forget that God creates what they do not know: perhaps animals that we did not know about until now. Insects, for example, contain millions of species whose names scientists have not determined yet due to their large number and types.

On the authority of Jaber bin Abdullah

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Horses are tied up in goodness and victory until the Day of Resurrection, and their people will helped because of them, so wipe her forelocks and pray forits blessings, Qaldoha“what is placed on the neck of the ornaments” and do not tqled the strings: the two strings: they are like two rings in the ears of a horse.

We benefit from the noble hadith

It is the front of the head. God Almighty says about some people or most of the people except for an exception (lying is the front of the head), meaning the decisions that result in error and lying. It has been established in this area of the brain, and this is what modern science has proven. His head is tied with goodness, sometimes an animal is better than a human, so the horse doesn't lying or make bad desigion in his pre- front cortex, The Prophet divides the horse into three sections? Because its owner raises him to fight in the way of God, this horse (its feed - its dung - its urine and so on) is rewarded for its owner by God - the Most High - horses are not honored in any of the religions as they were honored in Islam and this is evidence of its honor, and the evidence for that is mentioned in The Holy Quran in more than one place.

The Camels

Allah said

أفَلَا يَنظُرُونَ إِلَى ٱلۡإِبِلِ كَيۡفَ خُلِقَتۡ (17)

So they do not look at the camels, how they were-created.(17)

Before we go into the narrative of how camels were created? did you ever go out in the desert and saw the behavior of the camels, or you one of the owners of camels and you benefit from them more than any animals else?

What are the characteristics of camels?
the ear

The first thing that catches the eye about camels is the outward appearance where the camel's ears are.

To bend backward and stick to the head if sandstorms blow

The eye

Just as the hair also covers it from all sides, and thus it can protect its eyes and prevent sand from entering it.

camel lips

The camel's upper and lower lips in particular help to pick up spiny plants in a very easy way

Camel Lists (legs)

It is long enough to lift his body from much of the dust that erupts under it, and it also helps him to widen his steps

And his agility, as he was nicknamed “the ship of the desert” because he could walk over the softest sand, and this is what makes it difficult for him

any beast.

camel tail

He also carries on his sides hair that protects the back parts of the grains of sand stirred up by the wind, as well as the particles of sand that the wind carries to his lungs.

The neck

Long so that it can eat its food from the plant of the earth, and in order to be able to gnaw the leaves of high trees, as the camel's stomach is also four-sided and its digestive system is strong so that it can digest anything besides food.

The camel production of water

Where the camel produces water, which helps it withstand hunger and thirst, from the fats found in

Hump ​​it chemically. Scientists and researchers found that this wondrous animal has the ability to reabsorb water from

Intestines and kidneys back to the body to benefit from it.

camel milk

Camel milk contains on average 3.1% protein, 4.4% lactose sugar, 0.79% minerals, and the total percentage is

The solids in it are 11.9% on average, and the camel is milked for a full year on average twice a day.

Camel milk has many benefits from it:

It has therapeutic benefits and a role in autoimmune diseases

and metabolic disorders

and hepatitis

Diarrhea caused by rotavirus

and the basket

and cancer

and diabetes

and cirrhosis of the liver

and the rickets

and autism

and Crohn's disease

Camel milk is also a good source of protein, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin C, and niacin.

heat tolerance

The camel's hump is considered a storehouse of energy, and its presence on the back ensures that the camel adapts to the heat. And the camel is the animal

The only one who lives about two whole weeks without water or food in an environment of 50 degrees Celsius. Where

The camel also has the advantage that it only excretes a small amount of sweat when absolutely necessary thanks to the ability of its body to adapt to living in desert conditions.

endure thirst

The camel's resistance to thirst is one of the most important characteristics of camel physiology

The water system works from drinking water through its use to the end of the excretory process. where he can live

Without water for several weeks, but in the hot season and with a meal of dry food, drinking is necessary once every


The blood characteristics of camels

The amount of blood in a camel (volume 93) millimeters / kg of live weight and this figure is much more than what is

In the rest of the animals, the shape of the red blood cells in the camel is characterized by being oval in shape and its size is subject to change

Depending on the condition of the quenching, it is characterized by its enormous hardness that resists explosion.

Tolerant of malnutrition

The desert environment is characterized by weak food sources and poor seasonal and annual diversity, and this means that the middle

The desert is not only hot and dry, but the camel has techniques to cope with every shortage of ingredients of basic food.

Allah says

وَلَا يَدْخُلُونَالْجَنَّةَ حَتَّىٰ يَلِجَ الْجَمَلُ فِي سَمِّ الْخِيَاطِ ﴿٤٠ الأعراف﴾

Andthey will not enter Paradise until the camel goes through a sewing needle

(Al-A`raf 40).

God - the Most High - explains to us the condition of the infidels inHim - Glory be to Him - in a unique example, where He says that they will not

enter Paradise unless a camel of huge size enters the hole of a sewn needle,

and this is mentally unacceptable, isn't it? Unfortunately, it is

scientifically possible, What do you know, dear reader, about the end of the

universe, that is, how the universe ends? I hear you say with a big explosion

as it started or other reasons I don't care about that, unfortunately if you

say that you don't know much about physics, because the end of the universe is

with a lack of mass, not with an explosion or something else.

Scientist/Stephen Hawking warns us that the planet we live in is unstable Dr. Joseph Lichin, physicist at the University of Chicago may collapse if you use all the rules of physics we know now and according to pure physics calculations, the universe is unstable

Dr. Benjamin Alank, a physicist at the University of Cambridge, explains in detail

When he talks about a particular particle in the universe called Hegzbuzen, it is 127 gigaelectrons, but the universe is in a stable state. The problem is that the Higgsbuss particle observed by the hadron collider is about 126 gigatons (volts), which puts physicists in a very nervous state because they must be 127 gigaelectrons, according to researcher / Stephen Hawking - Joseph Likin - Benjamin Alank, the probability of the collapse of the universe and everything inside it and that all of us and things around us would be massless

The Cattle

Allah said

وَالْأَنْعَامَ خَلَقَهَا ۗ لَكُمْ فِيهَا دِفْءٌ وَمَنَافِعُ وَمِنْهَا تَأْكُلُونَ (5)

And the cattle He created them, for you therein are warmth and benefits, and from them you eat (5)

The Mawla - Blessed and Exalted be He - tells us that the cattle (cattle) God Almighty created them for specific reasons (from their wool “warm” their meat, while the benefits are “never countable”) such as:

1- It has a role in biodiversity, which in turn is a factor in combating global warming "such as the spread of plants."

2 - Ornamentation and beauty The overall picture of animals for a person who owns a farm.

3 - Some animals are now talking (marked) such as primates from mammals, they may have used them in scientific experiments or maybe they will be used in the future in armies such as chimpanzees.

5- Some pets (cat - dog - even horse) now have a role in caring for patients and even curbing the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.

6 - The farmer uses different types of animals in agriculture, plowing and plant preservation.

Allah said

وَالْخَيْلَ وَالْبِغَالَ وَالْحَمِيرَ لِتَرْكَبُوهَا وَزِينَةً ۚوَيَخْلُقُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ (

And horses, and mules and donkeys,that you may ride on them for adornment, and He creates what you do not know


The noble verse is clear that God Almighty differentiates between mules and donkeys, I did not know the

difference between them until I read the facts about each of them on my own,

except that God Almighty proves in the following verse:

1- He made a group of three animals (horses - mules - donkeys) as if they had a

relationship and it is true, but God Almighty - proved that 1440 years ago. You

will read that shortly.

2 - The main purpose of its creation:riding and adornment. We may understand the ride, but the adornment is somewhat

strange, but if you know that the American army used mules in the war in

Afghanistan because they are more hoofed than donkeys and can move in harsh

soil conditions in an easy way (to transport weapons and belongings). ) Perhaps

you will understand that armies do not use their blood except for what benefits

them. So you know that God did not create anything that has no benefit.

3 - It creates what you don't know. Ihear you say the elevator, yes the elevator, the cars, and even the spacecraft,

and also the very sturdy elevators made of carbon nanotubes with which it rises

into space. Below you will find a link that talks about this - if you are

interested -

4 - You will learn shortly that themule is a hybrid between a donkey and a horse, to know that it has stronger

qualities than the two, so it is easier to serve you, and has special

intelligence when it is exposed to risks, and we do not respect God's creation,

and whoever is blunt in school we say to him you are like a donkey, please do

not insult anyone After today he's like an ass.

I'm so sorry, I cut the rest of thedetails for the main purpose of this file, so If you interested to know more

about this Animals, please check my category here in his site about Animals

mentioned in Qur'an but In Arabic.

The Elephants

Allah said

أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ

Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the elephant, did He not make their plot mislead?

The Almighty, Blessed and Exalted be He, tells us about the owners of the elephant that he himself made their plot against the Kaaba with no benefit behind it, and they lost in the battle a clear loss. Elephant owners? , We are not here to talk about the incident of the elephant and the year of the elephant in which the master of humanity, Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was born - but we are about to know who the owners of the elephant are? The Companions of the Elephant: They are the army of Abraha Al-Ashram, who was the head of the police forces at the time with a king .... and ordered him to demolish the Kaaba so that people could go to the church that he made. Here are several stops:

1 - The Companions of the Elephant: They are the Abraha Army.

2 - God Almighty - did not attribute the elephant to the army, but attributed the whole army to the elephant (the owners of the elephant).

3 - The truth is that the elephant took the lead role in the story, as it is one of the pools on the earth and categorically refused to follow the orders and instructions of war (Elephant learned).

4 - A reference from the Lord of the worlds to the fact that every animal mentioned in the Qur’an is concerned with it. It was not created in vain in order for children to watch it in the zoo, for example. Rather, it has a pivotal role in which the whole army revolves around it.

5 - Also an indication that the armies yesterday used animals, and you are an expert. If you want to know what is coming, look at what has passed, things are the same, so the armies now use animals again, such as trained dogs and even some whales and other marked animals. Trained military training.

Final word

Allah if he - the most high - mentioned some Animals which he created, he didn't waste time - if he speak is correct - Allah knows that the Animals like wild animals has an important role in our lives not from benefit from them, no no, but also we observe some qualities in their characters even we don't feel, Animals has roles for mental health and others, in fact we need the Animals more than the need us .

Thanks God, for you mention some Animals which we can't calculate their benefits to the humanity.


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