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The righteous guardians of God

Updated: Apr 1

as a principle

The guardians of God do not outwardly differ from people


The Holy Qur’an, which came in their right
Allah says

{Indeed, the guardians of God have no fear, nor do they grieve, those who believed and feared for them good news in the life of the world, and in the Hereafter, there is no alteration of the words of God, that is the great victory} [Surah Yunus: 63-64]}

The Explanation

Regardless of the details of the verse: What are the qualities that the Lord of the Worlds spoke of here in this verse (faith and piety) And we all try to do that so that someone can claim to be a guardian. Al-Manawi said: What happens through experiences, creation, and morals: that the conditions of people are also known, Al-Manawi said: Beware of leading the believer, that is, showing him what is in the conscience with the light of the eye, the lights shining on his heart. The facts were revealed to him. (Because he sees the light of God) that is, he sees with his eyes his heart that is spotless with the light of God Almighty.

Hadith of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about them

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may God be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) said: God Almighty said: (He who is hostile to a guardian of mine, I have declared war to him, and my servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory on him

We understand from the Hadith the following points

  The enemies to the guardians deserve war from God - the Most High - directly. God - Exalted be He - does not delegate war to anyone but Himself - Glory be to Him. - God Almighty - He did not declare war in writing except twice in the matter of usury and the command of his guardian if any of the people became hostile to them. - Draw near to God through religious obligations and supplication to Him - Glory be to Him - and attain the rank of scholars that deserve the state. - He hears God’s hearing as if he only hears those who nourish his self and his soul, so the meaning is not that he only hears the Qur’an, rather, he hears everything that polishes his soul and his spirit, and his eyesight is likewise, because whoever lowers his gaze, God will taste for him the sweetness of faith in his heart, for which he does not know a reason. - If he reaches this guardianship, if he asks God to grant him success - and to seek refuge in him from evil - He preserves him/her, for guardianship is not a preference from God over one of the creatures after the prophets, nor is it inherited from good parents, but it is acquired by work and diligence in the heart before the body, and with intention before the spirit.

How does the piety of the guardians ?

Al-Tustari said: Fear does not leave the guardians. If it is said: Does fear fall on the guardians? We said: What overcomes the elders was fear, And above scarcity: means: little

What is the path of the guardian in his life?

His sincerity in fulfilling the rights of God Almighty, then His mercy and His mercy on creation with all its conditions, then His mercy extended to all of creation, then He lifted it from them with the beauty of creation, suspension of the desire to save creation, abandoning revenge on them, refraining from feeling hatred towards them, and shortening their hands from their wealth, He left greed in everything, and the tongue refrained from spreading evil among them and neglecting to witness their evils, He is not an adversary in this world or in the hereafter, because he forgives his rights in this world, He does not ask them to do so. He has nothing left to claim in the afterlife, continuous success of obedience and infallibility for sins and transgressions.

The guardians grades
The first degree: the racers intimates

- On the authority of Aisha, on the authority of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - he said: Do you know who were the forerunners to the shadow of God Almighty on the Day of Resurrection? They said: God and His Messenger 3711 know best. He said: Those who, when given the truth, accept it, and if they ask about it, they give it, and judge for people as they judge for themselves, human beings, and that the most famous guardians after the prophets are the ancestors of the immigrants and the supporters of the former, These are the former group of nations, and a few from the nation of Muhammad (the latest of them) .

The second degree: the holder of the right: the average

The Almighty saying 

(Then We bequeathed the Book to those whom We chose from among Our servants, and some of them wronged themselves, and some of them are thrifty, and some of them are forerunners in good deeds, God willing. That is the great bounty.)

The Explanation

Equilibrium: He is the one who performs the duties, abandoning the prohibitions, He may fall short in doing some mustahabb and beloved things, and he may do some hatred, and the honorable are those whom God has chosen. His servants who inherited the Qur’an and previous books

One of the qualities of God's righteous Guardians.

1 - If they saw, they would remember God

From the hadith of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “The guardians of God who, when they see, remember God.” A good hadith.

2- They love for the sake of God and hate for the sake of God

On the authority of Abu Umamah, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said: “Whoever loves for God and hates for God, And he gave for God, and withheld for God, faith has been completed.

3 Preservation for (worship: acts of worship and dealings)

  They conceal their deeds and do not reveal them to people

The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: God does love the righteous, the pious, the hidden, who, if they are absent, are not missed, and if they are present, they are not known, their hearts are lamps of guidance, they emerge from every dark dust

We benefit from the noble Hadith

 The righteous came from doing many acts of righteousness: good deeds, And righteousness = good manners, It is also all kinds of good, and among their characteristics is that they are pious and hidden, and the rest of the hadith of the Messenger of God describes them as if they attend a mosque or a study of knowledge, they are not known, so if they are absent from the gathering of knowledge one or more times, no one will miss them or feel that they are not exist, and if they attend, they are not known for their piety, religious speech, or a special chair no one dares to sit in it, their hearts are like lamps, meaning that they are full of God’s lights of guidance, they come out of every severe hardship with dust that has covered them with darkness, evidence that the ordeal is difficul

4 - The call to God Almighty

And Abd Al-Razzaq narrated on the authority of Muammar on the authority of Al-Hasan Al-Basri, may God have mercy on him, that he read this noble verse: (And who is better in speech than he who calls to God and does righteousness and says that I am of the Muslims) [Surat 33]

Then he said:

This is the beloved of God, this is the guardian of God, this is the toast of God, this is the goodness of God, this is the most beloved of creation to God. He answered God's call, He called people to what He answered God in his call, and he made righteousness in his response, and said: I am a Muslim, this is the Khalifah of God, and he - Almighty - also said ( ((God bears witness that there is no god but Him and the angels and those endowed with knowledge: upholding justice [Al-Imran: 18]

5- they hasten the good news for them in this world

On the authority of Abu Dharr, he said: It was said to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - I saw a man doing a good deed, and people praise him for it. He said: (This is harry good news for the believer) In order for the believer to do the righteous deed in it sincerely for God, he does not hope for it except for the sake of God, so that people see it and glorify him for it, so he is satisfied with that and rejoices in it. that, Good news for the believer is urgent, and among them is the fall of his love in the hearts of people, and they loved it, It is that he finds in himself rest for righteous deeds and a happy chest, this and others like it are evidence of God’s love for him and the acceptance of his work, God speeds him up in this world with good tidings of this praise and satisfaction. and acceptance from people, and a great reward for him in the Hereafter.

6 - Guardianship does not require infallibility

A guardian is a person to whom it is permissible for people to make mistakes, omissions, misconceptions, and the like, and this does not offend him in his guardianship.

7 - It is likely to be wrong

The mistake of the guardian in his scientific diligence: It is not a deficiency in his guardianship if he has exhausted his efforts in research and deduction, and forgive his mistake, for he is rewarded and not forged

8 - His supplication is answered

It may be offering food at a time of [need] for no apparent reason, water occurring at a time of thirst, facilitating crossing a distance in a short time, getting rid of an enemy or other anti-habit arts.

9 - God Almighty preserves His righteous guardians

Those to whom the people said, “The people have gathered against you, so fear them.” It increased them in faith, and they said, “Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, * So they returned by the grace of God and bounty, and no harm touched them, and they followed God's pleasure, and God is of great bounty ([Al-Imran: 173, 174].

10 - inspiration

It is not an argument for what is preferred among the jurists, and the scholars differed as to the authority of revelation, so it is preferred among the jurists, and it is not an excuse, as there is no trust in the ideas of the guardian.

11- good vision

The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: And the most truthful of you in vision is the most truthful of you in speech... Narrated by Muslim 17 - Humanity hastens for them in this world before the Hereafter, a righteous vision seen by a righteous man, or seen for him, and it was said: ((O Messenger of God, a man does work for himself and people praise him for it? He said: This is urgent good news for the believer

12 - Answering their du'a

The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “My Lord, shaggy, dusty, with two landfills, covered from people’s doors, if he had sworn by God, he would have made it right

13 - intuition

And it is what God creates in the souls of his guardians so that they know the conditions of people, and it is a kind of honor, intuition, consideration, guessing, and affirmation.

The difference between the blessing and the miracle?

The miracle is of a collective nature, all people are invited to witness it, it has a challenge, which accompanies the appearance of a heavenly message, as for dignity, it is of an individual nature, and its level is lower, level of miracle. The characteristic of dignity is an individual personality, not a collective one. Some scholars said: The guardian: is ashamed of his blessing, just as a woman is ashamed of menstrual blood.

The blessing according to well-known customs -

The ability to direct - lead - the presidency - the ability to bring people together - the ability to reconcile opponents - the power of argument - the power of persuasion - has politics - has understanding - has wisdom - discernment - good behavior, housing - money - a good wife - and good children) .. These are all blessings, these are blessings that are done according to customs.

Where is this from what is happening in some Arab countries so far

Whoever pours milk on the ground in front of the feet of (the guardians) who is praying, and people prostrate themselves and lick milk from the ground, this is the mandate of Satan. It is not the guardianship of the Most Merciful, if this is the black side of the guardians, then what is the bright side or the moderate, healthy faith in the guardians?

Let us review some of the verses, hadiths and sayings of the trusted scholars, so that we may know them honestly and what is our duty towards them and our belief in them.

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