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The Menstruation

The Menstruation

Blood expelled from the womb of an adult woman who has no disease or pregnancy and has not yet reached the age of menopause

First: Common jurisprudence questions

Q: What are the rulings on a woman having menstruation?

Q: What are the rulings on a woman having menstruation?

The prayer

So it is forbidden for a menstruating woman to perform obligatory and supererogatory prayers, and she is not valid from them, and she is not obligated to pray, unless she catches up with the time for a complete rak’ah, in which case she must pray at that time, whether she realizes that at the beginning of the time or at the end of it.

An example from the beginning

A woman menstruates after sunset, one rak’ah, and if she becomes pure, she must make up the Maghrib prayer, because she has caught up with one rak’ah of prayer before she menstruates.

An example from the end

A woman who purifies herself from menstruation one rak’ah before sunrise, and if she purifies herself, she must make up for the Fajr prayer, because she has made up a portion of her time that is sufficient for one rak’ah.

But if the menstruating woman realizes a part of the time that does not accommodate a full rak’ah

For example, if you menstruate in the first example a moment after sunset, or become pure in the second example a moment before sunrise, prayer is not obligatory for her, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever catches up with one rak’ah of the prayer has caught up with the prayer.” Agreed upon. What is understood is that whoever catches up with less than one rak’ah does not catch up with the prayer.

Dhikr, takbeer, glorification and praise

Saying “Bismillah” when eating and other things, reading hadeeth and jurisprudence, praying and believing in it, and listening to the Qur’aan, so none of that is forbidden to her, It was proven in the Two Sahihs and others that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to recline on Aisha’s lap, may God be pleased with her, while she was menstruating, and he would recite the Qur’an.

Also in the Two Sahihs, on the authority of Umm Atiyah, may God be pleased with her, she heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: (He brings out the women and the women who are in numbness and menstruating - that is, to the two Eid prayers - and let them bear witness to goodness and the supplication of the believers, and menstruating women should retire from the prayer place.)

As for a menstruating woman reading the Noble Qur’an by herself, if it is looking with the eyes or contemplating with the heart without speaking with the tongue, then there is nothing wrong with that, such as placing the Mushaf or the tablet, so she looks at the verses and reads them with her heart. Al-Nawawi said in Sharh al-Muhadhdhab: It is permissible without a difference of opinion.

And if it is recited orally, then the majority of scholars are of the view that it is forbidden and not permissible, Al-Bukhari, Ibn Jarir al-Tabari and Ibn al-Mundhir said: It is permissible, and it was narrated on the authority of Malik and al-Shafi’i, In the old saying, it was narrated from them in Fath Al-Bari, and Al-Bukhari mentioned a comment on the authority of Ibrahim Al-Nakha’i: There is nothing wrong with reading the verse.

Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in “Al-Fatawa”

There is no Sunnah to prevent her from reading the Qur’an, because his saying: “Neither a menstruating woman nor a person who is in a state of ritual impurity should read anything from the Qur’an” a weak hadeeth, according to the agreement of the people with knowledge of the hadeeth, women used to menstruate at the time of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so if recitation was forbidden to them, it is like prayer, this would have been from what the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, explained to his nation, and the mothers of the believers taught it, and that was from what they transmitted among the people, In that there is a prohibition that it is not permissible to make it haraam, knowing that he did not forbid it, and if he did not forbid it despite the abundance of menstruation in his time, it is known that it is not forbidden. End.

Which should be said after we know the dispute of scholars

It is better for a menstruating woman not to recite the Noble Qur’an orally, except when needed, for example, if she is a teacher and needs to teach the learners, or in the case of an exam, the learner needs to read for her test, and so on.

The Fasting

1- It is forbidden for a menstruating woman to fast, both obligatory and supererogatory

It is not valid from her, but she must fulfill the obligatory part of it, because of the hadeeth of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: (This used to happen to us - meaning menstruation - so we were commanded to make up the fast, but we were not commanded to make up the prayers) Agreed upon.

2- If she menstruates while she is fasting, her fast is invalid, even if that was a moment before sunset, and she must make up that day if it was obligatory.

3- If she sensed the onset of menstruation before sunset, but it did not come out until after sunset, Her fast is complete and does not invalidate it according to the correct view, because the blood inside the stomach has no ruling, and because when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was asked about a woman seeing in her dreams, what does a man see? Does she have to do ghusl? He said: (Yes, if she sees water) The ruling was attached to seeing semen, not to its transmission. Likewise, menstruation is not established except by seeing it outside, not to its transmission.

4- If dawn breaks while she is menstruating, her fast on that day is not valid, even if she becomes pure a moment after dawn.

5- If she purifies herself before dawn and fasts, her fast will be valid, even if she does not take a bath until after dawn, like the case of a person who is junub if he intends to fast, He was junub and did not perform ghusl until after dawn, so his fast is valid, according to the hadeeth of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, who said, : (The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to become junub, Whoever has sexual intercourse without a wet dream, then fasts during Ramadan) Agreed upon.

Staying in the mosque

It is forbidden for a menstruating woman to stay in the mosque until the Eid prayer place, and it is forbidden for her to stay there, for the hadeeth of Umm Atiyah, may God be pleased with her: She heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: (He brings out the free women and the women who are in bed and menstruating) and in it: (The menstruating women retire from the prayer place) Agreed upon.

The intercourse

1 - It is forbidden for her husband to have intercourse with her, and it is forbidden for her to enable him to do so, The Almighty says: (And they ask you about menstruation. Say it is harmful, so keep away from women in menstruation, and do not approach them until they are clean) what is meant by menstruation is the time and place of menstruation, which is the vagina. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said:

(Do everything except marriage) means sexual intercourse. narrated by Muslim . And because Muslims are unanimously agreed that it is forbidden for a menstruating woman to have intercourse with her vagina, It was permissible for him to break his lust without intercourse,

2- Kissing, hugging, and intimacy with what is below the vulva, but it is better not to touch what is between the navel and the knee, except from behind a barrier, because Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said:The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to order me to wear a garment, so he would have intercourse with me while I was menstruating. Agreed.

The Marriage contract for a menstruating woman

There is nothing wrong with it because the basic principle is that it is permissible, and there is no evidence that it is forbidden, but the introduction of the husband to her while she is menstruating is considered, If he is safe from having intercourse with her, then there is nothing wrong with it, otherwise he should not enter upon her, until you purify yourself for fear of falling into the forbidden

The Obligatory: Ghusl after menstruation

1- If a menstruating woman becomes pure, she must perform Ghusl by cleansing the entire body

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Fatimah bint Abi Hubaish: (When the menstruation comes, stop praying, and when it ends, do ghusl and pray) Narrated by al-Bukhari.

The least obligatory ghusl is for her to cover all her body with it, even under the hair, Where Asma bint Shakal asked him about the washing of menstruation, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (One of you should take her water and lotus leaves and purify herself well, then pour water on her head and rub it vigorously, until it reaches the roots of her head, then she pours water on her, then she takes a piece of cloth that contains musk, and purifies with it,

Asmaa said: How do you purify yourself with it? He said: Glory be to God! Aisha said to her: You follow the trail of blood) Narrated by Muslim


If a person dies leaving a woman whose pregnancy inherits to him, and she is the wife of a husband, then her husband does not have intercourse with her until she menstruates, or until it becomes clear that she is pregnant, we judged by his inheritance, because we judged his existence at the time of the death of his bequeather, and if she menstruates, we rule that he does not inherit, because we rule that the womb is innocent by menstruation.

( 2 )

It is not obligatory to undo the hair of the head, unless it is tightly tied in such a way that there is the fear that the water will not reach its roots, according to Sahih Muslim, from the hadith of Umm Salama, may God be pleased with her, that she asked the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and she said: I am a woman whose hair is thicker on my head, should I break it for ghusl from impurity? And in a narration of menstruation and impurity? He said: (No, it is enough for you to throw three handfuls on your head then you pour water over yourself, and you purify yourself).

( 3 )

If a menstruating woman becomes pure during the time of prayer, it is obligatory for her, take the initiative to do ghusl so that you can perform the prayer on time

( 4)

If she is on a journey and does not have water with her, Or she had water but feared harm from using it, Or if she was sick and was harmed by water, then she would do tayammum instead bathing until the barrier is gone, then you wash.

Sin fall into some women in

Some women become pure during the time of prayer, and delay ghusl until another time. They say: she cannot completely purify herself at this time, but this is neither an excuse nor an excuse, because it can limit itself to the minimum required in ghusl, and she performs the prayer on time, then if she has time, The capacity for complete purification has been purified. End .

The Sin fall into some women in

Some women become pure during the time of prayer, and delay ghusl until another time. They say: she cannot completely purify herself at this time, but this is neither an excuse nor an excuse, because it can limit itself to the minimum required in ghusl, and she performs the prayer on time, then if she has time, The capacity for complete purification has been purified. End .

Second: the common medical questions
Q How does a girl reach puberty and what are the signs of that?

When a girl reaches puberty, many physical changes occur to her, such as:

Underarm hair growth

And the prominence of the breasts.

Menstrual bleeding or the occurrence of the menstrual cycle as it is called

Which occurs as a result of the secretion of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are female hormones in girls.

Q What happens during the menstrual cycle inside the womb?

During the menstrual cycle, the uterus begins to form a thin wall in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg, and when fertilization of the egg does not occur through sperm,pregnancy will certainly not occur, then the uterus gets rid of this wall through monthly bleeding, i.e. menstruation.

Q What is the normal duration of the menstrual cycle?

For most women, a normal menstrual cycle lasts between 3-7 days, and the bleeding during the first days is heavy and will subside as you reach the last days of your period.

Q Does the number of days of the cycle differ from one girl to another?

The number of days of the cycle varies according to the nature of the body of each girl, but if the menstrual cycle continues for more than 7 consecutive days, then you should consult a doctor, as this warns of the existence of a problem, The time period between one menstrual cycle and another is not fixed for all girls, it varies from one woman to another, and it occurs every 21 to 35 days, and the average is usually every 28 days.

Q What is the amount of blood lost during the menstrual cycle?

Blood loss varies from one woman to another, and the menstrual cycle is considered normal when the rate of blood loss ranges between 20-60 milliliters, It is considered abundant when the amount of blood lost is between 60-80 milliliters or more.

Q What are the causes of cramps and pain during menstruation?

Cramps and pains during menstruation are contractions in the uterus, and they are in the form of pain in the uterus area below the navel area. Period pain may move to the lower back, as it comes either during the menstrual cycle or a few days before it. These cramps occur as a result of hormonal changes during menstruation, because of chemicals called prostaglandins, these substances work on uterine contractions, higher nervous irritation, and severe contractions in the uterus to release blood or menstrual fluid. And women who suffer from these pains have a large amount of prostaglandins, or they have a greater sensitivity to these chemicals.

The Risk of infection from sex during the menstrual cycle

It's especially important to practice safe sex during your period because you can still get or pass on a sexually transmitted infection, such as HIV, during this time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus may be present in menstrual blood. Therefore, doctors strongly encourage the use of condoms to reduce these risks. Anecdotally, says Lauren Streicher, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg College of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, there are two reasons for this risk. "Any bodily fluids can carry HIV or [other] STDs, and [during your period], the cervix opens slightly, which can allow viruses to pass through."

You may also be more susceptible to some infections in general around this time

The vagina maintains a pH level of 3.8 to 4.5 throughout the month, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). But during menstruation, this level rises due to the higher pH level in the blood, and the yeast can grow more quickly.

The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection

They are most likely in the week leading up to your menstrual period, and sexual intercourse during this time can exacerbate symptoms. But there is no clear evidence of any increased risk of getting a yeast infection if you have sex during your period.

There's also the dreaded UTI.

"Some women can be more likely to get a UTI after intercourse," says Dr. Coleman. "This is most likely related to the bacteria's ability to move easily into the bladder through sexual intercourse, but it could happen at any time during the menstrual cycle."

The risk of pregnancy during the menstrual cycle

Yes, you can get pregnant when you have your period, especially if your period is shorter (21 to 24 days) and you have sex at the end of your period. Sperm can still be able to survive in your vagina for up to five days, so pregnancy is possible, and it's important to continue using birth control.

Q How do I choose a sanitary pad that is good for me?

Things to consider while choosing the right sanitary pads

Know your periods

Understanding your body and your menstrual cycles is the first step towards choosing the right pads for your period. Your flow is not exactly the same throughout your menstrual cycle. Therefore, you have to keep track of the changes in your body and menstrual cycle in order to choose the sanitary pads. It is also important to know how many pads you actually need for one cycle.

Look for materials that are not only soft, but skin-friendly

Also suitable for your skin. Use caution if your skin is sensitive and prone to infections. Cotton pads are best for all skin types.

length by flow

Well, you can't be wrong about this. You have to buy a sanitary pad according to your flow. The first time you get your period you may want to try a regular size pad but if the regular size seems to fill up too quickly then try a larger size pad. It totally depends on the shape and flow of your body whether you need an extra long pillow with a wide hip protector or a regular pillow. There are special night pads that have a longer length and a wider back to avoid staining the sheets while sleeping.


Fortunately, just like your clothes and underwear, there are many products available to help make it easier to deal with your period. Lots of options available based on your usage and preferences. Whether you want a really short and thin sanitary pad or thick layers. Or if you want an extra large or a regular fit, with wings, without wings and much more. In fact, there is something called panty liners that are best for days when you have a few stains or simply want to feel extra protected when wearing a tampon or cup.

Good absorption

The absorbent capacity of the pads allows you to decide if you need an extra absorbent pad or just a regular pad. The main factor of the pad is to absorb blood flow without any backflow or leakage. Some women use two different types of pads with different absorbencies - one that can take care of their heavier days and one that is lightly absorbent for lighter days.


Sometimes wearing sanitary pads depends not only on flow and body type, but also on the activities you do. You should wear sanitary pads according to the nature of your daily activities or the activities that occur on the days of your menstrual cycle. For example, use thin winged pads if you have a gym class or an extra absorbent pad if you have a lot of workload or any physical work around the house.

I do

Wear cotton panties to keep her breathing and fresh there.

Change it every 4-5 hours to avoid any infection.

Wash the vaginal area every time you change the pad.

Take a warm bath to relieve cramping and pain.


Do not flush an open bandage or flush a pad down the toilet.

Do not wait until the pad is full.

Do not use soap.

Q: What is the correct way to clean the vagina during menstruation?

Don't use toilet paper, tampons, or scented pads.

They can be very irritating to your skin and may cause burn-like symptoms. Ensure that all of your products are fragrance-free and do not contain additives such as aloe vera. For some, organic products may be a better choice because they contain no pesticides or other chemicals.

Do not wash the vagina and vulva well.

This can throw off your pH balance, making you more susceptible to yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Try an oral female probiotic, such as Fem-Dophilus or IsoFresh, if you think you may be susceptible to these infections. It is important to remember that vaginal discharge will change throughout both your menstrual cycle and your lifetime. Sometimes there will be more, and sometimes there will be less. Discharge is not always a worrying indicator. Rinse the vagina and vulva with water only, and the groin can be washed with a natural, perfume-free soap.

Do not change the tampon frequently

You definitely don't want to leave a tampon in for more than eight hours. Ideally, you can change it every three to four hours. The danger is toxic shock syndrome, a rare and fatal infection that spreads into the bloodstream. This happens most frequently in women who use super absorbent tampons.

Q: Will you guide me with general information about the vagina as it ages - especially cleaning -?

2. Using warm water and a washcloth, clean the front and back of your vagina, making sure you are pressing very gently there. Clean around the bikini line, then move to either side of the clitoris and then work your way to the anal area. Doing so will ensure that no germs are transferred to the vaginal area. When finished, wash the towel well and pat dry.

3- Avoid using any harsh soaps or shower gels to clean the vagina.

They can cause dryness, itching, and excessive vaginal discharge, as they cause an imbalance in the pH levels in the vagina. It is best to consult a gynecologist for the most appropriate body wash that you can use to clean your vagina.

4. If you have any vaginal itching after your period, try sitting in a bath with warm salt water.

Fill your bathtub with warm water and add half a cup of salt, then squat down. A salt bath will help clean your vagina and relieve itching. After cleaning the vagina, whether with a washcloth or a salt bath, make sure to gently dry the intimate area well. A wet vagina can easily lead to infections, and it's best to avoid it!

After cleaning your vagina after your period ends, there are a few other things to keep in mind... Grooming your pubic hair regularly makes your vagina healthier, as this reduces the risk of yeast or bacteria growth. Wearing 100% cotton underwear helps keep your vagina fresh and healthy, as it is breathable, and helps eliminate any bad vaginal odor. Drink pomegranate, raspberry, or pineapple juice, as these fruits are good for your vagina.

The vagina ages as you approach menopause

Just like the rest of your body, your vagina ages. Once you approach menopause, its parts don't look or function the same way they did when you were younger. Dryness, drooping and lack of hydration are all problems at this stage of life. These changes are normal, although their impact on bathroom habits and sex life may not be welcome

It's very dry

Estrogen keeps vaginal tissues healthy, plump, and moist. When estrogen levels drop around menopause, those delicate tissues are left feeling sore and dry. Dehydration is one of the most troubling symptoms of menopause. It can make sex uncomfortable or even painful. Use a water-based lubricant to reduce friction. And have sex regularly to keep the moisture you still have.

There is less hair there

Your hair goes through natural cycles where it grows for a while and then falls out. As your hair gets older, its growth cycle shortens. At the same time, the decrease in estrogen leads to the production of the dominant hormone testosterone in the body. Testosterone fuels hair loss. When more hair is lost than your body can replace, you will start to see areas of thinning. It happens on your scalp

There drooping

Your pelvic floor muscles act as a sling that supports your uterus, bladder, rectum, and upper vagina. Childbirth and menopause weaken these muscles, which can cause your pelvic organs to prolapse. This is called prolapse. Sometimes an organ falls all the way into the vagina and causes a bulge. Medical devices and procedures can elevate the pelvic organs and treat prolapse.

you have a contraction

The loss of estrogen around the time of menopause causes the once-stressed vaginal tissues to become thinner and less elastic. This is definitely a "use it or lose it" situation. If you don't have sex often enough, your vagina can get shorter and narrower. So when you have sex, it will hurt. Maintaining a healthy sex life (with a partner or a vibrator) will keep your vagina loose and limber

For sex that makes you sore

You will feel the loss of estrogen when you try to have sex. Dryness and thinning of the tissues in the vagina can lead to painful penetration. Over time, the soft tissues can tear and bleed. Don't let fear of pain stop you from having a healthy sex life. When you avoid sex, it can make the problem worse. Use a water-based lubricant. If this does not help, ask your doctor about estrogen therapy or other treatments.

Your vulva is not the same

You may not be well acquainted with the vulva - the opening to the vagina and its outer lips. But if you've held a mirror up there recently, you may have noticed some changes. For one thing, he's probably paler than he was before. The lighter color is due to reduced blood flow from lower estrogen levels. The inner lips have shrunk for the same reason, and they may be drier than they were before.

You get more UTIs

A sudden urge to use the bathroom or pain when urinating may be signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). The vagina is home to many bacteria — some good, some harmful. The loss of estrogen in menopause changes the climate there, leaving more harmful bacteria than good. This is why women get more UTIs as they age. Vaginal estrogen therapy can increase the beneficial bacteria and reduce the number of infections you

Q Are there good applications for calculating the menstrual cycle?

Don't avoid tracking your menstrual cycle. Your period can be a valuable marker of your overall health. In fact, some medical conditions, including diabetes, thyroid imbalances, celiac disease and even some types of cancer can be brought on by irregular menstruation. Clue is the top-rated (and free) period-tracking and ovulation app according to the Obstetrics & Gynecology Journal, an official publication of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). There are many other resources available to help you keep track of your menstrual cycle, so ask your doctor/gynecologist.


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