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The Minor binouna and the major binouna

Updated: May 18

The Little Binona

If the waiting period ends after the first or second divorce, then the woman has become a minor Baynunah, It is permissible for her husband to marry her with a new marriage contract that meets the conditions, The pillars are from the guardian and the two witnesses, and it is not required that you get married before this contract with other.

The big Baynunah

A wife is forbidden until she marries a another husband over who divorced her, she is told: a major baynunah, which is forbidden to the husband until another husband marries her, and he enters with her, meaning: he has intercourse with her, then he separates from her by death or divorce, then she comes out of the waiting period, and that is if he divorces her with the last, third divorce, it is forbidden to him until she marries a husband other than him; To say - may He be glorified and exalted - in His Great Book: If he divorces her [Al-Baqara: 230] Meaning: the third, so she is not lawful to him after that until she marries another husband [Al-Baqara: 23] It means: until he marries her, and until he has sexual intercourse with her, as indicated by the authentic hadeeth from the hadeeth of Aisha - may God be pleased with her - about A story: The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said to her: “She is not permissible for her first husband until she tastes the honey of the second, and he tastes her honey” until he has intercourse with her. It is said to her: Big Baynunah, if he divorces her with the final divorce, she is told: A major Baynunah, which is not resolved except after a legitimate husband, there is no legal marriage, but rather a legitimate husband, and after he has intercourse with her, then he separates from her through death or divorce.

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