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The Right then the right

وقال إسماعيل ويحيى بن يحيى: (رايح) - باب: شرب اللبن بالماء. 5289 - حدثنا عبدان: أخبرنا عبد الله: أخبرنا يونس، عن الزُهري قال: أخبرني أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه:أنه رأى رسول الله ﷺ شرب لبناً، وأتى داره، فحلبتُ شاة، فَشُبْتُ لرسول الله ﷺ من البئر، فتناول القدح فشرب، وعن يساره أبو بكر، وعن يمينه أعرابي، فأعطى الأعرابي فضله، ثم قال: (الأيمن فالأيمن).

Ismael and Yahya bin Yahya said: (Going). [R: 1392]. 13 - Chapter: Drinking milk with water. 5289 - Abdan told us:Abdullah told us: Yunus told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, he said: Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, told me: He saw the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, drank milk, And he came to his house, and a sheep was milked, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was drunk from the well, so he took the mug and drank, on his left is Abu Bakr, and on his right is a Bedouin, So the Bedouin gave his bounty, then said: (The right then the right).

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