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The Pillars of the faith

Updated: Mar 2

Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - said:
 While we were with the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - one day, When a man appeared before us, whose clothes were extremely white and his hair was very black, with no signs of travel visible on him, None of us knew him, until he sat next to the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and he leaned his knees against his knees, and placed his palms on his thighs, He said: O Muhammad, tell me about Islam? The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “Islam is to bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace -, You perform prayers, pay zakat, fast Ramadan, and perform Hajj to the House if you are able to find a way to it. He said: You are right. He said: We were amazed at him asking him and trust him, He said: So, tell me about faith? He said: To believe in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in destiny, its good and its evil, He said: You are right. He said: So, tell me about charity? He said: To worship God as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, He sees you. He said: So tell me about the hour? He said: The one asked about it has no knowledge than the questioner, He said: So tell me about its signs? He said: That the female slave will give birth to her mistress, and that you will see the barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing buildings, He said: Then he went and stayed for a while, then he said to me: O Omar, do you know who the questioner was? I said: God and His Messenger know best. He said: It is Gabriel who came to you to teach you your religion.) narrated by Muslim.
We take several points from the noble hadith

 1- God - the Almighty - did not send the prophets - peace be upon them - with the most beautiful and most complete faces to teach people their religion so that different natures would not alienate them, and we take from that: When God sent our master Gabriel to His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace and to the believers, he sent him in the most beautiful form (extremely black hair, very white clothing, no traces of travel visible on him) We take from this that the preacher must have a clean body and good appearance as much as possible, and wear clothing similar to what his people wear, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

2 - A type of education (question) that has been adopted for 1445 years. Why is nothing other than indoctrination taught in our schools in the Arab world? Why? good question.


3- The strangest thing is that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - certainly knew that he was Gabriel - peace be upon him - and yet he was patient with Gabriel’s teaching to the Muslims and then told him his name, we take from this that we adopt prophetic etiquette. Many of us know information, perhaps more than the person speaking to him. If you know something, do not shake your head in agreement and do not say, “I know this,” for this is not prophetic etiquette, The scholars are the heirs of the prophets, and God taught them nothing but the word of the Qur’an “the remembrance benefits the believers.” 

4 - Gabriel, peace be upon him, sitting, man by man, and eye for eye: a modern educational method that the West today calls eye contact, on the ground, especially for children, Imagine that this knowledge, with the humility of the teacher to his student, learns how much he learns from teaching with children and respecting the difference between the mixture between women and men.

5 - This hadith explains to us very simply: Religion is not just a testimony to monotheism, but rather it has levels for each one of us individually, to advance in them one by one, such as: Islam, then faith, then benevolence, and you and whatever your work in this religion informs you of.

1- What is faith? ......... We will address them one by one.
To believe in God

The general Description

  The faith in God is the firm belief in His existence, Glory be to Him, His Lordship, His divinity, and His names and attributes.

1 - Belief in one God, not multiple gods

2 - He has names and attributes similar to 99 names, all of which are pure attributes of Him - Glory be to Him - the Most High - and we are commanded to imitate them.

What is the meaning of proving divinity to God - the Almighty -?

It is said: head of the house, head of the family, and what is meant is the one responsible for the house, and most often the man, who is primarily responsible for meeting the needs of the house. Now: Who created the heavens and the earth? Who provided the universe with its primary living matter? Who created DNA and RNA without genetic engineering? And from the creation of the dinosaurs that they are fighting to bring back from extinction, as well as the carrier pigeons, because every element in the universe has something useful to do, God Almighty created a cosmic system that is in harmony with each other, if anything is lacking from it due to human actions on land and sea, The scholars sat in their retreats (laboratories) and have not left them until today to return to one thing that God created first. So, do not say: Why did He not provide for the poor? Why are there famines... etc. when He - Glory be to Him - is responsible for us? Because it is your mismanagement of the resources in your hand, the father gives his children everything they need, and one of them is organized and takes every gift as the end of the universe, so he behaves well, manages it, maintains it, and gives thanks for it (charity), and the other is negligent and broke it from the first day and asked you for another where your heart with who? Change your view of the Lord, for He is the Lord and King of everything, and do not pin your mismanagement of resources on him, because He is a generous God has spent more on maintaining the earth and the heavens since its creation than the European Union has spent together since the Paris Declaration on Climate Change. From the last: Imagine that the Lord is like an arrow descending from the sky towards the earth, providing it with all good things.

What is the meaning of proving the divinity of God - the Almighty -? 

The constant question: Do you know how many earthly religions there are in the era after the second millennium? About 4000 earthly religions, and some count them as 7000 earthly religions, of course, every religion has a god or several gods, and of course it has a messenger or messengers, and of course it also has a Holy Book. What is this joke? Some of these religions are coercive, while others are not accepted by reason... Now what does this have to do with the divinity of God Almighty? Divinity is the opposite of monotheistic, that is, imagine that it is an arrow coming out of you towards the sky, your worship, your prayer, your monotheism...etc. God Almighty says in the Holy Book of His Mighty Book: (Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death belong to God, Lord of the worlds.” That is, it takes up your entire life, or if you wish, say: From the first time you wake up: the angels of heaven bear witness that your work, i.e. every compliment you say to your friend, or compassion for your father and mother, or work hard at your profession, or, It is all for God alone, He has no partner, and do not imagine that it is easy, as it may take years of your life to learn how not to be amazed at your work, or hypocrisy, or any other work vampire – if so to speak -

What is the meaning of affirming the names and attributes of God Almighty?

Do you have a name, you who are reading this? Of course, we all have names. Does your name carry an attribute such as Karim - Yazid - Sadiq - Iman... or others? Does the meaning of your name carry that attribute in its entirety? In the past, they said: Every human being has a share of his name. If you do not take a share of your name, be careful. God - the Almighty - is different from that - He has names that cannot be renounced, It cannot be other than it, and He is continuing it, doing it day and night despite the differences in people’s colours, temperaments, colours, and languages, and some of His names have two sides of the same coin, and He, Glory be to Him, is like His name (Al-Jabbar: He comes from the splint that heals fractures, He will strengthen you when you are broken, and at the same time: He will break the one who broke you) and others. And God has in His names - Glory be to Him - names of beauty and names of majesty, so the names of beauty are: My Lord, grant us a share of it (such as the Forgiving - the Forgiving - the Merciful...etc.) and it has (names of Jalal: seek refuge in God, that He deal with you with them, for they are specific to the worship of the tyrants on earth such as the - the Avenger - the Mighty...etc.) But I hear you saying: Where is he - Glory be to Him - in terms of oppression throughout the earth? Where are the attributes of His Majesty - Glory be to Him, the Most High, in the injustices that occur here and there? Do you imagine that God Almighty is quick to do things like you? He creates things and they come to be, and yet He was created in 6 days. He is forbearing and has mercy on the unbeliever, the oppressor, the transgressor, and the tyrant. Even if He seizes him, He does not let go of him.) You and I, and we are like two types of trees, if you are a believer: you will be like a palm tree - our topic now is not how much benefit you will get from it - but to be a palm tree must be tiring for dozens of men to throw a stone at you and make you fall. On the contrary, the winds come to you to the right at times and to the left at other times, and it will never be uprooted from your roots. As for the infidel or the hypocrite: like a pine tree, nothing will ever happen to it. Even if they want to uproot it, it is cut with a sword, so it does not come out of its roots, but it is cut down with a fatal cut, as if it had never sung with the pine yet, read his saying - the Almighty- with me and wait: God Almighty said: “None disputes over the verses of God except those who disbelieve, do not be deceived by their volatility in the country (4)


And his angels

 Luminous creatures - they worship God Almighty - they do not disobey God in what He commands them and do what they are commanded - they do not think about disobedience and then regret it, they love the sons of Adam unlike the devils, they wish them well, unlike some of the sons of Adam. With God Almighty’s saying (So forgive those who repent and follow Your path and save them from the torment of Hell), they have a good relationship with humans, the Angel of the right side is a prince over the Angel of the left side. The Angel of the left cannot write down your bad deeds until the Angel of the right side asked permission from him not write it until after 6 hours, he said: Perhaps he will repent, perhaps he will ask for forgiveness. They love good smells, and are offended by bad smells. They will not let go of you day and night unless you go to the toilet. o r when you meet your family, they pray for you to spend every morning, and they pray for you in Ramadan, O seeker of goodness, come, they are luminous personalities beloved by believers. They exist, but we do not see them due to a wisdom that only God knows. There is no place here to prove that scientifically, for light is other than the clay from which we are created, the different natures do not harmonize, and our visual energy does not see different rays, such as infrared rays with which a donkey sees devils.

And he wrote it Not only the books that we know - in their first revelation before they were distorted - such as the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an, but also the Psalms of David, the Books of Abraham, the Books of Moses, and others that we know and that we do not know, we recognize it, and this is great, because the essence of sincerity, or the highest type of sincerity, is fairness to oneself, and we recognize their religions before they become distorted, and they do not even think about merely recognizing our religion.

And his messengers Do you believe in all of God’s messengers - peace be upon them all? Is there no sensitivity between you and our Lord Jesus? Do you like our master Moses or do you not like him because he represents the Jews? Do you love our Master Solomon, or did his temple, which the Jews were searching for, make you not think about it at all? The messengers are all children of family. They came with one belief and many laws, just like the house in which only one brick remains, which was completed by the Master of Messengers Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace.

And the other day

Set a beat, what's this? This is what the next day does to us. We have learned in this life the last day of study, the last day of vacation, the last day of the trip...etc. and we never thought about our last day in this world, the day of our death, which is the same day connected to the first day in the afterlife (the Day of Resurrection). Remember that you stand up for prayer and we will all stand up for the Lord of the Worlds on the day when neither wealth nor children will benefit except only those who come to God with a sound heart. Why? we agreed that everything has a small goal and a big goal, but the small goal on the Day of Resurrection: is to adjust your rhythm here in this world. We do not know when we will truly die and the death is the beginning of the resurrection. Whoever dies, his resurrection will take place, and he will control your movement in life. Do not lie, do not steal, do not rape...etc. and do good as much as you can, but the big goal is to reach that moment with a sound heart, and I will not tell you about a sound heart, as we can all write volumes of high-level theoretical faith, as for practicality, we have very poor grades. Can you, after everything that happened to you, live in this world with a heart like a child’s heart that forgives, and smiles despite the wounds? And he feels compassion for animals or for a world full of monsters. This is the big goal: Beware, then beware, of returning to a generous God with all this hatred, envy that fills your sides, clear - Forgive, have mercy, and repent to God and return to a sound heart now, for death never asks permission from any of us... Oh God, grant us a good ending with a sound heart with which we meet you.

And with fate: good and evil 

The goodness is goodness. I met so-and-so and his face was the face of goodness. After that, I was given good tidings of such-and-such. I saw a good opening in such-and-such. This is God who decrees goodness for us, the Lord of goodness. But if the next comes (the evil fate) Why does God do this to us? Does He not love His faithful servants? Does He do that to the believers and leave the unbelievers... etc. etc. etc., and we have forgotten that one of the basics of our faith in God - glory be to Him - Belief in the goodness of fate is like the worst of fate, all the same, and you may have said, “You haven’t tried it.” That’s why you have sweet talk, You should know that each of us walks through this life with a heavy burden on his shoulders, and fights in a calamity that he is afflicted with, but we do not feel it, and if he takes something, he has already paid the price, If sadness did not spread among people, he would not leave you and go to someone else, and neither would happiness. And you should know that through sadness you reach high places not only in the afterlife, but here, too, you are you. Look at yourself after or near the end of your ordeal. Are you you? You have become strong and have shown signs of mental and psychological maturity. You are no longer a child who makes you cry over a piece of candy or is defeated by a word, The difficulties give you a qualitative shift that you tell about this life and you trample on it with your feet, and you never cling to it in your heart after that, but rather you hold it in your hand, and it is a meaning that you do not know while you are in a quiet and peaceful house and your loved ones full your eyes with joy, The ordeal will turn into a gift, and it is merely a change of letters from one place to another, except that the difference between them fills what is between the heavens and the earth, and it will leave, it will leave, Let her leave with her pain and bitterness, praising your patience, endurance, and maturity, and not criticizing your screaming and wailing. May God give patience to the people of calamity, grant them peace and recover soon, and grant us recover from evil by His grace, do yourself a favor by asking for well-being and do not ask God for patience except when a calamity strikes. May God protect you so that you do not suffer from calamities. Just always ask and always be well.

So, tell me about the benevolence?

 What is the relationship between Ihsan: which is mastery - completion in that God sees me from where I do not see Him, a different expression from the eloquence of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, do you work in a multinational organization? Are surveillance cameras everywhere? If it broke down one day or the electricity went out, would you work as efficiently as you do? The truth is that monitoring has a reward, although it is heavy on the soul, it keeps you on the straight path in things, actions, and circumstances, Now: One of the requirements of faith is that you know that God sees you even if you do not see Him, and this does not mean that it comes to mind: that you are afraid of disobeying Him. Rather, it is prepared for us: that the meaning is beyond that: it is mastering your work - your prayers - your charity - your professional work to the degree. That no one after you can improve your work, this is what we understand by ihsan. Therefore, in another hadith about ihsan, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, tells us that ihsan is craftsmanship with perfection - so to speak - and he gave an example of that (slaughtering livestock) at the edge of the blade + resting the carcass, and whoever works in this profession knows that this is better. And the most perfect thing for the animal, the benevolence takes on everything around us, from your relationship with your neighbors, through your servants, and even the cat that moves in front of you.

So, tell me about the time? He said: The one asked about it has no knowledge of the questioner

 Why is our Master Gabriel asked twice in one hadith about the Day of Resurrection, once about the pillars of Islam and another time about the pillars of faith? due to the difficulty of this day, he wanted to alert us that preparation for tomorrow is preparation from today, not tomorrow, so our master Ali Ibn Abi Talib understood this meaning and said: Work for your life as if you will live forever, and work for your death as if you will die tomorrow, and as the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said, “The one who is ask for is not more knowledgeable about it than the questioner,” indicating that it is among the unseen that God has withheld from our understanding, out of great wisdom, and belief in the unseen is the basics of our true religion. God is unseen, the angels are unseen, the devils are unseen, the Day of Resurrection is unseen, and Heaven and Hell are unseen.

So tell me about its signs? He said: That the female slave will give birth to her mistress, and that you will see the barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing buildings.

For a female slave:

there are many slaves today, about 10 million people are under the fire of slavery, most of them are women and children. We are not talking about myths, rather, they may be Muslims rather, they are Muslims. Just type modern slavery in the images section of the search engine and you will find what will defeat you psychologically, that women wearing the veil are bound to be sold as slaves, and their fate is unknown, it is not known to whom they are being sold, whether a Muslim or someone else. May God kill humanity that has gone and has not returned. The most important thing is that they exist, and the strangest thing is that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - speaks in this hadith about slave women and not men or children, so that you may know: One of the types of exit from slavery in Islam is (marrying a female slave) and liberating her from slavery - I will attach a link for you about Islam’s solutions to slaves, as for the other, sheep herders in some countries may be big contractors - so to speak - who buy and sell what you cannot afford, which is part of the prophecies of the Messenger of God, and they remind us that the Day of Resurrection has become very near.

Then he set off and I am stayed for a while

 It seems that the Prophetic etiquette: The Companions infect from it, as Gabriel, peace be upon him, set off, and setting off is not the same as walking quietly and greeting everyone in the place before leaving, which suggests the strangeness of the situation as a whole, except that our master Omar says (I remained patiently), meaning he did not speak or ask until the Messenger informed him of the truth of the situation. This is the etiquette of the Prophet, It is the faith that God - the Almighty - approves of for us, and God is Most High and Most Knowing.


The solutions of Islam for slavery, please for:
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