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The prophet life from birth to about twelve

The reason why the Prophet Muhammad was given this name

And on the authority of Amina bint Wahb that she came pregnant with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it was said to her: “You are pregnant with the master of this nation, and when he falls, he will be called Muhammad, because his name in the Torah is Muhammad, and his name in the Bible is Ahmad, and the people of heaven and earth praise him, and his name is in the Qur’an.” Mohammed, And when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was born, she named him Muhammad, then carried him to his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, and told him what she had seen in her pregnancy, and what was said to her about him, and what she ordered to name him.

His grandfather Abdul Muttalib's love for him from the first moment, as soon as he was born

His grandfather Abd al-Muttalib took him and entered the Sacred House with him and went around the Kaaba carrying him and thanking God, and when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached his seventh day, he slaughtered. for him, so his grandfather invited Quraish for food, then told them that he had named him Muhammad so that God would praise him in heaven and the people of the earth would praise him.

Why didn't Amna, the daughter of Wahb (his real mother) breastfeed him?

One of the customs of Quraish and Arabs was to send their children to breastfeed in the countryside. To strengthen their bodies, the eloquence of their tongues, and look at this study, Research shows that spending time outdoors, especially at a young age, can reduce children's stress and anxiety, while boosting confidence, “Nature-based education [and] therapy are real sources of strength and resilience for young people,” Clayton said, Imagination and physical health - all characteristics that will help the adults of tomorrow adapt to a changing world,

The story of the refusal of breastfeeding women to take the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to breastfeed him

Abdullah bin Jaafar bin Abi Talib said: It narrated on the authority of Halima bint Al-Harith that she said: I came to Mecca with women, with whom we sought infants in the year of Shahba, so I presented a camel (a female donkey) to me as a Qamar, was late (delayed) On the ride and with a boy for us, and we are approaching, by God, she does not ovulate with a drop (not a drop of milk in her udder) And we do not sleep that night all together with that boy, we do not find in my breasts that enrich him, nor : sharfna: an a lofty place, what nourishes him, But we were hoping for raining and relief, so I came out on that (female donkey) so I slandered: I got tired, until it made them weak and emaciated, so we came to Mecca, and by God, we did not know of any woman from us except that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, offered her, but he refused, if it was said that he was an orphan, we left him, We said: What may his mother do for us? We only hope for favor from the father of the child. As for his mother, what may she do for us? By God, there is no woman left of my companions who has not taken a baby other than me, When we could not find anyone else and we agreed to go, I told my husband Al-Harith bin Abd Al-Uzza: By God, I hate to return from among my companions with no infant with me, Let's go to that orphan, let's take him... to the end of the story.

We take advantage of this paragraph

1 - The beginning of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - he did not feel that, but put yourself in the place of the mother, her son is rejected just because he is. an orphan, so her widowhood gathers against her, and she fears for the future of her son's life and she is of long standing origins in society.

2 - I went and took him, then I came with him. So he came to my breast with whatever milk he wanted, and his brother drank until he was breastfed, and my friend stood in front of that donkey (a female donkey), if it had a lot of milk, he milked it, drank and I drank. Until we were full, we had a good night, and my husband said to me: O Halima, by God I see you took a blessed breath.

3 - Halima said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was growing and growing rapidly, unlike the growth of other children, and this is how those who grow in the desert, this is the choice from God to his masseenger.

4 - And she was, may God be pleased with her, when she stood on Abd al-Muttalib asking him to breastfeed the Messenger of God, Abd al-Muttalib (grandfather of the Messenger of God) said to her: Who are you? She said: A woman from Bani Saad. He said: What is your name? She said: Halima, and he said: Bakh Bakh (a word that the Arabs say when they are optimistic), happy and clemency.

The growth of the Messenger of God in the desert

“The Messenger of God, may God bless him andhis family and grant them peace, Gabriel came to him, peace be upon him, whilehe was playing, so he took him and smashed him (throwing him to the ground),splitting him from its heart, and extracting the heart out, and extracted fromit a leech, He said: This is the part of Satan from you, then he washed it in agolden basin with Zamzam water, Then he put him back in his place and the boys came looking for his mother - meaning his back (nursing him) They said: Muhammad has been killed, so they met him and he was (pale) in color.” Narrated by Muslim, to the end of the story.

The story of the cloud that used to shade him wherever he went - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

He did not feel the heat - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for there was always a cloud that shaded him wherever he went, his sister said: O mother, my brother was not feel hot, I saw a cloud that shaded him, wherever he walked, and if he stood the cloud stood until he ended up in this situation.

Muhammad returns to his real mother after the first chest cleft incident

... Then we were afraid of the events for him, so we said: He will be in his family, so his mother said: By God, what is that for you, so tell me your news and his news, by God, she continued with us until we told her his story. She said: Did you fear him, no, by God, that my son has an affair, should I not tell you about it? I was pregnant with it, and I never bore a burden that was lighter for me or greater in blessing than it, then I saw a light as if a meteor came out of me when I placed it, it lit up the necks of camels in my sight, then I placed it and it did not fall like boys fall, He fell with his hand on the ground and raised his head to the sky, leave him and take care of you.

We benefit from this part of the biography

1 - The trust that was placed in the hands of Mrs. Halima Al-Sa’diya was worthy of her, so she returned with the blessed child who blessed her life because it was to relieve her of responsibility.

2 - From his blessing - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - Umm Ayman, who was embracing him, said: I have never seen the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, complain of hunger or thirst. And when he started drinking Zamzam water, we might have served him lunch and he would say: I am full.

The story of Al - Aboaa (a mountain between Mecca and Medina)

(The death of Amna Bint Wahb, the real mother of the Prophet, and he was 6 years old)

When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was six years old and he was returning to his mother’s house, his mother Amina bint Wahb went out to his uncles Bani Uday bin Najjar and visited them while he was with her, He had a governess for him called Umm Ayman, may God be pleased with her, and they were on two camels, so his mother put him in the house of (Al-Nabigha) at the grave of his father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, Then the mother died on the way back and was buried by Umm Ayman.

Look at this study: What happens to a child after the death of a parent in the short term?

Including but not limited to anger, sadness, numbness, anxiety, guilt, emptiness, remorse, It is normal for one to throw oneself at work; It's also normal to withdraw from activities and friends, Neuroscience assures us that the loss will lead to physical distress. In the long run, grief puts the whole body at risk. I found a bunch of studies Links between unresolved grief and heart prblems, high blood pressure, immune disorders, and even cancer.

The Messenger in the custody of his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib)

The Messenger in the custody of his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib)

The seventh story: The Messenger in thecustody of his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib) 

Abdul Muttalib did not eat the food except tosay: bring my son: he mean Muhammed - peace be upon him - and he cames to him, there was a rug placedfor Abdul Muttalib in the shade of the Kaaba, and his sons were sitting around him, and he turned the rug until he brought Muhammad to him, and none of his sons sat on it except the Messenger of God in his honor, The Messenger of God was with his grandfatherAbd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim - meaning: after the death of his mother, Amina bint al-Wahhab -and when Abd al-Muttalib came to death, Abu Talib (the uncle of the Messenger of God) recommended that he sponsor him and protect him 

What does modern science show about the grandfather's relationship with the grandson? general self-awareness

When grandparents provide childcare for their grandchildren or become actual or surrogate parents for their grandchildren, they have a greater than average chance of bonding. Fill the shoes of the parents, when children perceive how others see them. This type of self-awareness develops later. This is because children need to understand that others have thoughts and feelings and different perspectives on their thoughts and feelings, until about the age of five, most children don't realize that other people don't always think and feel the same way they do) This is known as theory of mind, (Have you ever wondered how some grandparents manage to have close relationships with their grandchildren and some don't? It's not a mystery. Research has revealed secrets, but they are still unknown to many grandparents. Physical proximity, Grandchildren often get their early values from parents and grandparents. However, as they mature, they are more likely to develop their own set of values, Families are closest when they share values, but few families will be in perfect agreement, Not surprisingly, geographic proximity is one of the strongest predictors of the close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Other factors, such as grandparents' health and financial status, older grandchildren will appreciate loving text messages, as long as they aren't too frequent. The role of grandparents in the family The death of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib (the Prophet is 9 years old)

Abdul Muttalib's age at the time of his death

Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim perished at a different age in reality. Abu Al-Rabi’i bin Salem said: They betrayed her, and she ended up with ninety-five years of age and I stood for him. Al-Zubayr mentioned it, and above it what Al-Zubayr also mentioned on the authority of Nawfal bin Amara, , he said: Ubaid bin Al-Abras Abdul Muttalib rejoiced, and he reached about one hundred and twenty years old, and Abdul Muttalib remained after him twenty years, and his death was nine years from the year of the elephant.

The Prophet is in the custody of his uncle

Abu Talib had little money, and he had a piece of camel in Wadi Urnah, and milk would be brought from it if it was in (Mecca) If the children of Abi Talib ate all of them alone, they would not be full, If the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ate, they would have been full, If Abu Talib wanted to feed or eat them, he would say: As you are until my son comes, and if someone drinks a large mug alone, then Abu Talib says: You are blessed, The boys become disheveled (their hair is not combed), and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, becomes oily, as if his eyes had eyeliner on.

Traveling with his uncle when he was twelve years old and meeting the monk Bahira

When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, reached twelve years of age, his uncle Abu Talib traveled to the Levant on a ride for trade, so he took him with him and met the monk (Buhaira) There he saw the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, contemplating him and speaking to him. He was a scholar of the Bible and an expert in Christianity. Then he turned to Abu Talib and said to him: what is this boy from you? My son said to him, and the monk said to him: This boy should not have a father who lives, and Abu Talib used to call his son on Muhammad because of his great love for him, the monk said to him: Take to his homeland, and beware of the Jews on him, By God, if they had seen him here, they would have hurt him. It's your nephew, that's a great affair. Abu Talib hurried him back to Mecca.

Modern science proves the following:

What do researchers mean when they talk about "parenting style"?

permissive parenting

Parents influence their children through specific practices, such as encouraging them to play outdoors, or helping them with their homework, that emphasize blind obedience, strict discipline, and controlling children through punishments—which may include the withdrawal of parental affection.

authoritarian parenting

Children from trusted families are usually well-behaved and do well in school. They tend to be emotionally healthy, resourceful, and socially adept.

Characterized by emotional warmth and reluctance to apply rules, authoritative parenting, a more balanced approach in which parents expect children to meet certain behavioral standards, but also encourage their children to think for themselves and develop a sense of independence.

What does it matter? Do parenting styles affect the child's outcomes?

Children from authoritarian families are more likely to increase aggressive or defiant behavior over time. They are also more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem, For tens of thousands of years, new parents have been spending many years in extended families learning parenting skills by osmosis from their parents, grandparents, aunts, older brothers and cousins as well as taking on responsibilities for their younger brothers and sisters. Today, few parents get this opportunity to immerse themselves in early family life as extended families. Living in close proximity is a thing of the past in the UK, Children who have permissive parents may be less likely to have behavior problems. They may also have fewer emotional problems. But these children tend to have more problems than children raised by authoritative parents, and may achieve less in school.

last sentence The value of the extended family in the childhood of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace (from the point of view of science)

They undergo massive brain growth, growth and pruning of neurons in the first two years of life. Children's brain development (in addition to their social, emotional and cognitive development) depends on loving relationship or association with a primary caregiver, usually a parent. There is increasing evidence from the fields of developmental psychology, Neuroscience and animal epigenetics studies that ignore, parental inconsistency, and lack of love can lead to long-term mental health problems as well as lower overall potential and happiness.

The transformation of the Messenger of God as a child from one caring hand to another from the age of 3 to 12 years has an impact on his psychological and emotional formation, and the extent of his flexibility in accepting events and circumstances, which makes him in the future more able to accept the vicissitudes of life and flexibility with it. This is explained by the different education patterns for the different generations that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - nurtured in the desert (external education) and what affects the personality from a young age.

Then moving on to the uncle (merchant), and in trade, one learns to meet people of different mental and behavioral backgrounds, which gives him flexibility in dealing with people, (what was useful to him at his age in his letter). Than his dealings with all the personalities he meets in the call, whether they are against the truth, hostile or peaceful, etc.

Then raising a real mother (pampering) three years ago, which affects the brain directly (the need for cuddling and kissing from the mother in particular. Take a look at this scientific talk Children are born very dependent on their parents.

Then he moved to raising the grandfather (pampering the vision of role models, leadership and charismatic personality in society), where his grandfather had charisma in the Quraish community.

The linksحادثة_شق_صدر_النبي_ﷺحليمة_السعديةمن_هن_مرضعات_الرسولوفاة-أم-النبيﷺ-آمنة-بنت-وهب-وحضانة-أم-أيمن-لهﷺسفر-النبي-ﷺ-مع-عمه-أبي-طالب-إلى-الشامعلقة/صرعه/كفالة-عبد-المطلب-رسول-الله-ﷺ-ومعرفته-بشأنهطست/الأبواء/كفالة-أبي-طالب-للنبي-2/كفالة-أبي-طالب-للنبي-2/القعب/شارف/شعث/شهباء/قمراء/أتان/ :// 2645215980.html?rebelltitem=3#rebelltitem3


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