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The life of the Prophet (his youth)

The prophet in his youth- peace be uopn him-

After the incident of the twelfth year of his honorable life when he traveled to the Levant, the monk (Al-Buhaira) was warning his uncle Abu Talib against him. We have not heard the news of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the narrators, Until he was in his twenties. And this is a small journey that we will spend on his virtues - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - in the period that the narrators talked about, and we do not know a specific age for each of them.

In the Hadith Qudsi

(Indeed, God marvels at a young man who has no sabwah: tendency to fun)

sabwah: amusement and fun

The meaning of this hadith

 is that the young man who does not enjoy himself and goes to places of entertainment and pleasure is a stranger to the rest of the youth and what God Almighty cannot do in life.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, talks about the manifestations that God preserved for him before prophethood and when he was young, of youthful tendencies and motives. He says, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him:

(I did not care about ugly things that the people of the Jahiliyyah were concerned about)

Except twice from eternity, both of them will protect me from them. I said one night to a young man from Quraysh who was with me at the top of Makkah with the sheep of his family tending them: Look at my sheep until they are night talking or making fun, This night in Makkah as the boys were going out to making fun, he said: Yes, so I went out and came to the lowest house of Makkah, I heard singing and the beating of tambourines and psalms, and I said: What is this? They said: So-and-so married So-and-so, to a man from Quraysh who married a woman from Quraysh So I fascinated with that singing and that sound until my eyes overcame me, and nothing but the heat of the sun woke me up, so I came back and said: What did you do? Then I told him the same thing another night, and he did, so I went out, and I heard the same thing, I was told the same as I was told, so I was distracted by what I heard until my eyes overcame me, What woke me up was the touch of the sun, then I went back to my friend and he said: What did you do? I said: I have not done anything. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: By God, after that, I did not care about the evil of what the people of the pre-Islamic era did, until God honored me with his prophethood.” Narrated by Ibn Hibban.

God Almighty protect His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in his youth from permissible entertainment, and this does not mean that some entertainment is forbidden, but because God has chosen some of His servants for a specific performance. A task such as (His message is Heaven) must be the chosen one, chosen from all that is wrong with him, so he is not known among young people for his amusement like them.

His nakedness did not appear during ignorance or Islam

On the authority of Jaber bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, he said: (When the Kaaba was built, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and al-Abbas went to move stones, so al-Abbas said to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Put your Ezar on your neck. He said: Put your Ezar on your neck, He fell to the ground, and his eyes looked up to the sky, so he said: Show me my Ezar, and tighten it upon him.

Ezar: clothing that surrounds the lower part of the body.

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would not eat what was sacrificed to idols

On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both: (The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He met Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail at the bottom of Baldah (a valley on the way to Al-Tanaim to Mecca) before the revelation was revealed to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I presented to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, a table (food), but he refused to eat from it, then Zaid said: I do not eat of what you slaughter on your Idols, and I do not eat anything except what the name of God was mentioned on it, and that Zaid bin Amr was blaming the Quraish for their sacrifices and saying: The sheep is created by God and He sends down water for it from the sky and grows for it from the earth, then you slaughter it in other than the name of God - in denial of that and out of honor for Him.) Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

The story of the Black Stone when the Messenger of God became thirty-five years old

When the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was thirty-five years old - five years before his mission - the Quraysh gathered to renovate the building of the Kaaba due to the cracking of its walls, and it was still as Ibrahim, peace be upon him, built it with rams (stones) above the stature, and the work in building the Kaaba was divided among the tribes, and each of them took over one side of the Kaaba, they began to build it with stones from the valley, and when the building reached the place of the Black Stone, a discord broke out between the tribes of Quraysh, everyone wanted to have the honor of raising the Black Stone to its place, and they almost fought among themselves, until Abu Umayyah ibn al-Mughirah al-Makhzumi came and suggested to them that they arbitrate in what they differed about, the first to enter them through the gate of the Sacred Mosque, So they agreed to his proposal and waited for the first to come, so if he was the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and as soon as they saw him they shouted: This is the trustworthy, we are satisfied, this is Muhammad, And as soon as he reached them, they told him the news, and he said: “Give me a dress.” They brought it to him, and he placed a stone in the middle of it, then said: (Let each tribe take one side of the garment, then raise it all together) So they did, and when they reached its place, he took it with his honorable hand and put it in its place. This is indicate to sanity and wisdom when he was a young man before the message (when the Quraysh notables differed).

In response to the story

how old are you? Have you been called by a nickname that you became famous among your group, or among your relatives, or among your acquaintances, or among your tribe if you were one of the owners of the tribes? It's hard to call you a nickname, and if it calls you it usually is!!!! Your reputation for something is your history that you make yourself, and the Messenger of God put it in the biography - So to speak - and because of that he will fulfill God's message after a short period of time making him worthy of this position. The Almighty said (And whoever is given wisdom, he has been given much good) You do not see only good, but a lot of good. Like this, a civil war may erupt, and it used to happen to them for trivial reasons, and it is possible that the best young men of Quraysh may die. His wisdom - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was a gift, To think about this trick agreed upon by the sheikhs and youth of Quraish, which indicates his wisdom and flexibility in dealing with difficult situations and difficult personalities, It is no secret to anyone that the time of disagreement does. You only show a person the most difficult thing about him.

The Messenger and the care of sheep

All these questions are confirmed by another hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: “God did not send a prophet but shepherds the sheep. And his companions said: And you? He said: Yes. I used to take care of it on Carats for the people of Mecca.”

The Messenger of God witnessed - Alliance Al-Fudoul -

A man from the Yemeni tribe of "Zubaid" came to Mecca in the pre-Islamic period with goods he wanted to sell, so Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Sahmi (father of Amr bin Al-Aas) bought it from him, But he refused to give him the price. And when Al-Zubaydi despaired of obtaining his right, he climbed the mountain of Abu Qubais in Mecca - and the Quraysh in their clubs around the Kaaba - and sang verses of poetry in which he presents his grievance, he pleads with Quraish to return his right to him, so Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim, uncle of the Prophet, heard his distress, He said: "What has this left?" Five of the tribes of Quraish gathered in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan al-Taymi: Banu Hashim, Banu al-Muttalib, Banu Asad, Banu Zahra, and Banu Taym, and they made an alliance in Dhul-Qa’dah, (which is a forbidden month), on the condition that they would do justice to any oppressed in Mecca, stranger or relative, free or slave, and to be one hand on those who wronged him. Then they went to Al-Aas bin Wael and obliged him to return to the man his right, I submit to their judgment. and they stayed like that, and no one was wronged in Makkah but they did justice to him and returned his right to him.

We benefit from the previous story thus

Three tribes (Hashem, Zahraa and Taym) return the money of one man and take his right from (the seller of Al-Aas bin Wael), I imagine that three tribes, with all their men, They swear an oath on a rich man from and among the richest of them (Al-Aas bin Wael) These are authentic Arab morals (he stands by the oppressed until he regains his right) and the question here is where did the pride go from among our ribs, did it go away forever, or are the events enormous for Arabs and Muslims now, missing them from their glorious history? (Al-Aas bin Wael Hassan embraced Islam after that - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction) - Three tribes (Hashem, Zahra and Taym) return the money of one man and take his right from (the seller) Al-Aas bin Wael Mushrik was an idolater and he was one of the rich people in Quraysh at that time, and it seems that he was also dishonest, We ask here: Why do some rich people want to increase their wealth through taboos and injustice to people, is this intelligence or what?

The works he worked in - peace be uopn him-

The first job ( herding sheep )

The Messenger of God (before the mission) herding the sheep, so we can benefit from this story

m complaining of the Messenger of God from poverty. Rather, he did things that degrade many young people today, and he was a beautiful young man - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and the beauty of his character makes the young man arrogant, He does not like anyone who sees him in something that he underestimates. The shepherd teaches patience and teaches meditation, at sunset: he has an enchanting beauty with sunset desert, soft sand and calm, He also knows how to deal with different personalities, not all sheep have one personality, but some of them deviate from. The group, among them the rebel, among them the quiet rebel. Therefore, no messenger from God Almighty was sent except to shepherd sheep.

The second job (trade again) (the first time was twelve years old

There is no doubt that the markets covered by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace - such as the Okaz market - were full of experienced merchants of their time. At the age of twenty-five The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had another appointment with his travels to the Levant for trade, despite the fear of his uncle Abu Talib, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from the Romans, as the monk Buhaira had previously warned him, But he did not find what appeared, so he advised him to ask Khadija, may God be pleased with her, to work for her in her trade, Mrs. Khadija was known as a famous businesswoman in her family for a lot of money and good use of workers, Like her boy Maysarah, Khadija, may God be pleased with her, heard the news of the dialogue between the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Talib, and she was sent to the Prophet, and she agreed with him to give him twice what others give him, The Prophet concluded that deal because of his good reputation in morals, honesty and skill in trade, Khadija, may God be pleased with her, was also skilled, and she knew where to put her money.

We learn from this story:

The idea of a skilled merchant in trade is far from honest and trustworthy in trade. Among the things that a woman loves for a man, a man who disposes well of money can buy and reap the many benefits from this business, without adding to it noble qualities such as (honesty), which raises the image of this man in the eyes of those who watch him. And we will not forget that nine-tenths of the profit in trade, and they said in the old days: Trade is intelligence, and if it is lawful, its beauty increases.

The journey of trade with the boy ( Missarah)

Lady Khadija, may God be pleased with her, sent a son named Maysarah with him. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, advised him to listen and obey. In this trade the following happened:

The Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went out with a cloud covering him, and went to Bosra next to the hermitage of the monk named Nestorah, So the monk asked about the Messenger while he was sitting under the tree, does there is a red in his eyes? Maisarah said to him: yes, the monk Nestorius told him that under this tree only a prophet sat, And that he wished to realize him in the message to be one of his followers, so he went towards him and kissed him and believed in him and his message, Maysarah memorized this scene well, to inform Mrs. Khadija later, On the way back, something strange happened. there was a cloud in the sky that kept Muhammad protecting him from the heat, and Maysara was looking at that scene, There were signs of astonishment and exclamation on his face.

Soberness of her mind - may God be pleased with her and her satisfaction -

In the good verification of the news (by herself, through those close to her, and not taking the word for the reason from her servant because of the strength of her personality, because the first to benefit from good morals (yourself between your sides), Self-esteem is different from self-confidence. His achievements in commerce and dealing with all personalities through commerce gave him self-confidence. God knows best, The Messenger returned from the trip with a convoy of trade, buying and selling, so Maisarah said, “We have been trading for forty years, so what we earned in this way, and this profit before, is a testimony to the Holy Prophet of his ability and skill in managing business.

We get many benefits

We have traded for forty years, the skilled merchant (Khadija: here) does not dispense with her trusted skilled workers, forty years he works with her (Maysarah).

Signs of prophecy appeared before the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it is strange that he knows them and certainly notices them as others do, but we never heard that he spoke about them or that he was. He is proud of him or relied on him because he is close to the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Abraham - peace be upon him - and the Lord of Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them, all religions were known before him in Quraysh.

Going to the Levant for the second time (experience). When a person travels to the same place twice, even if the time between the two trips increases, he has a geographical map of the place even if it changes, he carries a mental map to deal with people there because he knows their way of buying and selling before that, and It is one of the factors that qualified the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in profitable trade. God knows the best.

For a Nestorian monk, there are Christians who carry humility between their sides, to say to him, I am his follower. Although he is a monk, respects him and offers him sacrifices, he leaves that to be just a follower.

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Note: The Messenger of God was building his glory in leading the world shortly with his honesty and trust - may God bless him and grant him peace


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