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The arachnid family

Updated: Jun 19

The social miracle in the spider family (if so to speak)

Allah says

(مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِاللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاءَ كَمَثَلِ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا ۖ) العنكبوت: 41

(The example of those who takeallies besides God, like a spider, It has taken a house ۖ) Al-Ankabut: 41

After a while,you will find the scientific details in your hands on this subject

But we give a simple linguistic explanation, and then we finishthe topic in points, about

The characteristics of the spider family -

refuge in God from them. It means that whoever takes care of your affairs, whose:

Al wali" the guardian"?: who's loves you and fears for you, and he

wishes you success - this is what it should be - so you turn to him when you

are in trouble, here in the honorable verse of God - the Almighty - he says to

you, When you are in a dilemma, do not resort to those who are less than him -

Glory be to Him - and everyone is less than him, regardless of his social or

professional rank, for I have taken him as your guardian to solve your problem,

or you took him to manage your higher affairs if your natural affairs were easy

with you, And so on. God Almighty - reminds you - that if you do that, it is as

if you did like a spider's family, a corrupt social house from within, fighting

each other, a little later his details will come - but here's a pause: What is

the connection between someone taking my guardian to run my own affairs, and

between a family that fights among themselves for a living and kills each other

in cold blood until one lives and the other dies?

This guardian whom I took instead of God may turn against me, a disagreement may come between me and him, or his interest may become with someone better than me, and he will make me feel remorse. God knows what He wants from this verse. Let's review the spider's house from the inside, as interpreted by scientists

Information about the cobweb from the inside
1 - The female spider is a small animalbelonging to the family of arachnids, and the male is called the spider
. 2- The female is the one who builds thehouse, not the male, and that the male who names the spider has nothing to do with that
. 3- She weaves the house from silk threads,relying on three axes under her belly connected to small glands that secrete
the material that these strings consist of, and these are all components that
the male does not possess! The spider's thread is saliva that comes out of its
mouth and freezes in the air.
. 4 The female begins to build a house whenshe reaches puberty and prepares for marriage, as she builds her house as an
attraction for males
. 5- After the completion of the matingphase, the female kills the male and eats him after completing the
fertilization process. This assassination occurs among most types of spiders,
especially the spider known as the black widow.
. 6 - On the other hand, some types of male spiders are left to liveafter the pollination process, but not for long; She keeps it for her children to kill it and feed on it after they come out of the eggs
. 7- On the other hand, there are types ofspiders that the mother feeds her young, and if her leg grows strong, she kills and eats them.
. 8 - The spider family is characterized bythe individual life of each individual in it, except for the moments of mating and the times of hatching eggs
The Battle of survival between spider family
The female of some spiders destroys the male and devours him assoon as the fertilization process is complete, because they are larger and more ferocious than them, while other species deliberately devour their young, Without the slightest mercy, and in other cases the spider dies after completing the fertilization of its eggs, which it usually incubates in a silk bag, and when the young come into existence, They find themselves in a harsh place, where
individuals crowd inside the egg sac, so the siblings begin to fight for food and engage in a fierce battle that ends with the death of the weak, while the strong. The victors are scattered in the surrounding environment, Where the females begin to build their homes while the males prepare for fertilization, to start a new cycle of ferocity and brutality devoid of the slightest bonds of mercy, affection and kinship
The Information about cobwebs
The spider thread that we see with our naked eyes is nothing buta group of threads that are wound together, and the individual spider thread is
amazingly thin, with an average thickness of a millionth of an inch square, and
to bring the picture closer, And we findthat the thickness of a human hair is 400 times the thickness of a single
spider’s thread. Glory be to God! Despite its infinite fineness, spider's thread
is one of the toughest natural fibers ever, and it is the strongest biological
material known to man so far, With a force of 300,000 pounds per square inch,
the spider's thread stretches five times its length before breaking, so the
stress bearing strength of the spider's thread exceeds that of steel, which is
why the spider's thread is called biological or bio-solid. More than this, the
spider's thread is twenty times stronger than the ordinary metal steel thread,
and a substance similar in composition to the spider's thread has been produced
called Kevlar, It is used in making bulletproof vests and shirts.
Alternatively, if you were to make a cobweb rope as thick as your thumb, you
could carry a "huge" plane with it easily and without interruption.
Despite this superstitious power
The Qur'an confirms the fact that the spider's web is one of theweakest houses ( why)
After scientists pondered these amazing scientific facts about spideranatomy and its functions, they understood that the speech is not about physiological
or functional strength, but about the social life inside the spider web that
was already mentioned above.
So from the previous context
What do you imagine the characteristics of the spider family to be?
Here are some of them
1 - Amaterialistic, practical wife who does not enter into emotional calculations,
as she only wants to marry and have children, and after that she does not need
a husband, as she only wants to prove her reproductive competence
. 2- The husband is weak-tempered, who cannot do anything to her like this arrogant woman, and he awaits his death reassuringly at her hands.
. 3 - Poisoning children with obscene words about their father, until it occurs to them that this speech is a reason to kill him, even if it is social.
. 4- The individual life of each member of the spider family, the wife is alone, and in some types of spiders it is called the black widow, the
defeated husband waiting for his moral or physical death, from the wife or from
the children without trying to defend himself in any way, Children kill the father, and if they are crowded into silk threads, they will fight savagely
among themselves for food, and the strong kill the weak in it. In the end: you
and I are the nucleus of families in the community, and the spider family is
one of the families in the community that we may have seen around us or just
heard about
The impact of an unfit family on ourselves as individuals
However, poor relationship quality, intensive care giving for family members, and marital dissolution are all stressors that can negatively
affect an individual's well-being.
Furthermore it
Family relationships also change over the course of life, withthe potential to share different levels of emotional support and closeness, to
care for us when needed, adding varying levels of stress to our lives, and the
need for caregiving at different stages in the life path. The potential risks
and rewards of these relationships have a cumulative effect on health and
well-being over the course of a lifetime, Additionally, structural constraints
and disadvantages place greater pressures on some families than others based on
structural location such as gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status,
resulting in greater deprivation and intergenerational transmission of
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